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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 2 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    Have no fear!! Nola Madison will "thank the Academy, my producer, my director, and all the Little People in the Audience who made my performance in Mansion of the Damned so ENCHANTING", before she sweeps off the screen like Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd.   (It's an especially memorable farewell to an especially memorable character.) 

    Sounds like Magic. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I read the last few pages...

    I don't want to argue or go into an argument. From what I understood here in the topic, I agree mostly with what @Sapounopera said in all their (don't know if you are a girl or a guy :D) posts. That's how I feel about the situation, but I can understand other POVs too.

    I, myself, as a gay man coming from a terribly homophobic home country and raised in a terribly homophobic household... consider myself completely out of the closet, but I haven't screamed it out of the windows. And to this day I have gay friends who tell me... Are you ashamed if you don't want to go to this and that... pride event... Which I'm always shocked to hear. And my answer is always this - I've been in the organization of a huge pride event and just because I was not front and center, that doesn't mean I was not part of it. A very crucial part of it.

    So yes, only the people that know me, KNOW. I am married to a man, but even if I was married to a woman, I would not be shoving my private life into people's faces. My partner had a stalker that stole all his pictures and was making fake profiles with them... and I have learned from him that private info is private info. So yeah, we keep the lovey-dovey facebook pics at a minimum... I have met people who's first question to me was Are you gay... Well, no need to say that we didn't become friends.  

    I also understand that famous people coming out and saying they are gay has benefited the community and has bring so much freedom and joy to so much people, just by their courage and example. And I applaud them for it. But not everyone needs and can do it. And yes, that doesn't in my book, mean they are in the closet. I have always perceived that... once my mom and dad know... I'm out. But again... this is different to different people and different society situations. 




  3. 11 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:


    No matter how great his skills, if a writer can't work as part of a team, it won't help the show. I know we like to blame "everyone else" (Korte, Frank, Varni, Chris & Dan), but that doesn't mean Mulcahey wasn't part of the problem on that team. He had to be talked into joining GH, and then quit after a few months. I can only imagine how much turmoil there was BTS.


    Was it confirmed that he quit? Where did I miss this?  😵


    2.What you wish for - 2023 - psycho-thriller


    Today me and my husband watched this movie. It was not bad at all. A level above the medium quality psycho-thrillers. I would say the script is the best part. The story keeps you on your toes. The negative was the acting for me - the lead role was... underwhelming.

    But the story was very gory and very shocking. Dealing with very taboo subjects like cannibalism. Little disturbing. 

    I liked it overall - 6,5/10.

  5. On 6/1/2024 at 3:23 AM, NothinButAttitude said:

    That aside, I think the only way to "fix" B&B would be a total reboot. Keep the name and dump all the characters. I truly think all the stories for this show has been told with this batch of characters. 

    After implementing everything you mapped out, the network might as well invest in a new batch of soaps. By the time you remove and change stuff, the audience who still watches will have moved on. We may agree to disagree, but the remaining four soaps are dead in the water. They are antiquated relics of the past.


    How exactly a reboot erasing all characters will help a show which biggest problem is an untalented head writer? The characters are only a product of this bad head writer... Give Bradley a new slate of people and he will turn them to ashes in a year. We all know that. So I disagree. Respectfully. You can't pain the skin a beautiful color when inside there is sickness growing. It will not work.

    On the argument how implementing everything I mapped out will be more expensive or harder than a new show... Hmm... not true again, at least in my perspective. Most of the points I have mentioned are mostly connected to getting back to the previous more successful storyline-types. Going back to basics in the most elementary way of speaking. I think this will be even cheaper and better than having to shoot absurd Scream 5 action scenes, using fake toes and etc. What has been happening lately.

    Some other points are just basic casting. And I am not saying that much should change immediately. It should happen slowly, but yeah, at least 1 gay romance between two guys would be great for a start. That's just one new actor or two new ones. I don't think that's too much to invest.

    I think what I have mapped out is just an example how without major money-change or even talent change, the show could be better. Yes, the new script writer-or-two is a bigger budget change, but I think Brad can manage that. Writers are not paid millions... Which is SAD actually... Because they should be paid more... But yes, my argument is that it's not that hard to pay them and you don't need to make a huge budget cut. Brad can even bring back someone from the past. Because the current Script writer situation is BAD.

    Even if God himself came to help Bradley, Bold's maximum quality level will always be 5/10. Because it's the world of Bradley Bell. Right now it's 1/10. My ideas are just that... my ideas... nothing serious... but as the topic was asking "how to fix the show" and not "Should all soaps be erased in place of new ones"... I was answering the title of the topic. If someone asked the second question I could go into a different discussion.

    And resume of what I said - I don't think the things I mapped out are harder to implement than a new show. I have been in the acting business and even behind the camera - I have directed 2 documentaries years ago... and I have maaany friends that are making tv shows and etc. Deleting the existing soap operas for new ones would be a maniacal effort and it's not possible in this day and age where this genre is barely breathing... In 10 years, if shows like The Gates and etc. work... maybe... But... in 2024, erasing all the remaining 4... to open new shows will lead to the sinking of the genre. That's what I think.


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