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Posts posted by Aragorn

  1. Andrea the surrogate has had the procedure done and might be pregnant. What will happen next?

    1. Andrea dies in a car crash. Molly and TJ turn to Kristina to be the surrogate.

    2. The procedure fails. Molly and TJ turn to Kristina to be the surrogate.

    3. Andrea has TJ's baby. Tj falls in love with Andrea and breaks up with Molly.

    4. Andrea backs out of the agreement and wants to keep the baby. Molly and TJ fight her in court.

    5. Andrea has the baby and give it Molly and TJ without problems.

  2. When Nikolas returns, he will hate Ava for trying to murder him. He will hate Spencer for blackmailing him. He will hate Liz for turning him in to the police. He will hate Esme most of all and demand sole custody of Ace. Laura and Alexis will try to appeal to the good person they remember he once was, but that person will be gone. Nikolas will now be more like Victor and will regret not being awake to join Victor on his Greenland adventure. He will affirm Spencer's hatred of him.

    Nikolas will hire enough lawyers to beat the criminal charges against him. He will then demand Ace. Nikolas will disown Spencer and want to make Ace his sole heir. He will seek to ban Esme and Spencer from Ace's life and have him be raised by nannies on Cassadine Island. To keep himself in Ace's life, Spencer is forced into temporary alliance with Esme in opposition to Nikolas. Here is where the DNA test happens to establish Ace's paternity.

  3. I think that the version of Nikolas that Marcus Columna played was an impostor. Laura and Kevin will find the real Nikolas in Europe and bring him back to Port Charles. Impostor Nikolas will be rescued from Mason but then shown to be an impostor. The return of the real Nikolas will give Nikolas and Spencer a fresh start. Ava's marriage to the impostor Nikolas will be shown to have been a fraud, so the divorce settlement that gave her WIndamere will be thrown out. The Cassadines will possess Windamere again. Ace will be given a DNA test and will be revealed to be Spencer's son.

  4. 3 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I was just challenged to cut the cast by 10 on #SoapTwitter. Initially I was annoyed because I want to cut Chris & Dan & they're not cast. But, I coped. Gregory, Mason, Gladys, Dr. Montague, Finn, Dex, Esme, Curtis, Baby Ace & Violet. Anyone? 

    Gladys, Dr. Montague, Mason, Gregory, Marshall, Stella, Maxie, Olivia, Amy Driscoll, and Molly.

  5. I have been a fan of Molly since she was ten years old. That said, I no longer believe that new Molly is the same character. The actress looks older than Kate Mansi. I would prefer Molly be written out of the show until the Halley Pullos legal case is resolved.

    For the second day in a row, Spencer and Trina had the most boring scenes in the episode. Nothing new is being said between them.

    I like the Pentonville scene. I could go for a romance between Heather and Cyrus. I can also see a future alliance between Cyrus and Esme. Since Heather is now among the regular population in Pentonville it must be easier for her to escape, so I anticipate this to happen.

    I think Sasha will be locked up in a mental hospital until Sam and Cody figure out that she was drugged. By that time, I anticipate Gladys to have wiped out Sasha's bank accounts. A penniless Sasha will have to lean on Nina and Sonny.

  6. How will Gladys and Montague react to Sasha stabbing Cody? Will they do the honest thing and admit that Sasha's violence was drug-induced? Will they instead claim that Sasha is violently insane and must be kept locked up in a mental hospital, leaving Gladys forever in charge of her money? I expect the latter.

    Will Cody survive? I think so. Will this crisis lead to the revelation that Cody is Mac's son and Maxie's stepbrother? I hope it does.

  7. Spoiler

    I think Trina is a boring character and I would dump her from the show along with her boring mother Portia. I would keep Curtis but have him ditch his marriage with Portia. I would dump Marshall and Stella.

    Nina should adopt Sasha so that Sasha and Willow could be sisters. The adversarial relationship between Nina and Willow must end. Dr. Obrecht should stay around too.

    Spencer should be recast when NAC leaves. 

    I think that we have only scratched the surface of the Esme character and there is a long way to go with her.

    I don't care for Ava and would write her out. Mason must go. I like Austin now and think he should stay.

    I like Finn and want him to stay with Liz. Violet is always precious.

    Carly should go to jail and leave the show. Drew can go away forever too.

    Alexis should date Gregory, but have him slowly die of ALS. 

    TempMolly should hang around until Kristina is pregnant, then leave the show for a while and return with a new face around the time Kristina gives birth.

    Now that Britt is dead, Brad has no purpose. Ditch him.

    Maxie should have a heart attack and die. Mac and Felicia will then raise her kids.

    Get rid of: Carly, Drew, Trina, Portia, Maxie, Marshall, Stella, Ava, Mason, Brad


  8. Willow is recovering and can go home. If she is no longer dying, then what will they do with the character? She spent so much time dying that the audience gave up on her.

    Maxie and Felicia appear to be around the same age. Kirsten Storms must go.

    Kristina needs to have scenes with her father and brothers. So far she has only talked to her mom and sisters. She needs to make friends and have a love interest.

  9. 10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    In a SOD article a few weeks back they had a performer from each soap detail a typical day. The GH actor (can't remember who) was the only one who talked about taping into the evening. 

    The other shows were all done and dusted by the afternoon.

    So GH somehow makes the longer working day economical.

    All episodes to be shown in July and August were filmed in June. Production is down in July.

  10.  I like Ava and Austin together. I like Sasha and Cody together. I like Liz and Finn together. I like the Eddie Maine storyline. 

    Gladys needs to go soon. If Sasha doesn't reject her then the other characters must make her go away.

    Mason also needs to go soon. I think Ava and Austin will murder him and hide his body. This will draw out his employer.

    I don't like Spencer and Trina. I would enjoy watching them break up.

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