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Everything posted by sungrey

  1. sungrey

    EPISODE 3 (07/18)

    (The screen turns white, and the town of Somerset is drawn line-by-line as the music builds) This... is Somerset. SCENE ONE An outside shot of an imposing-looking mansion nestled in on a hill. This is the Cleypool mansion, formerly owned by Emily Moore and Philip Matson but sold in the mid-1970s. The property was abandoned for several years before George Cleypool stepped in to buy it. George is inside sitting in his richly decorated study, looking at what appears to be a legal document amid the darkly-lit room. His butler, Fenwick, interrupts. FENWICK: Excuse me, Master Cleypool... you have a package waiting for you. GEORGE: (Looks up) Oh, good! I hope it's the special one I've been waiting on for a while. FENWICK: It better be... (lifts it up to bring it in) Because it is one of the heaviest packages I've ever seen you get. GEORGE: You know I'll compensate you for it. FENWICK: With combat pay, I hope. (Dryly smiles) Will that be all, Master Cleypool? GEORGE: Yes, Fenwick. You may go. As Fenwick exits, a younger man enters the study. After exchanging pleasantries with Fenwick, Zachary Cleypool approaches his dad. ZACHARY: Dad, I haven't seen you this excited in a long time. GEORGE: Wait until you see what this is... that is, if it's what I think it is. ZACHARY: You want to run that by me again? GEORGE: Never mind. (Opens package and sets it on the table) It is what George believed it was. Inside is a model of downtown Somerset. ZACHARY: Dad, other millionaires collect model trains. Planes. Cars. What are you doing collecting miniature cities? GEORGE: Take a closer look, son! (Encourages Zach to look down) ZACHARY: (Realizes what he's looking at) Uh... Dad, what are you doing with a model of Somerset? GEORGE: Playing God, that's what. Playing God. (George and Zachary look at the Somerset model as the picture fades to black and music plays) Somerset... brought to you today by Lilt. The only home permanent with gripper sponges. The way to shiny, beautiful hair. SCENE TWO We see the Grant's Preserve subdivision sign and condos behind it. Inside a condo, Susannah is unpacking some items with the help of Lahoma. SUSANNAH: Why did Dad decide not to help us and take off with the car? LAHOMA: I think he got a little misty-eyed looking at Somerset and how much it had changed. Realizing these condos are built on top of the plant where he worked for so long took a little getting used to and he wasn't ready. SUSANNAH: They're just condos. LAHOMA: (Looks over from the closet) Not to your dad. This town was a big part of his life. OUR life. This is the town where you were born. I know you didn't live here too long, honey, and I really admire your desire to come back to Somerset and start a new chapter... SUSANNAH: But you think coming back here opened up a lot of wounds. LAHOMA: Not really wounds, honey. (Comes over and helps Susannah with a load of clothes) We had some tough times here in Somerset, and most of them were connected with Delaney Brands. When you and I left town, I thought we'd have to start a new life without Sam. SUSANNAH: Then you had second thoughts and told people where we were. LAHOMA: God, when Ada found out, I swore Sam broke the speed records getting to Oklahoma. It only showed how much he loved me and you. But for a long time in our household, Somerset was a bad word. SUSANNAH: I intend on making it a good one. (Leans in and hugs Lahoma) CUT TO: Another house in a different part of the subdivision. This is the home of the Petterinos, and we see a car driven by Victoria pull up in front of the home. She goes inside. In the family kitchen, Rose Petterino is testing a sauce in a pan when Victoria walks in. ROSE: Mmm, Tori dear... taste. VICTORIA: Hello to you too, Mom. (Tastes off the spoon) How many different kinds of pesto can you make? ROSE: It's not pesto, honey...it's a different sauce Giovanni is thinking about testing in one or two dishes. Good? VICTORIA: Well, if you say it's not pesto then it's not... it's good. ROSE: I'll tell Giovanni it means with Tori's seal of approval. How was work today? VICTORIA: Good... I got to see the vaunted nurses lounge for the first time. ROSE: You act as if it's a state secret. VICTORIA: Before, the student nurses just had coffee in the hospital cafeteria. I feel like I've been admitted to the inner sanctum. ROSE: Honey, I think Alana really likes you as a nurse. She's raved about your abilities every time she stops in for takeout. VICTORIA: I like Alana too. She's a great mentor. She and Annabella are good friends... they don't do a lot together lately with how their jobs have fared... ROSE: But the family socializes very well. Alana's almost like a sister to both of you and another child to us with Johnny in Denver. VICTORIA: Alana thinks I'm jealous of Annabella, that I'm in her shadow. I'm not... am I? ROSE: (Comes over and puts hand on Victoria's shoulder) I know it's been hard listening to Giovanni moan on and on about Annabella this, Annabella that. But Giovanni and I love our children equally. VICTORIA: I know. I know. And