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Getting the Ball Rolling (SUPERSIZED EPISODE)




Olivia rolls out of bed and draws the blinds to window, bringing in a surge of sunlight. She walks over to her vanity where she plops down and has a seat, examining herself in the mirror.

Suddenly, in the mirror splits (in Olivia’s mind), showing her Id (primitive side), which looks very sluttish, and her superego (moralistic side), which looks very natural and maternal, looking back at her.

Olivia: What the fu— (rubbing her eyes) Am I going insane?

Superego: No, but you keep down this path you will.

Id: (tuts) Oh please.

Superego: Olivia, you know what you’re doing is wrong. Deep down you know that Sam’s death was an accident. He chose to save Marah and risk his life. You giving a hard time is disrespecting him.

Olivia takes this food for thought, but noticing this, Id jumps in.

Id: (to Superego) Shut up! (to Olivia) Don’t listen. That little tramp is flaunting around town like her stuff don’t stank. She planned the trip. She invited Sam. She is the reason he was there.

Superego: Not true!

Id: Yes it is! You know it is too, Olivia.

Olivia: I cannot believe that I am sitting here talking to myself.

Id: Believe it and believe that Marah does not give a damn about you or your brother. How has she respected your wishes? Has she stayed away from you like you asked? No!

Superego: Well Springfield isn’t that big. . .

Id: It’s big enough for her to find work elsewhere. And don’t forget that this is the same little twerp that tried to break you and Josh up all those years ago. Remember that? You remember how she disrespected you.

Olivia: True.

Superego: Olivia, that was years ago.

Id: Yep, but a leopard never changes his spots. That little witch is probably grinning at the fact that she is lived and your brother died.

Superego: Olivia, listen to me, you will only hurt yourself if you go on trying to punish Marah.

Id: She’s right.

Olivia: Huh?!

Superego: (overlapping) Huh?!

Id: She is right about you going on to punish Marah the way that you have.

Superego: (unsure) I am? (thinking for a sec, then gloating) I am.

Id: I think you should switch your approach. Let her keep the job.

Superego: See, Id, I knew I’d rub off on you eventually.

Id: Oh b*tch please. (to Olivia) Keep your enemies closer, Olivia. You keep that little tramp close and then you slit her throat when she least expects it.

Olivia smiles at the sound of this plan.

Superego: Olivia!

Olivia: Shut up! (to Id) You know what, I like your style.

Superego: Olivia! Don’t do it.

Olivia gets up and walks away.

Superego: Olivia! Olivia! Sam would disapprove— (to Id) I hope you are happy.

Id: Sure am.

On Id pleased with herself and Id shaking her head, disapproving,



Jeffrey sits at his desk with Doris sitting across from. We come in mid-convo:

Doris: What are the updates on the Foley case?

Jeffrey: None. Grady Foley is still on the run.

Doris: And what about the Bauer girl?

Jeffrey: Leah?

Doris: Yep.

Jeffrey: We’re still working on what to charge her with.

Doris: Aiding and abetting . . . accessory to an attempted murder. Shall I go on?

Jeffrey: That’s a bit harsh, Doris.

Doris: I don’t care. Phillip Spaulding almost died because she helped Grady Foley.

Jeffrey: But you can clearly see she had no idea that he was going to poison Phillip.

Doris: If looking innocent is the measuring stick to get people off then Springfield would be filled with crazies on the streets, who tried the same thing.

Jeffrey: Doris, I—


Reva opens the door, peeking in.

Reva: Oops. Am I interrupting?

Doris: I was just leaving. (looking at Reva) Don’t wanna spill anything to my competition’s sister. (to Jeffrey) Get it done. I won’t settle for less.

Doris brushes past Reva, exiting. Reva comes in, closing the door. She looks at Jeffrey, who is now stressed.

Reva: What now?

Jeffrey: Nothing.

Reva: Fine. But I was just stopping by to see if you wanted to meet up for lunch?

