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Posts posted by angel2devil

  1. Thanks for the recap remos! Can't wait to see it!

    Also, SID has Helena coming back in April! Yay! And this Ethan dude is on contract now.

    Aw this makes me giddy! Yay, clappity clappity! Please let it be true.

    Cute pic Tracy Quartermaine!

    Here's a pic of me...


    yeah, I don't smile in pictures cuz I have really high cheek bones...and it makes me look silly.

  2. Wow I haven't been home all weekend, it feels odd. Friday, after school, I went to my friend's house cause she's moving. Then saturday I went over to my other friend's house and another girl and I spent the night there. We are all getting over a Mamma Mia high (it's quite the addiction). We spent all last night watching it multiple times and since I have the sing-along DVD, we memorized the songs and the dances at the end. I'm shocked I still have a voice! But we had sooo much fun, acting silly and getting Waterloo stuck in our heads. My friends and I are insane.

    Thanks for the clips nex!

  3. He called her spankybuns when she first walked in, twice I believe but I could've been hearing things. It's been known to happen. haha

    In the beginning when she first got there, Ethan was sucking up saying how Luke talked about her and how she's so much lovelier in person. Tracy just gave him one of her looks like "sure, right kid."

    Overall I was pleased, not thrilled, but still she was on which is a major improvement. I loved how heated things got as well.

    Wow, today was actually a really good day for me. Well, now I have to go write a sonnet. yay.

  4. Savannah, ohmigawd girl! That is one crazy long list! haha

    As for fire drills etc.... we don't have ones at the end of the day or before school starts ot anything weird like that. Instead we have kids actually setting the school on fire (throwing cigarettes in the trash still lit) and pulling the alarm. Heathens.

    Woohoo Tracy's on today!

  5. I thought today's special little episode could've been much better, but I guess it wasn't all together horrible. At least we didn't have to see Sonny and Jason!

    I'm about to see how many words we can form out of "Tracy Quartermaine..." :lol:

    Like, we each do three, and then the next posters says what they normally would say and the adds three more. :lol:




    Yeah, check out that last word... I should get bonus points. And what? Didn't think I was serious about the three word game? :P

    You amuse me MsQ. I'll give it a shot...




    (this has got to be some psychological testing method haha)

  6. Hooked, that picture actually made me laugh out loud! ( i refuse to use the acronym)

    Re: Drama- ::smiles and waves to lurkers:: I have no commet or biting remark or insult (and believe me I can come up with more than a few). To be honest, I'm amused and touched that they care so much to read our thoughts. But here's a little hint to them: Above every post, there's a date identifying when it was posted (you know the year, etc) and I'm not sure if ya noticed but its 2009. If you want to read posts that are more current, there's a little numberline at the top and bottom of the page. Click it and enjoy!

  7. I honestly have to say the first part of this 'crisis' was very entertaining. Tracy getting sick, killer sarcasm, cast integration....

    But today was just dumb. That building is on a slow burn, Spinelli would be dead from smoke inhalation by now. How can the stairs work for some but not for others. And JaSam..... don't even get me started on how much I hate them together.

    I'm ready for this to be over and the next stage to begin. And get LuNacy back on my screen NOW. By the time they meet up next week it will be 7 weeks apart. Not that it's been all bad, because Tracy has actually been well shown and part of a story outside Luke, but enough is enough.

    ICAM remos!

    Personally I'm very happy that I got to see Tracy in a sweeps sl and that it was one that involved the hospital, but honestly...nothing happened that will be of much use to this show. I mean, no one (besides JE and LC) is even acting sick anymore! They killed off two characters and burned the hospital (at the speed of a freaking slug). Was the biotoxin really even necessary? No, of course not. But it was entertaining to see the Qs outside the mansion for a change!

    btw, YouTube and I are going through a mutual hatred at the moment. For some reason, it won't let me upload a vid. I keep getting this error thing. This displeases Tiffany. (to the point that she's speaking in 3rd person)

  8. MsQ, when did you ninja my mind? I was thinking of doing a vid to that song! haha oh well, mine wouldn't have been half as good as yours! I bow down to your greatness!

    Lisa, I *love* your cast vids and this one was just as fabulous! Its also great to know that I'm not the only who makes vids to Fall Out Boy! haha

  9. I think around 1700-1800 is considered a good, solid score. And individually, around 600 is considered good. This is for generally decent schools. That's from my experience, at least. Is this your first time taking them? If so, definitely take them again! You are like assured at least one number will go up.

    Thanks! If I added it up right, I think I got a 1698. Ugh. But in each individual section I'm above the requirements for the school I want to go to. But I'm still not happy with my scores.

  10. Angel, glad you are feeling better. If you feel faint again you should at least to go the nurse on campus.

    Yes ma'am, I promise.

    I feel like crap today. This hot/cold drama down here in the south is crazy. This is a real way to get sick. :blink: I had to remember to do this beofre I get liquiored up with the Nyquil.

    I hope you feel better funny!

    Today's episode (well the Tracy/Edward parts) made me smile. I hope she's on more and not just left in the room to never be heard from until the end of the storyline.

