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Posts posted by angel2devil

  1. Wow it feels like its been an eternity since I've been here (also since JE has been on GH but i digress)...

    Apparently SON and my computer are not the best of friends. ::sigh:: But I'm here now...if it allows me to post.

    Anyways, I can not wait to see la Lunacy again! Its been wwwaaaaayyyy too long!

  2. I was having an immensely dull and agrivating day but then when I come home and turn on the tv, a smile emerged on my face as I saw the gloriousness that is JE!

    I'm happy now (and that's a very good thing for those who would've been victims of my homicidal acts).

    But its all good now!

  3. Thank goodness its almost friday! This whole week has been oh so very tedious (both GH and school).

    Guess what I have to do for tomorrow for my Creative Writing class...... BAKE! You'd think I'd have to bake for like i don't know, my cooking class i have right before it... but no. She's having us write this menu thing and we had to pick something from it to cook and bring in....I think she's just hungry and pissed cuz we have 2nd lunch haha. So I'm making brownies with butterscotch chips!

    Oh and I actually wrote something....

    Chapter 12-


  4. I'm glad to hear that Hooked is okay, I was a bit worried earlier!

    I'm so freaking tired...that's what I get for waking up at 7:30 on a saturday.

    Totally OT but....I just got back from seeing "The Women"...... I don't care what critics and reviewers and anyone else says, I adore that movie!

  5. Angel...she is on one day next week with Alan from those medianet photos...not sure what day...but I can tell you how many times Liz sneezes next week and what color shirt she is wearing and how many buttons she will undo

    Thanks! Oh wow...there are no words....many many laughs though! haha

    LisaQ, nice vid!!

    Isn't boredom grand!?!?!?!

  6. I think I'm going crazy, writer's block being the catalyst. Ugh, I can't write!! :(

    Well since my brain is mush and I'm so not gonna do a project for a class I'm dropping....I made another vid! haha

    And surprise, I knew my luck with youtube wouldn't last long.....so I uploaded it to sendspace.

    I've had the song 'So What' by Pink stuck in my head so I used that song and clips of Tracy, Diane, and Alexis haha

    'So What'


  7. hooked, Thanks for posting the pics! haha Obviously JE wore it best, but then again CH had it covered by her jacket. But yeah...anyway....

    OT but, the other day I watched that new 90210 just for giggles and it kinda sucked but I will continue to watch cuz Jessica Walter is amazingly funny!

    Tabitha:My computer froze again.

    Harry: What did you spill on it this time?

    Tabitha: Scotch.


    Oh and guess who got youtube to like her again!! I'm just waiting for it to process...

    Here it is.....


  8. Okay much like MsQ, I can not bite my tongue, so forgive me. Oh.My.Gawd! The hair, oh the hair. Hmm...what's the right word....horrendous. ::sighs:: I know I shouldn't care but....I do. Whether it be my friends or my favs.

    But still... SHE'S GONNA BE ON! Oh the excitement!!!!!

  9. Angel Can't wait to se what happens in all of this! What willl Luke do when he finds out??

    Hmmm haven't gotten there quite yet.... I'm still wondering if I should bring back Laura in my story. Or if Luke should show up before or after the wedding. Any preferences?

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