ANOTHER WORLD 82 Donna tells Nicole of her plans
Donna tells Nicole of her future plans
Allen: Marley! What a nice surprise. Come in. I was just going to get some ice.
Marley (walking in, looking around): Going on a trip?
Allen: No…
Marley: Then why are you packing? Are you leaving the hotel?
Allen: Grandfather stopped paying for it.
Marley: What? How could he do something like that? Where are you going to go?
Allen: I’ll find somewhere.
Marley: No. I’m not gonna let any member of my family be homeless. You can stay with Tyrone and me.
Allen: You probably should run that by Tyrone first.
Marley: I don’t see it being a problem. You’re his brother.
Allen: Marley you’re so sweet for offering, but I can’t take it.
Donna sits next to Nicole as she’s getting her chemotherapy I.V. drip.
Donna: I can’t believe what Reginald did to Allen. He’s completely turning his back on him.
Nicole: It’s all my fault.
Donna: Listen to me. Don’t you dare blame yourself for what Reginald is doing.
Nicole: I was irresponsible. I had a child when I was sixteen.
Donna: That didn’t give Reginald the right to take Allen away from you, or to take Victoria away from me.
Nicole: I should have been more responsible.
Donna: You have a wonderful son, and we will try get him out of any mess that Reginald has gotten him into.
Nicole: Daddy was keeping me locked up at Pinehaven to make Allen do what he did.
Donna: Reginald has made our lives miserable long enough, and it’s time for him to pay.
-Bay City Center
Gregory and Lindsay are walking arm in arm to a table.
Lindsay (sitting down): You’ve made so much progress. You’ll probably won’t need that cane soon.
Gregory (sitting down): I owe it to you. You helped me recover.
Gregory flashes back to when he saw Lindsay puts a small cup that Jake drank water out of, into a clear bag.
Gregory: I can’t deny the good that you’ve done for me Lindsay.
They kiss.
Gregory: I really really like you, and I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything. You don’t have to keep things from me.
Lindsay gives a half smile knowing that she’s keeping her reason for being in Bay City from Gregory.
Marley: Why not?
Allen: It’s just not a good idea.
Marley: I’m sure he’ll agree. You’re his family.
Allen: We…really didn’t get along growing up.
Marley: What siblings get along all the time? It shouldn’t even matter now. You’re in need and your family should help you.
Allen: Marley just drop it. I don’t want to live with you and Tyrone.
Marley: Where else are you going to go?
Allen: I’ll figure it out.
Marley: Listen to me…you’re not alone. I’m gonna talk to Tyrone okay. I’m certain he’ll agree.
Nicole: He offered to pay for my living quarters but I refused.
Donna: I wouldn’t take anything that came from dad.
Nicole: I was going to stay with Allen, but Reginald stopped paying for his hotel room.
Donna: You could come to the mansion and stay with me.
Nicole: Thanks sis, but I’m going to be staying with Cass.
Donna: Is that a good idea?
Nicole: Cass offered, I didn’t even ask him, and I’m very happy about that.
Donna: If it helps you to beat this thing then, I’m all for it.
Donna answers her cell phone.
Donna: Hello? (beat) Hi Cass.
Nicole perks up a bit.
Donna: Okay I’ll…I’ll meet you at the mansion.
Donna hangs up smiling.
Nicole: That was Cass.
Donna: Yes…he says a company is willing to make an investment.
Nicole: Into what?
Donna: I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure, but I’m thinking about re-opening the Harbor Club.
Bay City Center
Lindsay (putting her hand on Gregory’s): I like you, too…very much.
Gregory: And I want us to be something.
Lindsay: Me, too. Besides my uncle Cass, and my cousin Charlie, you’ve been good to me since I came to town.
Gregory: You’re a nice girl, so it’s easy.
Lindsay: And the more time I spend with you, the more I trust you.
Gregory: Is something bothering you? Maybe I can help.
Lindsay (nervously): There is…something I have to tell you.
Before Lindsay can say anything…Stacey appears…
Stacey: Lindsay.
Lindsay (shocked): Mom.
Stacey: We have to talk.
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