AMC #10 - Adam Chandler's Criminal History
All My Children - Episode #10
Created By: Agnes Nixon
Written By: Casey Hutchison
AIR DATE: May 7th, 2015

Kendall, Zack, and Jessie walk in.
Jessie: So, what did you guys need to talk to me about?
Kendall: Well, I got a little mysterious phone call today.
Jessie: From who?
Zack: We do not know.
Jessie: Oh. Do you have the phone?
Kendall: Yeah.
Kendall hands Jessie her phone.
Jessie: What exactly did you hear, that you made you drive here?
Kendall: Static, like from a TV.
Jessie: Oh. Listen, I will call in the experts, and they'll see what is up.
Kendall: Thanks Jessie.
Jessie: No problem.
Jessie exits.

Krystal touches J.R. 2.0's face.
Krystal: How is this possible?
David: Krystal, his name is Kevin. I hired him to conduct an experiment. It worked.
Krystal: I see that. Why is he here? Why did you do this?
David: Krystal, don't you get it by now?
Krystal: What?
David: He is going to help you kill J.R.

Dixie and Adam enter.
Adam: I am happy to see you here Dixie.
Dixie: I'm not sure you will be, after what I have to say.
Adam: What's going on?
Dixie: My son thinks David is plotting against him. Are you helping him?
Jessie enters.
Kendall: Jessie. Hi.
Jessie: Hi guys.
Zack: What'd you find?
Jessie: This might shock you.
Kendall crosses her arms.
Kendall: What does that mean?
Jessie: It means that the time stamp you suggested isn't real.
Zack: What exactly does that mean?
Jessie: I am saying that, A, you lied to me. Or B, you got something bigger on your hands. And I have known the both of you for years and years. Almost longer than a decade. Therefore, I am going to go with B.
Zack: Wise choice.
Kendall: What does this mean?
Jessie sits down in his chair.
Jessie: It means you go home, and you wait for something else.
Dixie and Adam sit on the couch.
Adam: Why would you assume that I would help David?
Dixie: (Sighs) You've done worst.
Adam: Like what?
Dixie: Remember when you hit Tad with that fire poker. You've hired a thug to shoot Palmer. You faked your own death to test Erica. You rigged a pregnancy test to show that Jeremy was the father of Natalie's baby. Oh, and this is one of my favorites..., you told An-Li that she had to marry Brian Bodine in order to get her green card, just to keep Brian away from Hayley. Do you see what you have done to people Adam? Now do you understand why I am just a little skeptical. Oh!
Adam: What now?
Dixie: I almost forgot that you threatened to frame Pete Cortlandt for rape if Pete didn't keep quiet about Colby being involved in a car accident. That is another one of those little things you have done, that you seem to get out of.
Adam stands.
Adam: Listen, Dixie...
Dixie stands.
Dixie: No, you listen Adam. If you are going to hurt my son..., you better watch out. Because, when you hurt him, something goes off in me. Something that will make me want to hurt you. So, watch out. Watch out for me.
Dixie grabs her handbag and exits.
Krystal is holding a suitcase.
Krystal: I have no problem with driving him to his hotel room.
David: Thank you Krystal. Now, behave.
Kevin: I will. Thanks for this opurtunity.
David: Of course.
Krystal: Kevin, go wait in the car please.
Kevin: Sure.
Kevin exits.
Krystal: David, I have to say something before I leave.
David: What is that?
Krystal crosses her arms.
Krystal: If... for one second, I feel double-crossed by you; I will blow you out of the water. Understood?
David: Completely.
Krystal: Wonderful.
David: Welcome to the Krystal/David partnership.
They shake hands.
Krystal: Seya later David.
David: Bye.
Krystal exits.
David: Watch out Pine Valley. It's gonna get crazy
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