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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 5 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    I don't see this ever leading to a new OLTL series. Who are OLTL's Kelly and Mark that would get a "Llanview" series rolling?

    I just said this because I think if this show is a success they would probably want to make more money off it, and they got another similar property 


    Could be like station 19s relationship to Greys. They could do crossovers. Etc etc

  2. 10 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    If this has the Hubbard's involved heavily with the Santos and Kane families I am in. Would be interesting to see SMG back as Kendall. I think it is really easy to settle for Erica/Maria/Kendall/Angie/Jesse and their offspring  and I would be happy. 


    The Jesse/Angie/David triangle made the 2013 show for me. 


    I wonder if given Kelly and Mark's involvement this will reflect AMC circa  the early to mid 90s mainly?


    Lots of details to come and the success of this program could make or break the future. 

    If this does well i can see ABC doing what they r doing with greys/station  19 to this and a llanview show.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Chris 2 said:

    If it winds up going to series, it will be a new show that shares a setting with the old show, with a few cameos from old cast members sprinkled in. There will be an entirely new story; they’re not going to try to tie it back to old stories, because that will be off-putting to the new, younger viewers they hope to attract.

    If lucci agrees to come back, I dont think she will be just a cameo. Or eva larue since the story will be about a feud between the families. But i could be  wrong.


    Other than that though i think im alright with everything being new. Im just curious about who they cast and if this will be good.

  4. here is what the Head Writer (or whatever his primetime counter part is) Leo Richardson had to say on Instagram about the show


    "I can’t even begin to say how excited and honored I am to be bringing this iconic property to prime time, alongside Andrew Stearn, Kelly Ripa, @instasuelos @abtvhd @alierivgut Michael Halpern and Bob Nixon. Soaps were my lifeblood growing up. They were the only place I really saw people who felt real and familiar, and who had real and every day struggles. The strong and resilient women I grew up around and recognized... the first time I saw a gay kiss on TV... soaps had it all. Bob Nixon, Agnes Nixon’s son said that he felt like his Mom would be smiling down, knowing her show was in the right hands. I hope she right. Andrew Stearn is a living AMC encyclopedia and then of course we have some it’s most iconic characters producing and who might even make a cameo or two... Expect the unexpected, expect darkness, a wicked wit, fun and a very new take on an old classic... with the ultimate respect for All My Children and the icons in #PineValley..."

  5. 1 hour ago, Chris 2 said:

    Keep in mind that if this does come to fruition (and it’s only “in development” now), it will focus on new characters. Some of the announcements mention a “sprinkling” of appearances by some original cast members. These will be nothing more than cameos. ABC isn’t going to build this show around a bunch of 50 or 60 year olds. They’re also going to likely ignore a lot of continuity in order to service a new story and make the show accessible to more desirable (i.e. younger) viewers.


    Sorry to be a wet blanket but those who view this as an AMC revival are going to be disappointed.

    As long as its good

  6. 13 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    I really need to know for whom they are mostly making this. Are they more concerned with targeting old AMC fans (it’s been almost a decade since it left ABC...) or are they focusing on new viewers? That will be a big factor in whether or not we will be pleased.


    I don’t think we have to worry about a BH90210-style thing too much. That was Tori Spelling and friends wanting to have their own little fun and play pretend. I guess Kelly and Mark could be wanting the same type of thing, but it doesn’t seem likely.


    It feels weird to not be super excited but we’ve heard so many rumors over the years. Clearly, this has way more traction than anything we’ve heard in the past, but still. I need more.

    Both i guess? "it’s a sequel that will include new next generation characters as well as legacy characters." I belive its gonna ffocus on this reporter and the new chsracters, thats probably for the new viewers, but we will still see the legacy ones so thats probably for older viewers 

  7. 6 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    It would be something for AMC to lead to OLTL this time.


    I think the best part of this is that ABC might finally see some value in something they have ignored and neglected for a long time.  Might even be good for GH in the long run.


    It is fun to think of Erica in a set that primetime can afford- think of the closet and wardrobes!



    I completely forgot about budget! Big sets and wardrobe. 


    Unless they purposefully go for a soapy style

  8. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    I don't think we can know how dark the show will be based on that logline. I think there's a difference between simply doing a mystery plotline and being grimdark or trying to posture and cannibalize something like Riverdale (still my worst fear). So I'm not going to pre-judge too much just yet.


    I will not be at all surprised if they pretend AMC 2.0 doesn't exist given the very brief and relatively obscure revival. It will always be canon to me, and who knows if we'll see any of the relevant characters, but fortunately most of the events on the show don't need to be retconned per se. Realistically I expect zero nods to it. Still, if we happen to not see A.J. or Miranda right away and some scheming superfan set dresser happens to leave a picture on the mantle of Eric Nelsen or Denyse Tontz (before the inevitable recasts, of course)... I might die.

    If this revival is successful, Do you think They might try to crossover with GH ever? It might be good promotion for gh

  9. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I think Susan, Sarah and Eva LaRue are likely locks.


    I'll be upset if Eden and Debbi aren't at least announced to appear. I do hope they let MEK and Cady do a bit. I want a lot of things we probably won't get, like getting to see Michael Nader again once more. 2013 spoiled me. I presume they'll recast J.R. again - I can't see them working in Hayley and not having Chandler Enterprises in some fashion.

    I hope they can include business stuff in the show too

  10. 34 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I'm truly happy for AMC fans. This is a little ray of sunshine in soap world. I see this being more of a send up of soaps in the vein of Devious Maids, with Susan Lucci playing much the same character, plus the mystery element, and more diversity.  I think it'll be campy in a lovingly mocking tone. 

    I hope this does better than grand hotel

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