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June 13, 2006



-On Morgan Island, firefighters and rescue teams try to put out the flames from the burning wreckage of John's plane. John is told by one of the workers that they have already found some human remains but they are charred beyond recognition. He also tells John that they checked camera footage of the runway and surrounding area and no one jumped off the plane or got out. They caught a glimpse of all the people huddled together on the plane frightened and then it exploded. There were no survivors. Sami, Hope, Lexie, and Belle cry out in pain. John comforts them and even tries to comfort Sami but she resists and blames this on John for making her mother snap. Hope and Lexie both snap at John since Marlena killed their husbands and Hope's son. Belle begs them not to fight. They all need to stick together now. Belle goes near the wreckage and says a private goodbye to Shawn, Mimi, Carrie, and everyone else. Hope does the same for Bo and Shawn and the others as does Lexie. Sami breaks down when saying goodbye to Lucas and Austin and then to Carrie. She admits she loves her sister even though she never acted like it. She also says goodbye to Roman and her uncle Bo. She says she will find her mom and try to help her. Hope and Lexie are furious but John convinced them that something is wrong-this is not Marlena. They wonder where she went and where Patrick and Tek went since they all seem to disappear.

-Patrick and Tek are at a dock. They have obtained a boat and plan to sail someplace and lie low for awhile. They don't want this getting back to them nor do they want Marlena to find them. They are about to leave the island when they hear a noise and turn around. Patrick says, "You!!"

-Back at the airport, Sami and Belle both pledge to get through this. Belle can't beleive she was almost on that plane. Same goes for Hope, Sami, and Lexie. They beleive they were kept alive for a reason. John says they were-they need to stick together and find Marlena and find out what the hell is going on. Lexie remembers Abe's casket being empty when Sami and her were in the accident earlier and she wonders why that was. John wonders if more is going on then they know. Lexie, Hope, Sami, and Belle vow to find out what is going on. John says they will all need to work together and stares at Sami as sami also looks at Lexie too. They all agrees to unite and put aside their differences. It is what their dead loved ones would have wanted. John says they need to return to Salem. Belle asks about Phillip. John tells Belle he thinks this was all a trap and that he isn't even there. They need to return to Salem and inform everyone of what has happened and contact the ISA and anyone else they can to help. Belle understands and wonders if her father is right and this was all a setup. John books the flight but is told no planes will be taking off for awhile due to the explosion, He understands and they all decide to wait. We then see Bo and Hope flashbacks as well as flashbacks of Shawn and all of them as a family. We see flashbacks of Shawn and Mimi as Belle remembers them. Sami remembers Austin, Lucas, Carrie, and Roman in flashbacks. They all vow to avenge their loves ones. While Sami is remembering, she is still being stalked as the mysterious stranger now seems angry and is clutching a picture of Carrie. We see a tear drop on the picture and then the stranger takes out a picture of Sami and lights it on fire.

-Lexie privately asks John if Abe could be alive. John doubts it since Marlena killed him and Stefano and now those on the plane. They wonder about the casket. John vows to find out what is really going on once they get back to Salem.

-Back in Salem, everyone is shocked by Celeste's premonition. Celeste informs everyone that tragedy has struck on Morgan Island. Just then, everyone hears the doctors working feverishly on a dying Frankie and Doug as both fight for life. Jennifer asks a nurse how Abby is doing in surgery. The nurse says she is hanging on but her life is hanging by a thread. Caroline arrives as everyone asks where she has been. She regrets not being there for Frankie but the shock of the accident caused Grandpa Shawn chest pains. he hid away to not be seen but she found him and he collapsed. With all the EMT's working on everyone else, she got him up and took him to the hospital herself. He had a minor heart attack and is stabile now and being monitored. Victor comforts her. She learns how bad Frankie is and is heartbroken. She fears if Frankie dies Shawn Sr may not be able to take it. Meanwhile, Max is still unaware of his injury and blood beings to drip on the floor. Mickey notices it and asks Max what is wrong. Max says he probably has a cut and he will have it looked at later once he learns if everyone, including his brother and Abby, will be ok. He nearly passes out but keeps moving.

-Celeste warns everyone that many have already died and more are to come. The death on Morgan Island has stopped but it is now reaching Salem. Alice, Maggie, Mickey, Victor, Bonnie, Caroline, Celeste, and Jennifer all have the visions of the time of the SSK and of how they "died" and got to the island. They are the same ones they had at the wedding. Victor calls Nico. Nico tells him the drugs were put in the water supply of Salem. He had some men do a test. Nico says his sources tell him that the drugs have been being dumped into the water supply since August 9, 2003. Victor remembers that was the day of the Basic Black fashion show where Bo and Hope got attacked. That was when the whole SSK nightmare began. Nico says the drugs make people vulnerable to implanted visions and hallucinations-meaning the drugs are in the water supply but people won't have visions or hallucinations until they are implanted in the subconscious. Victor figures Philip's kidnapper/the mysterious caller is somehow planting suggestions of the visions in everyone's heads and brainwashing them to have them. This is even happening to him. Victor now knows he has to alert everyone. Celeste and Bonnie overhear him and want to know what is going on. Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Julie, and Jennifer all comfort each other. Greta offers support and apologizes for her role in everything. No one blames her. Greta goes over to Bonnie. Victor, and Celeste. Victor informs them all of his findings. Greta notes that she wasn't in Salem for any of it so she hasn't been drugged. Victor beleives the car Greta and Jack were in was a trap and that the mastermind behind everything wanted Jack to interupt the wedding and hurt and kill people. Greta agrees-the car was rigged. Jack could not even control the car. Victor reminds them all that this person has kidnapped his son and he beleives led everyone on Morgan Island into a trap. Philip was probably never there and poor Abe was already a victim as was Stefano. He hopes Celeste is wrong and no one else has died on the island. Victor also tells them of what happened to Josh and Chelsea because they interupted the drug operation he organized to appease the mastermind. He blames himself. Greta tells him he was only doing what he could to save his son. Victor says he hurt his granddaughter and now has no clue where she is nor does anyone. Caroline overhears and wants to know what Victor is telling them. Jennifer, Max, Mickey, Maggie, Alice, and Julie want to know too but they are interupted by the doctor. Jennifer and Julie both ask of Frankie and Doug made it. The doctor looks at them as the screen fades to black.


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