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Posts posted by Steve

  1. What a great era, I can't even bring myself to fast forward. It's weird watching knowing that I am now older than Greg/Jenny/Tad/Jesse/Angie.

    It's weird for me too since they were a couple years older than me in high school.

    Thank you, Pine Charles, for posting these classic episodes!

  2. I liked Maureen mostly because of her relationship with Aidan, and because it meant they weren't going back to the long-suffering, weepy, sanctimonious lady of Wildwind. Unfortunately the stories for Maureen/Maria pretty much sucked.

    They never should have put her back with Edmund, even after she did get her memory back. They could have found a new love interest for her.

    Agreed. What was so wrong about that too, was it was clear that the show had given up on Edmund by that point. Wich is too bad, but... Of course under Rayfield we had Edmund suddenly lock up and try to drug maureen to force her to remember Maria, which really won him over. And then Edmund got in the accident--I mean did they even have more than one second of being happy as a couple when Maureen did become Maria again? What a poorly toild story (and then Edmund was killed for a reason I still can enver remember by jonathan... ugh)

    I completely disagree about Maureen. I thought she was a poorly written alter and her going on the run with Aiden was just stupid and pointless. What a waste of money for them to have a location shoot with Aiden's ex!

    I do agree that Edmund was ruined when he started drugging Maureen to force Maria to come out. I was a huge Edmund/Maria fan and I couldn't believe the writers would have him do that. It would've been more interesting for me if Edmund had turned to Brooke for comfort until Maria's memory returned.

    Jonathan killed Edmund because of his brain tumor (yeah, it was the dumbest explanation ever!).

    I just get the feel she simply didn't get the show. Agnes' strength has always been to use soap tropes like amnesia, etc, but in intelligent ways. Reading the story for other soaps at the time, particularly Irna Phillips late stuff, I simply don't buy what Deborah is saying in her first two paragraphs (only with Harding Lemay's work I suppose, where he did consciously set out to avoid soap melodrama cliches). She doesn't really give many examples of where these other soaps avoid the cliches. It is true though, again that many vet soap fans were thrown by the mix of story styles in AMC, from broad comedy, to slightly cliche love stories, etc, and it sounds like Agnes, Washam and crew, didn't really find a way to make these styles mesh better together till later on.

    She mentions how interracial concerns are of importance, and MC didn't touch much on them early on, though of course OLTL did, but I don't see other soaps of the time doing much with them either. Even Lemay's AW was more about intereconomical issues. And I don't agree that intereconimcal (or I'd just say class issues) ever truly became irelevent to modern Americans, even today. In fact I wish soaps would deal more with them now, where everyone seems rich, or at least very comfortable.

    ITA. She clearly didn't like the element of humor and probably not the pace of the show either. The original Soap Opera Encyclopedia called AMC a fast-paced show by contrast to the more traditional ones that were on the air at the time. Also, AMC may not have touched on racial issues, but they did have a black couple from the start, Jesse's uncle Frank & aunt Nancy, who were close friends of the Martin family unlike most soaps, which ended up shoehorning in black characters who never really mattered to the town at large.

  3. Wasn't this (at least partly) a writers strike story?

    Yes, I think it was during the summer of 1988. From what I recall, Erica found out that Travis faked his kidnapping but didn't meet his accomplice, Dave. She left Pine Valley and went to work as a waitress wearing a really bad blond wig, taking baby Bianca with her. Dave knew who she was and introduced himself as Steven. He dated her briefly but I don't think they ever had sex. When Travis eventually found her, Dave took her hostage and there was a shootout.

  4. Who was Dave Gillis again? I can't remember. I rarely hear him mentioned as one of Erica's "great loves."

    Nice to hear some of the backstage anecdotes on the early days, and some comments from the actors. I'd never heard them before. Poor Kate Collins - she never got Jeremy/Natalie back.

    Dave Gillis was the guy Travis hired to kidnap himself for the insurance money. He started "romancing" Erica while she was incognito working as a waitress in a diner. When she realized what Travis had done, she left him for good. I think Dave took her hostage (my memory isn't what it used to be). Dave was never really considered one of Erica's beaus imo.

  5. I'm still hoping that will happen before AMC ends. Have Jenny return to convince Jesse to be honest about the baby, restore Angie's sight, and say goodbye to Greg.

    I wouldn't want her back in person at this point, partially because there have been too many back from the dead characters and partially because it's been so long since she died for the return to have a major impact, but she could come to him in a dream.