it will show in the end. (Pauses) Need a hand with the sauce? ROSE: Sure, honey. Roll up the sleeves. (Rose and Victoria work on the sauce as the picture fades to black) We'll return to Somerset in just a moment. SCENE THREE Michael is still at Bernard's bar when another younger gentleman walks in. The man, Nick Barclay, bellies up to the bar for a beer. MICHAEL: If it isn't Somerset's youngest-ever city manager. NICK: On the prowl for a story, Mike? MICHAEL: Naa. Just got done with Lt. Garfield on a story about crime in Somerset. NICK: Or lack thereof... we've been pretty lucky there. Knock on wood. MICHAEL: (Reaches up to rap Nick on the head) Okay. NICK: Very funny. MICHAEL: I'm talking to Jack tomorrow regarding his big project... any light to shed with me on it? NICK: On or off the record? MICHAEL: Your choice. NICK: Either way, I couldn't help you. Jack has yet to brief me on what's going on and I'm like a son to him. MICHAEL: Well, you'll find out sooner or later what's going on. I think we all will. NICK: That's Jack's plan, anyway. CUT TO: The Cleypool mansion, where Zachary and George are studying the model. ZACHARY: Whoever worked on this model really knew what he was doing. GEORGE: It's pretty lifelike, isn't it? ZACHARY: Soon I'm going to wonder if you've got little people running around this model. (Sees something interesting) Wait a minute. These buildings aren't a part of downtown Somerset. Nor are those. (Looks at George) What is this? GEORGE: Oh, it's Somerset, all right. (Pauses) When I'm done with it. (The music swells to its conclusion as the picture fades to black and the Somerset credits roll) Join us each weekday at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And on many of these same computers, be sure to watch the romance and drama of Novi. Weekdays on SONBC. This program was pre-recorded.
  2. sungrey

    EPISODE 2 (7/17)

    (We open with the line-by-line drawing of the town of Somerset on the screen as the music reaches its dramatic climax...) This.... is Somerset. An outside shot of a high-rise building that is clearly a hospital campus, as the camera zooms in on one of the higher floors. Somerset Hospital is bustling with activity at midday, and nurse Alana Singleton is holding down the fort at the front desk when the phone buzzes. ALANA: (Picks up) Fourth floor, Nurse Singleton? (Cradles phone) Ah yes, I've been waiting for your results to come through... let me see... (Leafing through charts) Yes, Mr. Poindexter, we have your results back here and Dr. Kurtz wants to talk with you. It's good news... yes, Dr. Kurtz will be here this afternoon. We'll look forward to seeing you. (As Alana is finishing up the call, a young woman comes down the hall and puts away a few clipboards. The woman, Victoria Petterino, is a student nurse at the hospital who is just finishing up the last parts of her learning program before joining the staff full-time. Before Alana sees her, we see Victoria sit in a chair and lean forward.) ALANA: Hey there, Tori. Feet hurt? VICTORIA: Getting used to all the walking, that's all. How do you rate staying at the nurses station? ALANA: (Laughs) I don't. You should see me here when it gets chaotic. Which you will shortly when you finish all of your training. How'd it go today? VICTORIA: I'm slowly getting the hang of some stuff that didn't come clear to me before. I can't believe my training is almost over. ALANA: Believe it. And also believe that the whole staff is looking forward to having you on board. VICTORIA: Why, because my father makes the best Italian food in all of Somerset? ALANA: Okay, you got me. It was the spaghetti. (Laughs) How about we indoctrinate you in another way of life for nurses? VICTORIA: Does it involve changing bedpans? ALANA: No, this involves a cup of coffee. Come on, it's time you saw the nurses' lounge for more than just a couple seconds. VICTORIA: Ooooo, I can't wait. (She walks away with Alana as the music plays, and the scene changes...) The outside of the building reads "The Register", Somerset's daily newspaper. Inside the busy newsroom, we zero in on a cubicle where a young man is sitting at his keyboard, taking notes on a story. The man, Michael Wagner, is a metro reporter for the Register. MICHAEL: Jack, I didn't think I'd hear from you right away. I tried you at the office yesterday later, but you'd already left... ah, I see. Welcoming a new resident to Somerset is always good.... you want to do 3:30? That's fine by me. Whatever new details you can pass along is great... Thanks as always, Jack. Take care. (As Michael hangs up the phone he is startled by a face leaning over the cubicle wall) MICHAEL: I didn't do anything, officer... honest... The man, Lt. Scott Garfield, laughs. SCOTT: Relax. I was here to see one of the editors on a completely different matter. But now that I'm here, didn't you want to talk to me? MICHAEL: You gotta check your messages more often. SCOTT: Sorry. I'm still not computer-savvy. I'm an old-guard police officer. MICHAEL: Your office put out a press release touting a new way of life in Somerset. I'd be interested in going to Bernard's next door to talk about it. SCOTT: Liquid