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Episode 73: Mystery Woman Strikes Fear in Genoa City!



At GC Memorial. sabrina_victor_wed_11.jpgLauren and Scotty walk into Michael’s room. Michael was nodding off but smiles when he sees the two.

Michael: You came. Hello Scotty. It’ good to see you again.

scotty.jpgScotty: You too Michael but not under these circumstance.” Scotty’s phone rings. He hits ignore. Lauren rolls her eyes.

Lauren: You know Scotty it might be easier just to answer who ever it is who keeps calling you non stop.

Scotty: Mom relax. I’ll put it on silent so it can’t bother me.

Lauren: Who is calling you anyway? I’m worried

Scotty: Mom I’m ok. We are here for Michael. Back to him.” Lauren rolls her eyes at her oldest son.

Michael: Where is Fenmore?

Lauren: He is with the sitter.

Michael: Lauren I don’t like that. Look at what happened to me. Sheila Carter is back and she is on the loose. We are not safe.

Lauren: Oh Michael please. Your just using that to try and get back with me. It’s not going to work. I shot the Bitch. She is dead.

Michael: I’m not so sure and I have proof.

Scotty and Lauren are both alarmed.


Episode 73: Mystery Woman strikes fear in Genoa City

Written by ML Cooks

Olivia walks into her office and sees her door is unlocked which is abnormal. She walks inside and gasp when she sees her files scattered all over her office. She pulls out her cell phone and calls Ronan.

In Phyllis’ room. Daniel walks in with Lucy.

Daniel: Mom it’s me and Lucy.“ Phyllis sits up and smiles and immediately tears begins to form in her eyes. Daniel gives her a hug. Then he puts Lucy in her arms so she can hold her. Phyllis holds her tight.

Daniel: Are you ok? I mean what happened?

Phyllis: Some one tried to kill me. They set my apartment on fire. First I get my knee caps busted and now I almost lost my life and to make it all even worse I am blind. Some one it taking advantage of this blindness.

Daniel: It sounds that way. Listen when you leave here you are coming home with me. Who ever this person is is dangerous.

Phyllis: I just want to know who in the hell it is. I wish I could get my sight back so I can see and even the playing field. Daniel I swear to God when I find out who this person is I’m going to kill them.

Ronan walks into Olivia’s office and sees her trying to clean up the mess.

Ronan: You said some one broke in?

Olivia: Yes. I always lock my door when I leave and when I got here today it was unlocked and this is what I found. My files scattered. And one thing of major concern is Phyllis’s file I had on her is missing. The only one.

Ronan: This mystery woman attacks again.

Olivia; And something else strange happened. One evening when I went to Phyllis’s house, I heard some one called out my name outside her door in the hall. I looked around but of course I didn’t see anybody. Ronan it was something about the voice. It sounded so familiar.

Ronan: Familiar? That’s what Lauren and Michael says. Maybe it’s some one we all know. Do you think the voice was Sheila Carters?

Olivia thinks.” Hmm Ronan I can’t say for sure. The only thing I know is that I heard it before.

Ronan; Thank you Olivia. I’m going to talk to hospital security and later on come down to the station and make a report.

In Michael’s Room.

Michael: I have proof it’s Sheila

Lauren: Come on Michael really?

Michael: Paul showed me the security footage at the airport you know when we came back from our trip in Jamaica and it shows a disguised person getting out the cargo shed. Which means we brought this person back from Jamaica. Remember that voice we heard in Jeff’s condo in February and we both thought it sounded familiar. It’s Sheila!

Laruen: Then if it’s Sheila why is she after Phyllis and not me?

Michael: Who knows what goes through that sick woman’s head. Lauren I don’t feel your safe.

Lauren; Michael you don’t have to worry about me. I know how to protect myself. I’ve gone up against Sheila many times. Besides I don’t think this stalker is Sheila. I’m telling you she’s dead. Besides Scotty is home and he will be in town for at least through the summer.

Scotty; Sure will

Michael: I still love you Lauren

Laruen: Don’t start Michael.

Eden then walks in. Eden and Scotty stare at each other.

Lauren: Eden this is my oldest son Scotty. Scotty this is Michael’s sister Eden.

Scotty and Eden shake hands.

Laruen: We better get going.

Michael; Lauren please don’t this. I love you.

Lauren looks at Michael: I hope you make a full recovery.’ Then she leaves. Eden and Scotty are both stunned at how cold Laruen was to Michael. Scotty leaves and Eden hugs her brother.

Michael; Oh Eden, Lauren is in trouble.

In Phyllis’ Room Daniel takes Lucy from Phyllis.

Daniel: I got to go to the store and get some diapers and formula and a movie. I promised Lucy movie night with dad.

Phyllis smiles. “ I’m so glad to hear this. See Daniel I always told you it wouldn’t be so bad and that you would love being a dad.

Daniel’ Don’t push your luck mom.

Then Avery walks in.

Daniel; Whoa. What are you doing here?

Phyllis: What? Who’s that Daniel?”

Avery: It’s me Phyllis. You’re sister.

Phyllis: Why are you here? Here to gloat. I almost died you had to come see for yourself if I was still alive huh? Well you didn’t get your wish. I’m still alive you Bitch. It’s probably you trying to kill me.”

Avery: Did you lose your mind in the fire

Phyllis reaches for something she can find. She grabs hold of a water picture and aims it at the direction of Avery’s voice. Water splashes all over Avery.

Daniel; I mean really mom. I got Lucy here.

Phyllis: This is the Bitch stalking me. Call Ronan I want her arrested!

Back in Michael’s room.

Eden and Michael are talking when his phone rings. He answers It’s the mystery woman

MW: Is Phyllis dead?

Michael: You have got to be kidding me? How sick are you? Haven’t you done enough?

MW: I’m just getting warmed up. Is Phyllis dead?

Michael: No she’s not. You didn’t win.

MW: She’s not dead yet. I assure you she will be. Phyllis is a dead woman.” The mystery woman hangs up and sits on her leather couch in the suite of her new room at the Genoa City Palace, a new 5 star hotel on the outskirts of Genoa City courtesy by blackmail money from Michael Baldwin. She looks at a picture of Phyllis and then crumbles it up and throws it in the garbage.

“Phyllis is going to die!” She promises aloud.


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