Episodes 38-39

Episodes 38-39
Friday, June 16, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & Adam Tarzwell (amcfan_19)
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
[Monica calls Alan downstairs so they can leave for therapy. He slowly makes his way down with irritates her severely. Skye, on her way out, runs into Luke. Luke flirts with Skye shamelessly. She rejects his advances and tells him that he’s setting a bad example for Lulu. Alan finally comes down and gets an earful from Monica. They all make their way out leaving Luke to his own devices. Luke runs up to his room looking for the combination to the Quartermaine safe and finds an old picture of Lucky, Lulu and Laura.]
[Ric walks into Kelly’s and finds Sonny talking with Carly. Ric asks to speak with Sonny alone. Carly leaves, mentioning that she’s meeting the Leticia at the park with the kids.. When their alone, Ric tells Sonny that he contacted On-Star and managed to receive a recording from the night Alexis disappeared. The only thing is, the recording is damaged and needs his help.]
[Jax rushes in from his plane. He calls his PI and asks for an update. Jax tells his PI that when he gets news on Courtney, he is to call him immediately.]
[sitting in the taxi, Courtney talks to her stomach. She tells her child that she’s made many mistakes in her life but prays that she will do right by him. Even if Jax is the father, she promises that Nikolas will always be his dad.]
[At the park, Carly is enjoying the day with Michael & Morgan. Dillon, Lulu and Lucas are there with baby Cameron (once again babysitting for Liz). Michael catches a ball that Dillon accidentally throws over. Michael asks if he and Morgan can go play with him. Carly agrees to it. Dillon asks Carly if it’ll be ok if he stays with Lucas at the penthouse for a while. Carly says that until Lucas moves out, the place is his. He can have whoever he wants to there. Dillon thanks Carly.
While watching them play, Nikolas comes up to Carly and they begin talking. Nikolas likes how Carly interacts with her children. Nikolas mentions that before Courtney got pregnant, he never really saw himself as a dad. The fact that Courtney left him and told him that she doesn’t love him anymore made him very angry. He honestly believed that they had a chance. Carly tells Nikolas that Courtney was conflicted, but she made her choice. She chose to leave town and chose to leave Nikolas. She suggests to him that he try and move on. It’s been months since she left and he’ll drive himself crazy if he lets it bother him. When it’s time to leave, Carly has a hard time getting Michael to leave the park. Nikolas comes over and talks Michael into listening to his mother. Dillon suggests that Michael & Morgan stay for a bit and they can take them home when they’re done. Carly turns him down, but changes her tune when Nikolas suggests that it wouldn’t hurt.]
[sonny returns home and is followed by Ric. Sonny refuses to help Ric and first, but eventually caves in. He tells Sonny that he managed to get the recording from Alexis’ car from the night of the accident. The problem is, it’s very muffled and it needs to be enhanced.]
[At the beginning of therapy, Alan refuses to speak with Monica, due to her decision not to support him at work. The therapist suggests that Alan has an unhealthy dependence on Monica and becomes upset when she doesn’t feed into it. Alan begins to believe that Monica paid the shrink off to blame everything on him. It turns into one big argument with Monica storming out before the end of the session.]
[Patrick and Robin walk into the Italian restaurant and are seated. Robin mentions that she didn't even know this place was still open. Patrick tells her his dad raves about this place and the food is the best Italian food in Port Charles. Robin tells Patrick that she hopes he isn't expecting a wild night of passion following their very romantic dinner, she does this with a smile on her face. Patrick smiles back and notes this is the Robin he was hoping to see tonight. He tells her that just being with her makes him happy surprisingly. If she wants to have hot passionate sex later than they can.
Robin asks if this will convince him to start an actual relationship with her. Patrick says that adding titles to what they have makes things complicated. They should just live in the moment and see what happens later. Robin notes that she is unable to take risks like Patrick and wants to begin dating and experience romance even if she is afraid to do it. She is impressed that Patrick understands her and says not many people have in her life. They continue to talk over wine and wait for their dinner to arrive.]
[Carly meets Lainey in her office. Carly tells Lainey that she really needs to talk to someone right now and she’s the best person. They sit down and begin to go over the situation between Courtney & Nikolas. Carly mentions that she has been getting very close with Nikolas as of late. She doesn’t consider them friends yet; she does have some very interesting feelings towards him. She asks how she can be attracted to a man that her best friend used to love.]
[Luke walks over to his dresser and places the newly found photo inside another frame. He double checks to make sure he is alone and takes out a picture of Laura from behind his dresser. Luke begins talking to the picture of Laura as if she were there with him. Unbeknownst to Luke, Lucky eavesdrops on his father. Lucky walks into the room and tells Luke that they all miss her. It turns out that Lucky just came from seeing Laura. Luke re-assures his son that no matter whom he (Luke) becomes involved with, Laura will always hold a special place in his heart and until she gets getter, there will be a void there.]
[Alexis hears the guards coming near she and Sam’s cell and gives Sam the keys she stole. She tells Sam to hide them because it’s their only shot of getting out of her. The guards open the cell and force Alexis to come with them upstairs. As she’s taken into the main room, she begins to have a sense of dejavu. When she enters the room, she hears a familiar voice telling her to sit. Without revealing their face, Alexis is handed a box of files with titles “Baby Girl Cassadine”, “Teen Girl Cassadine”, “Young Woman Cassadine”. The box, filled with surveillance photos and documents takes Alexis by surprise, especially when she recognizes the woman in the photos. The person tells Alexis that they know what her father arranged to happen when she was a teen. This person reveals that they know about the child Alexis gave up for adoption 26 years ago. Alexis tries to deny the accusation, but the person doesn’t believe her. Alexis is told that the secret she’s kept for so long will be revealed. And it’ll be done tonight. Alexis tries to run but is stopped after a gunshot is fired. Alexis turns around scared for her life and finally learns the identity of her capturer……Helena Cassadine.]
On The Next General Hospital….
In a General Hospital first, the entire episode will revolve around two characters. This and future episodes like it will be referred to as “ICU”.
Helena reveals reasons for kidnapping Sam and Alexis. Alexis demands to know why she has been taken and why Helena is doing what she’s doing. Helena promised that Alexis would learn the truth and makes good on that promise. Witness the announcement of a new addition to the Cassadine family, and it’s not Courtney’s child. What will Helena demand to keep quiet about this news?
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