lunch? We're both on duty, you know. (Laughs) MICHAEL: One beer won't hurt. Let's go. (The two exit the office, as the picture fades to black with the sponsor tag) Somerset... is brought to you today by digestible all-vegetable Crisco. For fried foods that contain no cholesterol... and for flaky pie crusts... you can trust Crisco. We fade back in on Bernard's Restaurant, one of the downtown watering holes. We see Scott and Michael sitting at the bar, talking with an older gentleman who is the restaurant's owner. BERNARD: What can I get you gentlemen? Tap or bottle? SCOTT: Tap for me. Make it the weak stuff, I still have to go back to the office and file a few reports. BERNARD: I'll have you know, Lt. Garfield, that I always keep the strong stuff around. MICHAEL: He's not kidding. I've been here many a late night. BERNARD: One drink order from you and I can sleep better at night knowing my restaurant's in the black. Coming right up. SCOTT: (Laughing as he opens a folder) You have a reputation in this town as a hard drinker? MICHAEL: A hard drinker and a hard reporter, as you may find out one day. SCOTT: Allow me to stay on your good side for this story. It has to do with Somerset's crime rate being at its lowest level in nearly 25 years. MICHAEL: I think we can tout that on our front page! I know that will make some people in this town happy. SCOTT: You're looking at one. I learned under Lt. Will Price, he was one of the best. He didn't want to retire until the crime rate started going down. You never knew Will, did you? MICHAEL: No, but one of our more memorable investigative reporters worked with him. Greg Mercer was a tiger, and I'm sorry I didn't work back in the era when people like Greg and Steve Slade were dogging the cops about the syndicate's presence in this town. SCOTT: Thankfully we won't have to worry about the mob this time around. You're stuck with me, I guess. (The men laugh as we go back to the nurses' lounge, where Alana and Victoria are nursing cups of coffee) ALANA: It's been a long week here for me, that's for sure. I've logged about 50 hours and more to come. VICTORIA: Can't you limit your work week if you wanted to do it? ALANA: I've been told I can, but truth is I love it here. Not much of a relationship person, you knew that. Now you on the other hand... I've seen the way you turn faces around here when you walk around the halls. VICTORIA: And most of the faces I turn are under 30, is that what you're telling me? ALANA: Oh, Tori, don't get me wrong. Don't take it the wrong way. VICTORIA: I've been told by Mom and Dad that I have flawless features, a great face... but I'll let Annabella do all the modeling, thank you. ALANA: (Sips coffee) How is Annabella, anyway? VICTORIA: Wrapping up a modeling assignment in Italy. She's talking about returning to Somerset after that for a few months. I know it'll make Dad happy. ALANA: Come on. He loves you too. He loves all his children equally. VICTORIA: I know that. I think he's happiest about me because I went to nursing school and am nearly finished with my education. Annabella's taken some college but she got distracted by the modeling... ALANA: How come she's never thought about coming back here? VICTORIA: She's making great money over in Italy. She has freedom. But Dad's after her to settle down, find a guy to make her happy, run the restaurant... ALANA: Mmm hmm. So Mom and Dad can retire, right? VICTORIA: (Sipping coffee and laughing) Yeah. Dad's talked about retiring, but I think he'd rather have Annabella running the restaurant before he makes any moves. ALANA: Let me give you a piece of advice. (The camera zooms in) Men. They're not worth it. (Victoria looks all serious at Alana as the picture fades) We'll return to Somerset in just a moment. (The scene fades back in on Alana and Victoria) ALANA: Sorry if I sound so harsh about that. I didn't mean to be. VICTORIA: Wait until a certain gentleman hears how you really feel. ALANA: Tori Petterino, don't you dare tell him. VICTORIA: (Smiles) Pass me and my lips are sealed. (Laughs) I'm just kidding. I know. I've had the opportunity to go on a few dates here and there and I always turn them down. It drives my mom nuts. ALANA: Someday, your prince will come. Either that, or you'll take my job when I take over this hospital. (The nurses laugh. We leave the hospital and head back to the bar) MICHAEL: Thanks for the good story. This will work in nicely with another idea I'm working on. SCOTT: Wouldn't involve Jack Martin by any chance, would it? MICHAEL: (Appears a little startled) It would. Why do you ask? SCOTT: No reason. I know he's really gung-ho about renovating certain parts of downtown and this story will play right into the hands of his investors. MICHAEL: If Cleybank Corporation doesn't get its hands on that property first, that is. SCOTT: We can only hope it doesn't happen. (Sips beer) For Somerset's sake. (Michael nods his approval as he downs his beer quickly. The picture fades.) Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And on most of these computers, be sure to watch another newcomer drama, The Pride and The Prejudice. Weekdays on SONBC. This program was recorded.
