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Posts posted by JackPeyton

  1. You should watch the 2009 Emmerdale episodes with Max Caulfield, he still looked pretty good (bad rug aside).

    The average, boring stuff was killed off Dynasty after the first season but I thought Claudia was a good contrast. Both she and Krystal were very common, low class figures, awkward in their designer clothes. That's why their friendship was believable.

    Thats Max Caulfield on Dynasty? I LOVE him! Had no idea. I also love Billy Campbull and had no idea he had a gay love story with that dad from heroes. Gosh, i love the internet. and hulu.

    THIS is so true! Thank you. I couldnt figure out why i HATED them both so much until right now. I dont even think its the acting anymore.

  2. Sandra looks great in those pictures above. :blush:

    I wish I could see Iris and teenaged Dennis in the seventies, AWHP used to have some great audio clips.

    She does <3 and she does now too-


    this is her twitter- http://twitter.com/Sandra_Robinson . she does some class thing, idk really. i have not gotten the nerve up to ask her for an interview despite exchanging messages with her. idk why. after metting lucci, sweeney, braden, bernard, zimmer, rowell and talking to them like no big deal... lol.

  3. That was it for Cali and soaps. She had been on Ryan's Hope for about 4 years before she was on AW.

    RKK left because he was having a whole lot of problems. I think there were rumors that he threw a chair near Sandra Ferguson. I think he basically left unexpectedly and they had to recast in a hurry, which is why they hired, I believe, Thomas Gibson very, very quickly -- this wasn't too long after Thomas had been on ATWT as Lily's con artist husband Derek. Gibson was there long enough to send Sam out of town until yummy Daniel Markel took over for a while.

    Rachel and Michael were very popular characters at the time. I'm sure they still are. I always liked Rachel, she was terrifying, but she loved her family dearly and she would cut you if you spoke out of turn. She had such beautiful yet scary eyes. She's better before they start to heavily medicate Rachel later in the show's run. I think they put something in while they were spending all that time straightening her long, long hair...

    I was not a fan of Michael. He was OK earlier on but by the time he got involved with Stacey he was a cruel and self-righteous ass and his callousness towards Donna offended me.

    I liked Sharlene a lot, although that may be down to Anna Holbrook. Loved Felicia too. She's OTT, but AW was such a unique show, she fit into that. AW was a show where no one was too one-dimensional, just about everyone could surprise you. It was a very human show. I miss it a great deal.

    Oh, i assumed AW was a first for Cali, she seems to young!

    You are so spot on about Rachel. Like i said i remember the last year and was very blah about rachel, but watching it on soapnet i see everything you said.

    I liked Michael & Stacey, but i couldnt stand Donna so...

    Are you watching on hulu at all? I just seen a special ep of cass' 40's dream. AW seems to do a lot of special episodes, i likw it.

    YAY! Evan & Amanda as Grant & Brooke on B&B, too bad its not in english ;(

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uo8lUmMTKU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uo8lUmMTKU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uo8lUmMTKU&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  4. Amanda was a heroine. She was also a bit of a spoiled princess. I did like Amanda, as I felt like she was a genuinely sweet person, but not a pushover, as Vicky quickly learned. She also tended to pay for her mistakes, there was rarely the propping you get sometimes. I liked Amanda and Evan but I loved Vicky and Evan. I've never understood why they wrote Charles Grant/Evan out just as his story should have been picking up steam. They basically stranded Sandra with poor or nonexistent Sam recasts for years until she left.

    I've never seen the second Evan. Here's a photo of him. He looks a bit like Dan Gauthier.


    Dennis was Iris's son. He was AW's resident hunk at that time I guess. Chris Bruno. Bruno played gay teacher Michael Delaney on AMC from 1995-1997. He also played a sheriff on the Dead Zone TV series.

    I loved Vicky/Evan too. I agree with you, i thought his story and character were really about to take off... then he was gone.

    Oh, new evan is cute too! more typical good looking tho. The first evan was a handsome man, but not in the all american kinda way.

    Ahh Chris Bruno. Yes. I really liked his AW run. I guess i shall go watch some of AMC stint. Thank you.

    Oh wow, just read that Charles grant (Evan) and Sandy fergsuon shared scenes on B&B in 1997 when she was Brooke. I wonder if this is on the net?...

  5. I don't think she was so popular with the cast and crew either. :P


    You mean Claudia? I always had a bit of a soft spot for her. She was so average compared to everyone else around her and that obviously drove her nuts. She had this very weird, dreamlike quality about her. She would have been great as a psycho, the show's version of Jill Bennett or Julia Cumson.

    Yes her! She is so average, thats why i cant stand her. I dont watch Dynasty for average.

    Oh, hello Miles Colby. You are one fine man.

