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Posts posted by AArredondo02

  1. I remember Sunset Beach and they had two companies: the Liberty Corporation and Richards Communications Group.


    What did the Liberty Corporation do and what did they own in Sunset Beach?


    What did Richards Communications Group own in Sunset Beach?


    What was Gregory Richards' source of money?

    4 hours ago, Broderick said:

    I disagree about Victor Newman.  I know that all over the Internet, people say that "Victor came to Genoa City to work for Kay Chancellor".   I don't remember it that way at all.   


    The first time I saw Victor Newman on-screen was in February of 1980 when his Rolls Royce had been stolen by a girl named Cathy Bruder who had gone joy-riding.   Brock Reynolds was the public defender assigned to represent the girl in court.   Brock assumed she would be tried as a juvenile, as she was sixteen.   But the owner of the car (Victor Newman), whom neither Brock nor the audience had ever heard of or seen before, wanted the girl tried as an adult.   As we got to "know" Victor, we found out that he was a self-made zillionaire who was the owner of Newman Enterprises.   Months and months later, Kay Thurston asked him to temporarily take over control of Chancellor Industries, because Kay's current husband, hair stylist Derek Thurston, had made a mess of things and had fired George Packard, the man who'd been running the company since Phillip Chancellor's death in 1975.   Victor obligingly ran Chancellor Industries for Kay for a few short months until she could get rid of Derek and hire a new CEO.  

    Chancellor Industries seems to be a defense contractor with defense and engineering interests. In addition to operating a factory in Genoa City, Chancellor later diversified in construction, media, and other businesses. Its founder, Garfield Dandridge Chancellor, founded Genoa City. The deceased Gary Reynolds (Kay's first husband)' company was very similar to Chancellor Industries and merged with Chancellor Industries when Kay married her second husband, Philip Chancellor II, who was the CEO.


    Newman Enterprises is a conglomerate in Genoa City with interests in media, cosmetics, energy, venture capital, real estate, medical research, and other businesses

    What did Anderson Manufacturing do in Salem during the seventies?

