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Episode 55: Cliffhanger Friday!



Remy.jpgYoung-Restless-tv-24SOAPOPRAH.jpgNate visits Neil at his apt. Neil is very glad to see his nephew. Nate has come to help Neil out with the twins, Maddie and Charlie. Nate asks Neil how he is holding up. Neil says honestly he’s been lonely, stressed, and depressed. He say he’s has really missing Sophia.

The Young and the Restless

Episode 55: Loving: The Abbott Way

Written by ML Cooks

  • At Tuckers, Sophia tells Tucker she is ready to go back to work and be a working mother. She says a stay at home mom is not the thing for her. Tucker welcomes the news. He tells her she’s just in time because he is working on something very huge. Sophia is intrigued.
  • Michael arrives back at Phyllis‘. She is very upset and crying. He asks her what is wrong. She says some one was messing with her, came in her apartment and attacked her. Michael holds her. He wonders who would do something like this. Phyllis begs Michael not to leave her. She is very scared that she can’t see or defend herself. Michael thinks back on the voice he heard back in Jamaica. He has an uneasy feeling.
  • Avery goes to Nick’s house . She ask him how long is he going to be a jerk. He responds with “ Until whenever you are done with my dad.” He then slams the door in her face. Avery is stunned that Nick was so rude. She tells herself this is the last time. She storms off.
  • Chloe arrives at Restless Style to seduce Billy. She begins to kiss him. He tells her they can’t do this. She says but it feels so good. “ Billy you make me feel good. I need you Billy. Make me feel good Billy.” She drops the trench coat she was wearing revealing her naked body. Billy says wow.” I can’t control this feeling. Your like an addiction Chloe” he grabs her, puts her up on the table and kisses her passionately once more as she unzips her pants. They begin to make love, that is until Cane walks in on them!!!!BCA0V4VQSCAPUPJUKCAJYH8TSCA1Z542ZCA9VPY3ECAUQHL5GCAYFGNGECADFT3UVCAUNC7AUCA1ZQ933CAQPVGYWCANFZYQBCAE2ALUKCA7IRK8BCA6O2JX2CA1DP7VECA6QVK08CAE.jpg
  • At Devon’s place. Devon and Roxanne are packing for their trip. He is in the bathroom looking at the engagement ring he got for her so he can propose to her. He puts it back in his pocket and then walks over to her and gives her a hug and a kiss. She asks what was that for. Devon says” I just want you to know that I love you Roxanne and I want you to trust me. You have nothing to worry about as far as Abby is concerned. After this weekend you will have no question about that.” She smiles. “Oh really?” she says. Then they get a knock at the door. Devon wonders who it could be. He opens the door and his jaw drops when he sees Harmoni, his mother back in town.167f.jpg

Mean while Abby is standing down the hall from Devon’s door , she smiles with victory. She has stopped Devon from taking Roxanne on their trip and proposing to her.dP6Xb9SPuSETU5mtkFI9Bg93287soapoprah.jpg

Next Week: Katherine lays down the law in Genoa City!


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