    I wouldn't mind if Greg came back to Pine Valley with a new wife, to be honest. I love Greg and Jenny, but it's been nearly 30 years. To have everything he does on the show defined by the time he spent with her would just be sad and depressing, IMO (which is why I'm not a fan of ghost Dixie's appearances, even though that's substantially different because of the kids and it's more recent). Of course, I'm not saying completely ignore Jenny, but let that be a nice moment between Greg and Angie. "Sometimes I wonder how you got so lucky...you got Jesse back, and..." "And you're still waiting for Jenny." "Yeah. I love Trish, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I can't help but wonder sometimes." Pause a few moments as they soak up the nighttime atmosphere (I almost said "as they stare into the sky," but...Angie). Angie: "She's happy for you, Greg." "I know. I know." One or two more moments, they hug, end scene.

    I love that idea and I agree that it's been too many years for Greg to have spent alone. It would be nice for him to return in the last week or two to meet Angie & Jesse's new daughter.

  6. In the 4 1980 eps kindly sent to me by a member of here there's one with a lot of Estelle and Benny in the hospital. I am trying to figure out how to convert DVD vob files into uploadable files--pm me with any advice.

    I posted this not long back in the video folder, but there's a great set of a full week of 1987 eps (Lorraine Broderick was HW), which I've watched twice. A weird mix of stories--Nina searching for Cliff in the jungle to Charlie flirting on the ice, and Nico and Julie on the run, Erica and Travis, Angie and Jesse fighting over an as yet undiagnosed Cindi re AIDS, etc but it's pretty great to watch now.

    Starts Dec 17 (ends Dec 23) 1987. Here's the first part, links can be found from it:

    ANd this long scene from the Dec 22 episode in that suite is prob my fave Ruth and Joe moment ever. :cry:

    Thanks for posting these, Eric! Imo, 1987 and 1982 were the two best years in AMC history so I'm thrilled to see these and in such good quality, too.

  7. I started watching AMC with my mom in the summer of 1980 when I was 12. I had seen glimpses of the show before and had watched OLTL and GH with her after school, but AMC was different. It had Phoebe ranting, Erica flirting and Palmer scheming to break up Cliff & Nina. I was hooked on this show in a way I'd never been before!

    I bought my first VCR in college because I had a required class that conflicted with this show and I had to see if Tad would marry Hillary. I'm still in denial that come September the town of Pine Valley will be leaving my life for good.

  8. RH was the last ABC soap I watched growing up since my mom wasn't a regular viewer so I hadn't originally seen the first 5 years until I got Soapnet. I loved how intimately this show delved into the family dynamics. I think Soapnet only has the rights for the first few years and then they rebroadcast it again from the beginning, but I would love to see the story that originally hooked me on RH: Charlotte Greer claiming she was Frank's first wife. Charlotte was played by Judith Chapman and I don't remember the full details, but she was somehow connected to Maeve and was out for revenge.

  9. This episode felt like Seasons 1 & 2 to me with the emphasis on the original interns/residents.

    I loved how the new residents were trying to act like Bailey at the beginning. It was nice to see them all were hanging out in the empty corridor again. I can't remember the last time they gathered there.

    Mer/Der finally seem to be on their way to having a real relationship.

    It was great to see Christina nearly lose it while watching that man's family. My favorite Christina scene, though, was when she told Derek she wouldn't hang out with him because she never liked him.

    I'm glad George professed his love for Izzie. I love these two together.

    It looks like the writers are finally going to delve into Derek & Mark's friendship. In the past, it seemed forced for these guys to have ever been close, but last night after Mark's admission that he came to Seattle to patch up their friendship was the first time I ever saw the bond between them.

  10. Wow!

    I loved this episode. It wasn't over the top with shootings, car crashes, and out-of-nowhere revelations (like that awful Ugly Betty finale), but it left all the characters in a bad place for us to worry about them over the summer. Will George repeat his internship? Will Derek have a fling with Meredith's half-sister, Lexie? Will Burke come back?

    September seems so long away...

  11. I've always loved George & Izzie's friendship and I just hope this doesn't ruin it. I'm hoping it turns out George was too drunk to perform so he can divorce Callie before getting involved with Izzie (I know it's probably just wishful thinking).

    I felt really bad for Meredith that her father didn't even know that was a picture of her. That had to hurt.

