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June 12, 2006



-The ambulance arrives to take the injured to the hospital at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding. Doug is put in the ambulance. Julie rides with him as Maggie, Mickey, and Alice follow them to the hospital. Celeste looks on horrified and says "This is only the beginning." Bonnie overhears and becomes frightened. Victor joins them and agrees with Celeste. Victor decides that everyone in Salem needs to know what he has discovered.

-Max tries to help the rescue teams get Abby out from under the car. Max is unaware that he has been injured himself and is bleeding down his leg. Jennifer is hysterical. Frankie is put in the ambulance and taken to the hospital. An unconcious Greta wakes up and asks what happened. Jennifer tells her and asks her the same question. Greta tells Jennifer everything about Jack being alive, what he did, and how they found the car when they arrived in Salem. Greta insists that Jack could not stop the car-the brakes seem to have been gone. Greta beleives someone tampered with the car and left it there knowing Jack was desperate to get to the wedding and knowing he would take it. Victor overhears and realizes that the mysterious caller/Philip's kidnapper is manipulating all of their lives and could be responsible for all this and the visions everyone had concerning impending death and the Salem Stalker. Greta and Jennifer mourn Jack. We see flashbacks of Jack and Jennifer's life together. Jennifer says she is mad about him faking his death but she will always love him and knew what he was trying to do. She needs to be with their daughter now and hopes Jack will watch over her. Greta says goodbye to Jack too. She remembers their time together and tells Jack she loves him. The rescue team and Max get Abby out from under the car. She has head trauma and internal injuries. Jennifer rides with her to the hospital. Greta, Max, and the others follow.

-Nicole and Eric kiss and reunite. She asks him why he asked her to return to Salem. Eric says he has come home to be with his family and friends. He needs them and also needs her. He regrets many things about his past and one of them is leaving everyone behind. He regrets leaving her and professes his love for her. Nicole does the same and admits she was lost without him. They kiss and he carries her to his car where they make love.

-On to Morgan Island: John, Sami, Lexie, Tek, Patrick, Hope, and Belle all try to stop the plane from taking off. They are shocked when it begins to move. John and the others make a beeline for the control tower.

-On the plane, everyone is shocked when it begins to move. Bo tries to get up and get to Hope but Billie tells him maybe she decided not to board. Bo thinks Hope and him are now finished for good and thinks Billie is right-she chose not to come home. Carrie, Austin, and Lucas wonder about Sami and Kate and Roman wonder about Lexie and Tek. They wonder what is going on. Shawn wants to go get his mother but Mimi stops him. The pilot orders everyone to be seated with seat belts on. No one else is boarding or even waiting to board. This announcement stuns everyone.

-John gets to the control tower with Belle, Sami, Lexie, Tek, Patrick, and Hope behind him. He orders someone to so something and tells them a bomb is on the plane. The tower is unable to contact the plane and it seems the pilot is ignoring them. The pilot then picks up and asks what is wrong. The tower tells him about the bomb just as the plane shifts into take off mode and begins to speed up. Tek and Patrick worry about them being blamed for this. Patrick says his sister is on that plane. Tek insists they need to get out of there so that Marlena doesn't pin this on them or come after them. Patrick says goodbye to Mimi and says she will be better off since she won't have to deal with the wrath Marlena is about to inflict on everyone. Patrick blames Tek and Stefano for this. Tek says all the mind control and all the things Marlena has been through have just combined to make her snap. The plan he implemented the night Stefano died was the last straw and he will never be able to live with himself now. Both men leave and regreat what is about to happen but want to save themselves. John, Lexie, Sami, and Hope look on helplessly. Sami and Hope think about their loved ones. John does so as well. They then catch a glimpse of Marlena who is wearing a headset to contact the tower. She laughs and tells them "Now you can watch your loved ones die." John says that they are her loved ones to and asks Marlena what is going on. He thinks Alex did something before he died. Marlena says, "Alex did nothing. It is me. I am killing them. They are evil just like you all are. You are all next. Mark my words. Abe and Alex were first and now those on the plane will die." She insists, "You all wronged me and now you will all pay the price." Everyone is stunned by this. They are shocked to hear Bo on the pilot's radio. Hope grabs it and tells Bo she is sorry and that she loves him. They then hear Roman. John tells them to stop the takeoff sequence but the pilot says he can't-the plane has been rigged not to stop and is going to takeoff. Marlena must have set it all up so no one could stop it. Hope screams for Bo and Shawn as Sami screams for Austin, Roman, and Lucas. John and the others hears panic and screams on the plane. Bo tries to open the cabin doors but they won't budge. They are trapped. Everyone on the plane realizes their fate now.

