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Episode#455: Duking of the Divas



Java Cafe

It's a brand new day in Salem; the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Inside the Java Cafe, Eugenia sits at a table with her son, Josh. Lexie enters and walks over to her table.


Lexie, thanks for coming. You're probably the closest person I have to a friend in this town.

Lexie, smiling

Sure. If you need anything, just tell me; I'm so sorry about Lucas.


I know you've got to go in to work, so I'll make this quick; Lucas and I broke up. He knows that he can't get out of this, so we're going our seperate ways for now.


Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.


It's so hard, Lexie; I've known Lucas for years, and I've helped do some bad things to him in the past. But when I came back to Salem...I just fell in love with him. When I thought my baby was gone, he was there. It all went by so fast, but I still loved him. I wanted to be his wife.

Lexie, thinking of her messy divorce with Abe

It can be really hard when you lose someone you love. Everything changes.


And everything's changing for me right now. Yet again. The reason that I wanted to meet with you wasn't because I needed to pour my heart out; I wanted to tell you that Josh and I are leaving Salem.


What? Why?


I barely have any friends in this town; you're kind of a friend because I used to work for you, but that's about it. I guess there's Will and Destiny, but they have their own problems to worry about. Without Lucas, there just isn't a point to staying here.

Lexie, nodding

I understand completely. Just take the time that you need and go anywhere with your son. You still have a huge life ahead of you.


Thanks, Lexie; we'll make it, somehow, but it just can't be here. Not without Lucas. I've got the next bus out of Salem at ten.


I wish you all the best.


Thanks....especially for talking to me after what I did all of those years ago; with Sami and the paternity test...


It's ancient history.

Eugenia and Lexie stand up and hug, and Lexie smiles at her as she leaves. Eugenia then takes Josh, and heads for the door.


Come on, Josh, let's get out of Salem.


Episode#455: Duking of the Divas

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Salem University Hospital

Carrie, Belle, Sami, Eric, Rex, and Cassie are all in the waiting room of the hospital.


I can't believe this; our dad's awake! The doctors said that he's been talking almost all night, and is regaining more and more control of his body. It's a miracle!


I can't believe this.


This is what we were praying for; God has answered our prayers. This is such great news.


I know that I've had a really hard time accepting John as my father, and I never really treated him great, but we needed this. Our family needed this; Mom is dead. I just found out that the father of my only child is going to jail. This really helps things.


I'm so sorry about Lucas; I know that he and I have a troubled past, but in the end, he was a friend. He was a good man.


Thanks, but this isn't about Lucas. It's about our dad.


Before we go in there, we need to talk about something. Everyone's told us that he keeps asking for Mom. He's got no idea what happened to her.


We can't just drop a bomb on him like that. He just woke up after being like this for over three years. We have to take it slow.


You're right, but we have to tell him sometime.


Soon. We'll tell him soon, don't worry. Like Rex said, it has to be slow.

Eric looks at Cassie, who hasn't said a word. She just stands there, not really paying attention.


Cassie, you ok?


Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about Jeremy; his mom's trial is starting any minute. I wish I could be there for him.


You're such a selfish bitch. Your own father is finally able to speak and all you can think about is your boyfriend?!


I'm no better than you, Sami. I've been a lot better to him than you were. And at least I've got a boyfriend to worry about.

Sami's eyes go wide at this low blow, and starts to lunge at her sister; Cassie is ready to fight back, but Eric grabs Sami, and Rex grabs Cassie. Belle steps in the middle of them.


Both of you stop! This is ridiculous. Today is about us being a family for Dad, and I'm not going to let either of you fill it with drama.


She's right; cool it, both of you.


Fine. I'm so glad that we only have to see each other at times like this, Cassie.


Same here.

Eric and Rex let go of their twins, and Belle turns around and leads her siblings inside John's hospital room. Carrie looks at them.


We need to take this slow. One of us go up to him at a time.

All of them enter the room, and Belle is first; she looks at her father, who looks up at her as he sits in a chair. She gets teary just seeing him blink. She immediately wraps her arms around him.



John, slowly hugging her


Belle just stands there for a moment, in her father's arms. She can't even remember the last time he was able to hold her like this; John closes his eyes and a few tears roll down his cheek. Belle pulls back, her eyes also stained from crying.


