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Tucker and Katherine’s Deaths are now HOMICIDES! #137



Katherine and Tucker's deaths are now HOMICIDES!

The Chancellor Estate, Kay’s Memorial Service.

Everyone looks at a chained Victor Newman. Nick walks up to him.


: Dad what are you doing here what is going on?

Victor’s eyes are firmly fixated on Jack Abbott. Victor doesn’t answer Nick’s question.

Nikki gets in front of Victor.


Don’t cause a scene here. We are trying to mourn Kay.


What a joke you sound like Nikki considering you took your sweet ass time coming over to the hospital when Katherine still had life.

Nikki can only squint her eyes at Jill.

Victor takes his arm and pushes Nikki out of his path with his eyes still fixed on Jack.

Jack is a bit unnerved. Victor finally walks up to him and Victor stares down Jack.


You left your cell just to come and see me mustache? I’m so honored and flattered.

Victor doesn’t speak yet. His facial expressions does all the talking for now as Victor still stares him down. He then looks around to the crowd to make his announcement since his presence alone commands the grievers attention already.

“I was able to get a special release to be here today at Katherine’s services. You see we got a new District Attorney here in the City. I’m sure all of you will remember my old legal counsel John Silva. He used to be a character here and I know we all haven’t seen him in quite a long time but now he has made a return. My good friend John Silva granted me permission for me to be here. Is that wonderful or what?” He says smiling at the crowd.


Well no one wants you here Victor Newman! You are a taker of joy and happiness for your own personal gain.


Nice to see you Esther . Kindly grab me some coffee mmmmk?


I’m not working today you ignorant jerk. I’m mourning.


I’m here to mourn a very dear friend of mine. Just like the rest of you.


: In your orange jump suit? Is orange the new black now?


Jill can you grab a broom and kindly take out this heap of trash called Nikki.


Dad alright that’s enough. Don’t make a spectacle of yourself here. Is this what Katherine would have wanted?


I’ve been locked up a long time. I got a lot of things to do and even more things to say and no one is going to stop me. No character here is going to stop Victor Newman from doing what he will do.” He turns to look at Jack once more.


And you.


Yea what about me?


I know about your plan. YOU are the reason Katherine is dead. JACKASS ABBOTT is the reason Katherine Chancellor is dead! And I assure you Jackass, when I get out of that cell, and it will be very soon thanks to my new friend John Silva, I’m coming for you. You are gonna pay. You killed KATHERINE CHANCELLOR with your childish plan with Murphy.

Esther is regretting telling Victor about Jack’s plan. She knew she opened a Pandora’s box but she didn’t think it would go down like this.

Victor is so enraged even with his chained hands he is able to wrap them around Jack’s neck and begins to choke him. Jack’ face turns beat red as he begins to sink to the ground Everyone is stunned. Keemo is watching with extra interest seeing his dad being attacked by Victor. Then the guards grab Victor and escort him away.

“I’m going to get you JACKASS!” Victor hollers as he is carted away.thumbnailCA0Y2I1R.jpg

imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 137: Tucker and Katherine’s Death are now HOMICIDES!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz, and Philip Connelly


The Police Station.

Paul walks into John Silva’s office.


John welcome back. Its been a long time.


Paul good to see you too and even better that you are the chief here.


I had no idea you were up for the DA’s position.


It was kind of last minute. But I’m glad to be back.


Listen I brought over some evidence of my investigation on this whole Tucker and Kay situation.


Are you ready for an arrest warrant? Those deaths are homicides now.


After you read over all of what I got in this file I think you will agree to my warrant for an arrest.


Well alright, let’s get to it.” John opens up the file and begins to examine the evidence.



Cane’s Apt.

Cane is laid out on the couch. The place is a little messy and the curtains are closed providing a darkend atmosphere. He sits up and then slides onto the floor by his coffee table and fixes his coke up for another line. He takes a big snort of it. He coughs and has involuntary nerve movements.

thCALOWQO6.jpgCane: Damn that’s good stuff.” His drugged thoughts are dramatically interrupted when he hears a bamming at the door.


