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Posts posted by hendersonite

  1. On 4/25/2020 at 5:33 PM, Neil Johnson said:


    Well, the action in New Orleans was always intended to be temporary.  It was just setting up the family history of the Sentell and Tourners.  


    Do you remember when Martin Tourner returned to New Orleans on a business trip or something, and hooked=up with an old girlfriend who was a prostitute, and she was Jo's doppelgänger?  Played by Mary Stuart.  It was wild, watching Mary play that character.   It may have been Mary Stuart's first scene in bed with a man.  Not sure about that.  


    I remember that scene, just about fell off the couch.  As for bed scenes, Jo had some with Tony that were somewhat frisky.


  2. My collection includes the following:


    Both of Me by Mary Stuart

    The Wonderful World of TV Soap Operas, From Ma Perkins to Mary Hartman, Soap World by Robert LaGuardia

    Whistling Girl by Ann Marcus

    Writing the Soaps by Jean Rouverol

    Super Soaps by Jane Cutler et al

    Soaps by Manuela Soares

    All My Afternoons by Annie Gilbert

    Inside the Soaps by Paul Denis

    Soap Opera Almanac by Ron Lachmann

    Soap Opera Encyclopedia by Chris Schemering 

    Soap Opera Encyclopedia by Gerard Waggett

    Worlds Without End

    OLTL, AW, ATWT, BB hardcover books

    Kim Zimmer, Jeanne Cooper and Ruth Warrick autobiographies.


    There are more, just have to dig them out.



  3. On 10/22/2019 at 9:29 PM, antmunoz said:

    Mary Stuart is accused of being a diva many times, usually by producers and P&G execs, in her autobiography, BOTH OF ME. But was she?  Maybe.  Co-star Anthony George thought so at least once, according to her own book. 

     According to Mary's autobiography, Both of Me, the blowup happened during the summer of 1974.  Mary walked into rehearsal one morning and Tony was already upset about the script. She said she would fix it,  He flew into a rage and threw the script at her.  It lasted ten or fifteen minutes.  They could not rehearse.  She stated she was so upset, she cried all morning.  And he called her an ugly name as they were walking into the scene on air.  She felt a few word changes would shift emphasis, making Tony the strong one.  She had done so in the past and it had worked for both of them.  Tony and Mary according to her did not have anymore cross words, but the situation destroyed the chemistry they had.  I have read that passage many times and have read about Tony having diva like behavior when he was in Hollywood.  Tony wanted out of SFT by that time and this was probably the straw that broke the camel's back.


  4. Marcy was Tony Vincente's first wife. She had money and power which she used to put Tony through medical school. Their marriage was an unhappy one and Marcy faked her paralysis in order to hold on to him. Anne Revere played Agnes Lake who served as the Vincentes' housekeeper as well as Marcy's nurse. One day, Agnes saw Marcy up and walking about the living room. Agnes threatened to tell Tony and Marcy attacked her with a fireplace poker. Once Agnes regained consciousness, she told all to Tony. Tony then divorced Marcy and proposed marriage to Jo Tate. Marcy was played by Jeannie Carson who was born and raised in England, thus her accent.

  5. In the flashback scenes that Andrea had during the trial featured Hal Linden as Larry Carter, the other man. I remember reading that Hal said he and Joan Copeland taped those scenes during a weekend. The show used the scenes several times after the trial because he got residual checks for several years after he had taped them.

  6. Paul, Kathy's maiden name is mentioned in Robert LaGuardia's books, The Wonderful World of TV Soap Operas and Soap World. Carl, SFT went through a slew of headwriters during the seventies especially 1974. SFT started 1974 with the Ellises, then Theo Apstein, then Gillian Houghton (aka Gabrielle Upton) and Ann Marcus.

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