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EPISODE #137 - Tuesday, June 19:



EPISODE #137 - Tuesday, June 20:

- Alice, Mickey, and Hope probe Melissa about how she feels about Frankie, but she grows frustrated with them and takes them aback with her behavior.

- Megan plans to split Bo and Hope even further apart than they are already.

- Billie finally decides to let the search into Liam’s past go since Kate has doctored the Private Investigator’s dossier on him and made it look like he is clean.

- Greta tries to keep her intentions hidden from Marlena and John.

- Megan and Kate talk about their plans to gaslight Belle!

- Alice and Caroline talk about their frustration over Bo and Hope not being together. Caroline says that she thinks maybe Bo is better off with Billie and Georgia while Hope might be better off with Liam and their son, Mason. Alice agrees it might be best and it might be what is right, but it doesn’t mean it is what either wants.

- Greta asks Marlena if she could possibly not tell Eric she is back for a few days.

- Melissa tells the Horton’s that she is not ready for a relationship right now – no matter whom it is with.

- Kate opens up to her Private Investigator about how she gave birth to her first born children – twins – and was told that they both died at birth because of complications due to her promiscuous and scandalous lifestyle that caused harm to the babies. Kate said that she’s had suspicions for years that they are really alive and wants to know for sure. He promises to do what he can.

- Sami asks Austin to give her one more chance to repair their relationship. He refuses.

- Celeste runs into Will. She says she senses much pain and angst in his life. He tells her that he is going through something very serious and doesn’t know what to do. Celeste says that she sees that Will’s life will be in danger!

- Lucas finds out that Sami asked Austin for forgiveness. He confronts her about having feelings for Austin still. They fight. The anger turns to passion and they have sex - on the kitchen counter!

- When Melissa lays down for a nap, she wakes up moments later – shocked that she is having a dream about Frankie Brady romancing her!

- Thanks to Alice and Caroline’s scheming, Bo and Hope both end up locked in the back room of the Brady Pub to see if they can patch things up one last time.

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