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Mona Kane Croft

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Posts posted by Mona Kane Croft

  1. Yes, Miranda was the show's first attempt at replacing Iris. It didn't work -- mostly because Miranda and her clan were introduced as an entirely new family. I've always thought it would have been more successful, if Miranda had been Mac's widowed sister-in-law. Then her move to Bay City would have made more sense, and her family members would have been Corys -- perhaps feeling superior to Rachel (as Iris did) and causing more direct conflict in the Cory family.

  2. Actually, Olivia Delany was never named as Olivia Matthews' mother in any of the episodes. Some fans just assumed that, because of the name "Olivia" and because Russ had briefly dated Olivia Delany after she divorced Robert. But somehow the myth got published, and now most people think it is true. But it was never mentioned in any of the scripts.

  3. The actress who played Rose Livingston in the photo above looks like one of the actresses who played Sarah Dancy Powers on The Doctors in the late 70s. I don't know the actress's name, but I am almost sure it is the same person.

  4. Actually, the mother of Olivia Matthews (Russ's daughter) was never named on the show. Lots of folks assumed her mother was Olivia Delany, because Russ had dated Olivia briefly in the early 1980s. So that has become sort of an urban legend. I think Julie Poll might have even published it in her AW book, but it was never confirmed in any of the scripts. Using the name Olivia for Russ's daughter had no connection to Olivia Delany. It was just a coincidence.

  5. The missing episode may have been preempted, but the writers would not have been able to make changes in the next day's script, because that episode had already been taped. I understand TD was taping about one-week ahead of air-date in 1967-68. And if they needed to purposefully skip and episode for some reason, the missing episode was certainly more important than the following one. The episode with the dress and tuxedo fittings should have been the one to skip.

  6. Kalem's Angie was light-hearted and positive -- something of an ingénue. Her only troubles seemed to be caused by boyfriend, Willis. Kincaid played the role similarly for several months. But later, Kincaid (or the writing) took Angie a little darker and she became a bit neurotic.

  7. A classic VW "bad" Rachel scene is available on YouTube. I believe it is one of Jacquie Courtney's Emmy reels. Check it out -- you get to see VW versus JC at their very best. Sorry, I don't have the link, but it shouldn't be hard to find. Wyndham, Courtney, and Dailey are at their best -- of course, supported by the great writing of Harding Lemay.

  8. I have a question about the sets on Return to Peyton Place. Although I remember being impressed by the sets, I always wondered how they compared to the prime-time version of PP. For example -- Were the sets on the daytime show exacty the same set-designs used on the prime-time show? If not, were they at least similar? Or totally different set-designs? I'm thinking particularly of locations that were used heavily on both shows, such as Connie's house, Connie's bookstore, Ada's bar, and the Peyton mansion.

  9. In earlier posts, folks were discussing Victoria Wyndham's work as Rachel. Not sure how many remember when she played "bad" Rachel -- but oh, she was SO good at being bad. In my opinion, Wyndham's Rachel was far more threatening than Robin Strasser's. I'm not suggesting she's a better actress, but just saying she played the role in a more serious and threatening manner. Stasser's Rachel was more similar to Erica Kane -- a bad girl, but fairly harmless, played with a dose of humor. There was little humor in VW's early years as Rachel. I think we got to know Rachel's motivations more clearly, with VW in the role. We even started to like her. But, VW's Rachel was a dangerous woman at times. And I loved the way she would "hiss" the name Alice like a snake. Such hatred.

  10. Has anyone ever visited SoHo, and tried to find the building which was featured on The City? I was there around a decade ago, looking for the address -- and quickly found it didn't exist. Greene Street doesn't go down that far. So, I looked for the building anyway, since I knew it was in SoHo, regardless of the address. I was unable to recognize the building anywhere. How about you? Does anyone know the real address of the building? Any photos?

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