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Episodes 123-127



Episodes 123-127

June 12, 2006-June 16, 2006

James immediately took Lily hostage and refused to let her mother go. She made a plea to James saying that if he let her mother go, she would hand herself over to him. Just then, Holden emerged and pulled a gun on James. Lucinda ran for the door and distracted James's attention. Lily broke free and Holden continued holding James at gunpoint. As the two women shared a brief reunion outside, they also feared for Holden's life. James tried to talk Holden down, but when he was unable to, James lunged for the gun and a shot rang out. Holden shared a joyous reunion with Lucinda and Lily and the three of them headed home. Meanwhile, paramedics arrived and took James to a hospital. Sierra welcomed them with open arms. Worldwide slowly regained investors and Stenbeck International went down the drain with no-one to run it. Everyone received word that James was in a coma and things don't look good for him. Relieved, Holden and Lily made vacation plans, since the past year had left them no time to relax. Lucinda, Luke, and Sierra all bid Holden and Lily farewell as they boarded an around-the-world cruise. Barbara contacted Cass about an anullment from James, which he agreed to look into.

Luke and Heath traded punches and insults. Luke told Heath that he would never amount to anything in life, which hit Heath hard. Maddie stopped the madness and politely told Heath to stay away from Luke, which he wrongly thought meant her, too. Later, while Luke and Maddie partied the night away at a friend's house...they got a call from Heath's parents saying that Heath took a bunch of sleeping pills and though he's being taken to Memorial, he might not make it.

Jennifer and Nick arrive to find that Gwen has done the unthinkable! She has brought some of Jennifer's modeling friends from Milan for the photo shoot for the ad campaign. One of then named Cherry encourages Jennifer to go with her heart and be happy with Nick. Meanwhile, Emily arrives with Andy and the photo shoot starts. Cherry cools down Jennifer and tells her that from past experience, people find love in odd places and maybe Emily is the one for Andy. Jennifer decides that holding grudges is what makes a person bitter and empty and surprisingly thanks Emily for coming. She begs Emily to let their past be their past and also asks Emily to take good care of Andy.

After the photo shoot, Emily sees John and Andy notices Emily's odd behavior and calls her on it, bluntly asking if John has said something to Emily to change her opinion on their blossoming romance.

Bob is intrigued with Hal's new clean bill of health and asks Susan all sorts of medical questions. He notices her strange behavior and calls her on it. Later, he finds an empty drug container and finds out that Hal's I.V. bag had traces of the drug left in it. Bob cornered Susan and suspended her from Oakdale Memorial just as Hal, newly discharged, walked through the hospital hallway headed home.

Dusty asked Lucy for another chance, but Lucy told him that she forgot to tell him she was only home for a short break in her studies and would be returning to Williams tonight. Dusty and Lucy made love and he wished her the best of luck with her new life. Later, Meg revealed to Dusty a sonogram picture and thrw him out of the house after scolding him for not believing her and thinking her pregnancy news was just a ploy to tear Dusty and Lucy apart. Alone, Dusty regretted ever sleeping with Lucy.

Kim revealed herself to Henry and offered her ear. She told him that what he did was inspiring, but he went about it the wrong way. Henry believed that Kim thought he was a failure, but was later elated when Kim asked Henry to be her new Prgram Director at WOAK. Nancy later applauded Kim on reaching out to Henry and helping him find his way in the world.

Tom helped Roxie out of the wreckage and took her to the police station, where little di she know, Nadine had been called in when the police, after searching her car, found some tools she had used to cut Roxie's brake lines. While Roxie and Nadine had a face-off in the police station, Tom did some research on Margo's computer and something surprising caught his eye.

Will and Gwen were finally relieved to receive word from Cass that Will's trust fund had finally been released to him. Later, Gwen recived word from Carly that Jack was doing noticeably better and they would be headed home to Oakdale soon.


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