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ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 37 Felicia Reassures Cass






In this episode



Cass opens the door and Felicia walks in. They exchange hellos and greet each other with kisses.

Cass: You’re absolutely glowing.

Felicia: How could you tell?

Cass: I haven’t seen a grin like that since your wedding to Mitch…wait a second.

Felicia shows him her engagement ring.

Cass: Wow. Congratulations!

They hug and Felicia then asks him to give her away at her wedding, and he willingly agrees.

Felicia: Tell me what’s going on with you.

Cass: It’s not me I’m worried about. It’s Frankie and Charlie…and their strained relationship.



Rachel is in the living room when Elizabeth walks in.

Rachel: Hi honey.

Elizabeth: I’m headed to the Center to meet Dante. We’re gonna go to the library to study.

Rachel: Is that right?

Elizabeth: Yes mom. Would it be anything else?

Rachel: I’m not sure.

Mitch walks in.

Elizabeth: Talk about uncertainty. Hi Mr. Blake. Bye mom.

Rachel: Mitch. Nice of you to stop by. Felicia told me about your wedding. Congratulations.

Mitch: Thank you. You look like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

Rachel: That’s because it is.



Bridget is on her cell phone.

Bridget: You’re on an assignment. Don’t worry I won’t tell mom. I haven’t even heard from her. I wish she would, too. Love you dad.

Bridget hangs up and looks up and sees Dante.

Dante: Hey. Anyone sitting here?

Bridget: No sit down.

Dante: How have you been?

Bridget: Good considering my sister died, and everybody except my dad and Aunt Marley holds me in responsible.

Dante: I saw what your mom said to you at the Memorial. That must suck.

Bridget: Gee thanks Dante. How are you and Elizabeth?

Dante: We’re good. We’re meeting here.

Bridget: Well I probably better go because she totally hates me.

Elizabeth walks up to them.

Elizabeth: Wow Bridget that’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever said.

Dante: Come on Lizzie don’t start.

Elizabeth: I can’t believe you’re even sitting at the same table with this lying, scheming bitch.

Dante: That’s enough alright!


Felicia: It must hurt you to see them at odds.

Cass: Especially when I have the fondest memories of us being a family.

Felicia: Frankie stayed away, and Charlie is understandably hurt by that, and I know you are, too.

Cass: They need each other. Charlie needs her mother, and Frankie needs her daughter.

Felicia: What do YOU need Cass? I know you still love Frankie.

Cass: I will always love her, but so much time has passed Felicia. I don’t know if a redux is in the cards. I just want her and Charlie to patch things up.

Felicia: If it’s any consolation, Lorna and I couldn’t be any closer, but it sure didn’t start off that way.

Cass: I know.

Felicia: Lorna was so angry at me for such a long time, but we made amends, and I’m sure that Frankie and Charlie will do the same.


Mitch: What’s going on?

Rachel: I’m gonna have to sell Cory Publishing.

Mitch: Whoa. Have you exhausted all options?

Rachel: Of course I have. I have done everything I can to save Mac’s company, and there’s just nothing else I can do right now. We had to buy out several contracts and it just put us in such a hole.

Mitch: Wow Rachel I’m so sorry. I know how much it meant to you. It’s like keeping Mac’s memory alive.

Rachel: Now I have to sell it or declare Chapter 11.

Mitch: My God. If there’s anything I can do.

Rachel: Enough about me and my troubles. You’ve got a wedding coming up.

Mitch: Yes. I…I came here because I wanted to know if you could…

Rachel: Call Matthew? I already have. He said he will not be able to make it.

Rachel’s cell phone rings.

Rachel: Hello? Okay. Thank you.

Mitch: Who was that?

Rachel: That was my publicist. I’m having a press conference this week.

Mitch: No.

Rachel: Yes. I’m announcing the sale of Cory Publishing.


Elizabeth: OMG are you really defending her right now?

Dante: She just buried her sister. Will you cut her some slack?

Elizabeth: Why should I? All she did was try to get my brother drunk at the prom and push her own sister in front of Gregory’s car.

Bridget jumps up and approaches Elizabeth.

Bridget: I didn’t push her!

Elizabeth: Really? You got what you wanted though. You got your sister out of the way so you can be the center of attention, but it didn’t work! Your own mother doesn’t want anything to do with you!

Bridget slaps Elizabeth, and Elizabeth slaps her back. The two begin fighting, and Dante separates them.

Dante: Get off of her Lizzie!

Dante turns to Bridget and asks if she’s okay, and Elizabeth can’t believe it.

Bridget: I’m not taking any more of your abuse Elizabeth! Game on!

Elizabeth: You stay away from Dante and my brother!

Dante: Lizzie I think you need to go.

Elizabeth: Wow Bridget. You got my brother and Dante coming to your rescue because your mother disowned you? Clever.

Dante asks Bridget if she’s gonna be alright. “Yes.” She says.

Dante: Let’s go Lizzie.

Bridget: Elizabeth Hutchins is not gonna push me around any more.



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Love that opening. That was the first orginal version before it was cut down to the bumper. This was right around the time AW was really good. I think JFP was the EP and I forget who the HW was. But I really enjoyed it during this period.


O WEE Team Lizzie all the way. It's about time some one got in that ass. I was surprised Bridget fought back but it's ok. I love a catfight. Now who is Dante to lizzie?

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Oh Ok just like on FTL where JAY had a lot of newer teens It will take me a while to get used to who is who. I know all the old heads. These new folks I find I get confusedd a lot. I have to read their scenes extra slow

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