  2. It just came to me, and I wanted to share storyline ideas Another World could have capitalized on that would have lengthened the show's run on NBC:
    Mary Matthews should have never been killed off. She was the core of the Matthews family. As matriarch, Mary still had life in her, and could have had many years of being a sounding board for not only her family but friends as well. She was similar to other soap matriarchs like Alice Horton and Nancy Hughes.
    Mary deserved a story where she feuded with her sister-in-law, Liz, over Mary's husband, Jim, whom Liz had fallen in love with. The Liz/Jim/Mary love triangle would have brought more mature viewers to AW and given the veterans plenty to do.
    Sharon Gabet should have been brought in AW as Rachel's half-sister, Pammy Davis, to cause trouble between Mac and Rachel.
    Bill Matthews should have been resurrected from his 1970 boating accident in California and returned to Bay City at some point. Maybe during the eighties. Instead of Jason Frame, Chris Robinson should have been brought to AW as an entirely different character who ended up being the presumed dead Bill Matthews.
    Susan Matthews Shearer and Dan Shearer should have been kept around and remained married. Susan was spun off into the Shearer family and had her career as a psychiatrist while Dan was an OB-GYN. To create friction in the marriage, why not introduce Dan's daughter, Barbara, from a previous marriage, to shake up the Shearer household, and have Susan develop feelings for Rachel's younger brother instead of Rachel's son, Jamie, who wouldn't be prematurely aged and still be a minor.
    Having Bill and Susan around would have made Liz more relevant.
    Why not make Reginald Love behind Bill's disappearance years prior and the guy Missy and Ricky got involved with years later. It would make sense for Reginald to fake his death and take Missy as his wife and Ricky as his son.
    The Mary McKinnon stories could have gone to Missy, with Denise Alexander playing the part, and the Scott LaSalle stories going to Ricky, with Hank Cheyne playing the part.
  3. Another World could have lasted a lot longer. Here is my take and what writers could have done to facilitate the show's longevity. It all goes back to the 1970s. Ada should have been given a teenage son who would of course be Rachel's younger brother. The storylines a SORASed Jamie Frame, Rachel's son, played during the seventies and eighties should have been given to that younger brother. Ada would have still been an essential character with her son playing out Jamie's adult storylines, and Big sister Rachel being there as her brother's confidant. Aging Jamie like that back then pushed Rachel into step daughter Iris' age bracket, and as a result, Jamie had to be de-SORASed with Laurence Lau playing the role. SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome).
    If Jamie needed to be aged, then wait until the mid-1980s, and bring in Tom Eplin to play Jamie Frame instead of Jake McKinnon. With a few tweaks, Jamie could have been given the Jake McKinnon role. Jamie would have been age appropriate to play out Jake McKinnon's storylines. It could have been written that he was a spoiled rough around the edges rich kid with a heart of gold without the assault of Marley. Turning Jake into a physical abuser for storyline purposes and having him attack Marley on screen was a huge mistake on the writers' part. Jamie (with Tom Eplin playing him) and Vicky would have been the endgame with Jamie being a wheeling and dealing ladies' man working at Cory Publishing with side hustles like Visions production company and The Bay City Herald newspaper.
    Nancy McGowan (Sandra Ferguson), Ada's daughter and Rachel's half-sister, could have returned to Bay City instead of aging Rachel and Mac's daughter, Amanda Cory, so soon. Nancy could have played out Amanda's adult storylines while keeping Mac and Rachel as the focal point of Another World's storylines and keeping Ada relevant and giving her plenty to do.
    The writers could have brought back Amanda as a teenager during the nineties and would have been age appropriate to play out Maggie Cory's 1990s teen storylines. Amanda was born on screen in 1979. Jamie (with Tom Eplin playing him) could have been there for his teenage sister, Amanda, as a father figure and protector, similar to Joe and Sofia Carlino's brother and sister relationship. It would have made sense to have 90s teen Amanda have disagreements with mom Rachel.
    Had the show continued on in the 2000s, Maggie Cory and her brother, Alex Cory, could have been reintroduced as teens, alongside Matthew Cory, who was born on-screen in 1980/1981.
    Pat Randolph's children, Michael and Marianne, should never have been aged, and lawyer John Randolph should never have been written out of the show, which made Pat irrelevant as a long-term character and pushed her into Iris' age bracket. John should have been kept on AW as a reliable lawyer for Bay City residents, formed a firm with fellow lawyer Brian Bancroft, and reunited with Pat. John could have had a chance to slow down to enjoy life with Pat and their family and pass the torch slowly to new lawyer Cass Winthrop. Pat and John could have been the closest of friends with Mac and Rachel.
    Michael (with Matt Crane playing him) could have returned to Bay City as a teen during the late eighties and play out Matt Cory's teen and young adult storylines. Marianne (with Allison Hossack playing her) could have returned to Bay City  at the same time and play out Olivia Matthews' young adult storylines.
  4. On 12/15/2020 at 6:11 AM, MichaelGL said:

    I was thinking as to what might have been a good story for Tommy Horton if the show been interested in writing for him, and the only thing I can think of is perhaps making Tommy and Linda endgame? Or perhaps Tommy and Linda being given more attention as a couple? 

    Perhaps throw Sandy Horton in there and creating a rivalry between step mother and step daughter. Perhaps a custody battle between Tommy/Linda and Mickey/Maggie over Melissa (or Bob versus Tommy/Linda over Melissa). Throwing Linda back into the Horton orbit after things with the Anderson’s hit the fan would have given Linda some mileage and Tommy some meaning, especially if Linda wasnt seen as being on the best of terms with the Horton family. Heck, throw in some jealousy from Linda over Tommy and Marie’s “bond”, and it basically writes itself. 

    Tommy and Linda appeared to have potential. Here's an idea: Tommy gets involved with dying, single mother Joanna Barnes and her young daughter, Janice. Tommy and Joanna become an item and marry, and Tommy becomes a stepfather to Janice. 


    Tommy moves on with Linda following Joanna's death, and Linda wants to have a family with her daughter, Melissa, and Tommy, excluding Tommy's foster daughter, Janice Barnes Horton. Linda could have been the wicked stepmother, putting a wedge between not only Janice and Tommy, but also Janice and Melissa, who would have been as close as sisters.