I've missed you so much. I'm really glad to see that you remember me; Claire told me to tell you hi and that she loves you. Do you remember her?


My granddaughter.

Belle laughs, and nods.


That's right. I'll talk to you more in a minute, okay?

John slowly nods, and Eric walks up to him next. Eric crouches down.


Hey, Dad, remember me? It's been awhile.

John, examining him for a moment

Eric...didn't think you were in Salem.


Yeah, I left again for a little while, but I came back. It's really great to see you. You're getting better fast, but that doesn't surprise me. It's just who you are.

Eric steps aside, and Cassie walks up to him next. She hugs him and smiles.


Hi...don't know if you'll remember me or not. I wasn't around you as much as everyone else was....we didn't really get time to bond, but you always stuck by me anyway.


You're name is....it's....

Cassie frowns, hoping that he would in fact remember her. She glances at Carrie, who just puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.


Cassie. Cassie and Rex DiMera.

Cassie, chuckling

Um, close. It's actually Brady, but I understand. Rex is here, too.

Rex, walking forward

Yeah, I'm here too. I'm really glad to see you; I know we haven't been around as long as any of your other kids, but you're still our dad, and we're so happy that we have this chance to get to know you.

John manages to smile, and all of his children smile back.


I....I care about you. And that's....

John stops for a moment, still having some trouble speaking after being unconscious for all of this time. However, he musters up the strength to finish.


And that's a fact.

Rex and Cassie sit down in some spare chairs, and Sami approaches John next. Before she can even hug him, he speaks.


Samantha Gene.


Wow, you remembered that one right off the bat, huh?


H-how could I forget?

Everyone laughs, and Sami hugs him.


It really is good to see you; I know that from me, it probably sounds like a load of bull, but it's true. Just seeing you talking, smiling, moving your arms...it makes me so happy. Beyond happy. We may have a tense past, but that's over. Now we're in the present.

Sami again smiles at him, before sitting down herself. Finally, Carrie walks over to her father.

Carrie, getting teary

Hey, Dad...we've been praying for you. I've been visiting you all the time, and you've always been on my mind; I don't even have words to describe how this feels. It's so fantastic.

Carrie and John hug, and John tightly embraces his daughter, using all of the strength that he can at this time. She pulls back and kisses him on the cheek, before sitting beside Belle on the bed.

John looks at all of his children, taking all of their faces in, ad he continues to come back into reality and the world around him.


Brady....where's Brady?


He and Chloe couldn't get here from Vienna; there's a really bad storm over there, but he's going to come and see you soon, I promise. He really wanted you to know how much he loves you and how happy he is, too.


And Marlena. I....I have wanted to see my wife so badly. Where is she?


Soon. You'll find out soon, I promise.

John, trying to get his bearings


He pauses, before continuing.


What happened to me? Why am I here?

All of the kids look at each other, and both Eric and Carrie give a nod in Sami's direction.


Uh, okay, well...remember everything with Stefano and Helena and EJ? Here in Salem, in Italy, on the island?

John nods.


You and Stefano faced off again, and both of you shot each other...Stefano ended up in a coma, and you were in a catatonic state until yesterday.

John is silent for a moment, attempting to think back; slowly, everything comes back into his mind. He flashes back to fighting Stefano on that island, determined to finish him once and for all.


I remember. What happened to Stefano?

Sami flashes back to chasing Stefano throughout Salem, and his car going off of a cliff.


Another long story for another time.


My wife. I need to see my love.

Belle, taking his hand and squeezing it

Soon....like we said, you'll find out everything soon. For now, just focus on getting better.

At the other side of the hospital,

Lexie walks into Vivian’s office.


“You wanted to speak with me Ms. Alamain?”


“Please call me Vivian. We’ve known each other for a long time, no need for all the professionalisms.”


“Please Vivian; I am having a stressful day. Don’t play games with me. That’s something you like to do. I have a hospital to run thanks to you.”


“Indeed. Thanks to me. Remember, I own this hospital, I don’t think I appreciate your tone with me.”


“And I don’t like to be caught up in you war with everyone here in Salem. Buying this hospital, and firing chief of Staff Mike Horton. The Horton's have been a corner stone of this hospital for decades. And here comes hurricane Vivian taking it all away. I mean for what? What was the point firing Mike?”