Jeffrey: Sure. What time and where?

Reva: I guess we can eat at Towers but I gotta check with Josh when lunch is. I’m working with him today.

Jeffrey rolls his eyes.

Reva: Really, Jeffrey? Are we still on this?

Jeffrey: Yeah we are.

Reva: Why are you so mad? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were threatened.

Jeffrey: Should I?

On Reva amused,


Picking up where we left off:

Jeffrey: Should I?

Reva: You tell me.

Jeffrey: I don’t know why you have work with him when you have a good job as a manager at the Beacon.

Reva: Where I’d still have to interact with Joshua.

Jeffrey: But not as much.

Reva: Actually I still would. Plus, you fail to realize that we do have two kids together.

Jeffrey: Who are grown.

Reva: I find this interesting that you are whining about this, but do I ever whine about you and Olivia talking? Do I?

Jeffrey: No but Olivia and I don’t have history of reuniting time after time.

Reva: So you think I took this job to reunite with Joshua? Because if that is what you think then you are SO wrong. If I wanted Josh, I could have him and I would be with him as we speak. But who I am here with? Who?!

Jeffrey: Me.

Reva: Exactly.

Jeffrey: I’m sorry.

Reva: I’m sure you are, but it is starting to get old.

Reva exits leaving Jeffrey with egg on his face



Trista and Hawk walk through the park tossing sunflower seeds to the pigeons in the park.

Trista: I still can’t believe that you knew all this time and didn’t say anything.

Hawk: Because I knew you’d come out and say something eventually.

Trista: But have you thought of how my dad is going to take it?

Hawk: (stopping) It has been running through my mind for years.

Trista: How is he going to take it?

Hawk: Knowing my son, he is going to flip his lid.

Trista: Well I don’t want to get you in trouble.

Hawk: Oh I can handle it. Wouldn’t be the first time he was mad at me. Don’t worry about me, sweet pea. Everything will work out just fine. Trust me. Now c’mon.

Hawk wraps his arm around and he is Trista continue on through the park.



Blake, Clarissa, and Kevin carry groceries in. Kevin and Clarissa sit their bags down and head out to get some more while Blake stays behind, unloading them.

Blake opens the freezer and places some groceries into the freezer. She closes the door and jumps at the sight of other son, JASON.

Blake: Jason!

Jason: Hey, Mom. Aren’t you gonna hug me?

Blake takes her son and squeezes him tightly, then pulls away.

Blake: What are you—when did you get here?

Jason: Earlier but I stopped by the station and saw Grandma. She drove me home and let me in.

Clarissa (OS): Mom, Kevin— (entering kitchen) Jason!

Kevin: (behind her) Bro?

Jason: Hey everyone.

On Jason smiling,



Mel waits outside Dr. Kirkpatrick’s door when Leah walks out bearing papers. Mel stands up.

Mel: So how did it go?

Mel and Leah start down the corridor.

Leah: Fine. We talked about you, me, and my hatred for Dad.

Mel: That’s good. I really hope that this helps. This might also help with the case too.

Leah: How so?

Mel: Well Dr. Kirkpatrick can testify on your behalf about your relationship with your father, how Grady preyed on you, and how it resulted in you assisting him. You were irrational and—

Leah: Mom, enough. I really don’t want to get into it.

Mel: It is a little too late for you to clam up now. We have a case coming up and real soon.

Leah stops and faces off with Mel.

Leah: This would’ve never happened if you never hooked up with Cyrus.

Mel: Don’t blame this on me!

Leah: If you and Dad would’ve never broken up then this would’ve never happened. I would not be going to court, I wouldn’t hate Dad, and you wouldn’t be pregnant with Cyrus’s baby!

Mel: How do you know!

Leah: Next time you take a pregnancy test, get rid of the evidence better.

Leah walks off leaving Mel embarrassed.



Christina looks at her watch, waiting patiently for Remy. Remy then enters, advancing towards her.

