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Posts posted by Asb23

  1. 19 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I also thought that was going somewhere good during my YouTube watching, the videos were often missing credits, so I wasn’t sure when JFP actually arrives.

    JFP arrived in July 1991 according to Wikipedia. I thought it was later (1992) than that but my memory is fuzzy all these years later. 

  2. I watched this, too, and found Bryan to be a great interviewee. He’s well spoken and remembers so much and knows how to keep the conversation flowing even when the interviewer can’t.


    I am also wondering how he’s getting these guests but however it is, I am happy to watch! I’ve watched the Mark Derwin, Grant Aleksander and Bryan interviews so far and they have compensated for his greenness.  Let’s see who he nabs next!


    Much like Alan there’s always a technical problems in his interviews and it gets so awkward lol. The actors all handle it well though. 

  3. 1 hour ago, DeliaIrisFan said:

    That is terrible news, re: YouTube!  I had discovered those early '90s episodes way late and was still a year behind the uploads—actually more, because I had hit a brick wall in June 1993.


    I wasn't enjoying Buzz or Nick this time around, and Barbara Crampton's Mindy never worked for me.  Whereas in previous 1993 episodes there were other stories hitting their stride that held my interest, the focus on Hart and the lead-up to Billy/Vanessa's wedding all seemed so anticlimactic knowing as I did that Leonard Stabb and Jordan Clarke would both be abruptly gone in a matter of months for such unfortunate reasons.


    I got distracted with the Zoom reunions and, so help me, the Loving murders (if you had told me circa 1999 that I would pass up the opportunity to watch full episodes of GL written by Curlee/Demorest for something written by Esensten and Brown...).  And I even skipped ahead a few weeks ago around the 4th to watch episodes from a year later with the return of the Bauer BBQ, and went down a bit of a rabbithole watching some surrounding scenes of Roger/Holly, Vanessa/Jenna, etc.


    The 1993 dialogue and acting (for the most part) were still topnotch, though, and I knew full well there was so much exciting story I actually care about coming up in a matter of weeks: David/Kat, Roger/Holly, Holly/Blake...  I should have just skipped ahead.


    A year or so ago, I recall BandstandMike announcing in the description videos that he was making decades' worth of episodes available on a flash drive, but there was a hard stop by a certain date–which, of course, had long passed by the time I got up to whatever episode that was.  Does anyone know if he ever revisited that offer?

    Regarding the flash drive...I’m trying to find that out, too. I’m willing to pay. Please let me kow if you find anything out.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Aback said:

    Mike said on FB that YouTube shut down his channel because he posted the same thing multiple times (apparently not noticing the difference between the various GL episodes). Apparently it's part of a grand scheme on YT's side to get rid of non-creators and non-copyrighted material.

    Does he say if he’ll put them

    back up?



  5. 5 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Guy's i have bad news. Bandstandmike's channel has been shutdown. 

    Oh no!!! I’ve watching watching it nighty for months!  Why?? 

    Did P&G make him do it?


    Does anyone have an email or know how to reach  bandstandmike? I have a question for him.

  6. The Marah’s reunion was enjoyable. It’s always nice to see child actors successfully transition to the real world and Ashely Peldon certainly has done that.  Good for her! She was so young I doubt she remembers much but I would have liked for hear more from her about her experiences. Laura Bell Bundy seemed to dominate the conversation. He reaction to finding out Wes Ramsey and Laura Wright are dating was very funny, however.  I would have liked to hear more from Kimberly, too (who knew she was divorced?? But how nice that Robert Newman attended her wedding).  Cute that Bryan Buffinton sent the picture of him and Ashely from 30 years ago in. Sweet that he was watching at all.

    All in all this was a pleasant reunion. I’m glad we got to see KZ and RN’s reactions to seeing the girls for the first time.


    I nudged Alan on Twitter to try to get Rachel Miner on one of these and I know they’ve been in touch so hopefully she’ll be on soon, too.


  7. I thought Alan could only do 6 guests at a time? I didn’t realize KZ and RN would be there at first glance until I swiped. I’m only familiar with Ashley and Kimberly as Marah and would love to see their (KZ and RN) initial reaction to seeing them as grown women but Alan clearly has everyone see each other “backstage” before going live, unfortunately.  

    Still I am looking forward to this one.  

    ETA his Instagram description doesn’t mention Marty West at all. Just the girls. I wonder which one is correct. 



  8. 28 minutes ago, Stitches0210 said:

    Hello, SON Community Members!


    I am a new member here.


    This is my first post.


    My favorite period of CBS’s Guiding Light was during the 1991–92 and 1992–93 television seasons. (It’s my personal favorite period of any daytime soap.)


    I have been enjoying the YouTube-published episodes of The Locher Room, with publicist Alan Locher, which are livestream discussions with past members of not only this series but also CBS’s As the World Turns. (That this was created and launched by Mr. Locher for entertaining and insightful purposes given this terrible period of COVID–19.) And Mr. Locher has also covered other daytime dramas, no longer on the air, like ABC’s All My Children and One Life to Live and NBC’s Another World. (I have experience having followed all the daytime soaps since the 1980s. I have not watched much of what remains lately.)

    Given this board is for Guiding Light, which was on NBC Radio first, in 1937, and which transitioned to CBS Television in 1952, on which it ran for an additional 57 years, until its cancellation in 2009, I look forward to reading more comments. And I would like to continue to participate as well.




    I am new here, too.  

    It was actually Alan Locher who got me interested in watching old episodes of GL when I saw he had Frank Dicopolous on with the 2000’s crew.  Lo and behold I discovered YouTube had full episodes of the 90’s.  

    I am just about to finish the Harley and Mallet era (93) on YouTube and it has been so much fun revisiting these characters and this show especially during the COVID lockdown.  I was a teenager in 93 so rewatching my favorite couple (Harley and Mallet) with adult eyes has been great. I’d say I love them just as much nearly 30 years later as I did back then.

    I also cannot help but notice how much better soaps were back then. The writing, the investment, the character development, the music, the acting (date I say?).  Soaps today are a shadow of GL from the early 90’s.


    I am appreciative of Alan and anyone else who is letting us catch up with the actors any time but especially during these times.


    I’m stalling the end of the Harley Mallet era (bc I don’t want it to end as I’ve forgotten so much) but they’re about to get married and after that I think I’ll go back to the 1990 playlist and start from there this time.


    Always up to discuss this era!

  9. He interviewed Mark Derwin a few weeks back, too. I like this one-on-one format better than the 5-person interviews (neither polished interviewers, however). Mark shares some good stories and basically carried the interview. I’m happy to see any of the actors that we have gotten to see the past few months so no complaints here!




    He’s managed to get a few other GL stats recently, too.

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