Damn it Neil! “ Cane then begins to pack up his paraphernalia.

“Why can’t I enjoy my high in peace?” He says under his breath. He opens the door and sees a sweaty and fuming Malcolm. Malcolm barges in.


Malcolm what’s up man?


Leslie let me go.


She broke things off with you?


That’s what I said dummy.


Woah bro I think you need to slow down.


I know man I’m sorry. I’m just so pissed. Wait, my bad are the twins here?


Uh, you know what no they are not. They are at the sitters.


Damn again? Last time I was here they was at the sitters. What you be doing bro that you need a sitter?


I just wish everyone would stay the hell out of my business! Everything is fine! My children are fine. No need to worry.


: Why you so angry? I’m the angry one right now.

Cane gets a hold of himself and thinks of a good cover.

“It’s just… Neil. He was here earlier badgering me about my household. I just don’t appreciate that. “


: That punk ass Neil. Always got to have his nose up in something.


Now I understand what you mean.


No doubt. He needs to be stopped. He think’s his sh!t doesn’t stink. Cane I swear to God I could kill my brother,.. man. I’m tired of him taking things from me.


Come on man don’t give Neil that kind of satisfaction. You want a beer or something?


: Naw I’m good man. You good peoples and I’m glad you understand where I’m coming from about Neil. I need to be alone. I need to think. I’m going to fix this. Thanks bro.” Malcolm then leaves.


Wow. Malcolm is really losing it. I do need to get my children too many people are getting suspicious.” He decides to take another hit of his cocaine before picking up his twins.



New Orleans, St. Bernard Parish.

Karynn is walking with a cigarette in hand following a trail to her home. The trial is easily identified as Karynn has buried an extension cord from the nearby gas station to her home to power up her shack. She makes it to the front porch of her home and is out of breathe with the sun beating down on her. She decides to sit in the wooden rocking chair for a quick break on her front porch. She pulls out a flask from her bra and takes a swig. She looks out unto the land surrounding her. Over grown grass, untamed shrubs, and wild trees surround her.


This was once a great place to be. Until that bitch named Katrina came and took everything away.” She takes another swig of her drink and a tear strolls down her face.

She continues talking aloud. “ Everything changed that day. But today is a new day and it’s going to be a change damn it.” She gets up and puts her flask back in her hiding spot, the bra and walks inside. She sees Karl on the floor.


Damn you Karl! What in the hell were you trying to do?


How nice of you to finally show up. I’ve been alone here all damn day. Since this morning. No meds, nothing to eat. Where the hell have you been?

Karynn struggles to lift Karl up and put him back in the wheel chair. She is out of breath and sits down for a minute. She lights up a cigarette and begins to blow the smoke in Karl’s face. Karl coughs and moves his wheel chair away from the smoke.


Damn you you know that. You’re trying to kill me! Oxygen is flammable you know.


Would you please shut the hell up? You’re worse than a woman. On and on and on. Now listen. I know things are tough around here. But I am going to change all that for us. Starting right now.


All I am asking for is a meal and my meds. I’m in pain. It’s not that hard. Did you bring anything back to eat?


No but I did bring this!” She pulls out a wad of money. Karl is stunned.


Where did you get all of that? Tell me you are not selling your old wrinkly body.


I got a pay day loan. Since I control your social security check by being your payee I was able to do it. So we are leaving right now. I already booked us tickets. It’s our turn to shine in the sunset. Now come on. You can get a few items of the dollar menu at McDonna’s.


Its not the dollar menu no more it the value menu. Everything that cost a dollar is nasty.


Are you really going to argue with me about a damn menu at McDonna’s? Damn it old man we must hurry to meet our cab.” She pushes the wheel chair outside, walking to her cab meeting place, walking into a new life in Genoa City.




Roxanne’s Apt.

Roxanne is about to unlock her door when Nate walks up. She looks at him and rolls her eyes.