Remy: (going in to kiss her) Hey baby.

Christina halts the kiss. Remy is thrown off by this.

Christina: Sit.

Remy sits.

Remy: What is going on?

Christina produces a letter from her purse and hands it to Remy. Remy reads the letter and his face lights up.

Remy: You were accepted at John Hopkins? This is great!

Christina: Sure is and I accepted my slot. Question is, are you coming with me?

Remy: But my family is here and this whole ordeal with Leah. . .

Christina: Then I guess that solves it. I’m leaving tonight.

Remy: Chris, that is not fair. You are just sitting this on me now, and expect a decision?

Christina: You know that I always wanted to go to John Hopkins.

Remy: Yeah but—

Christina: You’ve made your decision and I respect it.

Christina kisses Remy on cheek.

Christina: It’s been real fun.

Christina exits, leaving Remy clueless as to what just went down.



Alan sits at his desk looking at an application thoroughly. Sitting across from him is a young man named Brandon, dressed professionally. He waits patiently (yet anxious) for Alan to say something. Then Alan looks up,

Alan: So, Brandon Reed, you went to Harvard for business?

Brandon: Yes, Sir.

Alan: Mmm hmm. . .

Brandon: I have you know that I graduate Magna Cum-Laude.

Alan: I can read. You have it on your resume.

Brandon starts to slump in his seat as he feels that he might have just blown a once in a lifetime shot at working with his idol, Alan Spaulding.

Alan: Congratulations.

Brandon sits back up.

Brandon: Huh?

Alan: (extending his hand) Welcome to Spaulding.

Brandon: A-Are you serious? You mean it? I got the job?

Alan: Yes. However, I see you have potential to be a very savvy business man one day.

Brandon: That means the world coming from you.

Alan smiles.

Alan: That is why I have to ask you do something for me. . .

Brandon: I’ll do it. I’ll do anything.

Alan: I need you to help me bring down my sister, Alexandra, and bring her down for good.

On Brandon contemplating then a devious grin wiping across his hand as he takes Alan’s hand, shaking it



Nola is curled up on the sofa wiping tears from her eyes as she watches To Kill a Mockingbird on the TV. The credits start to scroll across the screen

Nola: (sniveling uncontrollably) That damn Gregory Peck gets me every single time. If only they made movies and shows with powerful messages like they use too. (wiping away tears) Now everything is about sex and violence. . . (sighs) How I miss the old times.

Nola takes the remote and aims it at the TV, shutting it off. The silence that she once had is now ruined with J and Quint coming down the stairs, arguing. Nola implants her face into her palms, so over it.

J: (entering the room) Dad, trust me—I don’t want to stick around. If I could, I would flee Springfield as fast as I can.

Quint: (tailing him) Then why don’t you?

J: Because I choose not to run. Something you had a history of doing all your life.

Nola jumps up driving a wedge between her husband and son.

Nola: OK. What now?

J: He’s nagging me about what I am going to do next.

Quint: I’m just want him to do something other than lie around and sulk. How about going rejoining the police squad—Springfield Police Department. I could call Frank, and—

J: (snapping back) NO! Now stay out of my damn business. When I make my next move, you’ll know!

J rams into Quinton as he exits. Nola gazes at Quinton, shaken at what he said.

Nola: Do you realize what you just said? Do you realize how sensitive it is for you to keep bringing up his old life to him?! The loss he—we suffered. . .

Nola is on the verge of crying again when Quinton eases in and grabs his wife holding her tightly in a comforting embrace.

Quint: (deeply remorseful) Nola. . .

Nola: Quinton, give him time. You have to realize that he is a man that lost everything not too long ago.

Unknowingly, J stands outside the room listening in to what is going on. With him fighting back tears and furious,



Holly, Dinah, and Vanessa stand in the doorway talking to each other.

Holly: You sure about this, Vanessa?

