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Posts posted by supes81

  1. Here is another test try. A picture of Snapper and Chris from 1973


    Here is one more picture, then I will start doing articles. From the first week of the show. Stuart Brooks and Brad Elliot. Most everything is in black and white except for a couple of pics of the cast.


  2. If you want to post the photo here then I think you put the URL for the image code. That's what I do.

    I'm not great at it either so if someone else knows more then please tell us.

    I tried using my son's photobucket account, but it said the extension is not allowed on this site, so I have no idea. If someone can help me.

  3. The freshness of the show wore off after a while, then the whole Louise being arrested thing happened and she was off he show shortly after. I watched until Louise left, never watched Fernwood. I never thought the show too sexualised, although I may be looking back on it with a modern sensibility, I never remember being shocked or disgusted by anything. I was 19 when the show aired, so it may have something to do with it. I did get a little bored by the show as many things stayed the same, I would say the first six to eight months were the best, the rest was good but not as good. I don't remember anything specifically but just remember not watching it every night as I did when it first started.

  4. MH2 was brilliant in my mind, although Louise Lasser's mannerisms used to annoy me, I think it had something to do with her cocaine addiction. I am not a huge fan of Lear shows, but this was a well thought out satire, it had a soap format, but the satire was about life. I can see why people dismissed the show, because it is hard to see things for what they are when you are in the eye of the storm. I also think Lear didn't slap people in the face as much with MH2 as he did with his other shows. Parody is obvious and exaggerated, satire is more subtle.

    Though I will say The Carol Burnett Show nailed in its parody of MH2, still makes me laugh

    Second part

  5. I can't for the life of me remember the Janice Lynde pilot. Did it ever air? I remember seeing Trish and Tom in Time Travelers and something else I think they were in together, not sure maybe I am confusing things.

    I wish the Janice Lynde show had worked, it sounded interesting enough.

    Again thanks CarlD2 for sharing all of this. I just found myself a daytime tv magazine from 1976 which is all about Y&R, I bought it from some website. Hopefully it will be delivered soon and I will have some things to share.

  6. Brad and Leslie were definitely much loved. I don't think they were a super couple, though that term wasn't really around. I absolutely loved Leslie and Brad. Both Tom and Janice were very popular, although you have to remember Y&R wasn't that popular in its first couple of years. I remember a lot of positive articles about the cast, which is one reason I think so many of them left. But I was the only person in my circle of friends who watched Y&R in 1974 (I didn't see the first year) a couple of them started watching around 75/76 at my insistence and many not until the early 80's.

    I should correct I started watching in the first year, but not until the very end of the year, around Nov or Dec, which is why I am sure Kay was not in the show at that point.

  7. I only remember because Leslie and Brad got married at the start of 1975 at the same time I almost did. But that is another story. Also Robert Clary and Lee Crawford both left the show in 1974.

    One thing I can never remember is when Jeanne Cooper started airing on Y&R. Everywhere it states Nov 1973, but I am sure she came on after Christmas, it could be my memory playing tricks with me. Does anyone know the month she actually started or have the synopsis of the month Kay was first seen.

  8. Thanks for all this CarlD2. The synopsis is from 1974 with maybe a little bit of the beginning of 1975 thrown in. Brenda also had that famous picture of her in the bathing suit which I am sure sold well with the men back in the day.

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