    Janice could have been sent away to boarding school and returned years later in Salem as a doctor like Tommy and get involved with Tommy's own brother, Bill, to spite Tommy! Tommy and Bill were also rival brothers similar to Mickey and Bill.



  5. On 12/15/2020 at 6:11 AM, MichaelGL said:

    I was thinking as to what might have been a good story for Tommy Horton if the show been interested in writing for him, and the only thing I can think of is perhaps making Tommy and Linda endgame? Or perhaps Tommy and Linda being given more attention as a couple? 

    Perhaps throw Sandy Horton in there and creating a rivalry between step mother and step daughter. Perhaps a custody battle between Tommy/Linda and Mickey/Maggie over Melissa (or Bob versus Tommy/Linda over Melissa). Throwing Linda back into the Horton orbit after things with the Anderson’s hit the fan would have given Linda some mileage and Tommy some meaning, especially if Linda wasnt seen as being on the best of terms with the Horton family. Heck, throw in some jealousy from Linda over Tommy and Marie’s “bond”, and it basically writes itself. 


    Tommy Horton could have been kept around Salem during the early eighties as the mentor of Dr. Evan Whyland, who was engaged to his daughter, Sandy.


    When Sandy became involved with Chris Kositchek, Tommy would have strongly objected due to Chris' history as a ladies' man.


    Back in the 1970s, Julie operated Doug's Coffee House, a precursor to modern day Starbucks. When Doug and Julie left Salem in 1984, it would have made sense for Julie to amass a fortune in Europe, following her divorce from Doug, through a chain of coffee shops, Cafe Julie, which could have been a successful franchise and fierce competitor of Starbucks. That could have explained how Julie returned as a successful business tycoon in the late eighties and early nineties and could have provided her with enough resources to give unscrupulous businessmen Victor Kiriakis, Stefano DiMera, and Lawrence Alamain a run for their money

  6. 2 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Just reflecting on the Stuart/Liz discussion and how it ultimately fizzled out.

    On paper it united the core families and should have served the show well moving into the hour format,

    With Stu and Liz actively involved with Jill, Snapper and Chris, Lorie, Leslie, Peggy and Greg they should have been see regualarly in strong supporting roles.

    But from memory and looking at old summaries that didn't seem to happen.

    it's no secret Bill Bell was challenged with the longer format and juggling established characters with newbies.


    So marrying Stu and Liz was bit of a dead end.

    Maybe Liz could have been left pining for Stuart but realizing that they were from two different worlds. Keep her as 'Mom Foster'


    And use Stuart to usher in a new family. I'm thinking Marla Adams as Dina Abbott,cosmetics heiress with an indulged playboy son Jack. Stuart falls for Dina.and they marry Then her ex John returns and they are still involved because of Jabot. Jack could bond with Stuart and John tries to win back his son's affections as well as re-unite with Dina. Lot's of story possibilties especially with Jill involved with Jack and John.


    Then the other Abbott daughters return.  All of this could have started in 1980, rather than waiting till 82 to usher in a new family.


    I could see Lorie involved with Jack on some level. Chris working at Jabot for her stepmother.

    It makes sense. I also have the idea that a core family similar to the Hortons, Bauers, Hugheses, and Martins, should have been established at Y&R from the very beginning. In 1973, the Henderson family should have been established on the show. The father was a physician like a Tom Horton. The son, Mark, fell in love with Lorie, who ended up being the daughter of the father, Bruce, instead of Stuart Brooks. Mark & Lorie's relationship wasn't like Tommy & Marie's relationship on DOOL because Tommy had amnesia and extensive plastic surgery who was not aware that Marie was his sister. Victor's first wife, Julia, could have been another Henderson daughter who married the wealthy Victor and had two children, a daughter and son, who could have fulfilled Nick and Victoria's 1990s stories. SORASing Nick and Victoria made then-late twenty something/early thirty something Nikki seemed older than what she really was. Victor and Julia's own children could have played out those stories, still retaining ties to the Hendersons, who would be Genoa City's core family. Nick and Victoria could have been used much later.

  7. 3 hours ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:

    Speaking of Ellen, after mentioning Patricia Bruder recently I looked her up online. I was surprised to learn she was born in 1936. Meaning she was 47 when Dani Andropolous was born and Ellen became a great-grandmother. Perhaps Bruder was not playing her real age, and Ellen was meant to be older than Bruder actually was?


