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ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 49 Jack comforts Vicky




Cass covers for Nicole


Jake and Frankie talk about their trip to Pinehaven.

Frankie: Are you gonna go to Rachel with the information?

Jake: I’m not sure. It’s like someone was putting Allen up to doing what he did.

Frankie: Yeah, he couldn’t possibly afford that bill working at Cory Publishing.

Jake: I’m gonna get outta here.

Frankie: Where are you going to go?

Jake: Umm…not sure.

Frankie: You should be going home, and working things out with Vicky.

Jake: I’ve thought about that.

Paulina walks in.

Jake: Paulina.

Paulina: Hi Jake. Frankie can I talk to you for a minute.

Jake: I was just leaving.

Frankie (watching Jake leave): Hey Paulina. What’s going on?

Paulina: I’ve been waiting for you to get back. There’s something I need to tell you. It’s about Sharlene.



Vicky sits at a table thinking about her last argument with Jake, and seeing him hugging Frankie, and her eyes well up…and Jack walks up.

Jack: Looks like you could use a friend.



Cass is there with Nicole Love, who has popped up on his doorstep.

Cass: Your son? Who?

Nicole gives him a newspaper article.

Cass: Allen Lovett? He was just arrested for corporate espionage at Cory Publishing. He’s your son. The whole time we were together you never told me you had a child.

Someone knocks on the door…Reginald.

Reginald (from outside): Cass open up! It’s Reginald. I really need to talk to you.

Nicole: My God. He can’t know that I’m here. He’ll put me back in Pinehaven. You’ve gotta get rid of him Cass.




Frankie: What about Aunt Sharlene?

Paulina: I was downstairs at the Center with the kids, and she looked distraught.

Frankie: What happened?

Paulina: We brought her home and she went on about knowing who killed my husband, and who shot Grant.

Frankie: What? Wow.

Paulina: And the therapist that she’s been seeing, Dr. Benjamin Taylor, he was murdered, and all her psych notes were missing…and for that matter, so is Sharlene.

Frankie: Oh my God. I wonder what happened.

Paulina: The person who killed Dr. Taylor has to be the same person who killed Joe.

Frankie (looking at the picture of St. Croix): I think you’re right Paulina. You’re on to something.

Paulina: What’s been going on with you?

Frankie: My mom, um, Emma, is gonna have her memorial service so I’m going. She told me before she died that she wasn’t my real mother.

Paulina: Did she tell you who your real mother is?

Frankie: She died before she could get the words out, but I have a strong feeling that the answers I’m looking for….are in St. Croix.



Jack gives Vicky a coffee.

Jack: Coffee?

Vicky: Thank you, but I wonder if this will make me more jumpy.

Jack: Oh…right. I’m sorry.

Vicky: It’s alright.

Jack: This is the second time I’ve run into you and you’ve looked sad. Has everything…gotten better?

Vicky: No…no they haven’t.

Jack: I’m sorry.

Vicky: Don’t be.

Jack: For what it’s worth, however bad it might be for you, I think things will work out.

Vicky: You think so?

Jack: You’ve lost a daughter. I can’t imagine my daughter dying.

Vicky: You have kids?

Jack: Yep. I have a daughter Sage, and two sons, Parker and J.J.

Vicky: Where are they?

Jake: Oakdale.

Vicky: That’s about an hour from here isn’t it?

Jack: I’m commuting back and forth.

Vicky: Good luck with that. These roads can get pretty dark at night. So…are you married?

Jack: Engaged.

Vicky: What’s her name?

Jack: Carly. I’ve loved her for so long. We wasted so much time with disagreements and differences; being at each other’s throats; being apart. Even when we separated, deep down I always loved her, and it seems that way with you and your husband, and I think you two will work it out.

Vicky: I hope so.

Jack: If you love him, and he loves you, then you will work it out.

Vicky: Thank you. You’ve actually cheered me up a little bit.

Jack (smiling): Glad I could help. In fact, if you ever need a friend, call me.

Jack gives Vicky his business card, and Jake witnesses the exchange from a short distance.



Reginald and Cass are in the living room.

Reginald: I’d hate to drop in like this but it’s really important.

Cass: What is it Reginald?

Reginald: I’m sure you’re well aware of the history that my daughter has had.

Cass: Donna’s sick?

Reginald: Come on Cass, you know that I’m talking about Nicole. I mean, she’s had a tough time recovering since she killed Jason Frame.

Cass: That bastard deserved to die anyway.

Reginald: You know how she reacted to it, and she was making great progress, until she escaped.

Cass: Escaped? From where?

Reginald: She was in Pinehaven Hospital. She was getting the help she needed.

Cass: So the first place you looked was here?

Reginald: You two were engaged to be married.

Cass: And we haven’t been for over twenty years. Is there a point to this?

Reginald: If she tries to contact you, will you please call me?

Cass: Sure thing.

Reginald leaves and Nicole re-emerges.

Nicole: Thank you Cass.

Cass: I don’t know what’s going on, but for me to help you, you better tell me what’s going on.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

Another good one. Cass should have not only said she got kids but black ones at that LOL. Reggie is going to ahve a lot to answer for U captured Cass really good at the end. I could really picture him in my mind saying that.

I also enjoyed ur retro opening. I'm now considering doing one for Y&R.

I didnt realize I was behind three epsiodes. i am so sorry. But I love to read them back to back.

Your setting up a nice classic soapy love triangle with Jake/jack/Vicky. I think u r hitting a gold mine esp with the ATWT turns tie. It's so fitting.

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