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Posts posted by Scrapple

  1. Some good ATWT recasts:


    I know Julianne Moore is well-loved for her Emmy-winning Frannie Hughes, but I really like her replacement Mary Ellen Stuart, who had a real natural quality and blended in with her castmates well.


    I never cared for Shawn Christian's Mike Kasnoff, so it'll be no surprise that I preferred Mark Collier. Neither will ever win an Oscar, but Collier never hammed it up, played the role as it should be...underplayed.


    Of the adult Paul Ryans, Scott Holroyd was unquestionably the best. He nailed the blance of playing the Son of Satan with a conscience. How they could replace him with that scenery-chewing one-note Howarth is beyond me. 

  2. It must have galled Runyeon to see his role become the one of troublemaker, while former villain Bryce was heading for leading man.  After all , for two solid years, ATWT literally centered around only 2 stories, Betsy/Steve and the Stenbeck heir tale. Suddenly Frank went from "star" to ensemble player.

  3. How stupid was ATWT to end Steve/Betsy the way they did? The biggest couple on the show since Penny/Jeff and they just let them peter out by sending Steve to Greece and (eventually) prison, and putting nuBetsy with Josh? What a huge disappointment. Of course, the problem was that Runyeon and Frost had ZERO chemistry. They should have just let Steve and Betsy ride off into the sunset after the big wedding.

  4. The clips featuring Alan White were bad, but I'm so glad they were posted, because it made me watch other clips on the same show, namely the Trial Of Barbara Ryan, when Babs was tried for her spa kidnapping of Emily, Carly and Rose. There were some great scenes in that trial, especially when Hal was asked on the stand whether he thought Barbara should go to jail for the rest of her life - and he was forced to choose between Barbara and Emily. But the best scene is the last, when Carly confronts Barbara after she is set free on a technicality. Without histrionics, Maura sticks the knife in, but good.

  5. Just curious if Kathryn Hays or Eileen Fulton were ever Emmy-nominated. To me, KH's performance when Kim discovered Bob's affair is among the finest I've ever seen. If she wasn't recognized while we got years of nominations for Susan Lucci's scenery-chewing, it would be a disgrace.


    As for Fulton, I certainly don't think she was great actress, or even a very good one. But during the stretch of time from Eduardo's death through the malpractice suit to John's humiliation of her, she was wonderful. It's like she put away all those annoying little tics of hers, and and rose to the occasion.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mitch said:

    Speaking of Dolan said that BH and SH had an impression of Wagner that would crack her up..I would have loved to have seen that!

    I remember on one special episode (either Christmas or an anniversary), there is a scene of Ben Hendrickson (with his back to the camera) doing some sort of impression to a large group of the cast. The cast just roared laughing, but you couldn't see what he was doing.  

  7. TMC aired both Dark Shadows movies last night. The first "House Of Dark Shadows" was very good. The second , "Night Of Dark Shadows"...not so much. "House" kind of put the whole Barnabas saga in a nutshell, with better special effects and no bloopers. "Night" had no Barnabas, only Quentin as a lead, and a ponderous pace. It was interesting to see "Introducing Kate Jackson" in the credits, though.

  8. Regarding Marisa Tomei: I remember at the time thinking how special she was as an actress, and that she would go far (I know it sounds like hindsight, but it's true). She was especially magnetic when things were going bad for her. (her relationship with her shrew mother, her rape accusations against Bob). She also fit well in the teen scene back then. Unlike a former poster, I did not care for her involvement with Stuart at all. First, I thought the actor was not very good, and second,it was too much of a fairy tale that didn't fit in with the Marcy Saga. 

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