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Posts posted by TimWil

  1. Hah. No. It is in that regard where they are quite different.

    Thanks for posting the video, Carl. I'm pretty sure it was produced initially for Channel 31/WNYC, which first carried it here. Anita Dobson, Leslie Grantham and a few others made a promotional appearance at a bar on Ninth Avenue in Chelsea and I was too ill to attend. I was bummed.

  2. And we mustn't forget he was Story Consultant under the execrable Chuck Pratt at All My Children here for about a year. I think his work visa expired and he chose not to renew it.

    Bonnie Langdord is joining EE as Kush's mother. It seems to be a short-term role for now. I look fiorward to her and Maria Friedman performing at a Duelling Divas Night in the Vic.

  3. I've always liked Alex Fletcher going back to her teen years on Brookside. She now strikes me as a Liverpudlian Kathy Beale. Did she share any scenes with Gillian Taylforth when she was on HO? No, right?

    Why does Grace always have that hairstyle which makes it look like she's on her way to prom night?

  4. I agree, Carl. Someone on another board is really pushing for that, which is irritating. Just because they supposedly share the same name doesn't mean there's a link.

    There's no way it could have been Den because Sharon would then turn out to have had sex with her own half-brother and had a child with him. I'm glad the show put the kibosh on that right away on Tuesday's episode.

    Maybe it could be Angie's brother? Was it ever established she had siblings?

    Just remembered that someone who worked on the show told me that the very pretty actor Paul Nicholas (he played Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar in the West End) was considered to play Sharon's birth father around 2002 (Angie's death?). That idea was nixed. He was later brought in to a workshop to play Kevin Wicks but that didn't work out either. There is a good physical resemblance between him and Leticia Dean. Maybe he can still play her birth father after all. Another actor I have a feeling they're considering is Christopher Villiers, who played Grayson on Emmerdale. He's the right age and would have the right look.

  5. On a 2005 episode which aired last night here in NY Dot described Phil to Johnny Allen as "the quiet one" and "the one with a brain, unlike the others." I agree that the idea of him being a "hardman" is ludicrous. The interchanges between Grant and Phil on last night's episode were beyond camp.

  6. I like Katherine Kelly a lot but I agree a lot of Becky wasn't necessarily the way to go. And so much of Becky's stuff with Tracy were retreads of Karen/Tracy. That was inescapable, I guess.

    I was sad to hear that Zoe Lucker's next stop is Hollyoaks, not Coronation Street. I would totally have bought her as a recast Stella. I'd have had her come back with Eva following Catherine Tyldsley's maternity leave. I don't think the show has ever done a major recasting before but given the circumstances I think this would have been deemed acceptable.

  7. Yes, that's true. And in the two hander with Tracy some years bsck Deirdre declared that the love of her life was Samir, which I believe to be true.

    At least Jonathan Harvey, who wrote that episode, will no doubt write The Death of Deirdre episodes. Maybe he'll have Emily say quietly "Well, she's with Samir now."

  8. The actor who plays Kush is adorable. He's been charming from his very first episode. I still think it would make a great twist for Kush to turn out to be a radical extremist and his wife is actually not only alive but a co-conspirator. I don't think DTC is brave enough to follow through with this, though.

  9. I don't think Kal will be missed and neither would his father and mother if they got written off right behind him. I like his two kids, they both have potential. The girl who plays Aiya is cute and likeable and the guy who plays Zeedan seems to have range as an actor. And, more importantly, he brings a degree of sex appeal. I don't know who he could be paired with, though.

    I agree about Suranne Jones. She was fantastic. I doubt we'll ever see Karen back on the show, though, I think Jones' career has progressed too far already, like Sarah Lancashire's has.

  10. Well, I can never unsee Stan's bottle of wee and I can't unhear Donna talking about getting waxed.

    If there HAD to be filler episodes like these to allow the "primary live cast" to rehearse the anniversary stuff then I'd have been happier with flashback episodes of Elaine Peacock singing show tunes, Tina and Zsa Zsa, Sonia and NuMartin, Pam and her grandson Paul, Stalker Sarah seeking redemption as caregiver to Willie Roper, Patrick and Cora before his stroke, Sylvie before her dementia, ANYTHING but what we've had to suffer last week and this week.

  11. I do find the timing interesting because only a few weeks ago McFadden testified in the ongoing phone hacking legal proceedings on Benjamin's behalf, claiming that he and Benjamin's relationship deteriorated because they were so suspicious each other selling stories to the press. I gather a lot of it was actually more to do with McFadden continuing to fool around with his ex wife but whatever. I always liked Lucy Benjamin even though the writers turned Lisa into a pathetic loser.

    Didn't Benjamin meet her millionaire husband on a flight to Dubai?

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