  3. Thanks. I thought it was very important to establish the Sam-Lahoma-Ada link, since AW didn't do a really good job of it (heck, after 1974-75 they all but forgot about Sam). My style of writing will be a lot like the P&G soaps of the 70s. In other words, it might be slow-paced but I hope you like it... lol Tell your friends. Thanks!
  4. The serial opens with a sweeping camera view as we focus in on a car driving along a highway, with a woman in her late 30s at the wheel. The car drives along, and we see an exterior shot of the car passing a nice display with a sign that says "Welcome to Somerset". The car pulls over at a scenic overlook, and the woman gets out to view the area. Another car is heard pulling up behind the stopped vehicle, and we hear a woman's voice. The voice is that of Lahoma Lucas, who still has that Southern spitfire charm. LAHOMA: Susannah, honey, why did you pull over? SUSANNAH: Is this where you and dad spent a few nights admiring the view? The next voice is that of Sam Lucas, Susannah's father. SAM: Well, when we first moved here this was the place to go if you wanted to spend some (looks down at the view)... Holy mackerel! SUSANNAH: Changed a lot since you were here? SAM: I'll say. Lahoma, honey, take a look. LAHOMA: (Approaches the overlook) What the... wow, people weren't kidding when they said this town changed. For the first time, we see the Somerset skyline, complete with several skyscrapers and bridges where cars are busy crossing. Suffice to say Somerset looks radically different than it did in 1976. SAM: Still want to live here, honey? SUSANNAH: Dad... I said I wanted to make a fresh start. And what better place to do it than the town where you and mom moved a long time ago. LAHOMA: The place where a lot of things happened... some good... some bad... SAM: A lot of treachery... some dealings with the mob... Susie honey, it's not too late to change your mind. SUSANNAH: (Smiles) Nope. I've made up my mind. This is my home. SAM: Always headstrong, just like your mother. Then what do you say we descend the hill and begin your new journey. SUSANNAH: I'm game if you are. As the Lucases return to their respective cars and speed off, we hear the scene's closing music. (The screen fades to white, and the city of Somerset is drawn line by line on the screen until finished with the accompanying dramatic music. Once the outline is complete, the picture turns to a daytime view of the skyline with the Somerset logo) This... is Somerset. Brought to you today by fresher than ever Lemon Fresh Joy. For a beautiful shine that's a nice reflection on you and your dishes. SCENE TWO A high-rise building in downtown Somerset is shown, and we fade in on a young woman sitting at a desk. The woman, whose name is Joanne, is on the phone. JOANNE: Yes, I've got Mr. Martin's schedule right here. He can see you Thursday at either 2:15 or 3:30. I know he wants to get this done as soon as possible, Mr. Wagner... fine, I'll have Jack get in touch with you as quickly as I can. Thanks for calling, have a good day. As Joanne is hanging up the phone, Sam, Lahoma and Susannah come in the office. JOANNE: Can I help you? SAM: Yes. Wondering if an old friend is in. JOANNE: You're referring to Jack? Is he expecting you? Do you have an appointment? SAM: If you can tell him his mentor stopped by to see him, that'd be great. JOANNE: (Looking momentarily puzzled) All right. Hold on one second. (Disappears behind the door) SUSANNAH: Dad... what's this all about? SAM: You'll see. LAHOMA: All this mystery? I don't remember you mentoring anyone when you were at Delaney Brands. SAM: You might recall this face. (A voice can be heard behind the door) JACK: (Emerges with Joanne) Someone said something about a mentor? (Sees Sam) Oh my... Sam Lucas! (Comes over and hugs Sam) SAM: Jack Martin, how the heck are you? JACK: Not bad at all. This must be Lahoma... and... Susannah? This can't be Susannah. SUSANNAH: When you last saw me I must have been all of what, three or four? SAM: Jack Martin, this is Susannah Lucas, my now-grown daughter and a practicing attorney. JACK: Followed in her dad's footsteps, I see... and hopefully just as smart as Sam is. Lahoma, it has been too long. LAHOMA: Same here, Jack. I vaguely recall you spending some time with Sam in the office. JACK: Just before you and Susannah were shepherded out of Somerset for your safety, most likely. Sam taught me everything