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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 3 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Well going by spoilers it probably will get Shick to sleep together anew.


    That said...I'm just now starting the beginning of Sharon's tale in my binging and I immediately...like any time RH's Liz on GH gets a tale all her own...took notice. And since teasers have been all about something coming back from Sharon's past...THIS was the first name that came to mind.


    So happy to be right, but wasn't he killed or just shipped off to jail? 

    That background music was EVERYTHING.


    THAT how you do a sinister entrance of someone old. 

    Agreed, love when they use the old cues. 

  2. 2 hours ago, detroitpiston said:

    I gotta say I really dig Tucker and Ashley together. The show is merely background noise until I see them on, ED and TSJ are very fun cause they’re playing with their chemistry instead of doing the run of the meal standard speed thru soap acting. 

    I'm pleseantly surprised with Trevor, he's actually trying and appears to be enjoying Tucker. He stopped showing effort at OLTL for a few years


    Also, kudos to the writing because I never gave a damn about Tucker when Stephen Nichols played him. One of my favorite characters now.

  3. 17 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I'll never understand the problem and why it never seems to be an issue for other soaps... At least B&B has broken away from that curse and you can now watch several full years of classic episodes...hopefully the same can be said for Y&R some day. 

    I have all of February 1992 except 2/11/92, 2/24/92, and 2/26/92. I hope those episodes and others I'm missing surface at some point. 

    Seems like a Spny problem, are they this strict with Days?

  4. 30 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    This really should have been the main Abbott story instead of Phyllis faking her death. 

    I really like this Abbott/ Tucker sibling rivalry stuff!

    I'm just hoping and praying we don't start to hear Abbott blood clause every scene again. 🤣

  5. 21 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    When the show first led off with Sharon’s klepto-tendencies, there seemed to be a degree of logic to why the character was exhibiting these tendencies. With each time the writers decided to go to that “well” of mental instability, they made the stories more outlandish and lacking in logic until the purpose of making the character “crazy” seem more and more purposeless, there was absolutely no purpose for it, it had just become a device, and a dumb one at that.


    Isn’t Cameron Karsten dead though? What would be the purpose in bringing him back. I know the actor who portrayed him is married to Susan Walters in real life, but I don’t see a purpose for bringing him back. If anything, I agree with the posters who suggest Grace and to be honest, Grace has enough of a perverse  personality that it would make sense for her to try to send Sharon a bottle of champagne, thinking she could repair the broken friendship after all that happened between the two of them.

    Cameron isn't dead, Sharon thought he was dead for a few months, he gaslit her, a few months later it was revealed he was alive and got sent to prison. I think that's what the champagne bottle is, he's gaslighting her again.

  6. Spoiler for Sharon's story


    She got a expensive bottle of champagne and a note "memories are what life is made of." Than as she was wondering who it's from it showed someone from a first person view watching her and this creepy music played, maybe a classic cue? Not quite sure.


  7. 13 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    I don't know. I felt Imani did a good Lady MacBeth there for a while to Nate's Macbeth. And then with the messiness going on between Devon and him that was just scratching the surface of what their issues were (and it wasn't just Elena so much as Nate hating his hands being damaged), it was the perfect storm then.  But I agree they could have had that be a nice build to where we are at now.

    I wonder if Mishael leaving (not blaming her) was the end of that. Seemed they gave Imanis story to Victoria and Audra.


    But, I agree with you she was encouraging Nate to be ruthless for a bit.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    It happened slowly, over time, mainly after Bill Bell wasn't writing as much of the dialogue himself. 

    Recall that Bill Bell's wife was named Mrs. Loreley June Phillip Bell, but everyone simply called her "Lee".  Bill Bell seemed to subscribe to the notion that prominent ladies were given cutesy little nicknames by their peers, and those nicknames were used throughout their lives. (That's been my own experience as well.) 

    The character's name was always Mrs. Katherine Shepherd Reynolds Chancellor, but her husband (Phillip) and her peers called her "Kay".   To everyone else, she was "Mrs. Chancellor".   You'll recall that in the early days, the entire Foster family (including Jill & Liz) referred to her as "Mrs. Chancellor".  To Brock, she was "Duchess".  To Phillip, she was "Kay". 