    Equally surprising was the fact that Henderson Forsythe (David Stewart) was born in 1917. So he was 19 years older than Bruder. Does that mean David was supposed to be about 20 years older than Ellen? Were their ages ever addressed on camera? Was the David & Ellen relationship supposed to be a May-December romance? Obviously I didn't watch the show in the 60s and only started watching as a kid in the early 80s. I just never realized the apparent age difference between David and Ellen Stewart. It's kind of fascinating. I am assuming all Ellen's kids and most of her grandkids and great grandkids were born on camera.


    Is there a family tree of the Stewarts with the years the characters were born?

    When As The World Turns (ATWT) premiered in 1956, Ellen Lowell, who was at the time being played by Wendy Drew, was 16 years old. In a few short years, the Lowells would be phased out in favor of the Stewarts. When the story bible was written, the Lowell family should have had more male Lowells (i.e. brothers and uncles for Ellen) to carry storylines and prolong the family's longevity, but I digress. Anyways, by 1958, 18-year-old Ellen Lowell had an illegitimate son, Dan Stewart, adopted by the relatively older David and Betty Stewart. Going back to my earlier statement, instead of SORASing Dan Stewart during the sixties, if there were more male Lowells, like Ellen's brothers, written in the show's 1956 bible, any one of them could have just as easily been inserted in Dan's sixties and seventies storylines, preventing Ellen from being aged so quickly. Eileen Fulton, who was older than Bruder, incorporated a granny clause in her contract as a result of the out of control SORASing that took place on the show and remain a vibrant character.

  8. Some of the actors were miscast on Passions. James Hyde looked too young to be the middle-aged Sam Bennett. Richard Steinmetz would have been an appropriate choice. Hyde was more suited to be Hank. Michael Swan would have made an interesting  Martin Fitzgerald. The actress who played Rosa Andrade, the Capwells' housekeeper on Santa Barbara, would have been a more age appropriate Pilar Lopez Fitzgerald.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    The hell? She could have played Alice or a Grayson relative, but not Julie. 

    Jamie Lyn never gave me Laura.

    My Laura Choices:

    Maeve Kinkead

    Ellen Parker

    Erika Slezak

    Maureen Garrett


    I would say Kathleen Noone, but I see her as a Jo Johnson recast. 




    I concur. Jeanne Cooper would have been miscast as Julie.

    The Laura choices are interesting. With the exception of Erika Slezak, the other actresses would have their talents better suited for Sandy. Julia Barr is definitely included in the list of Sandy choices.

    Kathleen Noone is a definite possibility. Oh, you know what, she would make a great Marie Horton recast if Maree Cheatham ever chooses to stop reprising her role.

  10. 57 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Diamont has such a swarmy way towards him In his acting so, I wonder what he would be like playing a hero?

    It would make sense since Bo has always lived in his big brother Roman's shadow, and his stepfather, Shawn Brady, favoring Roman over him. It seemed Shawn always had a bone to pick with Bo in the very early days.

  11. An interview on You Tube had the late Dack Rambo discussing being considered to be a Bobby Ewing recast after Patrick Duffy left. Starts at 0:45 and ends around 1:00



    8 minutes ago, John said:

    Is jamie lyn Bauer liked as Days Laura or would you like a new actress. If not, who would you chose as recast


    Considering Laura's history on DOOL, Jamie Lyn Bauer is not age appropriate for Laura. In hindsight, the show should have had her playing Dr. Sandy Horton during the nineties and give her a story with Roman. Marla Adams or Judith McConnell are two names I can think of who would be a more age appropriate Laura.

  12. 12 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Chris Robinson was in talks to play Bill Horton on Days, but all agreed he was too young to play the father of Mike (Michael T Weiss)

    Christopher Stone took on the role of Bill and Robinson went to AW as Jason Frame.


    Interesting that Robinson was actually older than Stone,so maybe it was more that Robinson didnt want to play a father of a 30 something child.

