AMC #18 - Adam Meets With A Familiar Face

All My Children - Episode 18
Created By: Agnes Nixon
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Liza is exiting Krystal's. Liza is on her phone. She has her purse on her arm, and a suitcase in hand.
Liza: (On Phone) I need you to cancel all my appointments for two weeks. Yes, Trudy, I know that I was supposed to meet with Mr. Carlton today, but I can't. Alright, thanks. Bye.
As she hangs up, she bumps into Erica. They stare deeply into one another.
Adam walks up to a bench and sits.
Adam: Where are you?
The camera points down to black stilettos walking.
Woman: I'm here, now. Sorry I'm late.
Stuart enters the mental facility.
Stuart: I'm here.
Marian turns around.
Marian: (Sobs) Hi, my love.
Marian runs up to Stuart and kisses him.
Caleb is finishing off a glass of scotch. There is a knock at the door.
Caleb: Coming!
He answers the door.
Asher: Dad...
Caleb hugs his son. We can tell that Caleb has waited a long time to see his son.
Dixie is sitting down reading a magazine. When Tad enters, she stands, and goes to him.
Dixie: How is she?
Tad: She says "fine".
Dixie: What do you say?
Tad: Not, fine. She's pale, and she is laying in that bed.
Dixie: Tad..., everything will work out. She will make it through.
Tad: How can you be so sure.
Dixie: (Sighs) Can I give you a piece of advice?
Tad: Sure.
Dixie and Tad walk over to the chairs. They sit.
Dixie: Tad, bad things happen to good people. But, it is only the good people who decide to rise up and fight. Opal will be fighting. She will kick this tumors ass. She will survive this. There is one thing I know for sure.
Tad: What?
Dixie: We haven't seen the last of Opal Cortland yet.
Tad: Do your promise me that?
Dixie: Of course I do.
Tad: Because, I can't lose her.
Dixie: And, you won't. Now, come here, honey.
Dixie takes Tad in her arms.
Stuart and Marian enter the mansion. Marian stops in the front room.
Marian: (Sighs)
Stuart: Are you okay?
Marian: (Sighs) Its just..., I haven't been in this house in a very long time. I never forgot what it looked like, though.
Marian goes to the stairs.
Marian: I'll never forget these stairs.
Marian goes to a table of flowers.
Marian: I'll never forget these flowers.
Marian goes to the double doors that lead into the living room.
Marian: And, I'll never forget these doors. Beyond these doors, is the living room. So many tragic things have happened in that room. I thought that you were dead, J.R. went crazy, so many fights, and don't forget, both tornadoes ripped through this home.
Stuart: I know. Are you going to be okay staying here?
Marian: I have no where else to go. I have to be okay with staying here.
Stuart: Do you feel safe?
Marian hugs Stuart.
Marian: With you..., I always feel safe.
Asher is sharing a drink with his father.
Caleb: I'm glad that we are doing this.
Asher: I am too, dad.
Caleb: How has college been?
Asher: Good. I only have one more semester.
Caleb: Really?
Asher: Yeah.
Caleb: That's good.
Asher: It is.
Caleb: So, what brings you by, today?
Asher: I actually wanted to talk to you about school.
Caleb: What about it?
Asher: I've been doing my research. I found out that all my credits and courses can transfer to PVU. I can go here. I already have an apartment picked out. I'm doing this for you.
Caleb: For me?
Asher: I've seen what has happened with you.
Caleb: So, that's why you want to go here? To take care of me?
Asher: Yes.
Caleb: Well, pack your bags now.
Asher: What?
Caleb: You won't be staying in Pine Valley to take care of me. Not by a long shot.
Adam hands the woman an envelope of money. They both stand.
Adam: Thank you for deciding to help David and I.
Woman: Of course, Adam. I always love doing bad things once in awhile.
Adam: Don't we all?
Woman: (Laughs) Now, I have to get back to the hotel. My daughter and the babysitter are waiting for me.
Adam: Have a good day.
Woman: You two.
The camera zooms in to reveal the woman's face.
It is Skye Chandler Quartermaine.
Liza breaks the silence.
Liza: We are so not doing this now.
Erica: Didn't plan on it. I just came here to get a chicken salad, for lunch.
Liza: Enjoy that salad.
As Liza walks away, Erica stops her.
Erica: Liza.
Liza: Thought we were not doing this.
Erica: (Sighs) Can I ask what the suitcase is for?
Liza: I am leaving. I am taking a little two week vacation.
Erica: I hope you enjoy yourself.
Erica stops Liza again, as she is walking away.
Erica: Liza.
Liza: Erica! What do you want?!
Erica: I have to say this before you go.
Liza: What?
Erica: I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I never meant to hurt you at all. I never meant to lock lips with your boyfriend. I never meant to blow things out of proportion. Listen, I really do hope you enjoy your trip. I hope that you get time to reflect. I hope that you get time to figure stuff out. I want the best for you in your future. Again, sorry.
Liza: Erica..., thanks. That apology meant a lot. Enjoy your salad.
Erica: Thank you. I will. Bye, Liza.
Liza: Bye, Erica.
Liza walks off. Both the women are smiling.
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