Dinah: Yeah, Mom. You sure you wanna go back Spaulding with Alan?

Vanessa: I do. I actually miss it.

Holly: Just know that the door is ALWAYS open for you to come back to WSPR. I mean it.

Vanessa is touched by Holly’s invitation.

Vanessa: Thanks.

Holly: No problem.

Holly looks past Dinah and Vanessa to see Reginald easing down the hall. He is very attractive and knows it but he also possesses a slimy side that makes him a tad bit unbalanced—he is that anchor that is willing do anything to get the story.

Holly: Excuse me, ladies, our new anchor is here.

Dinah and Vanessa look at Reginald, who comes up shaking Holly’s hand firmly.

Vanessa: (to Dinah) He’s attractive.

Dinah: I’m with Shayne, Mom.

Vanessa: I know but that has never stopped you before.

Dinah shoots a look at Vanessa, who looks back at her grinning. Meanwhile, Holly, with Reginald, rejoins them.

Holly: Dinah, this is your co-anchor, Reginald. Reginald, this is Dinah and her mother, Vanessa.

Reginald: Nice to meet both of you. Hmm. . . . Dinah? Like Dinah Shore?

Dinah: (shaking his hand) I hope I can achieve the success she has achieved in the media.

Reginald: With me by your side, you will.

Reginald smiles at Dinah, still shaking her hand, while eyeing her down seductively.

Dinah removes her hand from the uncomfortable situation.

Reginald: Isn’t there another anchor?

Holly: Yes, my daughter, Blake.

Blake (OS): Who happens to be standing behind you. . .

Everyone turns to see Blake standing behind them, dressed like a little sex-pot in her business suit that is showing cleavage and legs.

Dinah: You do realize that this is not a strip club, Blake?

Blake: Oh Dinah, green does not look good on you.

Dinah: Neither does that outfit.

Blake ignores her and steps in front her, facing Reginald.

Blake: (shaking his hand) I’m Blake.

Reginald: (eyeing her voluptuous body for a second, then) Oh, I’m Reginald.

Blake definitely likes what she sees. Holly notices this and,

Holly: OK. Time for you all to head to makeup.

Blake: God knows Dinah could use a miracle before the camera comes on.

Dinah flicks Blake “the bird.”

Vanessa: On that note, I need to head to Spauldings for the board meeting.

Reginald: You work for Spaulding Enterprises?

Vanessa: Why yes.

Reginald: Perfect. We might need you one day if we decide to a piece on local businessmen and women or a piece on Alan Spaulding.

Vanessa: Well I’d be honored for the first suggestion. You wouldn’t need me for the second piece as Dinah and Blake have enough to give you what you’d be looking for. (to Dinah, kissing her) Good luck. (to Blake) You too. (to Holly) I’ll see you around.

On Vanessa exiting,



A shot of a police badge that reads Det. Harley Cooper, we pull back to show Harley thrilled over the sight of holding her badge in her hand.

Frank: You sure that you are ready to come back?

Harley: More than ready.

Frank: Good because we missed you.

Harley: I missed you all too. I just can’t wait to get back on the streets of Springfield.

Frank: Alright, Baretta.

Harley: Very funny.

Harley places her badge in her pocket and grabs her holster with gun off Frank’s desk, putting it on.

Frank: How are the boys taking it?

Harley: Me being back?

Frank nods.

Harley: They seem fine by it. I think that they are still just glad to be home.

Harley’s phone beeps. She looks at it.

Harley: Oops.

Frank: You’re already busy?

Harley: No. I just forgot that I was supposed to stop by Cassie’s to pick up Zach’s soccer gear that he left over there.

Frank: How is she doing?

Harley: Fine. I mean she’s been busy with the upcoming reopening of the Beacon and dealing with Olivia and Edmund. . .

Frank: Edmund?



Cassie rushes over to the door to let Edmund, bearing flowers, in and signals for him to be quiet as she is on the phone.