    That's interesting how Chris Robinson was too young to play Bill considering the fact that John H. Martin and the late Christopher Stone were younger than him. The late David O'Brien, who was fresh out of his Dr. Steve Aldrich role on The Doctors and later became AW's Sin Stalker could have been Bill around the early-mid 1980s. Or even Peter White who ended up filling in for Stone on DOOL. If Bill is ever brought back, Jeff Pomerantz should be given a chance to play the character.

  13. Pairing Mike Bauer with Alexandra Spaulding during the early eighties and having years worth of story is a typical post on this forum. It makes sense given Mike's history with the Spauldings. Mike's daughter, Hope, was married to Alan Spaulding and gave birth to Alan Michael Spaulding. In hindsight, what would it be like when Mike never left Springfield and finally marries Alexandra, and during the nineties,  they have a conflict due to Mike siding with his grandson, Alan Michael Spaulding, over Alexandra making NIck (Alexandra's son) Spaulding Enterprises President instead of Alan Michael. Roger Thorpe could be a thorn in Mike and Alexandra's side.  Hope could come back as an obstacle, disapproving Alexandra as a stepmother. If Elvera Roussel were unavailable, then Robin Mattson or even Julia Barr would have been suitable recasts. One of the posts I came across was Ross and Blake breaking up, and Ross marrying Hope, becoming a tentpole couple alongside Alexandra and Mike. Mike and Ross would have their law firm in town.  I could also see Fletcher and Hope or Buzz and Hope. As for Blake, I would say pair her up with Frank Cooper.


  14. In hindsight, the way DOOL SORAS-ed Julie's son (twenties during the seventies) and grandson (twenties during the eighties), it would have made sense to have Jeanne Cooper play Julie. Then again, the writers would have to retcon her history by making Julie, Tom and Alice's daughter,  rather than their eldest grandchild. Since Julie's parents, Addie and Ben Olson, were written off the show decades ago. The show could have written Addie and Julie being rival sisters over Doug Williams, and Julie's younger brother, Steve Olson, could have been her nephew.

  15. Here are some of the suggestions the show could have used some legacy AW characters:


    When Ada and her daughter, Rachel, were introduced, add in a son Adam, a young boy. In the following decade, the 1970s, Adam could have been used in storylines originally written for the SORAS-ed Jamie. Rachel could be the big sister instead of the mother. 


    Instead of SORAS-ing Rachel's son, Jamie, in the seventies, at least give Jamie's late seventies-mid eighties stories, to Rachel's brother, Adam, and keep Jamie a child.


    SORAS Jamie in the eighties by giving Matthew Cory's stories to Jamie. That way Rachel remains viable and youthful instead of being bumped up an age bracket.


    Amanda, born in 1979, should have been SORAS-ed during the nineties. Amanda Cory could have taken Maggie Cory's storylines.


    Ricky Matthews could have returned to Bay City as a young adult, staying with his grandmother, Liz, and getting involved with Josie Watts much to Liz's chagrin.


    Dr. Russ Matthews could have returned as a world-famous physician who becomes the new Chairman of Bay City General Hospital after buying the facility through his Russell Matthews Foundation (similar to the Harper Avery Foundation) and become a power player in Bay City.


    Dennis Carrington Wheeler, Iris' son, could have taken over Jamie Frame's mid-eighties/early nineties stories. Instead, Dennis would follow in Grandpa Mac and Mama Iris' footsteps and become a Cory Publishing executive with his real passion for seeking adventure in dangerous places as a journalist.


    Or bring back Dr. Rick Hathaway in the form of Laurence Lau in 1986 to play out Jamie's eighties and nineties stories.


    To prolong the show, Matthew Cory along with his nephew Alex could have to make up the new teen set of the millennium.

  16. Here are some of the suggestions some legacy AW characters could have been used:

    When Ada and her daughter, Rachel, were introduced, add in a son Adam, who could have been used later.

    Instead of SORAS-ing Rachel's son, Jamie, in the seventies, at least give Jamie's late seventies-mid eighties stories, to Rachel's brother, Adam, and keep Jamie a child.

    SORAS Jamie in the eighties by giving Matthew Cory's stories to Jamie. That Rachel remain viable and youthful instead of being bumped up an age bracket.

