Episodes 33-35

Episodes 33-35
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na'Vell J. Lee, and Adam Tarzwell
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
[Robin smiles as Patrick walks up next to her. She is very reluctant to accept his dinner proposal.]
PATRICK: Robin, look I know you are still unsure about where we stand but this is a no pressure dinner. Just two friends socializing outside of the workplace with some possible hot sex afterwards, what do you say? I mean you of course consider me a friend don't you?
ROBIN: Yes Patrick I think of you as a friend.
PATRICK: Then great. So no more calling you Dr. Scorpio then?
[Robin laughs]
PATRICK: See you’re in the best mood you've been in a while. Come on, my treat I just want to get to know you better outside of General Hospital. What do you say?
ROBIN: Well if you’re buying. Sure Patrick dinner sounds great. What time are you off?
PATRICK: I got a surgery to perform that shouldn’t take much more than an hour. After that I’ll be free. Whenever you are done your rounds.
ROBIN: That works best for me. I have a consultation to make. I should be finished around the same time if not then shortly after.
PATRICK: So it’s a date then.
[Jason goes to the facility where Sam’s brother Danny lives. Danny is very happy to see Jason. Jason asks Danny if he is ok. Danny says that he’s doing well but misses Sam. When asked if Sam came to see him, Danny tells Jason no.]
[Alexis is awoken from her nap by the sounds of voices outside of her door. She sneaks over, careful not to make any noise and eavesdrops. She learns that they are still in Port Charles which is a good thing and that they are out in the woods. Alexis hears them coming and pretends to be sleeping. She pretends to wake up and asks if he’ll let them go, when he turns to walk away, she sneaks and grabs one of his keys.]
[Tony is surprised when he comes home and sees Maxie helping Lucas pack. Tony asks Maxie to go downstairs so he can speak with Lucas alone. Lucas tells Tony that he’s been good and is happy. He says that Carly is letting him stay at the penthouse indefinitely. Tony tells him that is very nice of her but Lucas has a home right here. Lucas tells him that he knows that, but needs to be away from his parents for a bit.]
[Dillon is surprised when he wakes from his nap and sees Tracy staring at him. Tracy tells Dillon that it’s time for him to move home. School is out for the summer and he should be home with him family. Dillon turns her down, saying that he will be staying with Lucas. Tracy forbids him to do that.]
[skye is being seated by Lorenzo while Skye is very upset learn about Diego's return to town.]
Lorenzo: I felt it best, that you didn't find out about Diego returning to town just yet.
Skye: I still think at least you should have filled me in. I mean, my god, he held Georgie hostage, had the whole town in a panic.....
Lorenzo: Are you trying to inadvertently compare my son to Manny? Because if you are, you are way off-base.
Skye: I'm just saying that I don't think it's wise to have another problem you have to endure. You have been through enough as it. Why do you continue to put yourself through this hell?
Lorenzo: He's my son, Skye. I love him, and I promised I would stand behind him and protect him. Can't you understand why I am doing this? You, of all people should know about family loyalty.
Skye: Lack thereof, anyway.
Lorenzo: My point exactly. Diego needs family right now, and he has to know that I will always be by his side.
[skye, agreeing with Lorenzo's assessment, smiles at him, and promises that she will always be at his side as well. The two share another passionate kiss with each other.]
[Lucky & Liz step off the elevator at the MetroCourt and see Carly and Nikolas sitting near the bar. Liz wonders what Carly is doing with Nik but Lucky tells her to let it go.
Over near the bar, Carly and Nikolas appear to have a lot of fun. Nikolas thanks Carly for taking care of his lip after Ric punched him. He tells Carly he was there at her house to thank her and see if she wanted to attend a business conference with him in upstate New York that would benefit General Hospital Carly says that she would go, but would need to find a sitter for Michael and Morgan. Nikolas mentions that it must be great being a parent. He’ll miss the chance to be a father to Courtney’s baby. Carly looks at Nikolas with much empathy.]
[Robin barges into Patrick’s office and yells at him. She tells him when she consults on a case, she expects him to take her advice, not turn around and do what he wants to anyway. Patrick tells her to cool her jets and stop using this as an excuse to see him. Patrick tells her the patient they were working on needed surgery, not drugs. He consulted Robin because he wanted her opinion, and that’s what he got. Robin tells Patrick that had she known that he was performing surgery on the case she consulted on, she wouldn’t have agreed to…..well, he knows. The other people in the office leave. Robin continues to rant on and on before Patrick shuts her up with a kiss. She pushes him away. He tells her that this is what she wanted all along. He tells her to kiss him. Though she hesitates, Robin pushes Patrick against the all and kisses him.]
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