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Trista and Rocky sit at a table filled with books. Both are deep into their studies until Trista's tapping on the pen interrupts Rocky.

Rocky: You OK?

Trista: Huh?

Rocky: You were tapping your pencil on the table.

Trista: Dear God, I am so sorry.

Rocky: No you're fine.

They go back to studying, then

Trista: Does something look like it is bothering me?

Rocky: (looking up) You tell me.

Trista: OK. I'm not.

Rocky: Then what is it?

Trista: They know.

Rocky: Who?

Trista: My Aunt Reva and Grandpa Hawk.

Rocky: They do.

Trista: Yep. Grandfather says he always knew, which stunned both me and Reva.

Rocky: So does Rusty know?

Trista: Not yet. But he will sooner to later.


Reva and Cassie stand at the room service counter looking over blueprints with Olivia and Dylan. Rusty strides in bearing posters.

Reva: Rusty! What are you doing here?

Rusty: Just here to drop off a few flyers and see if you mind me hanging up a few posters.

Cassie: Go ahead.

Olivia: I think NOT!

Cassie and Reva side eye Olivia. Olivia gives it right back to them.

Cassie: Why can't he?

Olivia: Bad for business.

Reva: Here we go.

Cassie: How?

Olivia: You own the hotel and your half brother is running for office. You allowing him to hang posters in here is favoritism and you might offend some of the guest that do not want to vote for him.

Cassie: So what. I don't care.

Olivia: But I do.

Rusty: (awkardly) You know what, nevermind.

Reva: Hold up!

Reva walks behind the counter, stopping him.

Reva: Give me some of those flyers then.

Olivia: Excuse me?

Reva: You said that posters were a "no," but you didn't say no to flyers.

Reva takes some of the flyers.

Reva: We can sit them on the service counter for when guests check in. Do you have any pamphlets too?

Olivia: Excuse me, Reva, you work for me!

Reva: No. I work for Cassie sometimes and Joshua. Those are my two bosses.

Olivia: Well if you keep disrespecting me then you'll be down to one job and I doubt they'll keep you at Lewis Construction seeing as you'll also result in them losing a contract--our contract.

Cassie: Who decided that?

Olivia: Me. Case closed. No political memorabilia.

Marah (OS): Hey Cassie, I picked out some fabrics for the--

Marah notices Olivia. Olivia looks back at Cassie for answers.

Cassie: What now, Olivia?

Olivia: What is she doing here?

Reva: She is assisting Cassie.

Olivia: In doing what?

Cassie comes from behind the counter, wrapping her arm around Marah's shoulder.

Cassie: She is gonna be the one to help redesign the hotel.

Olivia: (searching for something to say, then) . . .She is--what?! Oh hell no. One Shayne is enough. Two is too many, but three is a crowd that I ain't having.

Marah: (to Cassie) I told you.

Olivia: And they should've listened.

Cassie: She's staying.

Olivia: No.

Marah: Cassie--

Cassie: NO! (to Olivia) You didn't want anything to do with this. You said that I could handle it and I did. I hired Marah. She is staying.

Olivia: If I knew you were going to hire her then I would've taken another task on like I've been doing before you decided to come back home.

Cassie: She is staying and not another word. (to Marah) Let Dylan take to you the third story to see some of the suites you will be redesigning.

Dylan and Marah get on an elevator nearby, exiting.

Rusty: I'm gonna go. (taking back the flyers and posters) I'll call you both later.

Rusty exits.

Reva: Olivia, you are a b*tch.

Olivia: Tell me something I don't know.

Cassie: She's staying.

Olivia: You keep saying that but I can tell you now that it ain't gonna happen. Not on my watch.

Olivia starts to walk off when:

Reva: Sam must be spinning in his grave.

Olivia: (turning around) What did you say?

Reva: You heard me. How you are treating my daughter. Sam would so hate you.

Olivia charges towards Reva like a bull but Cassie steps inbetween the two.

Olivia: (enraged with her finger in Reva's face) Don't you ever talk about my brother, you low life Tulsa trash.

Reva: And you leave my child alone. If you wanna play with the big dogs then you come and pull my chain. Otherwise, you will leave my child alone.

Olivia: I'll do as I please.

Reva: And I whoop that--

Cassie: OK, OK. Enough you two.

Olivia: (walking away) She better enjoy today because it will be her last. And Reva, if you ever disrespect me again, you'll be out of a job.

Olivia exits.

Reva: Stankin' trick.


Break room.jpg


India sits at a table reading a fashion magazine when Alex enters. Alex goes over to the coffee machine, grabbing a clean mug.

India: (still buried in magazine) Step-mommy dearest...

Alex: Shouldn't you be working. Alan hired you for two jobs, public relations and running the foundation. Why haven't I gotten any reports from you today.

India: Because I answer to Alan.

Alex: And me.

India: (putting the magazine) I would've answered to you if you didn't give me your a** to kiss when I came back to town.

Alex: And this is new to you?

India: Oh no but you should've played it smart, Alexandra. I'm not going anywhere.

Alex: (pouring coffee in her mug) We'll see.

India: We shall.

Alex: Keep up the act because you will be booted out once again and this time it'll be for good.

India: You sound so confident in that threat. What's up your sleeve, Baroness?

Alex: You shall see soon enough.

India: I'll be waiting.

Alex: Good. Farewell, India.

Alex leaves. On India, waving to Alex



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Will Olivia use this to get back at Marah? To have her work under her at the hotel...So is India married to one of Alexandra's children? (Lujack, Nick lol)

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No India is not married to neither of Alex's kids. She was just married to Phillip and was once Alex's stepdaughter; however, India will trying and find a way to get back with the Spauldings, which she is doing now, but you have keep reading to see if her plans come to fruition or not. Same with Olivia and Marah. Keep reading...

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