I know. How to amass a fortune... how to do the smart thing with your parents' estate... how not to buy a beloved Somerset treasure, turn around and sell it for a profit but gut the company in the process... SAM: We all make mistakes, Jack. You can argue Delaney Brands wasn't the same once Leo Kurtz got done running it. Heck, Robert bought back the company and even his heart wasn't in it. LAHOMA: Now there's an unwelcome blast from the past. (Realizes what she said) Oh goodness, I meant Leo, not dear Robert... Anyways, Mr. Martin... JACK: Call me Jack, please. I don't believe in too many formalities. LAHOMA: Jack, what's up with Delaney Brands? Is the cannery still in operation? JACK: No, unfortunately... the conglomerate that owned Delaney moved a lot of business away from Somerset. The cannery turned into condos a few years ago when I and a few other associates rescued the land and built homes on it. You might see it if you're staying here a while... it's called Grant's Preserve. SUSANNAH: Grant's Pre... wow, did I buy a smart piece of land. LAHOMA: Honey, that's where your condo is? SUSANNAH: Yes. I saw the website online and just fell in love with it. JACK: We had to do something to honor Ben Grant. He was such an integral part of the community. It was either that or name a street after him here. I still recall Ellen crying when I called to tell her the good news. By the way, Sam, I was very sorry to hear about Ada. SAM: Thank you, Jack. Your card is still right by her picture. She got to spend some quality time with Nancy in Arizona before she died, but towards the end you could tell there wasn't much time. JACK: She was outspoken, that's for sure. A true gem. LAHOMA: Not a day goes by where we don't think of her. I can still recall her giving Sam a piece of her mind about letting me go without a fight... heck, she had an opinion on just about everything. JACK: Dearly missed. (Changes the subject) How long are you two here? LAHOMA: We're here until the end of the week. Sam's got a trial back in Oklahoma City next week so we have to get back. JACK: (Looks amazed) Still practicing law? After all these years? SAM: I'm having too much fun. Much like you are here with your projects. JACK: I'll have to fill you in on the big one I'm working on. If you thought Somerset had changed a lot already... LAHOMA: Oh yeah. I hardly recognized the city when we came in here, except for the bridge over the river. That hasn't changed one bit. JACK: We'll all have to get together for dinner before you go. You'll flip when you see what I've got planned. Now I just have to convince the city that it can take more upheaval. (As Jack smiles, we see Sam, Lahoma and Susannah look at each other as if they're saying "more development?") We'll return to Somerset in just a moment. SCENE THREE (Fade in on a pleasant subdivision with condos, and two cars driving down a street to a building with an exterior lot. Susannah gets out of her vehicle, and Sam and Lahoma emerge from theirs) SUSANNAH: Grant's Preserve. Looks just as nice as it did in the picture. SAM: Unbelievable. To think this is where the factory once stood. If I talk to Robert in the future, I'm going to have to tell him what this place looks like now. LAHOMA: Careful. He's getting up there in years. Don't want to drive him to an early grave. SUSANNAH: Early... with Robert? SAM: (Laughs) Ready to see your new home? SUSANNAH: Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go. (As Sam, Lahoma and Susannah enter the condo, the scene cuts back to Jack's office, which has a great view of Somerset's skyline) JACK: (Picks up phone) Joanne, if you want to knock off for the day and get some errands done, I don't think the rest of the day is going to be a problem. JOANNE: All right, Jack. Have a good night. Don't work too hard. JACK: (Shakes his head) Not a problem. Take care. (He puts down the phone and arises from his desk. Turning around and staring out the window, he focuses in on one area of Somerset's downtown that appears to have fallen into disrepair. Jack looks lost in thought.) JACK: For you, my dear. (Raises whiskey glass). I'm doing this for you. (The scene fades out... then we hear the Somerset theme as the credits roll.) Join us each weekday at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And on many of these same computers, be sure to watch Point Palace. Weekdays on SONBC. This program was pre-recorded.