“Because I can do things like that my dear. When you have as much power as I do, you can make things happen. I don’t and will not explain myself to the daughter of a terror card reader. I don’t think Celeste is even reading those terror cards. She’s probably just playing solitaire by herself.”


“You may own Salem but you don’t own me. You make one more remark like that again about my mother and I will knock you out Vivian.”


“You can try my dear. But you better think of your son. You lay a hand on me you will have nothing I’ll see to it. See my dear I guess I do own you.”

Lexie turning around to leave her office

“I don’t have time for this.”


“Just one moment missy! We are not done here. We are done when I say we are done. I haven’t dismissed you yet. Where’s the respect.”


“Vivian, you keep this up and you won’t live long enough to enjoy your new found power. What the hell do you want? I’m getting tired of playing games with you.”


“Well since it seems I can’t trust you to run this hospital with your nasty attitude, I have decided to hire a new right man for you. I need a backup in case you call off sick or something. I already have this new person in the works to arrive.”


“So you want me to train some lackey to take over my job? That’s what it sounds like.”


“Not so much. I think you need to be more worried about on who this lackey is. Trust me dear it’s no lackey.” Vivian says chuckling leaving back in her executive chair.


“Then who is it?”


“Dr. Jonah Carver. You know you’re ex husband’s brother, the one you nearly had an affair with about 15 years ago.”


“Jonah, is coming here to Salem? I’ll be working with him?”


“Ahh, what’s the matter my dear, memories of hot times rushing back to your brain. Hoping to rekindle things with your ex husband’s brother?”


“Go to hell Vivian Alamain!”


“I get my manicures done there. Now get out my office your boring me.”


“Bitch! You won’t get away with this.” Lexie storms out slamming the door behind her. She has flash backs of nearly making love with Jonah.


“No he can’t be coming back here.”


Vivian with a devilish grin on her face is talking with Ivan

“That should keep Lexie busy for a while. I won’t have to worry about her coming after me right now.”


“I urge you madam, you are making very many enemies. I urge you to cool it down. I am worried for you.”


“What the hell is someone going to do Ivan? Shoot me?”

Salem Courthouse

Down at the large courthouse, Robin and Jeremy are in the courtroom that Laura's trial is being held in. The ADA, Paul McDaneld, is setting up for the trial, and the mother and son sit, waiting. Jeremy is very nervous and on edge.


I can't believe this is happening.

Robin, running a hand through his hair

I know. I know this has to be hard for you, but it's what needs to be done; for your sake, for my sake. For Laura's.

Jeremy, standing up

Even after all this time, it's still hard to process. My grandma tried to kill my mom; like I told you before, I'm not doubting you, but something just doesn't click. It doesn't sound right.

Robin looks away for a moment, almost wondering if she can go through with this.


And it shouldn't, but it's the truth. I'm sorry.


I think I need some water.

Jeremy leaves, and Robin just rubs her temples.

Robin, whispering to herself

I have to do it. I can't come all of this way and get cold feet now. Laura needs to go away; she's going to ruin Jeremy's life if she sends him back to Alexis. She won't let me be a mother; I have to make sure that she goes to that crazy house for life. And...it's not just about me any more. Vivian Alamain want Laura gone, too.

Robin hears the door open, and looks up to see her ex, Mike. He slowly approaches her.


Good morning, Robin.


Good morning, Mike.


It's good to see you out of that wheelchair.


Don't act like you actually give a damn, Mike.


Robin, please, don't do this today. You're already doing enou-

Robin, scowling

Are you really trying to pin all of this on me? You started this mess. You caused all of this when you slept with your son's girlfriend!

Mike, raising an eyebrow

I wouldn't think that had anything to do with you and my mother...unless you're admitting that you lied.


You know what I mean; Laura would have never decided to stay in Salem. Hell, I wouldn't have come back to Salem.


Come on, Robin, please. For a while, I was trying to remain neutral, because I was the doctor that saved your life. Twice. But I can't anymore; I don't believe that my mother is guilty. When I talk to her, when I look into her eyes...I only see innocence. You're framing her, and I know it; I know that you and her disagreed on everything with Alexis, Jeremy, and I, but please, just let it go.


You're just in denial; the evidence is there. She tried to kill me three times; you just don't want to believe that she's gone insane again. And your girlfriend is her lawyer; if you admitted that her case was a lost cause, you wouldn't get to sleep with her, would you?