    So, Christina's relationship with Burke is just following her MO of getting involved with a mentor. Interesting. It seems like she has a father fetish. I hope the conflict this causes is the way the show writes out Burke.

  12. I remember the all the other patients so far with Meredith, but who is the blonde woman and what was her case?? Name is Bonnie I think.

    She was from the episode about the train accident. I think it was called "Into You Like a Train." She and an older black guy were attached by a steel rod that had penetrated through both of them and the docs could only save one. Her injuries were worse, so she knew she was going to die when the doctors pulled the two of them apart.

  13. I thought it was cool that Meredith and the spirits were walking the halls of the hospital. That scene at the end where Izzie & Denny sensed each other had me bawling.

    I also cried when Christina entered Meredith's room and started crying, probably because she never shows emotions like that. I loved how the first thing she said to Meredith was that she's engaged to Burke. It seemed like she just had to get it out in case anything else happened to Mer.

    I wasn't feeling Derek's pain as much. I'm not sure if it was the writing or the acting.

    I disagree about Callie & Izzie, though. I thought Callie was cruel to point out how everyone close to Izzie dies and was hoping Izzie would slap her.

  14. You don't consider a man thats dead, who is standing next to meredith while she's at her death bed a ghost??? Meredith isn't dead yet because they didn't call her time of death. I never heard of an after-person, usually its a ghost.

    If Meredith had woken up still intubated with the doctors standing around her, I would agree with you. But, I don't call him a ghost because Meredith woke up in another realm (purgatory, maybe?) where she was alone with just Pink Mist guy and Denny. Are they now angels or spirits? Is this a hallucination? We don't really know.

  15. Excellent episode last night!

    As much as I've hated Meredith in the past, I did get choked up at her "death".

    I for one loved Izzie's "I believe" speech. It was all about hope and how she knew they could overcome adversity, including George's rushed marriage to Callie. To me, that doesn't make her shallow since George got married out of grief instead of out of love and Izzie is the only one of his friends to see that.

    As for the little girl, I still say she was traumatized by the accident and that's the reason she didn't speak. Now that she's been reunited with her mother, there is nothing else to read into it.

  16. Excellent episode last night!

    I think that the pregnant woman was looking into Alex's eyes for a human connection amid the chaos.

    Is is bad that I was happy to see Meredith fall into the ocean? :P I have a feeling that she will emerge from the water reborn next week.

    I wonder if Izzie's patient dies, which seems likely, if she will have a breakdown since she still blames herself for Denny's death.

    I can't wait for Thursday!

  17. I needed a few days to process my thoughts because I was so upset by George's father's death. I became a member of the Dead Dad's Club 9 years ago and this episode had me crying from start to finish. Christina's line to George at the end was just so true for anyone's who has lost a parent.

    I loved how Bailey would have let Izzy in on the surgery if her motivation for donating the money wasn't her personal involvement with the patient. It showed how Izzy still hasn't learned from Denny's death that she can't get emotionally invested again, even if Izzy doesn't see it yet.

    I'm excited about Addison & Alex's kiss. I can't wait for this to develop into something more!

    I'm now over Christina/Burke too, at least in part because Isaiah Washington is imo the world's biggest a-hole. I hope he gets fired ASAP.

  18. I don't blame Izzie for not depositing the check; it's final. It means actually being fine and accepting what's happened to Denny and moving on. She's not emotionally there yet.

    I think Derek was pissy because he realized that not only was his marriage not as great as he thought, but Addie tried to replace him so easily with Mark.

    You would think if Meredith really loved Derek, she would have been able to tell how upset he was before she told him about Finn. Also, she shouldn't have waited to tell him if she really loves him and wants to be with him. She should have told him as soon as she saw him again after Finn left. What a whiny moron!

    I'm with you, Greg, about TR! It's so refreshing to have a gay actor come out while his show is on the air, unlike say Richard Chamberlain who waited until he retired. I've always loved George and now I have even more reason. :D

  19. Oh, you said it! Merewhore returns! (And here I was thankful that the slut was juggling just two men).

    Anyway, can someone tell me how Merewhore became Merehigh on Thursday? My tape only started in after the first 20 minutes, I believe. All I know is she was high. But seriously, now she's a druggie? :o

    No, she's not a Mcdruggie (yet, anyway :P ). At the beginning of the episode, Meredith was feeling sick and vomiting. Christina teased her that she might be pregnant, but it turned out to be appendicitis. She was high from the morphine they gave her for the pain before her surgery.

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