  11. I'm okay for now, besides the fact that my ankle/foot is killing me when I walk on it. So I decided to stay home today to avoid further irritation and possible fainting. My mom and I can't figure out why I fell but I can't exactly afford to go to the doctor. I probably just twisted something and didn't notice, I don't know. I haven't passed out or anything yet today so that's a good sign! haha

    MsQ, Yes I do live in Fl but it has been anything but hot! In fact it has been freezing cold outside, it sucks. Oh and you are too funny btw.

    Ohmigawd, I was just flipping through the tv channels and some older woman on the Jeffersons is wearing an outfit almost identical to Tracy's gray thing with the fur collar. No comment.

  12. So, today was a rare good day...until I collapsed. (ironic its the same day as Tracy haha go figure) But yeah, it was the end of the day and I was walking to the bus, next thing I know I'm falling and hit the ground. It wasn't like a trip fall forward or a faint backwards unconscious though. It was like a safe fall, like the kind you do in acting to fake a faint or whatever. I remember thinking (while falling) 'Am I falling? Did I trip?' and then I just sat there head down, looking at the ground. I didn't move until this one girl came up to me and asked if I was okay. I got up, said I was fine, and walked to the bus, barely really. I think somehow I twisted my ankle/foot on the way down (or that's how I feel cuz it gave out) cuz now it hurts like hell and is difficult to walk on and my knee is all scraped to hell and back. I'm super confused (and was in state of shock when it happened), I mean I don't understand what happened. Now I get to limp all over campus tomorrow. Yay.

    Re: "The Fall" (Tracy's that is)- I thought it could've been better but I'm sure JE was just going with what she was given, as always. I thought the "Oh crap" line was a little out of character, I don't know why. But I did think the whimpers at the end worked. Jason Thompson's performance needed work though in my opinion. I mean she's panting in front of you, yeah let's yell at her and argue, that's a good idea. Ugh.


    1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)


    1. Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)


    2. Luke and Tracy leave town together


    2. Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).


    3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


    2. Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene


    1. Kiss on New Year's Eve


    2. "Here's to men! ... falling off the face of the earth"


    3. Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica


    1. Spankster


    1. New Year's Eve


    2. Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front


    1. Jane laughing dressed as Frau

  13. Just wanted to pop in real quick and say Yay!! She's finally arrived.

    Also loved when she said "I'm fresh out of bullets," behind JI you could see Claire Coffee (Nadine) failing at trying to hide her smile at JE's performance.

    That's all I hate to say for now. I need to go do the dishes, laundry, take out the trash, and try to start my essay.

    Or maybe I should just smack my head against the pavement. That sounds almost as much fun.

  14. The guy who plays Matt's name is Jason Cook.

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Finally 18, woohoo! I really didn't do anything on my birthday, mostly studied. Saturday morning I took the SATs for 4 hours! I was really tired haha. Then I had 3 of my girlfriends come over and they spent the night at my house. It was very interesting. We went out for Pizza then came back and watched Mamma Mia while singing along at the top of our lungs. Now my voice is going and I'm pretty sure my neighbors hate me. ::evil laugh:: We were all acting really silly and stayed up late. As for presents I got a set of all these jasmine scented lotions and sprays, a notebook and pens, my friend baked me cookies (which is funny cuz she isn't by any means domestic), money, ::cough:wine coolers:cough:: , my dad hasn't given it to me yet, and my mom is taking me out later to get something.

  15. OMG!! I have been in love with Last request for about a year and no one around here has ever heard it (except on my ipod of course). That would be so good!!! Stay is a great song too, but I think Last request would get my vote for a great vid song

    I know what you mean. I've been addicted to that song for the longest time and none of my friends have ever heard of it. If no one uses it in a vid I will. (once i finish my essays)

    Yay she was on...made my day even better!

  16. Why so early you ask.... well there is a simple answer...

    The Evil Testing Serpent hates me.

    Thanks for wishing me luck though! I will most certainly need it.

    As for songs for a LuNacy vid....

    *In the Rough by Anna Nalick

    *I Love You by No Doubt (at least i think that's the song title)

    *Last Request by Paulo Nutini

    or if you want angsty...

    *Stay by Sugarland

    or more of a rock/punk sound

    *I'd Do Anything by Simple Plan

    I could come up with a lot more...but...well....my brain is mush.

  17. I hate the SATs so much right now that I want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly, it would be more pleasurable. I have to take them on saturday at freaking 7:30 in the morning. Kill me now!


    Please let Tracy be on tomorrow!!! That would make me so very happy. But then again why should I be happy tomorrow of all days, that's just silly.

    Well I'm off to go study the 600 words I have to know for the SATs. Happy happy joy joy!

  18. Heyyyy everyone!

    Ugh This past week were midterms and finals, oh the joy! Can you believe one of my english teachers actually had me grading her midterms for her two days before I was to take it!? I mean I knew I was gonna pass it but still.... it amused and confused me regardless. I'm so thrilled though that I got an A on my Economics final! Yay!!! Now onto American Government...oy.

    So.... when is Tracy gonna be on? GH has been rather tedious as of late, especially considering they're doing this big storyline....right, wake me up when Tracy gets involved.

    LisaQ, your vid was so sweet! Loved the song as well, nice choice!

    MsQ, you crack me up! That vid was just.....awesome.

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