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Episode#454: Welcome Back, John



Salem University Hospital

Hope walks in to the hospital, still fuming and angry over everything that is going on in her marriage. Bo quickly follows her in, desperate to calm his wife.


Fancy Face, please, you've gotta listen.


Listen to what, Bo?! Some excuse for your actions?! I know that when I went to prison, our marriage was falling apart, but we were still married. You slept with Jill, you slept with Megan...you even slept with Kristen!

Bo, startled by Hope's last accusation

Hope, I've told you a million times, nothing happened on Padre Island!

Hope, surprised

I wasn't talking about your trip to Padre Island, Brady; I was talking about when you slept with her the night that I got out of jail.

Bo, relieved yet aggrivated at himself


Hope stares at her husband, continuing to wonder if something did in fact happen between Bo and Kristen on Padre Island.


Hope, I...I feel terrible for all of this. I really do; you know me, you know that I love you. We haven't been in love for almost thirty years for our marriage to crumble now. With Jill, we were both drunk, and I didn't even know about Megan. I was drugged and I thought it was you. And we've already gone over what happened with Kristen.


It didn't use to be this easy. Years ago, it would have taken a lot to get the husband that I knew in bed with another woman; now all it takes is a few drinks? A pill?


I felt like I'd lost everything. My two sons were dead and my wife was in jail for murder.


Damnit, Brady, but you did have something! Our two daughters! How could you bring all of these random women home with them in the other room?! Did you even think about them?!


You know I love Pamela and Addie, Hope. Above all else; the problem was that I wasn't thinking at all.

Megan walks in to the waiting room, interrupting their argument.


Ready to get welcomed into the family, Bo?

Bo and Hope both ignore Megan; seconds later, Lexie walks out into the waiting room.

Lexie, taking a deep breath

I'm glad all three of you are here. I have the results from the test right here.

Lexie shows them the file, and she glances at Megan; Megan winks at her, and Lexie just sighs.


I really wanna get this over with, Lex. Let's hear it.

Lexie nods and starts to open the envelope. Bo, Hope, and Megan all watch in anticipation; for all of them, this could be a great relief or a great disaster. Hope looks at her husband one last time.


Come on, sis, we don't have all damn day. Bo and I have a family to raise without Hopeless.

Lexie takes out the results, and looks at them. She then looks at the three before her.


Well? Come on, Lexie, don't leave us hanging.

Lexie, looking right at Bo

Bo, you are NOT the father of Megan's baby.

Megan's eyes are suddenly filled with horror, and Bo and Hope feel a rush of relief. Hope exhales, suddenly a lot happier than before, and Bo looks at Megan.


Guess you're scheme wasn't so full proof after all, was it?

Megan, looking from Lexie to Bo

I...I can't believe this. I'm so sho-


Cut the crap, Megan. I want to know what you were really up to and I want the truth!

Megan, scowling

Fine! I did sleep with you, and I really wanted to get pregnant with your baby, but one night may not be enough. It was my master plan, Bo, I couldn't let it fail at that point, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get you into bed twice. So I slept with sevral men to ensure that I got pregnant, and sure enough I did. My son isn't yours, but he could have been!

Hope, marching over to Megan

You are sick. Do you hear me? Sick. Do you know how crazy that sounds?! Drugging my husband and sleeping with random men, all for some chance at a baby that would give Bo back to you? I've had enough of you. You've been nothing but trouble since the day you showed up in Salem all of those years ago.


Hope's right, Megan; you and I aren't connected in any way, shape, or form. We will never be together, and it's time you accept that. I don't ever want to see you again.

Megan, growing angrier

Tough, because this is not the last you've seen of Megan Hathaway DiMera.

Megan shoves her way past the couple, and storms up to her sister.


You and I talked about this. You were supposed to make sure that paternity test said that Bo was my baby's father!


You know I couldn't do that, Megan; I've betrayed my ethics enough over the years. I was not about to do it again, especially because it was only for your selfish desires. You and Bo were over a long time ago and this was ridiculous.

Megan, getting right in Lexie's face

You'll regret this, Lexie. You'll pay for not putting family first.

After making that threat, Megan leaves the hospital in a fury. Bo looks at his wife.


