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June 14, 2006



-The doctor reveals to Jennifer, Julie, Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Max, Victor, Caroline, Celeste, Greta, and Bonnie that Frankie and Doug both didn't make it. He apologizes for their loss and says there was just too much damage. Julie and Jennifer are heartbroken. Caroline embraces Max and says even though Frankie and him were not biologically Brady's she loved them like they were. She worries about how to tell Shawn Sr in his condition. Jennifer hugs Max too. Jennifer, Max, and Caroline all go in to say goodbye to Frankie. We see flashbacks of Frankie's time on the show. Max continues to hide his injury. Julie, Alice, Mickey, and Maggie go say goodbye to Doug. Jennifer joins them. We see some great Doug and Julie flashbacks. Doug and Frankie are taking to the morgue.

_Eric and Nicole are driving back to the hotel when they hear about what happened at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding. Eric wants to go to the hospital. Nicole is not sure about letting everyone know they are there but agrees eventually. They arrive at the hospital where Eric is embraced by Caroline, Max, and the Hortons. Bonnie comments on his cute he is and Eric blushes. No one seems happy to see Nicole but she stands there quiet. They ask Eric why he is back. He says it was just time to come home. He announces Nicole and him are back together. Everyone seems shocked and appalled but Eric says when he and Nicole are together they bring out the best in each other. Everyone backs off him and Eric reassures Nicole everything will be fine. They then come face to face with Greta. Eric apologizes for what happened when he left and he pushes Nicole to do the same since she never did prior to Greta leaving. Greta says all is forgiven. Greta walks away and stares at Nicole as Nicole does the same to Greta. Eric notes that things are still tense. Nicole says Greta and her will never get along. Nicole and Victor reunite. Victor orders Nicole to stay out of his business and everything will be fine. Nicole agrees and thinks it is for the best. Caroline tells Nicole and Eric what happened to Frankie, Doug, and Shawn Sr. Eric feels horrible and wants to see his grandfather. Caroline thinks that is a bad idea since any shock could hurt him, especially Nicole and him being together. Eric agrees to wait.

-Victor decides he needs to tell everyone about his discoveries since he has already told Celeste and Bonnie. Victor gets Caroline, Maggie, Mickey, Alice, Eric, Nicole, Greta, Jennifer, and Max together along with Celeste and Bonnie. He tells them of Nico and his findings and how he beleives what happened with Jack and the car and everyone being lured down to Morgan Island to look for Philip was a setup. He fears for their lives given Celeste's premonitions and the fact that Abe and Stefano are already dead. he continues to blame himself for what happened to Chelsea and Josh during the drug operation. Caroline urges him not to blame himself-he was only doing what he was forced to do to save his son. Victor says he went back to being criminal and it made things only worse. Max gets upset with Victor but Caroline orders him to back off. It is not Victor's fault. Everyone agrees and they are all worries about the drugs being in the water supply. Victor thinks they coincided with the SSK period where several of them had visions of the SSK "victims' as ghosts when they were alive. Victos thinks the drugs were used to make everyone vulnerable and somehow suggestions for visions were put in everyone's heads to totally convince them that their loved ones were dead. The fact that this coincided with Tony being missing from the hospital and Bo and Hope being attacked at the fashion show in August 2003 makes Victor beleive that the Dimeras are behind this and that someone is helping their organization by providing the drugs for the visions and hallucinations. The drugs may have been used to make the SSK "victims" wounds and bodies look worse then they are. That may be why Tony was able to convince everyone that these people were dead. It is possible that the medical team, including Lexie and Tek, and police department was drugged and had suggestions put in their head to give up CPR and the like to help the plan along. This freaks everyone out as everyone that lived through that whole ordeal is having visions and hallucinations right now referring to it. Jennifer, Bonnie, Victor, Caroline, Alice, Mickey, Maggiem and Celeste all remember the visions and hallucinations they had at the wedding. Eric, Nicole, and Greta note they weren't here so they haven't been effected yet. Nicole says she probably was since she only left a few months ago. Victor vows to get to the bottom of this, especially since they have his son and many people are in danger on Morgan Island. Everyone agrees that this seems like the Dimeras and now Victor seems to be figuring out the mystery being the murder/island plot and what is going on now. Victor wonders why the Dimera's, or whoever is responsible, would want them to have visions and hallucinations of that time. He wonders if the Dimeras are recreating that horrible nightmare and this time are haunting people with the past before killing them for good. Everyone vows to help Victor and say they are with him