Cassie: (on phone) I looked at the designs that you sent me for website and I was hoping for something more interactive—something that allows the guest to look at their room before the book it. You know what I mean.

Edmund grabs a vase out the cabinet and places the flowers inside of it. He then turns (standing by the counter) and watches Cassie at work, smiling.

Cassie: That’s fine. Just send the designs to me as soon as possible. . . OK. Thank you. . . Bye.

Cassie hangs up the phone and turns to Edmund.

Cassie: What are you doing here?

Edmund: I came to see my favorite ex-wife.

Cassie: I thought that Beth occupied that position?

Edmund: She wishes.

Cassie laughs.

Cassie: But really, what do you want, Edmund?

Edmund: Your hand in marriage again.

Cassie: Well that’ll never happen again.

Edmund: Then what about a business proposition?

Cassie: Like?

Edmund: Allowing me to buy into the Beacon as a partial owner.

Cassie: No way in h*ll.



Danny walks up smiling as Michelle and Ed relax drinking lemonade.

Danny: Good news. I just placed my hat into the bid for town mayor.

Ed: Again? That’s phenomenal.

Danny: I did it once and won, I guess that I could do it again.

Michelle: Great! At least you don’t have to worry about me screwing up your campaign like last time.

Danny: Michelle, that’s in the past.

Michelle: I know.

Danny: I feel that if we are going to stay in Springfield then I want this place to be safe for Robbie and Hope.

Ed: Well I think you are the man who could get it done. I just hate that you are running against Rusty.

Michelle: . . .and Doris.

Ed: Well her too.

Ed pours Danny a glass of lemonade and hands it to him.

Ed: (raising his glass) To the future Mayor of Springfield!

Danny: Cheers.

As Danny and Ed celebrate, Michelle eases into the house and down the hall into the


where she flicks on the light, looking at herself in the mirror. All these thoughts of Meta and her family members starts to plague her as she falls to the floor in fetal position bursting into tears.



Lizzie comes rushing in screaming joyfully and hugging her friend, Tierra, tightly.

Lizzie: Tierra! Oh my God! I haven’t seen you in years!

Tierra: I know right.

Lizzie: When I heard that you were coming back home, I had was thrilled.

Tierra: Well I got a table for us.

Lizzie and Tierra walk over to their table that has a pitcher filled with margarita in it. The grab a glass and pour themselves a drink.

Lizzie: I can’t stay for too long. I have a board meeting at Spaulding in a few.

Tierra: Lizzie Spaulding, look at you! A businesswoman?! I would’ve never. . .

Lizzie: Neither did I.

Tierra: I just hope I land this job today.

Lizzie: Where?

Tierra: The Springfield Journal.

Lizzie: (stops sipping her drink) Really?

Tierra: Yep.

Lizzie: Today might be your lucky day as my uncle, Alan Michael is GM of both the Journal and WSPR with Holly Reade, a good family friend. I could put in a good word with you.

Tierra: I couldn’t ask you to do that.

Lizzie: It’s already settled. I’ll do it once I leave here.

Dorrie comes sashaying into the bar donning designer clothes from head to toe. She notices Lizzie and waves. Lizzie moans.

Tierra: Who is she?

Lizzie: A piece of trash.

Dorrie advances over the table to cause trouble.

Dorrie: Lizzie, aren’t you going to invite me to have drinks?

Lizzie: No.

Tierra: There is enough—

Lizzie drives her elbow into Tierra’s side.

Lizzie: You’ll have to get your own drink—that is if you can afford it.

Dorrie: That’s no problem. (digging in her purse to reveal Alan’s credit card) Your grandfather is taking care of the tab for me.

Lizzie’s jaw drops.

Dorrie: Now if you’ll excuse me.

Dorrie tosses her hair and walks off.

Lizzie: That little bit—

Dorrie heads into the bar and bumps into Dinah.

Dorrie: Dinah?

