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100th Episode: VICTOR'S VERDICT!!!



thCANS4T73.jpgSpencer gets a call on his office phone. He picks up..

“Welsh here” “Really.. already?” “ Ok I’ll pass the word” Spencer puts the phone down. He pauses and thinks. He then dials another number.

“The verdict for Victor Newman has came in already.”

thumbnailCAU86ZH8.jpgEpisode 100: Victor’s verdict

Written by ML Cooks

In the Jail. Avery meets with Daisy.

Daisy:thCADBKYJS-1.jpgI though you forgot about me.

AverythCAF4RD4D.jpg: No I haven’t I’ve been so consumed with Victor’s trial. I just got word his verdict is in so it will be over today. Then it will be time for us to help you get out of here.

Daisy: Do you think it’s still possible?

Avery: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think so.

Daisy smiles. “ I can’t wait to see my daughter.”

Avery: I’m pretty confident you will be able to see Lucy soon.

Roxanne knocks on Nate’s door. He opens and she walks in . Nate gives her a hug.

Roxanne:thumbnailCAR0INVH.jpg Nate what’s the matter? You sounded upset on the phone.

Nate:thCAHNQXA5.jpg It’s Ronan. He’s now harassing me about Sophia’s death. He’s keeps accusing me of hiding something.

Roxanne: But you are. Nate I really encourage you to tell the truth. You cant play God with Moses’ life. You have to tell Malcolm that Moses is really his son. That’s not being fair to Moses. I think your being selfish if you don’t.

Nate: Your right. How did I get caught up in this. I hate Malcolm. He didn’t deserve a child.

Roxanne: That’s not your place to decide that Nate. You need to make things right. Look at you… you’re a mess. You will feel so much better.

Nate: What is my mom and uncle Neil going to think of me. My career as a doctor. It will all be over for me.

Roxanne: Nate all that doesn’t matter. You have to do the right thing. I would want to know who my real parents were. In fact I don’t think I could forgive any one for keeping me from my parents.

Nate: Your right Roxanne.

Roxanne: I never got to meet my real parents. I was adopted as a baby. Don’t do this to Moses Nate. I beg of you. He deserves the truth. Your family deserves the truth.

Nate is extremely upset and as a tear coming down his face over the guilt he feels over what he’s done to Moses. Roxanne hold shim as they lay in the couch. She has tears in her eyes as well as she wallows in the fact she was given up for adoption.

Roxanne: Nate it’s going to be ok. I’m here for you.

Nate: Thank you Roxanne. They hold each other.

“Thank you for being here with me Roxanne. I couldn’t think of no one else I would want to be around.

Roxanne: Not even Abby

Nate: We both know she’s not into me. She’s into Devon.

Roxanne: But I got Devon.

Nate: And Nate got no one.

Roxanne feels bad and sits up and looks at Nate. He looks back at her.

Roxanne: Nate, have I ever said to you how sexy I think you are to me.

Nate smiles at her. “ Never. But you know what.

Roxanne: What?

Nate: Your beautiful Roxanne.” They look into each other eyes. They slowly lean closer towards each other until their lips meet. She exhales. But then pulls back.

Nate; What’s the matter?

Roxanne: I love Devon Nate. It’s dangerous for me to be here right now. We are both in weaken states of mind. “ She grabs her purse and begins to leave. He gets up and grabs her. He puts his two hands on her face so she looks back into his eyes. Roxanne gets weak in the knees looking at Nate. He leans in and kisses her again. This time she kisses back. Passionately. But she stops and pushes him off her. She then leaves. Nate pours him a drink and thinks of Roxanne.. He’s frustrated.

Olivia arrives at the Tack house. Nick answers the door.

Nick:0soapoprahjpgnick.jpg Liv, good to see you. I was about to head to court. My dad’s verdict is in.

Olivia: Oh my. Well Nick I don’t know how it will turn out but I wish you and your family luck.

Nick: Thanks Liv. Take care.” Olivia walks over to Phyllis.

Phyllis:michelle-stafford-picturesoapoprah.jpgHi Olivia.

Olivia: Hi Phyllis, I have some great news for you.

Phyllis: What’s that?

Olivia: I’m here to take you to the hospital. Dr. Conrad is here in town on a surprise visit and wants to start the treatment to restore your eyesight.

Phyllis: Today!!?

Olivia: Right now.

Phyllis: I can’t believe it. I’m going to be able to see again. I can see my baby girl.” She wipes tears of joy.

In Verdon Lou. Sheila comes out from behind the curtain

Dru:thumbnailCAJVCBE3-1.jpgTell us who you got back there?

Sheila: Its not time yet.” She pulls out a cell phone.

Dru: You ordering some food for us. We are hungry. I like chicken wings and get some ranch sauce. Sharon what you want girl?

Sharon: Yes Sheila we haven’t eaten in days.

Sheila: Good then.” She walks outside to have her conversation in private. Its an international call to Paris.

“Hi, its momma bear.”

Voice:thCAE12Z40.jpgMother hello, how are things?

Sheila: Momma bear has things under control. I think its about time for to come to Genoa City. The time is right to move onward with our plan.

Voice: Good I can see my man.

Sheila: You mean Scotty?

Voice: Yes, He think I’m Vandalynn.

Sheila: Good work Mary. Lauren is going to flip when she learns her son is in love with Sheila Carter’s daughter.

Mary: I’ll pack and be there soon.

Sheila: Don’t tell Scotty. Surprise him.

Mary: Will do.

Sheila: And when you get in Genoa City you know what you have to do right?

Mary: I sure do.

Sheila: That’s mommas girl. I’ll be in touch. Contact me when you arrive in GC.” Sheila hangs up. Sheila walks back inside inl.jpg

Dru: Look at that ugly grin on your face.

Sheila: Soon my family will be reunited right here in Genoa City

Dru: Crazy Bitch!.

Downtown Genoa City. People fill into the courtroom along with spectators of big media to hear the Victor Newman Verdict. Victor is brought into the courtroom in cuffs. He stops and looks at all the people’s faces that testified against him, Jack, Lauren, Billy, and Ashley to name a few. He looks at Katherine and smiles at her. She smiles back. Victor takes a deep breath. As he walks over to his seat.

A local reporter begins to report on the story.

Reporter: Today is the moment of truth. Will business Tycoon Victor Newman be found guilty of all the heinous crimes he’s accused of. From murder to insider trading and even kidnapping. We are about to find out in a few moments if The Great Victor Newman will walk out a free man.”

Mathis walks in and looks at Victor’s Legal time. He only sees Rafe and Avery.

Mathis: The last time we were hear I notice you were missing some of your legal time. The same thing this time. Is there a reason?

Spencer looks at Avery with a grin.

Avery: Your honor Leslie Michelson has resign from the case.

Mathis: Damn. Part of your legal team bailed on you Mr. Newman. Could that be a sign of things to come?” He looks over to the jury foreman and puts his hand out for the verdict. The foreman hands it to Judge Mathis. Mathis opens the envelope. He looks up at Victor. Then back down at the verdict. He hands it back to the foreman.

Mathis then looks at the jury: Did all of you agree to the verdict?

The Jury: Yes.

Mathis: The state of Wisconsin finds the accused Victor Newman


GUILTY AS CHARGED ON ALL COUNTS!!” Genoa City is stunned!!..


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Thanks Nate. I really enjoyed writing Nate and Roxanne. Mary Carter has a sinister plan coming to Genoa City Its sort of a long term story that will have many angles and include a lot of people

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