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Victor’s Naughty or Nice List! #124



Chancellor Estate.

thCABGTG1S-1.jpgKay looks at Murphy

“So this is what you’ve been doing the last few days? Recruiting people to tell me my son is up to no good?”

imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpgMurphy: Darling I think its very important you listen to Jack here. I’m telling you, I know a snake when I see one. I served in the -

“I know I know the Vietnam war. You remind me any chance you get.” Kay says interrupting him.

Kay then looks at Jack

“Alright Jackie Boy just what in the hell do you want to tell me?

imagesCACOGM06_zps86515432.jpgJack: Murphy is right you know. Tucker is a snake. He came to me with a plan to boot you out of Chancellor and Newman.

Kay chuckles,

“How was he going to do that?”

Jack: By making you think you were going crazy. He was going to wear you down with stress so your health will take a turn for the worse. He’s pulling the wool over your eyes Katherine.

Murphy: And I been following him. He went into Victor’s office and barely made it out. He did something in there.

Kay: What do you mean he barely made it out?

Murphy: He came out coughing, sweating and acting all kinds of crazy.

Kay doesn’t know what to say. She gets up and walks over by the window. Jack and Murphy look at each other.

Jack: Are you ok Katherine?

Kay: It’ stunning you know. To know that your own son is out to get you. I been on this earth a long time. How could I be so blindsided? I’ve seen it all. Been through it all yet I couldn’t see my own son coming for me.”

Murphy: This is exactly what he wanted. But now you are wise and we can stop him. We can use my Vietnam War skills to defeat this menace. I will not let any hurt you Katherine.

Jack: Neither will I.

Kay: I got a plan.” She says as she smiles

The_Young_and_the_Restless_logo_on_CBS_1973_zps969ce30d.pngEpisode 124: Victor’s Naughty or Nice List!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: C. Nate Richardson

Story Editor: Martin Saenz


imagesCADG303N_zpsb12cae10.jpgDevon then walks into the Chancellor House. He sees Jack, Kay and Murphy having a serious discussion.

Devon: I’m sorry to interrupt. I was going to meet my mom here to find out what is going on.

Kay: Young man you are never interrupting. You are my grandson. Remember that.

Devon: I will. Is everything ok?

Kay: That’s what we want to know. Go upstairs and find out what in the hell is the matter with your mother.” Devon chuckles and walk up the stairs.

Jack: Listen I got some very important things to handle. Tucker has struck again, hiring Keemo to work for him.

Kay: Don’t you worry Jackie boy. I’ll take care of Tucker.

Jack gives her a hug and kiss.

Jack: I know you will.” He then looks at Murphy. “ I’m counting on you to keep her safe.” Murphy smiles at him and pats him on the back as he leaves.

Murphy then looks at Kay.

“Let’ hear it darling. What is this plan of yours to stop Tucker?”



The Jail. Cane arrives to bail out Malcolm.

thCAL1ASUN.jpgMalcolm: Thank you man. Its been some bull going down.

thCALOWQO6.jpgCane: I can see. Man what the hell is going on? Why were you arrested?

Malcolm: Where are the twins?

Cane: They are with the sitter.

Malcolm: Good man, let’s go to my place so I can get cleaned up and then we can talk.

Cane: Alright man what ever you want.

They get into Cane’s car and drive off to Malcolm’s place.



Victoria opens her door to Billy. She is surprised to see him.

thCADXJVP4.jpgVictoria: What are you doing here? I really don’t think this is a good idea.

yr_get_familiar_with_billy_mille-12.jpgBilly: We really need to talk and this time with out any antics.

Victoria: What is there to talk about? I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.

Billy: I’m sorry Vickie. For hurting and betraying you.

Vic: Is that supposed to make me feel better? Make it go all away?

Billy: I will sign the divorce papers no problem.

Vic: Good. Anything else?

Billy: After your trial, Chloe and I are taking Delia and leaving town.

Vic has tears in her eyes. She turns away from him. Billy is frustrated at how he just seems to keep hurting his wife.

Vic: How convenient. I wish you all the best. And I’m truly sorry for the loss of your baby. And I’m also sorry I wasn’t good enough or worth it enough for you to remain faithful to our wedding vows. I’ve been through so much with you Billy. This hurts. But don’t worry I’ll be ok. “ Victoria takes her wedding ring off and throws at him.” She then grabs her purse and storms out the house. Billy grabs the ring and looks at it for a moment. He shakes his head and puts the ring in his pocket and leaves the house as well.



Chancellor Estate, Harmony’s room.

Devon walks in. Harmony is hysterical and runs over and hugs him.

Devon: Mom what is wrong?

Harmony: Anna is pregnant!

Devon: WHAT! By who? I’ll kill him.

Harmony: No Devon. I’m going back to get it together. I left her for to long and this is what happened. I need to go back. And be there for your sister.

Devon: I can’t believe this. Not Anna. She’s only 16.

Harmony just cries.

“She not gone be like these other girls out here. She gone keep going to school and be all she can be. I‘m going to help her. “

Devon: I really don’t know what to say.

Harmony: I love you son. And I want you to know something else before I go. Remember when Roxanne kept accusing Abby of brining me here to Genoa City?

Devon: Yes…

Harmony: She was right. I’m sorry I lied son. I’m a terrible mother.

Devon: Wow. It’ just been one surprise after another. Have a safe trip Harmony.” Devon then leaves. Harmony calls out to him but he ignores her. Harmony continues to pack her things crying.



The Jail. Spencer arrives and sees Victor in his cell.

Victor: I knew I’d be seeing you. What brings you here my boy?

thCANS4T73.jpgSpencer: I want to know why? Why did you create my family only to destroy it?

Victor: I warned you, you were making a mistake going against me. That’s a choice you made. It was all for nothing because thanks to you the wheels of justice are slowly but surely turning.

Spencer: Meaning what?

Victor: Sooner than everyone thinks I’ll be a free man on the streets of Genoa City. And I been keeping a list of who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. And trust me when I say I will destroy everyone who betrayed me. I am Victor Newman and I will remind this town of that.

Spencer: Times have changed old man. I’m not going to allow you to have your way here.

Victor laughs. “ You want to battle with Victor Newman? I got news for you. I’ll take all of you on. Very soon my boy, very soon……victor_zps1e4cb609.jpg










Recommended Comments

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I really wanna know what Kay's plan is now. Can't wait to see it. I guess that's it for Harmony then (or close to it).

Good episode! :D

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Bye Harmony...the pariah

Yes I want to see what Kay's plan is...and what it's going to lead to.

And what business do Malcolm and Cane have?

I can't wait to see Victor being the ubervillain that he should be...

***A very packed and fast paced episode***

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