  6. I really enjoyed Sandra on SuBe. The GH recast is one I choose not to think about, but it wasn't her fault (Botox aside) -- Kristina Wagner returned a few years later and was no better. The show just hates writing for veteran characters.

    I thought Cali Timmons was great as Paulina. She was a believable con artist yet she was also very vulnerable and she had good chemistry with Tom Eplin and some fun fights with Iris.

    I believe AW wanted Judi all along. They cast Cali and then waited for Judi's DAYS contract to expire. When Judi left, they fired Cali.

    So you're watching Jensen's Marley, right? I have never seen that much of her but I've heard a lot of fans didn't care for her. Sadly Marley just was written off, which was not beneficial to Vicky's character whatsoever.

    So true about GH. The only good thing about KW's return was that amazing scene of maxie ripping into Felicia, but of course Gh just left it at that instead of letting these two women work everything out. A Jones/Scorpio family dinner is my dream. Felicia, Frisco, Mac, Maxie, Anna, Robert, Robin, etc.. anyways...

    Yes Cali was fantasic. But Judi is just as good. that sucks that they did that, im sure they could have just put the story off until Judi was free. Did Cali ever do other soap work? It seems AW/Days shared a lot of actors. Did they recast Sam because RKK left for Days or did he land days after leaving?

    I also like Rachel and Michael, i think that an unpopular opinion. And i HATE Sharlene. felicia is too OTT for me as well. I love Lorna tho, this girl is a bad bitch.

  7. Evan Frame wasn't played by the same actor. The 94-95 Evan was Eric Scott Woods. The show was leading up to a more permanent reunion between Amanda and Evan, I think, but then he was abruptly written out.

    I remember some fans saying that they were happy when Amanda went brunette because as a little girl, Amanda had always had dark hair, and only with Sandra Ferguson did she have blonde hair. But it's odd that in a few years Amanda was blonde, brunette, and redhead.

    I liked Sandra Ferguson just fine, I haven't seen enough of Christine Tucci to say, but I thought Laura Moss got a raw deal. She had a lot of charisma and spunk and she was very pretty. She got the blame for a crappy story.

    Oh, well i loved Amanda & Evan the first go around. I guess i am kinda excited to see it with two diff actors in the role. I loved how she was real when she was around him, she let everything go and i feel really showed him a true side of her. I also love how layered Amanda was for a young soap heroine, i mean she did a lot of wrong [!@#$%^&*] and was a bitch. Im just not use to that coming from heroines. I assume she was a heroine?

    Was the Evan recast good? The original was a hottie and a great actor. Also, whatever happened to... what his name?, i think he was related to iris or maybe Liz. Dennis? Danny? He was hot too.

    I am going to give the amanda recasts a chance. I want to like them because Amanda is one of my fave soap characters ever. I have seen both CT & LM in other roles and they are not bad. The hair color thing never bothers me on soaps, but i worked at a hair salona nd would see women go blonde, red, black, brown and back again all the time. I actually think its odd how people never chnage their hair on soaps, lol.

  8. Christine (Stanley's little sister) was in the role when I first started catching the show and I was really surprised the first time I saw blonde Sandra who'd played the part before her. Though blonde, Sandra had those big eyes, cheekbones, and nose like Vicky.

    Love her cheekbones. She is so pretty. One of my soap crushes ive never had the chance to meet, but have often spoke with. Something about her reminds me of stephanie beacham actually, but idk what exactly it is.

    I loved her as Felicia on GH but that retelling of the heart story was a hard sell with a new maxie, no frisco, limited mac and bobbie and tony. I really enjoyed her days stint too and wish that it hadnt been cut short. Her, DH, Drake all worked well together. And of course i loved her as jade on SuBe. Her only soap role i have yet to see is a tempBrooke on B&B.


    Ok, ill stop fanwanking this thread, lol.

    Moving onto AW, i really enjoy Jake & Paulina and Ryan & viki. Marley annoys the hell out of me though. Speaking of paulina, i love Judi... but i miss Cali in the role, what went down there? Didnt Judi go right from Days to AW? Did they want her all along?

  9. Sandra I think left in summer 1993. Christine Tucci arrived a few months later and played Amanda through Amanda's marriage to Grant and brief reunion with Evan Frame. JFP fired Christine Tucci in summer 1995. Amanda left town with daughter Alli. They returned for Christmas 1996, with Amanda now played by Laura Moss (and Alli by Lindsay Lohan, for about 5-6 months or so). During this time Amanda had a flirtation with Jake when they worked at the paper together, and then got involved in the stupid plot to demonize Carl and make Rachel leave him. Amanda wore a dark wig and used a bad fake accent and pretended to be his mistress. As this story wound down, in early 1998, Moss was fired and replaced by Sandra Ferguson, whose first scenes were about making things up with Rachel and about her driver, Cameron Sinclair.

    Thank you.

