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Posts posted by Aragorn

  1. 12 hours ago, Soapsuds said:





    Esme was great in these scenes. Spencer and Trina weren't. Spencer could have killed Esme but he believed the lies that Esme was spewing and allowed himself to be tied up. After Trina came to save Spencer and knocked Esme out, they were cowards and ran away without tying Esme up or locking the door. They also didn't take the syringe and Trina dropped the wrench. They let Esme get up and chase them.

  2. Here is my list of characters I want to get rid of.














    I am on the fence with Spencer. If I enjoy the show during Spencer's coming absence, then I will not want him back.

    17 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    I really enjoy Esme so much lately but came to my own conclusion that Esme is a much more upgraded version of Nelle from back in the day.. 

    Esme in the last two months has been far more enjoyable than at any point between April and November.

  3. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Frankly, I think GH's reluctance to dismiss Kirsten Storms only tells part of the story.  I think the other, perhaps more significant reason why this show won't at least "rest" Maxie, if not kill her off, is because she has B.J.'s heart.

    BJ's heart should give out. Maxie should die. Then Mac, Felicia, and Cody can raise her kids.

  4. Here is what I think:

    I think that Kevin will wake up believing that he is Ryan in Kevin's body. He will not press charges against Esme for hitting him and seek to actively help her. It is better to have Ryan in Kevin's body because Kevin has two hands.

    Esme will not run away and hide. She will advance and confront her foes.

    I think that Esme used her credit card to buy the bus ticket to Toronto to divert the police. She planted the letter from Maggie for the police to find. She then stole The Invader's credit card and used it to buy a plane ticket to Paris. She flew in the same plane that took Spencer and Trina to Paris but sat in a different section. She is stalking them right now. Esme will be responsible for Spencer's departure from the show on January 31.

    Esme knows she can't find Nikolas on her own. Laura searched for months and couldn't find him. Esme wants to murder Spencer in order to bring Nikolas out of hiding.

    I think Spencer's "death" will be similar to Esme's "death" in 2022 when she fell of the parapet and was missing for two months. I think that Spencer will be back in April. Posters in this discussion have stated that NAC won't be returning after he finishes his Netflix show. If that is the case then show will probably recast Spencer over the interim.

    This show's ratings will continue to rise with Spencer's departure and Jason's return.

    Spencer and Trina's trip to Paris from January 25-31 takes place two years after the ski trip during which Esme drugged Trina and made the sex tape.

  5. On 1/17/2024 at 11:20 PM, BrendaB said:

    Yes, they certainly do.  Those 2 actors are the best casting of "younger" adult characters on this show since the 1990s.  Esme's portrayer gives such a layered, complex performance every single time.  The character being the daughter of 2 classic GH villains (also being related to and guided by Kevin and Laura, the polar opposites of her biological parents, is a nice bit of symmetry).  That's the kind of legacy continuation we need!  I hope that push-and-pull tension stays balanced so they don't burn her up quickly into a cartoon villain.  Esme easily deserves to be the younger female lead for the show.  She's much more interesting than Joss or Trina.

    I don't know why this show wastes time on Flynn's dumb malpractice story or Willow's idiotic, irrational hatred for Nina.

    I agree with this, but they always write against her.

  6. 9 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    Did I miss Joss and Trina turning 21 and they are now of legal age to drink? At Trina's party, Joss was clearly walking around with a glass of white wine. Then they all toasted with champagne. There were no bottles of non-alcoholic "sparkling" anything. The gals were drinking. And no one thought anything off it.

    Did I miss their 21st birthdays? Seems like the show would have addressed it in some way.

    Josslyn, Cam, Trina, Spencer, and Esme are all the same age. In 2021 they were 18, in 2022 they were 19, in 2023 they were 20, and this year they are 21.

  7. How is this for a Spencer exit? Spencer is informed by the police that he is being investigated for his role in Ace's kidnapping and that he should not leave town. Spencer doesn't tell Trina or any member of her family that he is a suspect and leaves for Paris with her. After they depart, the police issue an arrest warrant for him. Spencer is now a fugitive and what happens with him after the semester in Paris is an open question.

  8. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    When you think about it it's such a complicated and convoluted plan.  Ryan was hoping his 16 or 17 year old daughter-

    1. Could catch Spencer's eye and hit it off with him

    2. Get serious enough to commit to her and take her back to Port Charles

    3. Then get close enough to Nik to have him sleep with

    4. Get pregnant.

    I supposed she succeeded but a master mind like Ryan could have figured out an easier plan to just get Ava back lol

    Plan A was to prank Ava until she abandoned her marriage. This plan failed because Spencer confessed.  Plan B was conceived in March 2022. Plan B was to access Wyndemere and seduce Nikolas, then tell Ava so she divorces him. Esme got herself into Wyndemere at the end of March. On May 12, Ryan ordered Esme to sleep with Nikolas. On June 1, Esme had sex with Nikolas and conceived Ace. Pregnancy was not part of the plan. Ace was the bonus.

  9. 3 hours ago, j swift said:

    I'm stuck on the dialogue that Spencer said to Esme when he told her that Nikolaus has Ace.  He said something like, 'your father sent you to Italy to manipulate me'.  Did he mean Ryan or Esme's adoptive parents?  And how does he know that?

    Ryan sent Esme to Spencer's boarding school in France to seduce and manipulate him. Esme's mission from Ryan was to infiltrate the Cassadine family and destroy the Nava marriage by whatever means necessary so that Ryan could get back Ava.

    Ryan told Ava these things right before he died.

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