-Eric and Nicole finish making love. Eric tries to get up but gets dizzy. Nicole catches him and asks what is wrong. Eric says he sustained a minor concussion in Africa while on a photography assignment. Nicole tells him to be more careful now that they are back together. She doesn't want to lose him. She asks why they need to be back in Salem though. Eric says he wants to be around family, friends, and her right now. Nicole asks if he is back in Salem to stay. He says he is back for awhile. Nicole says she doesn't want to stay for good because not many people like her there and she loves LA. Eric tells her to stay as along as he stays and that will make him happy. She agrees. They kiss as Eric looks on with a worried look on his face. Nicole tells herself that something is not right and is determined to find out what Eric is holding back.

-Everyone is at the hospital. Frankie and Doug are in dire straits. The doctors work to save them but both have internal injuries. Everyone prays they survive. Abby is raced into emergency surgery to repair her eternal injuries. Max continues to walk around injured. He nearly passes out but keeps going wondering why he feels sick. Mickey asks Bonnie why she is there. She says she is there for him and will always be there for him. Jennifer is a mess and begs God not to let her lose Frankie, Doug, and Abby too. Maggie, Alice, Jennifer. Max, Greta, Mickey, and Julie pray together. Bonnie, Celeste, and Victor look on. Victor says they need to know what is going. Bonnie and Celeste ask what he means. Victor says they will know soon enough. Celeste then has a vision. Everyone looks at her. Celeste says, "Many loved ones in Salem and on Morgan Island are about to die." Everyone looks on horrified as Victor says to himself, "Someone needs to stop this bastard." Just then, everyone hears the doctors say Frankie and Doug have taken a turn for the worse.

-Back on Morgan Island, the Salemites on John's plane prepare to die. Bo emrbaces Shawn and says he loves him. Mimi is there too. Billie comes over with Kate and Roman. Carrie wants her father too and joins them with Austin and Lucas. Carrie regrets that her baby will never get the chance to live and that she will never know who the father is. She tells both Lucas and Austin she loves them. Kate looks at Roman and says she will always love him. Roman says the same. Kate tells Billie, Lucas, and Austin that she loves them and they do the same. Kate also says that she will always love John and hopes he knows that and that she appreciates how he was always there for her. They all huddle together and hope somehow they can make it out of this. They then begin to pray together and then Bo says, "I guess our time is up. I love you fancy face." We then hear Shawn say, "I love you Belle." Belle and Hope both start crying at the same time and they both say, "I love you too." Sami tearfully says, "I love you Austin. I love you Lucas. I promise I will take care of Will and tell him how brave his father was in facing death." Sami breaks down. Lexie looks at her and is stunned to see her like that. She reluctantly reaches out to Sami and holds her in comfort. Hope and Belle do the same as the women comfort each other. John lashes out for someone to do something. The tower workers say they can't do anything and either can the pilot. John tells Marlena to stop this from happening if she knows how.

Marlena: Sorry John-it's too late for them. They will now pay the price.

John: For what?

Marlena: Sorry John I simply must be going but I will leave you and everyone else, including those soon to be fried people on the plane, with one last thing-MAY YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

At that moment, the plane takes off. Tek and Patrick watch from the woods a distance away. John, Lexie, Sami, Belle, and Hope watch from the tower as the plane lifts from the ground. They all look on and then BOOM!!! The plane is blown to smithereens as Hope, Sami, Lexie, and Belle scream in agony. Back in Salem, Celeste screams "NO!!!!" painfully as everyone looks on horrified. On Morgan Island, Tek and Patrick looks on. Patrick has a tear in his eye and says "Mimi..." John looks on helplessly and is appalled by what Marlena did. He then sees Marlena near the burning plane wreckage on the runway. She thrusts her hands into the air (simliar to that of the posession story when she set St. Luke's on fire) and yells out, "Yes!!!" and laughs uncontrollably. John is stunned by how evil she is and so is everyone else who looks on stunned that their loved ones are gone. Marlena then jumps up and down in enjoyment as the screen fades out on her evil grin watching the burning wreckage.


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