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Posts posted by heffer

  1. I certainly didn't share her political views, but definately a very intelligent, well thought out person. Was so much better than the Queen of Fox and Friends she had replaced.

  2. The problem the repubs have with Trump,Walker, and the rest of the clown car is they ONLY pander to their base. They do absolutely nothing to attempt to get the vote of the independent voter, which is the true key to winning the presidency. This was true of the last election when Obama was,frankly speaking, vulnerable because of the bad economy.An independent voter who is latino will probably not vote for Trump, the same with someone who gets a pension will not vote with Walker.

  3. I think I agree with you Khan. From what Phillips was writing, it didn't really sound like he was talking about any of the TV "daughters" and Erika would fit the description. Could be wrong though.

  4. I love the Spaulding living room, I hated that they got rid of it for showing that damn study all the time. But it also makes me laugh when I remember the Rauch years and Beth would lay around in her Chanel suits and as they said on the boards "hump the Spaulding couch and molest the liquor cart."

    Vanessa was so good at being a being a bitch when she needed to be "After your BLUNDER with Spaudling Pharmacutical.." they didn't need to bring in Marj/Alex, Vanessa should have been the rich biz conflicted sometimes bitch in town. I hated when she just simpered after Matt. Derwin and Mallet were sexy as hell and Ehlers was still a bit plump and not annoying at this time.

    This clip reminded me why I really, really hated Eleni and her fake accent, and AM being a puss over her. I liked Henry's dismissal of her. This was also the last time I liked Jenna..after they brough Buzz in I HATED her and she became another boring heroine.

    They had to keep Alex around because of the Nick storyline. Otherwise I agree with you, they could have just retired the character without Bev and make Vanessa the new diva of Springfield.

    Cosign about Eleni. It was very hard to feel for a bed-hopping tramp of what was supposed to a sympathetic character

  5. Not much of a surprise that the rape apologist is still defending Cosby. Another reason I don't bother with that trash show.


    There comes a time when his supporters have to step back and look at the facts. Could some of the numerous women just be "jumping on the bandwagon"? Maybe, but with this LEGAL document the benefit of the doubt has to go with them rather than him.

  6. Goose,cooked.

    Bill Cosby admitted in a 2005 deposition that he obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with. He admitted giving the sedative to at least one woman.

    The Associated Press went to court to compel the release of the documents, and they were made public Monday. Cosby's lawyers had objected on the grounds that it would embarrass their client.

    The 77-year-old comedian was testifying under oath in a lawsuit filed by a former Temple University employee. He testified he gave her three half-pills of Benadryl.

    Cosby settled that sexual-abuse lawsuit for undisclosed terms in 2006. More than a dozen women have since accused him of sexually assaulting them. Some believe they were also drugged. Cosby has never been criminally charged, and most of the accusations are barred by statutes of limitations.

    Cosby's lawyers in the Philadelphia case did not immediately return phone calls.


  7. That tone-deaf, shouty anti-gay screed Gov. Googly-Eyes made after the SCOTUS marriage decision must have spooked many (I read that he lost a major donor over it) - the Beltway, which has adored him for years, ran damage control this puff piece on his wife, trotting out the old Barbara Bush/Laura Bush talking points about how they don't agree with their husband's views and are therefore an (imaginary) moderating influence.


    And the wifey comes from a big union family. They must be so proud.rolleyes.gif

  8. I LOVED Nola giving Ed grief over his tryst with Lillian. I always felt that he did get off a hell of a lot easier than Lillian did.

    I don't remember though if Nola had at it with Lillian.Even in the episode posted above, I was waiting for Nola to give a "OH HELL NO!!!" with Nurse Raines working on her foot. But alas,nothing.

  9. About Walker...I could never vote for the Jebs,Rubios,Christies,even the Cruz's and Pauls of the world because they don't share certain political viewpoints as me. However, I can see a voter with a different point of view giving in to their "charms". Walker is another matter. He almost seems like a parody of a Republican politician with those crazy "deer in the headlights" eyes. Anyone who seriously thinks that the biggest foreign policy move of his lifetime is Reaqgan firing the air traffic controllers...geeez.

  10. I aways felt that they purposely underwrote for JC's Alice both times she returned in order to use her for a prop to VW's Rachel, so they could say "look, we made the right choice about who to keep all those years ago!" The fact that she didn't have any scenes with ghost-Steve during the anniversary epidodes, unlike Rachel and Jamie, was very telling.

  11. I never heard that before. Thinking about it now, Reinholt would been the right age range for the character of Alan. Although Christopher Bernau will always be "Alan" to me, I actually think Reinholt could have been a good recast of Alan when Bernau was finally too sick to play him in 1988.

    Yea I forget where I read it, might have been an old soap mag article. I agree that even though "Steve Frame" couldn't even take the place of the iconic Bernau, he probably would have been a better choice than Daniel Pilon, or even Ron Raines for that matter.

  12. I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that P & G tried to lure Reihholt back in the late 70's (after he left OLTL) for GL as a millionaire-type character. I wonder if this was what eventually became Alan Spaulding.

  13. That's exactly WHY they wrote Pilon's version that way. I think they decided to switch out Alan for Roger (since Michael Zaslow thankfully declined to portray Alan, as TBTB originally intended). As you said, the way that they wrote Alan with Pilon in the role certainly made ME want Alan to go to jail (and off the show). I don't think it was fair to Pilon, either.

    Unlike others, I didn't think Pilon's acting was THAT bad and he did have some of the CB Alan's mannerisms down (probably moreso than the Raines version). He didn't have Bernau's charisma in the character though. It was akin to replacing Larry Hagman as JR in DALLAS.

  14. I liked Pilon somewhat, but they did write him as an evil dullard that would go to lengths that the Bernau version would not go to stop Phillip and Blake's wedding. Almost as if to say "Hey look, Roger wasn't THAT bad after all"!

    100 percent agree about Parlato. His version of Clay almost feels like a dry run of Alan. Mantooth I really can't see though (and yes, I know he played "Clay" (imposter) also).

  15. I don't think Roscoe would have been a good match because Alan was supposed to be upper-crusty and RB always excelled at more "from the streets" type characters. He may had been better as a recast Roger.

    The biggest problem for me wasn't Raines, but the way the writers portrayed Alan as if they never went back and watched CB's version of the character.

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