New Beginnings

Reva stands at the sink washing dishes. She is deep in thought, replaying the conversation over and over from the other day.
Hawk's voice: She is a Shayne. Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . .
Reva: Oh, Pop. What have you done. If Rusty ever finds out, all hell will break loose.
Marah (OS) : Mom, What are you talking about?
Reva nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of Marah's voice. Marah walks over to Reva, putting her arm on her, comforting her.
Marah: You OK?
Reva: (laughing it off) I am fine. I should be asking you if you are OK. Are you?
Marah: Do we have to talk about me?
Reva: No but you do need to talk to someone -- a professional. Maybe I should schedule you some appointments with a therapist?
Marah: MOM!
Reva: Marah, it won't hurt for you to talk to someone.
Tears start to form in Marah's eyes. She is starting to unravel.
Marah: Mom. . . I-I don't know if I can go back to the place. The thought of hundreds of pounds of snow covering over me. The thought of Sam, oh Sam!
Reva holds Marah tightly, coddling her. Marah sobs in her chest.
Reva: Baby, don't you worry. Momma is here.
Marah: (wiping away her tears) I know but you can't protect me from her.
Reva: Her?
Marah: Olivia.
Reva: What has that old carpet munching bitch done now?
Marah is stunned by what her mother just said.
Reva: Yes, I called her a carpet munching bitch. Now what has she done now?
Marah: Mom. . .
Reva: Well she eats Natalia's carpet, so what. Now what has she done now?
Marah: Nothing. I just don't know if I can face her.
Reva: Screw her. I understand her loss but you are at a loss too. You lost a friend -- a friend that gave up his life to save yours. He just happened to be Sam.
Marah: You make it sound so bad when you put it like that.
Reva: But it is true. Sam would not want you moping around and he sure as hell would not want Olivia seeking vengeance on his behalf and she knows it.
Marah: True.
Reva: I know it is true. That's what happens when you become a pescatarian. You become mad. She needs some beef.
Marah: (shocked yet laughing) Mom!
Reva and Marah share a laugh when we hear:
Cassie (OS): (while entering) Knock! Knock!
Reva: C'mon in here girl.
Cassie joins them in the kitchen.
Cassie: I didn't interrupt anything did I?
Marah: Oh no. Just me and Mom having a heart to heart.
Cassie: Well I actually came over to see you.
Marah: Me?
Cassie: Yep. I know you are down in the dumps but you need something to do. . .
Reva: (jokingly) Or someone. . .
Cassie pops Reva on the shoulder.
Cassie: No seriously. You need to get those creative juices flowing, and what better way to do so than helping me redecorate.
Marah: (taken back) Decorate? You want me to redecorate, what? The farm?
Cassie: Not exactly. The Beacon Hotel to be exact.
Marah: Oh no.
Cassie: Oh yes!
Reva: I think it is a great idea!
Marah: Umm hello! Olivia!
Cassie: And?
Marah: She is part owner of the Beacon too.
Cassie: OK and we both agreed that we needed the Beacon needed to be redone along with the new wings we just added, and who better than you?
Reva: Does Olivia know?
Cassie: (hesitantly) . . . No.
Marah: Great.
Cassie: She can't fire you. She put me in charge of the renovation since she is so busy with other matters.
Marah: Like devising my demise.
Reva: Look at it like this, Marah, if you are in close quarters with her then it gives you a heads up with what she is "planning."
Cassie: True. And I'll be there along with Reva, our new manager.
Reva: Exactly and if she tries anything, I'll bust that bitch across the head with a 2x4.
Cassie: So on that note... (pulling a bottle of wine out her purse) Let's have a toast.
Marah: This early?
Reva: Girl, hush and grab a glass. She got that good bubbly.
On the Shayne women cracking up,

Olivia sits at her desk, very emotional, glancing at a pic of Sam.
Olivia: Oh Sam. . .
Tears stream down her cheeks.
Olivia: Why did you do it? Why did God take you? Why did he spare that trash, Marah? (slamming down the pic) I always knew I hated that little bitch.
Olivia gets up and looks window at the view of the city.