What’s that about? Didn’t you ask to see me?


Let’s talk inside. I don’t want that nosey ass bitch across the hall you call Hillary to hear what I have to say.” Roxanne unlocks her door and Nate follows her inside. He closes the door behind him. She throws her purse down.


So why are you so upset?


Did you sleep with that whore across the hall?


I don’t think you want to know the answer to that.

Roxanne is devastated. She feels betrayed. She turns around not wanting him to see the tears that are trying to form in her eyes.


Rox you are with Devon. I don’t understand this. One minute you want me the next you don’t. I’m only your man when your lonely. I don’t understand how you can be mad at me.

She turns to him with tears rolling down her face.

“Because I love you! But you hurt me. Sleeping with that tramp. Who is she? Why was it so easy? That’s the part I don’t understand.


She’s an old flame from college. We were in love but she had to leave to take care of her mother who was sick.


Oh and Hillary is here and lives across the hall from me.


I had nothing to do with that.


Nate I am so damned hurt.


I never meant to hurt you. But I’m not willing to be your man only when your lonely. You claim you love me then why don’t you leave Devon and be with me? You can’t have it both ways Rox. You not being fair.

Roxanne knows deep down he is right but is not willing to let him know that he is. She turns from him again.


And besides things are too deep now They have changed.


Because Miss Hillary is here?


Yes. She knows about my secret.


That you switched Moses paternity test results from Malcolm to Neil?




Nosey Bitch!


To protect everybody we need to end this. Roxanne I’m truly sorry for hurting you.” He then slowly turns around and leaves. Roxanne breaks down in tears.

“Damn you Hillary! I’m going to get you bitch! “ Roxanne grabs her purse and chases after Nate. A closet door then opens inside Roxanne’s apt and out walks Hillary with a cell phone in her hand. She hits replay on her phone, replaying the entire conversation between Roxanne and Nate that just took place and she caught it all on her phone as she walks out Roxanne’s apt with a smile on her face.untitled_zpsdd988ebe.png

The Chancellor Grounds.

Brock is speaking at the podium about memories with his mother with Mac standing by his side.


She was a wonderful lady. A great mother. A steward of goodness and just the most grandest woman I ever knew. She loved life. And had a special affinity for the younger generation. To reach out to them and guide them.” He looks at Mac and smiles at her.


We are going to miss her but her spirit will always live on. We will never forget Katherine Chancellor. “ He wipes a tear but then stops when he sees Paul and Ronan walk in with a few other officers. Everyone turns around to see what has Brock’s attention.

Neil walks over to Paul.


Paul what is going on?


Uhm I’m sorry folks to interrupt but I’m here to make an arrest.

Everyone is stunned and chatter amongst the crowd grows. Paul walks through the crowd to arrest some one. He looks at everyone. Jack, Nikki, Keemo as if they might be the ones arrested. He then finally stops at Murphy.


Patrick Murphy, you are under arrest for 2 count involuntary man slaughter in Tucker’s McCall as well as Katherine Chancellor’s death. You have the right to remain silent….. “Murphy is stunned as Paul puts cuffs on Murphy while still reading him his Miranda rights..

Brock is outraged as is Devon.


You killed my family!?” Devon says walking up to him. Murphy just holds his head down as Paul and the rest of the Police squad escort Murphy off the Chancellor grounds and into a police squad car. Everyone is just absolutely stunned as they watch Murphy being carted away.imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpg


Recommended Comments

  • Members

WOW this was a power packed GREAT episode...loved each and every dialogue and every scene.

Esther to Victor, Karynn to Karl, Nate and Roxanne, and Cane and Malcolm...

I could picture the scene at the end when everyone was wondering who was gonna be arrested....

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  • Members

That was a great episode! Great scene with Roxanne and Nate, and I did like the surprise of Hilary hiding in the closet. How she even get in there in the first place? hahah.

TGVN, ridiculous as always. Love it.

Great show!

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