    Amanda, born in 1979, should have been SORAS-ed during the nineties. Amanda Cory could have taken Maggie Cory's storylines.

    Ricky Matthews could have returned to Bay City as a young adult, staying with his grandmother, Liz, and getting involved with Josie Watts much to Liz's chagrin.

    Dr. Russ Matthews could have returned as a world famous physician who becomes the new Chairman of Bay City General Hospital after buying the facility through his Russell Matthews Foundation (similar to the Harper Avery Foundation) and become a power player in Bay City.

    Dennis Carrington Wheeler, Iris' son, could have taken over Jamie Frame's mid-eighties/early nineties stories. Instead, Dennis would follow in Grandpa Mac and Mama Iris' footsteps and become a Cory Publishing executive with his real passion for seeking adventure in dangerous places as a journalist.

    Or bring back Dr. Rick Hathaway in the form of Laurence Lau in 1986 to play out Jamie's stories.

    To prolong the show, Matthew Cory along with his nephew Alex could have make up the new teen set of the millenium.

  17. The casting of Grant Show (ex-Rick, RH; ex-Jake, MP) in the Blake Carrington role in the upcoming Dynasty reboot was an error. The reason is Grant Show is too young. Actors like Michael Douglas, Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Richard Gere, Gregory Harrison, Bruce Boxleitner, Anthony Hopkins, Tommy Lee Jones, and other matured actors would have been suitable choices for the esteemed Carrington family patriarch.

  18. If fans could buy Rick Hearst as Grant Aleksander's son, then yes have RH reprise his Scotty Banning role (DAYS). It's all subjective.


    A younger actor like Dylan Bruce could be put in the Scotty Banning slot.


    RH could have worked as a Morgan Winthrop recast (AW), He and Grayson McCouch do not look that much different.

  19. Randolph Mantooth read for OLTL's Clint as well.


    I noticed the resemblance Randolph Mantooth and Patrick Duffy had when they acted out a scene on the old Dallas.


    Does anyone agree that Randolph Mantooth would have been a good Bobby Ewing recast when Patrick Duffy left after the 1984-85 season and the show decided to recast?


    When Dallas decided to bring back Jock after Jim Davis' 1981 death, does anyone agree that the Wes Parmalee/Jock Ewing story should have started then and given to Lorne Greene instead of Steve Forrest. And have Rebecca Wentworth fall in love with Wes/Jock, creating the Jock/Rebecca/Ellie/Clayton quadrangle. 


    Steve Kanaly as Clint Buchanan (OLTL) would have been interesting.


    Jerry Ver Dorn would be a good Jeff Webber recast (GH) or Bill Horton recast (DAYS).


    Grant Aleksander would be a good David Banning recast (DAYS).


    Martin Sheen and William Devane were rumored to have tested for Cliff Barnes on Dallas.


    Nick Benedict as Lance Prentiss. That's interesting.


    Nick Benedict and David Canary were rumored to have tested for Roman Brady (DAYS) in 1980.


    Christian LeBlanc tested for Tad Martin (AMC).

  20. When Steve Kanaly was asked to come in to read for Dallas, the casting directors told him he was right for the parts of J.R. Ewing, Bobby Ewing, Ray Krebbs, and Cliff Barnes. 


    Steve chose Ray, and the rest of history.


    Josh Taylor (Roman, DAYS), Wayne Northrop (ex-Roman, DAYS), and Martin Kove were rumored to be candidates for Ray.


    David Selby (ex-Richard, Falcon Crest) was rumored to have auditioned for the Gary Ewing role. David Ackroyd was initially hired and cast as Gary before Ted Shackelford took over.


    Ken Kercheval wanted to play Ray instead of Cliff, in which he would be hired to play.


    Tom Selleck, Robert Urich, Josh Taylor, Wayne Northrop, Steve Kanaly, and Michael Nader (ex-Dimitri, AMC) were rumored to be candidates for Bobby.


    Robert Foxworth (ex-Chase, Falcon Crest) turned down the role of J.R. Robert Culp was rumored to be considered for J.R.


    Robert Colbert (ex-Stuart, Y&R), Phil Carey (ex-Asa, OLTL), and Rory Calhoun (ex-Judson, CAPITOL) were rumored to be candidates for Jock.

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