Olivia: Oh Marah, you little slore (a slut + a whore = a slore for those who don't know ). . . If you think I will ever forget what you did to my brother then you have another thing coming. Just gotta figure out a way to stick it to you.
Olivia: Come in.
Enters Dylan bearing blueprints. The sight of Dylan makes a smile come across Oliva's face like the cat that ate a canary.


Alexandra lies straddled across the bed in a robe. She munches on a bowel of strawberries in the process, watching Gone With the Wind.
Alex: Oh Scarlett, screw Rhett! You don't need a man!
Alan enters.
Alan: No wonder why don't have a man. And put some clothes on.
Alex: Last time I checked, this was my domain. My room--
Alex: Correction, OUR HOUSE.
Alan: Whatever. (slamming files on her bed) You did not tell me about Petrenoyva deal, Alex.
Alex: Why should I?
Alan: You are doing this because I brought India on as the head of the Spaulding Foundation.
Alex: Maybe.
Alan: OK but you knew that, that deal was mine, right?
Alex: Well look at it as a favor.
Alan: How about I don't.
Alex: Listen here, Alan. I thought we were suppose to be co-CEOs. I thought that we were over the power struggle. I thought that you said we would consult each other before making final decisions.
Alan: So this is about India?!
Alex: HELL YEAH. You know I don't care for her. Why did you bring her and that daughter of hers on.
Alan: Because she needed a job and she did run the foundation well for years.
Alex: Oh yes, Alan, and we shall see how well it goes. You, once again putting an uzi in a psycho's hand. Let's see how it goes this time.
Alan: We will. Along with some major changes at Spaulding.
Alex's head snaps back at Alan, not grasping what he is implying.
Alan: I think that it is time that I take over as the permanent CEO.
Alex: Over my dead body.
Alan: So tempting.
Alex: See I tried to be nice but now I guess I am going to have to take the gloves off with you, baby brother. I guess we are going to have to take it back to the boardroom again. I wonder what Phillip's ex-wives are up to?
Alan: Ha ha. Very funny. I doubt you'll have the votes this time.
Alex: I'm sure I will let's have a run down, shall we? Harley will never vote with you.
Alan: Meh.
Alex: Blake will vote in unison with Harley.
Alan: She was always an idiot.
Alex: Then there is Mindy. . .
Alan: Who is back on good terms with Phillip. She and Beth will vote with me if Phillip follows suit.
Alex: But that won't happen. Because I have Nick's proxy in the company and I am allowed to vote for my son, seeing as he is out of the country at the moment. Oh and Alan Michael hates you, so he'll vote for me.
Alan: My son and I are getting back on good terms.
Alex: Who are kidding? Alan Michael is only speaking to you because of Caroline.
Alan: That woman works wonders. . .
Alex: Doesn't matter because I'll just bring up Phillip and him being your favorite and that'll sway Alan Michael in my direction.
Alan: He's just one. James will vote with me.
Alex: Maybe. But I have Lizzie.
Alan's face drop.
Alex: Yep. Lizzie will vote with me as she does 99.9% of the time. And Bill hates you so he wouldn't dare let her vote with you. He'll use his portion of the stock to vote in favor, and her voting with me will wreck shop for you. Phillip nor Beth would dare vote against Lizzie. They'll vote in unison after she puts those puppy dog eyes on them. Then Phillip will strong arm James into following suit too -- a new car is what he'll bribe him with. So what does that leave you with? -- Oh yeah, you'll lose Mindy too in that process. So all you'll have is India's vote. Oh and Amanda because she was an idiot and gave you her proxy. And don't forget our half, the Tamerlains. Vicky will vote with me seeing as you treated her like a dog when she was in Springfield. Anyone else?
Alan snatches the file off the bed and storms out the room. Alex burst into a hearty laughter.
Alex: Bye, bye, Alan! (lying on the bed) Now where was I. . .
Alex goes back to watching TV.
Alan, lingers outside her door, livid in deep thought.
Alan: (deep thought) I gotta find a way to get Lizzie to vote for me or better yet, convince Bill. Or even worse, remove both obstacles -- both Alex and Lizzie.
On Alan, pleased with what he has come up with,
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