  5. To get everyone up to speed before Somerset premieres, here are some teasers from creator Steve Ungrey about what to expect in the future weeks. "Don't be surprised by the show's slow pace," Ungrey said. "From our premiere Monday, I want to establish the characters and slowly lay the groundwork for some good stories in the months to come." With that in mind, here are some coming attractions. "The town is the star," Ungrey said. "It's changed a lot since viewers last saw it in 1976. Delaney Brands is gone. Parts of Somerset fell on hard times after that. Jack Martin (Lane Davies), one of our characters, made a lot of money from selling Delaney to a worldwide conglomerate, but he had no idea the parent company would gut the business and drive it out of town. Jack's made up his mind that he wants to reshape Somerset in his vision to make up for what he did. His nemesis in business, George Cleypool (John Beck), only remembers what Jack's sale did to Somerset and he's determined to put a stop to it. George's son Zachary (Kyle Brandt) appears to be just as cool and uncaring as George, but we'll soon see he has a softer side to him." Politics will play a big role in the show's first several months. Don't expect many references to the upcoming election, though. "Nick Barclay (Don Jeffcoat) is Somerset's youngest city manager ever. He's dedicated his life to being a good public servant, although we'll soon find out he had a previous relationship that didn't turn out well in the end. That's not to say love isn't around the corner for him, though." Somerset's main core family, the Petterinos, run Giovanni's, a down-home Somerset restaurant with some of the best Italian cooking this side of the Amalfi Coast. "Giovanni (Frank Runyeon) made up his mind that he wanted to get a business degree so he would have some background in the event his dreams failed," Ungrey said. "Luckily they didn't. He met Rose (Susan Pratt) in college and they had three wonderful children. Only Tori, short for Victoria (Melissa Gallo), is on the canvas at the moment, but we'll see Annabella (Michelle Ray Smith) in the opening weeks as she returns from modeling in Italy. Annabella is quite attractive and headstrong, but in the end she's daddy's girl and she wants anything to please her father. Tori isn't jealous; she is a beginning nurse at Somerset Hospital and is on the verge of fulfilling her dreams." As for the two characters with previous ties to Somerset, Susannah Lucas (Stacy Edwards) and Patrick Kurtz (Matt Crane), they will spend some time together but don't anticipate romance -- not yet, anyway. "Susannah and Patrick briefly socialized when their respective families would meet," Ungrey said. "Patrick is very happy to have Susannah back in Somerset, but there's something not quite right going on. Viewers will see down the line what that problem is, but we won't have a clue at first." Now that you know the characters and what to expect in the first months, get ready for the return of a 1970s soap with a new twist. Somerset. Monday on SONBC.
  6. (SONBC) -- As the daytime drama Somerset nears its July 16 premiere on SONBC, series creator and head writer Steve Ungrey steps out from behind the keyboard to talk about his newest entry and get viewers ready for what he hopes is a show that they will enjoy. SONBC: What is your vision of Somerset? STEVE: I'm writing Somerset as a story where the city itself is a central character. It's obvious that in over 30 years this town has grown up but it's also lost some of its old charm. Delaney Brands has met with some surprising developments. There are differing visions of what Somerset should look like and people who want to pursue their own agendas. SONBC: What can you tell us about the show itself? Can you elaborate on some storylines? STEVE: If you're looking for spoilers, you've come to the wrong place. I prefer to keep the audience guessing. It's why we haven't unveiled the original cast yet. There are a couple roles where if I mentioned what everything was about, the viewers would immediately get what was going on. I want to keep our viewers intrigued. SONBC: Anything to tell the audience? STEVE: Sit tight. The first few weeks may be slower paced. I want to take time to build the atmosphere of Somerset, to build in the characters and set the stage before we launch heavy into storyline. I don't want to turn viewers off, and heaven forbid if I do, but if the story moves too quickly then the viewers are going to feel lost. SONBC: Tell us about what the characters will be going through when Somerset premieres. STEVE: The first two characters we position on the canvas for stories are Susannah Lucas and Jack Martin. I've always loved Stacy Edwards' acting all the way back to Santa Barbara, and it's a thrill for me to write a character specifically for her. Susannah is a lawyer in her late 30s who idolizes her dad enough to follow in his footsteps. And yes, we are bringing Jordan Charney and Ann Wedgeworth back for the first week of the show and having them pop in as needed occasionally, and I pay homage and tribute to a dearly-departed Another World resident in the first Somerset episode. Jack Martin isn't necessarily a Donald Trump type. He isn't a billionaire by any means, but he's amassed a large enough fortune where he can guide his own business holdings and projects. There's a certain section of Somerset he wants to rehab for one special reason, and our viewers will find out soon enough what that reason is. SONBC: Do viewers have to be familiar with the 1970s version of Somerset to watch this version? STEVE: Absolutely not. This version takes two characters who are children of characters who used to be on the show. For instance, Matt Crane's character. Dr. Patrick Kurtz, I've established, is a son that Stanley Kurtz and Teri Martin had after they left Somerset for Arizona in 1976. We've aged the character just a bit for soap purposes. SONBC: Any advice for the audience? STEVE: Don't expect James Reilly flights with escapism. Don't expect Ellen Weston-style assassinations of character. I'm my own writer. I don't have a style like any famous writer. My scenes may not always crackle with emotion, but if I'm writing a big scene rest assured I'll give it my all. This is a soap that all ages can enjoy. It's a throwback to the past. I hope you enjoy.
