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June 30, 2006



-Tek and Patrick await meeting with their boss. They beleive it is Tony sicne Stefano is dead. Patrick worries that no matter who it is him and Tek will never be out of the messes they are in.

-Stefano waits with Andre. A Dimera guard tells him almost everyone has made it to shore. Stefano is pleased. He also alerts him to the fact that Carrie and some other prisoners are still MIA. This angers Stefano and he orders the guard to find them ASAP before they find John or some of the other new guests. Stefano and Andre are unaware that Marlena is watching them nearby. "So Tony is really Andre. I should have known he was far too evil and supervillain-like to be Tony. I wonder where the real Tony is. Oh well, no matter. I will just take care of them both and then all the other fools who have arrived on the island that need to feel my wrath," Marlena coldly says. Marlena hides when Bart arrives to ask Stefano if he is ready for Tek and Patrick to come up and finally learns that they are still working for the big cheese-meaning Stefano. Stefano agrees and orders Bart to go get them. Stefano and Andre laugh at the thought of Tek and Patrick learning that Stefano is still in charge.

-John and Shane find Celeste, Bonnie, Eric, and Greta in the cavern. He asks where Belle is. Eric tells him he went looking for him. John and Shane run off to find her. Celeste feels that all the others are in danger. Eric wants to go out there too but feel faint and nearly passes out. Greta and Nicole don't want him going nowhere. Greta agrees to go out in place of Eric to help find Belle and the others. Eric doesn't want her in danger but Greta doesn't let up and just takes off. Eric tries to go after her but nearly faints again. Nicole says she wants to know what Eric is hiding. Eric says he is being completely honest-he just must be hungry or it is from hitting his head so many times lately. Nicole worries as Celeste looks on and quietly predicts, "Eric is hiding something-something devestating that will cause so much pain for many of his loved ones."

-Belle lies unconcious in the woods with a gash across her head as the storm worsens.

-Hope revives Chelsea and she drags an unconcious Chelsea with her to the side of a cliff. It gives them some shelter. Chelsea seems hypthermic and Hope uses her jacket to warm her. The gash in her leg appears infected. Chelsea is semi-conscious and she asks Hope:

Chelsea: if she is going to heaven to be with her family.

Hope: Not if I can help it.

Chelsea: Why do you care so much? I killed your son and made your life a living hell. Moreover, why did you save me from the shark and everything else?

Hope: I am not heartless Chelsea. Your Bo's daughter and I can see some of him in you. I would never forgive myself if I didn't try to save you. It is what Bo would want. It is what Zach would want.

Chelsea begins to cry and begs Hope to just let her die. Hope defantly yells:

Hope: No! This family can't take another loss and you are part of this family. You have hurt me and you have done some things but you are still Bo's daughter and my stepdaughter and no matter what has happened I am not going to stand by and let you die-whether you like it or not.

Chelsea gives up disagreeing as Hope tries to figure out what to do to help her and her infected leg.

Chelsea: You don't know what to do. Do you"

Hope: I will figure out something or get help.

Chelsea: From who? Everyone else could be dead.

Hope: Well, you must not know them all like I do-especially John. Knowing him he is on this very island already looking for us.

Chelsea: He may think we are still out to sea. You may as well leave me to die and be with my family and friends in heaven, if that is where I go.

Hope: Despite what you did, you will go to heaven Chelsea. That is what Zach would want and God knows he is a good reference. But you aren't goin nowhere-your mother and father would not want me to let you give up that easy. You need to fight.

Chelsea: For what? I have no one left.

Hope: You have me and I am here whether either of us likes it or not.

Chelsea is stunned and then passes out again. Hope begs Chelsea to wake up and wonders what she can do to save her.

-Victor makes it shore with Maggie. He takes her to a cave. Her arm is losing alot of blood and Victor fears it can get infected. He begs Maggie to hold on and promises her he won't let nothing happen to her. Maggie stops breathing and Victor revives her. Victor prays to Caroline, Mickey, and all their dead loves ones to help him save Maggie and to spare her. He says he never expects favors from God since he made many mistakes in the past but he begs him not to take another life. Victor begs Maggie to fight and wake up.

-Carrie is still being chased by island guards. She is also still in pain from her baby. She keeps moving to get away from the guards

-Sami pulls Lexie up and they make it shore. It seems she was pulled down by seaweed. They seek shelter and find it in a cave. They argue a few times but thank each other for saving each other's life. They wonder if anyone else is alive. Lexie says that no matter what Sami and her will have to work together to survive, just like they have been thus far. Meanwhile, Sami's stalker is revealed to be alive from the crash and on the island. The stalker watches Sami and Lexie in the cave and then hears a noise and hides. Carrie walks by and that was the noise the stalker heard. The stalker, who was also interested in Carrie (quick reminder flashback of the stalker watching both Sami and Carrie on Morgan Island), goes off to follow Carrie and also tries to avoid the guards.

-Greta joins John and Shane to search for the others. John is worried sick about Belle, who continues to lie unconscious under the branch during the storm.

-Patrick and Tek make their way up following Bart and walk into Stefano's study. They see Andre and thinking he is Tony they figure he is the boss. "Tony" then tells him he is Andre and is not their boss. Stefano then reveals himself and reveals that he is still very much their employer. Patrick and Tek are both stunned and worried. Marlena watches from a distance laughing and vows to bring them all down and get her revenge on everyone on this island.

-Carrie continues to run away from the guards. She then bends over in pain again as the stalker watches. She discovers she is bleeding and thinks she may be losing her baby. Meanwhile, two men who aren't guards are searching for her. We see their faces-its ROMAN and AUSTIN !!! We then are taken to what looks like the Brady Pub. A very much alive Lucas arrives with Kate and asks if there is any word on Carrie, Austin, and Roman. Bo turns around and says no. We also see Billie, Alice, Mickey, Jennifer, Julie, Doug, Caroline, Shawn Sr, Shawn, Mimi, Abe, Jack, Max, Abby, and Frankie all there and all alive. Caroline says she hopes Roman and Austin find Carrie and that help comes soon just like it did the last time they were though dead and were on Melaswen. Alice says they just need to keep the faith and pray. The scene then shifts to Celeste in the cave. She quickly jumps up after seeing a vision of all the dead alive and sitting at the pub and says, "Dear God-it's happened again!! They are alive!!" Eric asks who is alive. Celeste looks at him and says, "They all are." The screen then fades to black.


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