    As the years rolled by -- and Phillip was killed -- Jill began (hatefully) calling her "Kay" as well, believing it indicated she was no longer the lady's servant but instead was her "equal".  (Liz Foster, though, was still in Kay's employ and called her "Mrs. Chancellor". )  Even Stuart Brooks referred to her as "Kay Chancellor" or "Mrs. Chancellor".  

    Along came Derek Thurston from the hair salon.  He sometimes said "Katherine", and he sometimes said "Kay".  (The Derek character was a hair stylist and obviously hadn't grown up in Kay Chancellor's social circle.  That was likely why Bell had Derek alternate between the two names.) 

    Douglas Austin began "courting" Kay in about 1980.  He often said "my dear Katherine", because he thought it sounded fancy & British.  There was a cute scene between Douglas Austin and Victor Newman in 1980 when Douglas admitted that he'd been "calling on" Kay.  Douglas said, "There's a dear lady that has caught my fancy.  The lady is Katherine Thurston.   Do you know her, old boy?"  Victor arched an eyebrow, looked perplexed for a moment, and said, "Ah yes, of course, you're referring to Kay Chancellor."   

    Nikki Reed became Kay's friend about 1981.  Melody Thomas Scott always said "Katherine" -- I don't know whether that was in the script, or whether it was simply Melody's preference as an actress.  I expect that Nikki, like Derek Thurston, was a character who was "beneath" Kay's "social set", and that's why Nikki said "Katherine" instead of "Kay". 

    The Bancrofts arrived in 1982.  Earl and Allison Bancroft had known Kay at Northwestern University in about 1950.  They called her "Kay", of course.  Their son, Kevin, who was smartly brought up, called her "Mrs. Chancellor". 

    The Abbotts began crossing paths with Kay in 1982.  Jerry Douglas, Eileen Davidson, and Terry Lester typically said "Kay".  So did Deborah Adair's Jill. 

    Brenda Dickson's Jill rejoined the show in 1983.  She said "Kay", just as she'd always done.  But then Brenda became more "hammy" and "campy" in her performances, and she learned that she could pout her lips, stick out her breasts, swivel her hips, pose theatrically like Alexis Colby on Dynasty, and say "KOTH-RINE" in a sort of comical Joan Collins accent.  She began doing that fairly often.

    Marla Adams arrived as Dina Abbott Mergeron, and it was established that she and Kay had been friends since they were young girls.  Dina typically said "Kay".  

    Brenda Dickson was abruptly fired.  Jess Walton took her place.  Jess Walton started off saying "Katherine" on Day One, and it sort of stuck throughout her run. 

    Rex Sterling married Kay about that time, and he normally said "Kay", but sometimes said "Katherine", just as Derek Thurston had done when he was married to her. 

    About that time, Bill Bell was extremely busy with launching "Bold & the Beautiful" and became less hands-on with Y&R, and he likely turned ALL of the dialogue and much of the breakdown writing to Kay Alden.  From then on, EVERYBODY was suddenly saying "Katherine" -- with the exception of Eileen Davidson, Terry Lester, Jerry Douglas and Marla Adams, all of whom knew better.  

    Eventually all of those actors were gone, and pretty soon you had people like Amber, Kevin Fisher, Cane Ashby and all of them running around calling the old lady "Katherine" -- which sounded weird as hell, but that's what happened.  Bill Bell would've obviously had those characters refer to Kay as "Mrs. Chancellor".   

    Sorry for the long answer.  You asked!  lol. 

    I appreciate the long explanation. Thanks!

  9. 3 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    I can’t speak for everyone but I think it’s because a lot of people didn’t like seeing Nick and Sharon dominate the show from Summer/fall 1994-1996? I guess also because 96-97 in particular seemed to have a lot of laziness in some of the plotting which seemed to be because of Bill Bells increasing sickness. Still anything in those days is still miles ahead of the writing we started to get when LML etc…took over that’s still being plagued on the show today.

    I guess I should ask this in the old articles page but since you brought it up, how long was Bell writing with alzhiemers for? Ik he retired in 98 but was that his actual exit year or was he gone before than?

  10. Sorry, if this has been asked already but, I've been watching older episodes. When and why exactly did the writers have characters stop referring to Katherine as "Kay"? Even in the credits she was Kay. 

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