  7. (SONBC) -- With the premiere of the SONBC blogsoap "Somerset" just under four weeks away, the last of the announced characters has been cast by Steve Ungrey (sungrey) and his crackerjack staff. ZACHARY CLEYPOOL, the young son of George Cleypool and one of George's two children (the other, Emily, is currently off the canvas), will be on the map as Somerset premieres July 16. Zachary is being groomed by George to take over the Cleybank Corporation, the family business, but he may find himself sidetracked by other things. KYLE BRANDT, late of "Days of our Lives" (ex-Phillip), has been cast as the somewhat nefarious son who could turn out after all to have a heart of gold. Two other characters are on the canvas, both of which will be introduced by summer's end, and information about these new characters have been held back until their first airdate. Check back here next week for an interview with Ungrey regarding the show, followed the first full week of July by a sneak peek at the storylines.
  8. Keith, you must be reading my mind or something regarding one of your casting choices. For the record... and the ones reading this are the only ones to know this for now... Aubrey Dollar will be in my Somerset blog, but her character is one of them I can't talk about just yet. Good minds think alike, must be.
  9. (SONBC) -- The daytime drama Somerset continues to add cast members in advance of its July 16 debut on SONBC, including more former soap actors and actresses in roles. Joining the previously cast Dan Gauthier, Don Jeffcoat, Lane Davies, Stacy Edwards, Kristi McDaniel and Matt Crane are the following characters and actors. LT. SCOTT GARFIELD -- The chief of Somerset's police force, Scott cut his teeth as a rookie cop under former Lt. Will Price and aspired to reach Will's level someday. That time is here, and he presides over Somerset at a time of peace among the residents. As we all know on a soap opera, that will change. MARK PINTER, formerly of As the World Turns, Another World and a host of other soaps, adds Somerset to his list. GEORGE CLEYPOOL -- The Cleypools bought the old Moore mansion, which rests spookily on a hill high atop the Somerset skyline. For whatever reason, George is against the reforms that people like Jack Martin want to bring to Somerset. Does he have his own hidden agenda? Does he want to reshape the city his own way? Veteran actor JOHN BECK, who counts Santa Barbara and Dallas among his soaps, joins the inaugural cast. GIOVANNI PETTERINO -- The owner of Giovanni's, Somerset's premier Italian restaurant and trattoria. Don't think The Godfather when you think about the Petterinos, think something closer to Ryan's Hope albeit on an Italian scale. Giovanni is the hard-working patriarch of the family and a friend to all. Of course, like any proud papa, he dotes on his daughters, one of whom is already in Somerset and another is on the way. Welcome FRANK RUNYEON (ATWT, SB) back to daytime. ROSE PETTERINO -- Rose, Giovanni's college sweetheart, stands by her man in the restaurant and in life. Rose and Giovanni have been active participants in the reforms of downtown Somerset and are eager to see what will take place. SUSAN PRATT, who counts All My Children and Guiding Light among her soaps, is the matriarch. ANNABELLA PETTERINO -- The oldest of the Petterino daughters, Annabella opens the show in Italy but soon makes her way back to Somerset, eager to keep a modeling career going but also ready to think about life as the next generation owner of Giovanni's. MICHELLE RAY SMITH plays Annabella. VICTORIA PETTERINO -- Annabella's younger sister and the youngest of the three Petterino children (the middle son, Johnny, is off the canvas when the show opens), is in college studying to be a nurse. As such, Alana takes Victoria under her wing very often and talks about life and relationships. MELISSA GALLO plays Victoria. "There are a couple other roles yet to be cast," Somerset creator and head writer Steve Ungrey said. "There are also a couple of roles that I can't mention any specifics on at this point because the mystery has to be played up on these characters first of all." Ungrey said the remaining characters would be cast by the end of June, and at that point he will offer a sneak preview of the opening weeks of storylines on Somerset. The five-day a week blogsoap joins the SONBC lineup next month.
