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Posts posted by SteelCity

  1. 2 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Those JER years were a mess (he wrote John/Kate I believe).  I could see why Kate and John would be attracted to one another, so it did make sense to me especially coming off losing their 'true' loves.  It was less forced than John/Hope and I think it would have had more of a chance if the John/Marlena fangirls weren't so loudly, openly, and rudely against it.

    Then it was just dropped completely as though it never happened! You'd never know they have that kind of history.

  2. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I obviously agree lol.  I should have worded it better.  John/Kate weren't half bad even if they had some crappy writing.

    I tend to agree with you in hindsight. They could work with better writing but, those post JER years were... something. Lots of insta-couples.

  3. 33 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    For some reason John/Kate made sense to me in the moment.  Obviously it was convenient since both Roman and Marlena "died", but it worked well with John's drug addiction and the Sami/Lucas and Belle/Phillip antics at the time.  Lauren and Drake had some chemistry as well.  I know the entire pairing was extremely unpopular with the John/Marlena fans though.

    They had chemistry and all but, it was super rushed! Didn't they get engaged in like two months. There was no build up.

  4. 18 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Way back in the 1996 - 2003 era, Roman and Kate's eventual romance made sense because it had a long, long buildup and tension between Kate and Sami and Sami/Marlena/Roman/John. 

    The marriage this time around is pure convenience to give both characters an anchor on the canvas. Their episode guarantees have clearly been slashed and this was the writing team's way of giving them a 'happily ever after.'

    It's what made Y&R so great and different. Many characters were islands unto themselves and each storyline stood on its own. That's changed quite a bit in the last 20 years, but prior to that you had a ton of characters who ostensibly never knew each other.

    Speaking of which, I would say that John/Kate was one of those convenient couples.

  5. 17 hours ago, Errol said:

    Although there can be some confusion, web soaps are typically scripted shows written by fans for online readers. This is where forums like mySONTV and the blog feature came into existence.

    Digital Dramas, or Web Serials, are typically scripted shows filmed by independent producers on a reduced budget compared to broadcast soaps. That's how I remember things.

    Thank you. I'm not sure how it devolved into nonsense when I was clear. I have been told to dumb things down when I talk in real life though.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    It's a soap, it's on the web, it's been listed as a web soap, it is serialized, it has won an Emmy in a special category for web soaps, so, you're gonna have to explain to me why it does not fit here. 

    Well, it's not filmed. They're told in writing form. check the links.

  7. 23 hours ago, SheenaSoaper said:


    Ashley and Paul

    Ashley and Neil

    Ashley and Tucker 1.0

    Ashley and Neil were actually very good together but, they weren't really given much of chance. I wish they could have worked out though. I'm surprised about Ashley and Paul! I really don't remember that.

  8. Damn near every Rafe pairing on DAYS. Why's he still there again? 

    Carter and Katie on BOLD. They clearly just felt that they had to do something with them. Especially when Katie would have made more sense with Justin.

  9. On 5/19/2024 at 2:00 AM, te. said:

    I was surprised there's no dedicated thread to this, at least from what I could find, especially since the entire series has been available on streaming for quite a few years now.

    I'll have to say that I'm surprised at how it seems to mostly direct itself towards tweens rather than teens - it doesn't really feel aspirational for an average teenage viewer (well, from just watching three episodes) and a lot of the storylines seem to be those you'd find in a kids show (ie living in a sub marine, kids with unfathomable tech skills, cheesy dance and song routines). Compare that to what Beverly Hills 90210 was doing at the same time and you can see how they limited their audience a lot - it's more Saved by the Bell without the laughs.

    Apparently Sarah in natural haircolour means she's Queen Bitch. 


    ETA: apparently it even had a toy line, so I guess the writing falls in line with who they were trying to appeal to: https://diaryofadorkette.blogspot.com/2012/02/toy-chest-tuesday-swans-crossing.html

    It's really funny you say that about SMG because it's usually true. Save for Simply Irresistible I guess.

  10. On 5/20/2024 at 2:11 PM, Planet Soap said:

    Everything Sheila Carter since 2003 (except 2005) has sucked.

    The Sugar plastic surgery storyline was STOOPID and to duplicate it with Phyllis was even stupider.

    On the current B&B, if they want Sheila long term she should be written as a trouble maker woman with unstable tendencies, sort of like early Michelle Stafford/Sandra Nelson's Phyllis. They managed to make Sheila long-term during her first B&B run. Turning her into a full-blown murderous psyco writes her into a corner. 

    What was the necessity of inventing another child for Sheila, when Erica, Diana, Rider, Daisy, and even (not her son) Scott Jr. all exist. It's clear that Finn was his own character at first  then they decided to connect him with Sheila. Otherwise, it would have made more sense to just have Finn be Scott Jr and to have Sheila still obsessed with him. That would open the door for Lauren to come back.

    That also shows us a problem with giving characters too many unnecessary kids. It's done for shock and goes nowhere. Where the hell is the Taylor/Brooke baby? The other issue it presents is the issue with making everyone related. I hate that we have no "Around Towners" anymore. That's what makes characters like Nicole (DAYS) work. She can be a romantic wildcard. That's why a family of friends style kinda works too.

  11. 8 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    For the time, that was a huge deal. The soaps had not yet started to go overboard with the cartoonish, campy slap fests and lily-pond dunks that came later. Soap mags printed several letter from viewers/readers who said how shocked they were that "good" Alice went after Rachel physically (lunging at her and throwing copper pots).

    Oh. I guess. I just thought Alice was unhinged! i'm big catfight fan, when it's warranted and done well. I always hate when they're played for comedy. That's my one gripe with All My Children, everything always seemed comedic for some reason. The first and second catfight on Dynasty made sense and were actually pretty volatile, that's why those worked for me.

  12. On 2/24/2024 at 5:10 PM, vetsoapfan said:

    This famous scene (starting at 42:04) aired on Another World in 1974, and was particularly engrossing because viewers had waited for six YEARS for Alice to unleash her fury on  Rachel.

    (Actually, Irene Dailey's Aunt Liz was far too meek here. Audra Lindley's version of Liz Matthews  from the 1960s would have whupped Rachel's a$$, and torn her hair out, from the moment that bitch marched in the room.)



    I'm not sure what I was expecting but, I wouldn't call that a fight.

  13. On 5/18/2024 at 1:48 PM, kalbir said:

    James Reilly created Passions for the middle schoolers and high schoolers that were too young to watch his run on Days. Notice the NBC run was 8 years. A 12 year old in 1999 would be 20 in 2007, so the NBC run covers their whole teen years.

    I was 14 when it came out and I was already writing my own soap with way better storylines and smarter characters! I'm not sure what idiotic kids he was writing for but PASSIONS to me was like an insult to soap and and everything that people make fun of soaps for. It brought to death the modern soap opera.

  14. 1 minute ago, Maxim said:

    I LOOOOVED Shauna... it was the last time the show worked for me. Really the last time. It could have been epic if she had succeeded in destroying Brooke's life. And so fun.

    Totally! She also had so much potential not being related to EVERYONE on canvas. Imagine a team up with Justin! They could take over.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Seriously! All that BS about "fated couples" and "true love" yet none of that ended up happening aside from Ethan/Theresa which by that point was tired as hell. They also never recognized that Theresa was really a conniving and manipulative bitch! Honestly, up until the scene where Gwen ignores the rape, I was team Gwen!

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