Mike, sighing

Robin, please...ever since you came back to Salem, you've been so different. You've been cold. You've been a bitch. You had a right to be mad at me and Alexis for what we did to Jeremy, but you've taken this way too far. You weren't like this when we were together, when we fell in love. We had our problems and you were never this person.


That was a long time ago, Mike. Things change. I changed. You changed.


How did I change, Robin? Please, honestly, I want to know. I need to know; how did I change?

Robin, stunned

Mike, do you know all that I went through? All that....you know what, no. I'm not going to bother explaining it to you. Today is about justice.

Robin stands up and walks away from Mike, who sighs and shakes his head at her. Jeremy walks back in.


Hey, what were you doing with her?!

Mike, turning to Jeremy

Jeremy, we can't fight here. Not today....I needed to have a word with your mother. You know as well as I do that she's lying; I'm sorry that I have to say this, but it's true. You know that she's lying about your grandmother.

Mike walks past Jeremy, who stares at his mother for a moment.


She wouldn't lie. She just wouldn't. She was the one that stayed there for me when he didn't.

Outside the courtroom, Maggie and the newly returned Bill Horton walk up to the doors that will lead inside.


So, Bill, you've never told me what exactly brought you back to Salem.


My family is in chaos, Maggie. I find out that the mother of my grandson is saying that my ex-wife tried to kill her three times, and that my son slept with my grandson's girlfriend? And my other son is going down for murder. No good man would sit back and stay away in a time like this.


I'm glad to hear that. The Horton family has been through so much during these past several years; Mickey and Alice passing away. Hope and Julie were in prison for awhile, and then all of this chaos with Mike and Jeremy. Now Lucas is going to jail for murdering Greta Von Amberg, and Will has a daughter.


I'm a great-grandfather. It's all so hard to take, and I feel so responsible. Lucas and I've seen each other sometimes over the years, but we've never had a real relationship. Mike thought Mickey was his father for years. Jennifer rebelled against me more than once. What kind of father am I? I've barely even come to Salem except for funerals.


Don't blame yourself; we're all responsible for our own actions, and all of that is in the past. We just have to make it better for the future, and besides, you were in Africa for so long. Maybe that is what you felt like was home?

Bill, hesitating

Africa is nothing like Salem, Maggie. Absolutely nothing like it. But that doesn't matter; I'm back now, and I'm not leaving any time soon. I've hurt Laura so much, but today, I am standing by her, Mike, and Jeremy.


That's wonderful. We're all a giant family, and we're going to get through this.

Maggie and Bill walk inside, and Alexis walks in shortly after they do.


Seems like we're gonna have a full house of Hortons today. Today's the day that Robin will fall.

Robin, walking up to her with Jeremy

I doubt that. Today will be the end of this mess; the end of Laura's antics, and the end of yours. Everyone is going to see that I'm telling the truth.


Why are you here, Alexis? This really is a family thing.


I'm a witness, you dumbass. I've been in this whole fiasco since day one; I was there when Robin fell. You know, Jeremy, I'm really getting sick of your attitude.


Then stop pursuing him and leave us alone!


She's not worth it, Mom. Come on, let's go see if the prosecutor has anything to tell us.

Jeremy tosses his cell phone on to a seat so no one will take it, and after he and his mother leave, it starts to ring. Out of curiosity, Alexis looks at it to see Cassie calling. She smirks and picks up the phone.




Alexis? What the hell are you doing on Jeremy's phone?


Well, I am a secretary, you know. I'm used to taking phone calls.


Where's my boyfriend? I want to talk to him now! It makes me sick that you're there today and that I'm not.


Actually, you'd better enjoy this while you can. Because Robin's going down today, and you're next, bitch!


I beg to differ.


Oh, I better go, now. Jeremy needs me!

Alexis hangs up the phone and tosses it back onto the seat. Julie and Hope enter the courtroom and walk over to Maggie, Bill, and Mike.


Oh, Julie, Hope, it's so good to see you two. How is Bentley?


He's doing good; he's recovering well. Bo and I are going to try to adopt him and get him away from Jan Spears.


And thank goodness for that! Now, how is Laura?


April's been talking to her all morning. Hopefully, she's doing well.


It's so good to see you, Uncle Bill. I'm really glad you're back in Salem.


It's good to be back, Hope. And good to see that you and Bo are still doing so well.