  10. SOMERSET CASTS THREE CHARACTERS FOR JULY 16 DEBUT (SONBC) -- Another three actors have been announced for the July 16 premiere of "Somerset", a new SONBC serial that will be blogged five days a week. Heading the cast announcements is the addition of DAN GAUTHIER, who previously played Kevin Buchanan on ABC's "One Life To Live". Gauthier has been signed as Michael Wagner, a reporter for The Somerset Register, the city's longtime newspaper. Wagner is a reporter in the vein of journalists like Greg Mercer and Steve Slade, a metro writer who longs for the big investigative story to come along that launches his career into the stratosphere. KRISTI McDANIEL, formerly Aremid resident Sarah on "Days of our Lives", returns to daytime screens following a long absence in the role of nurse Alana Singleton, who works as a registered nurse on the fourth floor of Somerset Hospital. Alana, who used to date Nick Barclay, has lied low in the relationship department since her friendly breakup with Nick a couple years back, but she has the eye of a Somerset resident. Alana works closely on the fourth floor with Dr. Patrick Kurtz and other doctors and nurses. Finally, former "Another World" star MATT CRANE has been lured back to daytime as the aforementioned Dr. Kurtz. The son of Stanley Kurtz (Michael Lipton) and Teri Martin (Gloria Hoye), Patrick was conceived following the couple's move to Arizona in the mid-1970s. Patrick has since moved back to Somerset and is struggling to live up to the legacy his father left behind. These three join the previously announced casting of STACY EDWARDS (Susannah Lucas), LANE DAVIES (Jack Martin) and DON JEFFCOAT (Nick Barclay) for the premiere of Somerset... coming July 16 to SONBC. Final casting announcements will come later in June, along with a teaser from headwriter and creator Steve Ungrey on what to expect from Somerset.
  11. LANE DAVIES, STACY EDWARDS, DON JEFFCOAT ANNOUNCED FOR SOMERSET CAST The first three roles have been cast for the new SONBC drama Somerset, which has its premiere on July 16. The revival of the 1970s NBC serial centers around the return of a character who used to live in Somerset with her parents all those years ago, and she will serve as the loose link for a new batch of characters and storylines. STACY EDWARDS, a veteran of "Santa Barbara" and numerous primetime and movie roles, has been tapped to play the role of Susannah Lucas. The daughter of former Somerset residents Sam and Lahoma Lucas, Susannah has chosen to hang her lawyer's shingle in the town where her father once practiced law. Susannah, who is in her late 30s, is the type of character who puts her professional life ahead of what goes on personally. The classic workaholic type, Susannah has had no reason to find love even though her parents, Sam and Lahoma, long ago worked out their romantic struggles. LANE DAVIES, who starred on Santa Barbara from 1984-89 and has acted in numerous stage and TV roles since then, will play the pivotal character of Jack Martin. Jack, a successful entrepreneur, bought Delaney Brands from Robert Delaney before turning around and selling it to a worldwide conglomerate. Although he earned millions in the sale, he has long regretted what it did to the community as the cannery and plant where Delaney Brands once stood were closed down and eventually demolished. Jack, in his late 50s, has worked hard to improve Somerset ever since by imposing his own vision of what the town should look like. DON JEFFCOAT, formerly the Reverend Joey Buchanan on One Life to Live, will play Nick Barclay. Nick, in his early 30s, is Somerset's youngest city manager and a political protege. Jack has attached his financial backing and networking skills to Nick's rapidly rising star. Nick is eager to hear what Jack has planned to revive Somerset's downtown and has been a backer of Jack's plans. But will Nick be sidetracked by something -- or someone -- that could pose a beguiling presence for him? More roles to be cast soon as Somerset nears its July 16 premiere.
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