-Jennifer hears Abby is out of surgery. She goes to see her and begs her to live. The doctor tells her it doesn't look good. Max goes in to see her and talks about how he has grown to care for her. They were helping each other deal with Chelsea and Josh and she was a good friend. He hopes he was as good to her. He wants to keep being friends so he begs her to live.

-Nicole feels uncomfortable and wants to leave. Eric says he needs to be there for his family. Nicole says she will leave then. Eric tells her to stay-he needs her. Nicole comments on how Eric hasn't wanted her to leave his side since they reunited and he has been awfully secretive about why he wanted to be back in Salem and wanted her there. She wants to know what is going on and demands answers.

-Victor calls Nico and asks if there us any word on Philip and the mastermind behind everything going on. Nico has nothing. Victor asks about Chelsea. Nico says no sign of her. He hangs up. Caroline is there and urges Victor not to blame himself for anything going on. They all need to stick together to find out who is behind all this. She urges him not to blame himself for what has happened to Philip, Chelsea, and that poor Josh or what is happening on Morgan Island. Victor says everyone on the island went done to find Marlena and also to find his son, Philip. Josh was killed during the drug operation he orchestrated to save Philip and Chelsea was raped. He knew the people he hired for the operation for creeps but he went ahead. He should have never trusted that caller but he has Philip. He heard his voice and he needed to save him. Caroline comforts him and begs him to give himself a break. Victor vows to find out what is going on and how is behind everything.

-Alice and Mickey are comforting a distraught Julie who wonders how to tell Hope about Doug. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure watches Mickey, Alice, and Maggie. Maggie then gets a phone call. The caller sounds like the same person who called Victor and ordered him around. Victor is close by and hears the voice faintly but Maggie hangs up before Victor can grab it. Maggie apologizes saying the caller hung up. Maggie describes the voice and Victor says it sounds like the same person who talked to him and had Philip and sent everyone to Morgan Island on a wild goose chase for Philip. Mickey asks Maggie why she looks so frightened after the call. Maggie says the caller told her that those having visions of the past-the Salem Stalker "victims" and those who lived through it-won't be so lucky this time. This time they won't make it-even those who weren't victims before. This time they will die for real and the caller told her that she is marked for death. Everyone looks on in a panic as Maggie shakes in fear as Mickey comforts her. Celeste then has a vision and says many are marked for death and many more will die tonight. Bonnie tells Celeste to be quiet but she has everyone attention as Eric, Nicole, Greta, Alice, Mickey, Victor, Caroline, and especially Maggie look on frightened. Meanwhile, upstairs near Abby's room, Jennifer is outside with the doctor who tells her Abby's chances are slim. Jennifer prays to God and begs her grandfather Tom, Jack, and now Doug and Frankie to keep her daugther alive. If she loses Abby, she won't be able to handle it and may not live through it. Max is in Abby's room. He kisses her hand and urges her to fight. He prays to God and begs Frankie and Jack to watch out for Abby. Abby then goes into cardiac arrest. Max begs her to hang on but when he gets up he bends over in pain and passes out, finally succumbing to his injury which is a large gash on his right side. Jennifer hears it and runs in. She finds Max and sees the injury figuring that must be where all the blood in the halls were coming from that the hospital staff was trying to figure out. She realizes he was injured all along and even saved her daughter like that. A doctor comes in and puts him on a gurney and rushes him out. The doctors and nurses try to save Abby but she then flatlines. They stop and Jennifer asks why they are stopping. They look at her and she screams, "No...oh no...NO!!!!"


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