Well, that's one problem out of the way, Fancy Face. You won't have to worry about Megan anymore.

Hope, slowly nodding

Yeah, yeah, I'm definitely happy about that.


I don't mean to interrupt any more, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about, but I was asked to pass on a message.

Bo and Hope both look at Lexie curiously.

Lexie, sighing

I'm really sorry that this has to be so sudden, but your grandson, Bentley Spears, was shot tonight.


What?! Bentley's just a toddler!


Is he ok?! What happened?


He had a great surgery and is expected to make a full recovery for now. I'm not sure on the details, but something happened with his mother, Lucas Roberts, Eugenia Willens, and Greta Von Amberg. Lucas was taking care of him, but he's been arrested for Greta's murder, and he wanted you to get to Bentley before Jan did.


We are Bentley's grandparents, and we haven't been active enough in his life; I've always known that Jan was trouble. Now is our chance.


You're right, Bo. Lexie, can you take us to his room? I want to see him.


Of course. Follow me.


I'll be right there.

Lexie and Hope leave, and Bo watches his wife go, as he thinks about the current rift in their marriage.


We have a family to raise; Hope is my wife, the love of my life. I've got to get things back on track. I have to end my affair with Kristen.

Bo then sets off in the direction that Lexie and Hope went, determined to put his family back together.


Episode#454: Welcome Back, John

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Salem Jail

Lucas is in a jail cell, thinking about how his life has gone lately; he has a family, but now he is here, inside jail, for murder. He couldn't go back and change anything; there was no turning back now. Eugenia approaches his cell.

Lucas, jumping up

Did you get a hold of Bo and Hope?


Lexie was going to see them today, anyway, so she's passing on the message. I'm sure they'll take good care of Bentley.


Yeah, they're good people, and he's their grandson. It's only right.


I'm working on getting you a good lawyer. I tried to hire April Ramirez, but she's pretty busy with the mess that Laura's in. I'm going to try to get Ji'Min Kim down here. And I can talk to your mom and-


No, Eugenia, stop. I want a good lawyer, I need one, but it's not going to stop the inevitable. Like I told you, I killed Greta, and I've gotta take responsibility for that. I'm definitely going to prison for a while, and I don't want to hold you back.


But Lucas, I'm your fiancee, and I-


Have a son to raise now. I love you, Eugenia, and that's why I won't keep you distracted with this. I've got to break up with you.

Eugenia, tears coming to her eyes

What?! Lucas, please, don't do this.


We have to and you know it. I'm not going to make you watch as I go through all of this; you need to focus on Josh. I'm doing this for you.


Just when we were finally happy, this had to happen. I-I understand, but it's so hard to deal with.

Eugenia sheds a few tears, and Lucas reaches through the bars to wipe her eyes.


The minute I get out, I'll come looking for you, where ever you are.


I'll be waiting.

Lucas motions for her to leave, wanting to make this as easy as possible on both of them; he feels some tears well up in his eyes as she walks towards the door. Eugenia turns to look at Lucas one last time.


Goodbye, Lucas. And thank you for everything that you've done for me. I know I haven't always been the best person to you, but...thank you.

Eugenia hurries out. Lucas sadly watches.


Goodbye Eugenia.

DiMera Mansion

Andre comes down stairs, ready for his romantic dinner with his wife Valentine. He hears some noise coming from the living room, and walks in to see Megan packing her bags! Her son, Bo DiMera, is at her side in his carrier.

Andre, visibly confused

Megan, what the hell are you doing?


Getting the hell out of Salem. I'm sick of this town.


So you are just abandoning everything? The DiMera dynasty, the threat of Vivian Alamain, your own quest for Bo?


Bo...my mission has been temporarily haulted. And I have to say, I'm starting not to trust our own family. My father would be disgusted with all of this.


And you are giving up? That doesn't quite seem like you, Megan.

Megan, laughing

Oh, Andre; I'm taking my son and we're leaving Salem. But I will be back one day with a vengence, and I will make everyone pay for what's happened. I may be down, but I'm not out. I just need a chance to re-generate. The DiMeras are not done.

Megan picks up her son, as well as her bags, and walks right out of the DiMera Mansion, leaving Salem...for now.

