ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 68 Jack and Paulina reconnect
Jack and Paulina reconnect
Cameron and Amanda are in their bedroom, and Amanda has just read the contents of an envelope that Rachel gave her.
Amanda: I can’t believe this.
Cameron: What is it?
Amanda: My mom sold Cory Publishing to Reginald Love.
Cameron: Wow. Is that what’s on the paper?
Amanda: No. My lawyers are telling me that I have thirty days to contest the sale and keep it in the family.
Cameron: That can be costly…and time consuming.
Amanda: This is my chance to keep my father’s company in the family…where it belongs. I’m gonna go ask my mother about this.
Rachel faces Allen in the living room as Amanda approaches the top of the stairs.
Allen: Is she here?
Rachel: Allen this is not a good time. She’s resting.
Allen: I’ve been so worried about her. Please can I see her?
Rachel (sighing): I really don’t want you anywhere near my daughter. Now leave before I have you escorted off the premises.
Allen: Look Rachel you have every right not to trust me, but know that I do care for Amanda, and I just need to know if she’s okay.
Rachel: I want you to go.
Amanda (walking downstairs): No mom.
Paulina walks into Jack Snyder’s office.
Jack: Paulina.
Paulina: Hi Jack. I’m glad you called me.
Jack: Thanks for coming.
Paulina smiles.
Felicia and Mitch are there with Toni Burrell.
Felicia: Thank you for getting my husband out of danger.
Toni: I did it for all of us.
Felicia: I really thought my husband was dead.
Toni: We had to make it believable. We had to make Evan think that he was killed.
Mitch: That bulletproof vest was kind of heavy.
Felicia: Well it saved your life honey.
Toni: Well Evan really is dead so he won’t be a problem for anyone else anymore.
Mitch: He wanted to kill me because I turned on his mother.
Felicia: Well that’s all in the past now. We are together, and I’m not losing my husband this time.
Mitch: So…Toni what are you going to do?
Toni: Work on some cases I guess. I mean I’m glad this is all over. Jack Snyder is new in town, but I had a personal stake in catching Evan. He killed one of our finest.
Felicia: Joe Carlino. Has Paulina been informed about Evan killing Joe?
Toni: No, not yet.
Paulina: What’s going on?
Jack: I needed to inform you of something.
Paulina: Of what?
Jack: We’ve been investigating your husband’s murder.
Paulina (anxiously): And? What happened?
Jack: We found the killer.
Paulina: Well where is he? Who was it?
Jack: Evan Frame.
Paulina: Oh my God…you can’t be serious!
Jack: He was found dead in his hotel room. Seems like he caused quite a bit of havoc.
Paulina: Why did he kill my husband?
Jack: Apparently Joe and Cameron Sinclair were investigating him, and Joe was getting too close.
Paulina: Close? To what? Jack what is it you’re not telling me?
Jack: Evan shot Grant on Bay City Center’s grand opening.
Paulina: Oh my God…
Paulina flashes back to a conversation she and Joe had.
Paulina: Why do you need to take this job?
Joe: Cuz we need the money. They’re cutting back at the police station and the restaurant ain’t doin’ too good.
Paulina: You know this job is too dangerous Joe and I don’t want you to take it!
Paulina then comes back to the present.
Paulina: That’s why he took the job as the security detail. He was really trying to bust someone. Why would Evan kill him though?
Jack: We don’t really know everything behind that. We just know that he’s off the streets, and he won’t be hurting anyone else again.
Paulina: Why did he shoot Grant?
Jack: Sounds like a question you’re gonna have to ask him. I’m so sorry Paulina.
Paulina: About what?
Jack: About you losing your husband.
Paulina: Wow you’re always showing compassion, just like you did back when Remy was born.
Jack: I’m seeing that similar look of bewilderment on your face.
Paulina: And you were there for me then, too.
Jack: You were devastated to give Remy up for adoption.
Paulina: I don’t think I…could’ve gotten through all of that without your support.
Jack: Are you going to be okay?
Paulina: I thought this would…help to give me closure about Joe’s death but, it just raises more questions. Why did Evan shoot Grant?
Jack: It’s not gonna be an official police investigation, but if you need my help, I’m here.
Paulina (smiling): Thank you.
Allen: My God, I’m so glad to see you. Are you okay? Were you hurt?
Amanda: I’m fine Allen.
Allen: I was worried sick when I heard you went missing.
Amanda: Everything worked out fine. I’m so sorry that you worried like that.
Allen: I don’t want to ever lose you again.
Allen leans in to kiss her, and Amanda pulls back slightly.
Amanda: Allen there’s…something I need to tell you.
Allen: Oh you need to go lie down. Your mom said you were tired. I’m sorry I didn’t want to interrupt your rest.
Amanda: No please. I owe it to you. I have to tell you now.
Allen: Looks like it’s bothering you. Tell me about what.
Cameron opens the door and sees Amanda and Allen.
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