Dinah studies Dorrie’s face for a sec, then

Dinah: Dorrie, is that you?

Dorrie: In the flesh.

Dinah hugs Dorrie.

Dinah: When did you get back in town?

Dorrie: A while back. I went back to Europe to sever some ties and I am here for the long haul.

Dinah: So where are you staying?

Dorrie: With the Spauldings.

Dinah looks past Dorrie at Lizzie, who is watching on in a blind rage.

Dinah: I can tell they don’t like you.

Dorrie: Who cares. Alan likes me.

Dinah: You just better remember that Alan is snake.

Dorrie: And my mother is the mongoose.

Dinah: True. Let’s have a drink before I have to head back to the station.

Dorrie: Sure. I’ll pay or Alan will.

Dinah: Then I’ll have the most expensive drink on the menu.

Dorrie and Dinah laugh as Lizzie continues to watch on.

Lizzie: How could Dinah be associated with her? (thinking about it) Never mind. This is Dinah we are talking about.

Tierra: Who is she?

Lizzie: Dinah? Oh my sister-in-law that hates me and vice versa.

Tierra: That’s nice.

Remy, a wreck, drags himself into the bar. Tierra notices him.

Tierra: (nudging Lizzie) Hey! Isn’t that Remy Boudreau from high school?

Lizzie: Yeah, why?

Tierra: No reason.

On Tierra liking what she sees before her,



Alan: (entering her office) Alexandra, it is about that—

Alan notices Alex straddled across the floor, passed out. The telephone dangles down from the desk, beside her.

Alan: (kneeling down) Alex? (shaking her) Alex! (calling out) Someone call 911!

Beth peeks her head into the office.

Beth: Alan, what is—(noticing Alex) Oh my God!!

Alan: Call 911! Quick!

Beth nods and rushes down the hall.

On Alex lying motionless,




- The past comes back to haunt the three candidates: Rusty, Danny, and Doris

- Olivia's plan hits her where it hurts the most

- Edmund brings Mallet's sister, Julie to town as a distraction

- Jeffrey still feels threatened by Josh's presence in Reva's life

- Tom and J get a job. . . with Alan!

- Marah finds love in the most unlikely place

- Love is all around for the youngsters

- Mallet and Dinah are drawn back together when Dinah gets a stalker

- Lara's friend (Shayne's ex/Edmund's daughter), Mackenzie comes to town obssessed with Shayne and hates Marina

- Blake learns Kevin's secret and is not happy

- Alex gets disturbing news

- Trista's paternity comes out and her mother Laurel comes to town

- Rick is attracted to Laurel

- Mel's pregnancy is revealed and the verdict is in for Leah

- One cousin falls for another cousin's wife

- Michelle falls victim of the Bauer curse

- Caroline's identity is blown

- Two childhood friends fall into bed together, thus creating a scandal

- Pilar returns at the hands of Dorrie to cause trouble for Lizzie

- Brandon has a secret. . . he's a Tamerlain! He wants what is his.

- Dorrie learns Brandon's secrets and immediately sinks her hooks into him

- A Tierra/Brandon/Dorrie/Remy quad creates drama

- Carmen awakens from her coma and wreaks havoc for Danny and Edmund

- After Trista's reveal, Cassie decides it is time to find her biological dad, hurting Hawk

- Carmen brings the mob back to Springfield and mob friends

- John Hu, a friend of Carmen's, has many ties to Springfield

- The Diamondhead Organization is after Josh again

- A drunken night results in Billy finding the woman of his dreams

- A Springfield denizen has falls victim to DID

- The Marler boys apples have not fallen too far the tree. Kevin is apple is from Ross' tree but Jason is from Roger's tree

- Jason wants Phillip's head on a silver platter

- Springfield has a serial killer on the loose

- Someone is hiding a secret as to who they are tied too and Rita is at the center

- Annie's sister and niece come to town and they are just as dangerous as she is

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