Kiriakis Mansion

Vivian stares at the Kiriakis Mansion, which is now half-burnt and half-intact; a fair amount was able to be saved, and it would not take too long to rebuild. But nonetheless, for now, it was not habitable. Vivian is on her cell phone as she observes the damage.


Get all of my possessions to the DiMera Mansion as quickly as possible, Ivan! I'm going to have to return there for now, until the Kiriakis Mansion is repaired.

Vivian hangs up the phone, and Chris approaches.


Our investigations point to arson, Mrs. Kiriakis. We're pretty sure that was what caused it.


Well, I could have told you that.


I'm going to need to interview you about this; we need a list of suspects so that we can bring them to justice.


Certainly, officer.


Okay, first off, who would want to do this? Do you have any enemies?


Yes, quite a few, actually. All over Salem at this point.


Would any of them go this far?

Vivian thinks for a moment, and many names come to her mind; all of them had valid reason to attack her.






My sister, Valentine Heart. She and I have been at odds many times; she owns fifty percent of everything that I own. We basically share these companies and properties, even though I call the shots; I wouldn't put this past that whore.


Anyone else?


Kristen Blake. That damn DiMera has been after me for ages now; she's shot off nonsense accusations about me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if your very own boss, Bo Brady, did this for her.


Bo? One of the most honorable men in Salem? I doubt he tried to burn down his own father's mansion.


Please! He's been helping her all along. And they aren't the only ones, detective! Mike Horton could be a suspect.


The chief of staff at University hospital? He's been very respected in this town for a long time; are you sure that you aren't shooting off random people to me?


How dare you! You don't know me or what my life is like; I know for a fact that all of these people are my enemies! In fact, shortly before the fire, I got a threatening letter from the ex-chief-of-staff's mother! If she wasn't in jail right now, I'd throw her in as a suspect. I don't think you can trust any of those Hortons.


Okay, any other people you want to throw out there?


Celeste Perrault. That insane woman has assaulted me several times since Victor died, and we've never quite gotten along. She used to work for one of my other late husbands, Stefano, so she can be devious if she wants to be. I'd say she is a prime suspect.


Okay, keep going.


Kate Roberts. Kate is probably my biggest rival; she's always had it out for me, and I bought her company recently. I wouldn't put it past that vulture to try to kill me like this! In fact, not too long ago, she hired someone to kill Tony DiMera! Attempted murder is nothing new for her.


This is turning into a long list, ma'am.


And it's not done yet. I've also recently had arguments with my nephew, Nicholas, who has changed from the sweet boy that I raised; he could have done this. Victor's nephew, Justin, wasn't so approving of Victor's decision in marrying me, and I recently froze his assets. One of them could have done this.

Chris, sighing

You've got a lot of people out to get you, Mrs. Kiriakis. We'll look into this; in the meantime, I'd advise taking necessary precautions to keep yourself safe.

Chris walks off, and Vivian clenches her fist.


Damn it, that man's right. So many people hate me right now, and I can't let myself collapse after all of this. I have to get this ball of mine to work; it has to happen soon, so I can cement my place. I have to distract everyone so that they won't try to steal their companies back!

Back at the Jail

Lucas quietly sits inside his jail cell, shortly after breaking up with Eugenia so that she wouldn't have to watch what was to come for Lucas. He hears someone else enter, and looks to see his teenage son, Will.


Dad, I can't believe this. What the hell's going on? Bentley was shot? You killed Greta?


Hey, son. Yeah, a lot of crazy stuff has been going down lately, but Bentley's fine; his grandparents are going to take him in.


What do you mean? I thought he was going to live with us; I mean, you'll be out of here soon, right?

Lucas, sighing

I doubt it. I'm sorry, Will, but I need to be straight up with you; you're probably the person that I love and trust most in the world. I'm going to have to serve some jail time for this; I'm just pleading guilty to this, because it's true. I killed Greta. I'm not going to fight the system, so hopefully this'll move quickly. But I'm going to be gone for awhile.

Will stands there for a moment, stunned.


Come on, man, talk to me.


I don't know what to say, Dad. You've been there for me in life a lot more than Mom has, as much as I love both of you. You stood by me when we were fighting the Galores for Arianna; you took me back in even though I ran away and had a baby. You even gave Destiny a home.You've been so great, but now you're gone? Just like that?