    I am so not looking forward to any of that, though i did always want a jake/amanda hook up. I loved around halloween time of 92, i think, when Carl & Amanda had a odd relationship. Thats been my fave time frame so far.

    Was Evan frame played by the same actor?

  10. I randomly started watching this show recently on youtube. i am into season 5, and its really good.

    Joan Collins is fantastic. Linda Evans? Oh dear god i cant even...

    Pamala Sue Martin was fantastic in the early seasons. I Love the Steven recast, and his relationship with Billy Campbull is really sweet. I hate his wife, mostly due to the actress.

  11. Is anyone watching on Hulu? I am in Feb right now, the Valentine Ball actually. Trying to catch up. I know the end of my love Sandra Ferguson is coming up. Not looking forward to it. But at least i will have gotten to see her entire run then, because i remember the last year of it on the air. Anyone know what led up to her return? Wasnt someone else in the role when she came back?

  12. The thing is. MIA isn't mainstream the way GAGA is. This is why Gaga is in some ways like Madonna--she takes a tiny bit of underground culture, adds it to the mainstream status quo and forces an image over it--POP HIT! Of course MIA doesn't have the same success--she never will. They're not really comparable.

    I do not understand the gaga is the new madonna. gaga has had one album that she rereleased once and is about to rererelease with yet more songs. same gimmick, same game.

    i would be surprised if 10 years from now gaga is still around and relevent and turning out hits. shes a fad of the moment who is surrounded with talented people due to her past in the music genre.

    Not to say she is untalented, she is talented. and to succeed today you must have a star factor and be over produced. its whats in, its what people want. gaga knows that. im just saying shes like a shiny new toy. it will last for a while, but eventually people will outgrow it and i doubt she will grow and change and keep her audience.

    Then there is britney, who is far from a great singer but has the it factor and has kept her self relevant for good or bad. she proved that she can still bring it because she had her first #1 hit in 10 years last year and had a very successful tour. she doesnt so much reinvent herself like madonaa does, but she got the comparison because neither have a steller voice but have a star power about them and because she evolved from album to album. the comparisons came really at the third album and then hit a high at the fourth when madonna did a song with her and they were bffs. what the media failed to see was Britney wasnt reinventing herself from sweet and innocent to kinda naughty to sex bomb to clubber as much as she was just growing and doing what normal girls her age were also doing with her look and her body. after that fourth album she pretty much crashed and burned and the world hated her until she a hit a low where people just needed her to comeback because the one thing America tends to like more than a crash and burn is a rise from the ashes and she did that. But its still not fair to say because of that shes like madonna because britney didnt chose this, it happened to her. her real test came with Circus, a moderate well review album (for her) that sold well and had a few hits. Her real test will come with the next album.

    But britney isnt the next madonna, and christina isnt either nor is gaga. Nobody is. britney is britney, gaga is gaga, madonna is madonna.

  13. Well... more like getting into my early 20s. :lol: I was an innocent college grad, and then somebody brought me to a club. "You Don't Really Know Me" (followed by "Professional Widow") was playing on the sound system. And out of nowhere I found my rhythm. LOL.


    You Dont Know Me use to my jam. Im gonna have to go download that again.

  14. I'm currently watching the first episode of Pacific Palisades and it's as trashy as it gets. It's like Melrose Place on acid, which is bad because Melrose is already on acid. Just ridiculous in terms of the sexiness and the cast is such an odd group. A couple look straight out of porn and Michelle Stafford as a heroine? Surprisingly effective. Finola Hughes is the one person who really stands out in a weird way. I can't wait to see Joan Collins as her mom.

    Right now I'm still sitting on CPW, Savannah and Models Inc until I finish either PP or NAS. I've also slowed down on my Dallas/Melrose Place viewings, but only because I need to buy more of those series.

    Can i ask where you got these? Ive been searching for Savannah but have been unable to find it.

  15. Katharine Ross and Ali MacGraw might as well be the same person as far as I'm concerned. Undeniably beautiful in their day, but just dishwater dull.

    Ali McGraw... love story! I love that movie.

    I agree tho, thats prob why she had such a blahh career. She was perfect in love story tho.

  16. Still, I don't think she shoulda hugged him :P


    I though the hug was... normal. I mean, thats just a normal human thing she did. For her to, say, just walk away would have been.. cold.

    Williamson also said this entire show is the love story of Stefan & Elena. So...

    I wonder if they will

    make elena a vampire like in the books, i think anyways...

  17. Seriously, some of you guys actually like Britney Spears? Don't you all feel her voice (what little there is) sounds over-processed and overwhelmed by the production? and what about that whiny tone quality she has. doesn't that grate on the nerves?

    like her? no.

    love her.

    shes everything i want in a pop song. is she the most talented singer ever? hell no. she isnt awful. it works, esp with great producers. I like good pop and dance hits and thats what britney is good at.

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