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Hurricane Hillary pt.2 #123



yr_get_familiar_with_billy_mille-12.jpgBilly is in his suite at the GCAC. He is packing up some belongings and making plans for a leave from Genoa City. He gets a knock on his door. He opens it.

“Billy Abbott?” A man says.

Billy: Who wants to know?

Man: Consider yourself served.” The man hands Billy two sealed envelops. Billy closes the door and sits at the desk to open one up. The first one is a subpoena at Victoria’s hearing on assault. Billy is surprised the charges were reduced to just assault. Then he opens the second envelope. Its divorce papers from Victoria. He reads over them.

Billy: A subpoena and divorce papers in one night. It’s definitely time to leave Genoa City.


Episode 123: Hurricane Hillary part 2

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: C. Nate Richardson

Story Editor: Martin Saenz

Devon and Roxanne are holding hands walking through the park.

images_zps5085993d.jpgRoxanne: The air is still so brisk.

imagesCALT5EMD_zps1ff4f057.jpgDevon: It is. I keep thinking of that Hillary girl.

Roxanne stops and turns to look at him. “ Not you too?”

Devon: What do you mean not me too? This whole night has been strange starting with Hillary. I want to know what kind of noises she heard in your apartment that would lead to her almost calling the police.

Roxanne laughs. “ Is that what she told you? Nosey ass Bitch. For the record I was playing one of my CD’s. It was an interlude, which turned out to be a skit between the artist and some random chic. I had it turned up to clean up my place. You know music is my therapy. Nosey ass Hillary must of heard that and got alarmed. The nosey Bitch is new to the building.”

Devon: What do you mean by not me too?

Roxanne: I was just thinking about my conversation with Hillary. I just didn’t like her when I first saw her. You know when you first meet some one you just know if you will like them or not. Well I’m not feeling her. And now I got a good reason not to like her. Eavesdropping causing this ruckus between me and you.” She hugs him and kisses him.

Devon: I’ve missed you. It just seems we haven’t spent a lot of time with one another the last few months. How did we go from me asking you to marrying me, which you said no by the way, to this distance between us.

Roxanne: Devon, you know I been going through a lot.

Devon: Roxanne you say that every time. That excuse is tired. It’s always a "you" thing what happened to we? Us?

Roxanne is caught off guard with Devon’s attitude. She can tell he is nearing his limits.

Before any response is had, Devon’s cell phone rings. He listens to the ring tone and realizes its his mother.

Devon: Mom everything ok?

Harmony: No I need to see you right away! Something is wrong with Anna. Meet me at the Chancellor house.

Devon: I’m on my way.” He hangs up.

Roxanne: Is everything ok?

Devon: I don’t know. Let me walk you home, I got to meet with her.” They walk off to Roxanne’s place.



Abbott Manor.

Jack looks at Murphy.

Jack.jpg“So what brings you by?”

imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpgMurphy: It’s about Katherine and Tucker.

Jack: Tucker is scum.

Murphy: So you are no fan of his either?

Jack: Hell no! As a matter of fact I’m glad you stopped by Murphy. There is a lot I need to tell you about Tucker and Katherine. I think you both should hear it. Where is Kay now is she at home? It is the close of business” He says looking at his watch to see what time it is.

Murphy: At this hour I’m sure she is.

Jack: Good. You both need to hear what Tucker has been up to. He’s got an evil plan against Katherine and we must stop him.

Murphy: I knew he did. Now I got proof for my Kay. Let’s go Jack.” They both leave and head to the Chancellor Estate.



Tucker’s Penthouse.

imagesCAV5ESKF_zpsb2e10a5e.jpgKeemo knocks on Tucker’s door. Tucker invites him in and then offers him a drink.

Keemo: After the day I had I most certainly won’t say no.

Tucker: Tough day huh?

Keemo: Yes. I had it out with Jack. He does not approve of my relationships or my working for you.

Tucker: He didn’t?

Keemo: You look surprised. Let me ask you something, what is the real reason you hired me? To stick it to my dad or what? You knew he would be upset when he found out I would be working work for you.

Tucker: Yes I hired you to stick it to your old man. But I genuinely have a need for some one of your talents. In a few days Keemo, I’m going to own a major company. I’m going to over see that while you handle the reigns at McCall Unlimited.

Keemo: Really? Just like that?

Tucker: Yes. I did my home work. You put Jabot Asia on the map. It’s a shame Jack removed you from there.

Keemo: Well Ashley is there now..

Tucker: I know. I want you to expand McCall globally. Especially in Asia. Asia is very promising and its where all the money is at.

Keemo: Let’s not forget South American markets as well. Brazil, is an emerging market.

Tucker: That’s exactly why you are the man for this job. We see eye to eye.” Tucker pulls out some contracts from his desk drawer.

“Why don’t you look these over and then sign. I had Avery draw them up. I used a trusted name to prove to you there is no funny business in these contracts.

Keemo: I appreciate that.” Keemo grabs the contracts and reads them as Tucker pours himself another drink. Keemo signs on the dotted line.

Keemo: Here you are.

Tucker extends his hand out to shake saying

“Keemo Violien Abbott, welcome to McCall Unlimited where opportunity is unlimited.”


Chancellor Estate. Murphy with Jack walks into the living room. Esther comes out the corridor.

Esther: Can I get you some tea or coffee Jack?

Murphy: No Esther if you could just tell us where Katherine is?

thCABGTG1S-1.jpg“I’m right here?” She says entering the room.

“What is the meaning of this?” She says walking over and giving Jack a hug.

Kay: Jackie boy how are you?

Jack: Hanging in there. Trying to be there for Billy as he goes through this tawdry scandal with Chloe.

Kay: Yes I know. I told both those kids to stay the hell away from each other but do they listen?

Murphy: Now now Katherine don’t get over worked. We got some news well rather Jack got some news to inform you about.

Kay: Dear God in heaven I cant take any more bad news. I need to sit down.” She sits on the sofa and Murphy sits next to her and holds her.

Kay: Well go on Jack.

Jack: I hate to do this Kay but its something you really need to know about your son Tucker McCall.” Kay rolls her eyes as she looks at Murphy then back at Jack.


Devon is walking Roxanne back inside her building. He talks to her as they walk to her door.

“ We are not done with this conversation. I’m going to see what is wrong with my mom then I’m going to call you. “ He kisses her good night and then the door across the hall opens up and they see Nate in the door way holding Hillary as he kisses her good night. Devon and Roxanne are stunned. Nate turns around and stops dead in his tracks as he looks at Roxanne as her eyes begin to water up. He fixes his zipper then says

thCAHNQXA5.jpg“Uh, good night everyone.” Roxanne watches Nate walk away feeling crushed. She then looks at Hillary who is smiling at her. Roxanne gives her the evil eye. As Hillary fixes her dishelved hair, she says “ What an incredible night. Oh Roxanne is something wrong? You look like you are about to cry?”

Roxanne forcing a fake smile for Devon at the same time trying to cover up her heartbreak.

“I think it’s that cheap perfume you are wearing. It bothers my allergies.”

imagesCAUNXA3A_zps52f3f6ae.jpgHillary: Oh that’s too bad, Nathan didn’t mind at all” She says with a smile and then walks inside and closes the door.

Devon looks at Roxanne

“Nathan? Wow, what the hell just happened?”













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Well, I don't know a lot of the black characters on the show anymore (unfortunately), but I love how you write them. Very fresh.

Can't wait to see how this story with Tucker goes down!

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