Hope, thoughtfully


Everyone turns when the courtroom doors open yet again, and Laura is led inside by a guard. April follows behind her. They take their seats at the front of the room, and Jeremy is tempted to go over to see his grandmother, but stays at his mother's side. Maggie, Bill, Mike, and Alexis all head to Laura's table.


Mom, how are you?


I'm good, Michael; just very nervous.


Stay strong, honey. We're all rooting for you.


Like I told you, Laura, you can't let Robin push your buttons. She and the prosecutor are going to try to do that today; that's all that Robin has been doing. She wants to make you look crazy.


I know. I am really going to try my best to remain unaffected by anything that she throws at me.


Today, I'm going to turn the tables. I'm going to push Robin's buttons. Her testimony is critical.


About time. Make her squirm.


Just please, April, be careful. This is the mother of my son; I don't want an all out war today.


I may have to push her as far as I can, Mike. That's the only way that your mother is going to be set free.

Mike, sighing

I'm just more concerned for Jeremy than anything else. I don't want to make this hard on my son.


I know, Mike, I know.

Laura shares a glance with her grandson; neither of them say a word, but silently, Laura makes one last plea for him to believe her. To realize that his mother is lying. However, he simply looks away. Laura sadly looks at Bill.


Thank you for coming back, Bill. I really didn't expect to see you here.


Laura, you and I may not be together any more, but I still care about you. You'll always be special to me. You're the mother of two of my children, and I know that all of this is a lie.


Thank you.

Laura and Bill stare at each other for a moment, almost recalling all of their insane history just by looking at each other. They both turn away when the baliff enters.


All rise! Judge Karen Fitzpatrick presiding!

Judge Fitzpatrick enters, and ushers everyone to sit down.

Judge Fitzpatrick

We are here today for the proceedings of the people of Salem v. Laura Horton. I don't want to drag this out any longer; let us begin.


Valentine is sitting in her office, filling out some paperwork, when Vivian barges in. She looks up and rolls her eyes.


Just who I wanted to see.


Yes, I imagine this is quite a disappointment. I didn't die in that fire of yours, did I?


What? What are you talking about?


Don't play dumb with me, you botoxed whore! Someone tried to burn my mansion down the other day, and I know it was you.


Oh, yes, I heard about that. Do you honestly believe that I would do that, dear old sister? I mean, I own part of that mansion, too. If I wanted you gone, all I'd have to do is tell the police that you set Peter up to die.


I'm getting sick of you holding that over my head, and now, I have something on you.


My ass! Vivian, if you think I am getting any enjoyment out of this, you are wrong. My marriage is starting to come a part because of you; everything in my life revolves around you and I am tired of it!


Then you never should have come to Salem in the first place. You never should have blackmailed me into signing fifty percent of everything I own to you! You've glued yourself to me, Valentine, and now you're sick of me? All the more reason why you'd burn down the Kiriakis Mansion to try to kill me!


I didn't set the Kiriakis Mansion on fire! You must be getting too old to hear me! Let me say it again: If I wanted you gone, all I'd hav-


Oh, believe me, I heard you. But see, you would go to jail for withholding information for so long if you did that. So this would be much easier.


Please. That is an easy problem to avoid. You're pushing your luck with me, Vivian.


Excuse me?

Valentine stands up and walks right over to her older sister, getting right in her face.


You've included me in none of your decisions! I am supposed to be a part of all of your businesses, but instead, you've gone off and done everything without a word to me! The only reason I am even back at Alamain is because I blackmailed you. Now, you're accusing me of trying to kill you? I hold all the cards here, and I'm about ready to play my hand!


Oh, how wrong you are. I am Vivian Alamain. I'm undeniable, I'm unforgettable, I'm unstoppable, and I'm on top! You will not bring me down; mark my words on that.

Vivian turns to leave, and Valentine scowls.


You'd better watch your old, wrinkly back, bitch!

Vivian, turning around

No, YOU'D better watch YOUR old back! Valentine, you had better be on board with my take over of Salem, otherwise, you WILL go to jail for that fire, whether you started it or not! And then, once you are in jail, I will have everything to myself once again, and no one will believe a word you say about Peter. So think wisely about whether you are with me or against me.

Vivian marches out of her office, and Valentine angrily watches her leave, more determined than ever.


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