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June 15, 2006



-The doctor tells Jennifer that Abby is gone. She breaks down in the doctor's arms.

-The doctors work to save Max but he has lost so much blood. His wound is infected and they can't understand how he managed as long as he did. There is still some debris from the accident in the wound. One of the doctors thinks it would be a miracle to survive this much blood loss.

-Nicole wants the truth from Eric about why they had to come to Salem and stay. Eric says it's just a family thing and it was just time to come home for awhile. Nicole doesn't buy it but Eric urges her to trust him. She says she does and lets it go even though she is more suspicous then ever. Greta overhears and privately agrees with Nicole and wonders what is going on with Eric. She decides to keep an eye on her ex.

-Maggie is frightened after the phone call, as is everyone else. Victor vows to catch the mastermind behind all this. Caroline urges Victor to be careful. Victor sees everyone worried about the visions they have been having, Celeste and her predictions, and now Maggie's phone call. He tells them all that they need to stick together and keep piecing this all together. If this is the Dimeras, they need to bring them down for good.

-Jennifer comes downstairs as one of the nurses is comforting her. Jennifer lashes out and announces to everyone Abby is dead and Max is hanging by a thread. Mickey, Maggie, Julie, Alice, and Jennifer comfort each other. We then see flashbacks of Abby's life.

-Caroline, Victor, Eric, and Nicole head up to check on Max. Jennifer snaps and pulls back from their emrbaces saying she has lost everything. Jack, Frankie, Doug, and now her daughter. She feels bad that she knew Max may be hurt but didn't push him to get attention medically and didn't acknowledge it. She says that it may be best for her to just go insane like her mother-she doesn't want to live or be around anyone. Life is meaningless now. Mickey tries to hold her but she knocks him back and runs off telling them to leave her alone. Julie says she feels the same way but knows that she has her family. Losing Doug makes her want to die but she lost him before and survived and knows she will here too. She decides to go after Jennifer since she may listen to her knowing she lost someone beloved tonight too.

-Celeste predicts more will die tonight and Mickey tells her to be quiet. Celeste then has a vision of Maggie and Alice screaming for their lives and begging not to die. Celeste warns Mickey to get protection for Maggie and Alice. Celeste insists they may all need protection. Mickey begs her to stop with the visions but Bonnie urges Mickey to consider it-she thinks they should consider it for all those who were around or victims of the SSK and even those that weren't since they are having visions and Maggie's phone call said they are all targets. Mickey decides to be safe then sorry and calls the police department to get protection. Maggie is freaked but Alice is strong and tells Maggie they will be fine-Tom is watching them and so are all their loves ones that have passed on. Mickey hangs up the phone and says that bodyguards are being assigned to all those who need protection. Everyone is relieved but Celeste reminds them all that Maggie was still attacked at her home with a guard and a security system protecting her during the SSK spree. Maggie is worried again as is Mickey, Bonnie, and Celeste. Alice remains brave and confident and hopes they can all get through this.

-Caroline goes in to see Max with Eric and Victor. They beg him to live. The doctors tell Caroline it can go either way and they hope they were able to stop the blood loss from continuing. Eric leaves the room and is comforted by Nicole. He tells Nicole he needs her more then she knows. Greta watches. They all three decide to go out and get something to eat together. Eric thinks it may help may things smoother between the three of them. Nicole is reluctant but agrees. Greta hopes to find out more about why Eric is back and back with Nicole. Victor is right by Caroline's side as she stays vigil at Max's bedside saying she can't lose another son tonight. Victor vows to be there for her and to catch whoever is behind this.

-Mickey goes outside to meet the police assigned bodyguards. He assures Maggie and Alice they will be fine since they are in the hospital with many people. When he leaves, a mysterious person stalks them.

-Mickey goes to the parking garage and meets the bodyguards. Eric, Nicole, and Greta come out too and tell Mickey of where they are going. They all here Julie screaming for Jennifer to calm down. They all run over to the screams. Jennifer gets in Mickey's car (she took the keys when Mickey was trying to calm her down earlier) saying she is going to be with Jack, Abby, and all her other loved ones. Julie begs her to reconsider. Jennifer starts the car as Mickey realizes his keys are gone. Julie says this isn't like her and isn't the Horton way-they need to be strong and carry on. Jennifer says she has no one to carry on for-they are all dead and more may die yet as Celeste predicts. She says she gives up and is going to reunite with her deceased family and friends. She puts the car in gear. Julie jumps in as it begins to drive away. Jennifer orders her out but Julie says she needs to stop her and she knows she can. Jennifer says no one can. Mickey and the cops deicde to pursue Jennifer, who is driving his car, Eric, Nicole, and Greta jump in a cop car with Mickey and one of the bodyguards and they take off, as several other cop cars follow and a chase ensues as the screen fades to black.


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