It'll be okay, I promise; I'm not going to be in here forever. And you've got your mom, who really cares about you and is trying to help you now; that's what's important. I need you to be strong; be the responsible man that I know you are.

Will, nodding

I'll try my best. I still can't believe this. What about Eugenia? Grandma Kate? The rest of our family?


I'll get the family down here and tell all of them myself, but I'm glad that I got to see you before anyone else. I broke up with Eugenia; I don't want her to watch this, whether it's fast or not. And I don't want you to watch it, either.


Wha...? But you're my dad; I have to be there for you. I want to be there for you!


I know, Will, and I appreciate it, but I don't need it. It's gonna be tough, but I'm strong and I can handle all of this. Eugenia has Josh to raise, and you have Arianna to raise. You've got school to go to. You need to focus on that, not me.

Will, frowning

If that's what you want....I promise that I'll visit you as much as I can, though.

Lucas, smiling

That'll be great.


So this is goodbye, I guess.


Yeah, it is. It's really what is best. I just want you to know how much I love you; I know I've had a lot of problems over the years, but I've always loved you. And I'm so proud of the man you're becoming. I really am.


Thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything...I love you, too. Words can't express how much that I do, and how much I appreciate everything. I'm gonna miss you.


I'm gonna miss you too. Now get out of here; go make out with Destiny or something.

Will actually manages to chuckle, and he waves at his father.


Bye, Dad.

A tear goes down Will's cheek as he turns to leave, and Lucas barely manages to hold back his own, as he watches his son leave. It then hits Lucas all that he will be missing; his son, his granddaughter, his family. He thinks back to all of the good times with every single one of them.


I'm gonna miss Salem, definitely....but I'm ready to face what's to come. I'm gonna face prison head on.

Lucas turns around, absolute and determined to strongly confront whatever was ahead of him in life.

DiMera Mansion

The Door bell rings at The Dimera mansion. Andre opens the door and greets Valentine by giving her a hug.


“You smell so sweet. Please come in.” Valentine enters the dreary mansion. Andre takes her coat and purse and hands it to the maid.


“Right this way.’ He says ushering her into the living room. The living room is decked out in romance. Classical music playing, white candles burning.


“This is beautiful.”


“Only for the most beautiful lady in the world.”


“You’re so sweet.” She says as she sits down at the table set for two.”


“I have the chef making something very special for us tonight.’ Andre tells her as he takes his seat. He pours them glasses of champagne and then holds his glass up to toast.


"What shall we toast too?”


“To us and the down fall of your dreadful sister.”


“Oh please Andre. Not tonight. I am tired of talking about my dear old sister.”


“What do you mean?’


“My nephew Nicholas came and saw me earlier today grilling me about Vivian.”


“Well we are all worried about what are you going to do.”


“I did not come here to talk about the war on Vivian.”


“Well I want to know what are you going to do to stop her. My entire well being is at stake here.”


“Like I told Nicholas, I have things under control. Vivian is not going to win and that’s all there is to it and that’s I am saying.”


“But we are spouses. We are supposed to share these kind of things with each other.”


“Sorry to inform you that I’m not sharing this... I am doing things my way and I will not reveal my trump card to no one.”


“You don’t trust me?”


“When it comes to business I trust no one.”


“If we don’t have trust we don’t have anything. I think I am done here. You can see yourself out. Thanks for wasting our time.” Andre gets up and leaves the dinner table.


“But we haven’t eaten yet and I’m hungry.”

Andre ignores her and walks out the room.


“Well ain’t this a fine how do you do. I am so sick of Vivian running my life. I can’t wait until she gets what’s coming to her so I can move on with my life.” The maid hands Valentine her purse and coat and she storms out the house slamming the door behind her.

Back at University Hospital

Inside John Black's hospital room, all is quiet; the man sits perfectly still, remaining catatonic after all of this time. The man sits there...the words that he has heard recently echo in his mind; all of the prayers of his family and friends. All of the visits that he had recieved from his children. The wheels begin to turn in John's head again as he focuses on the people around him that love him, and the people that he loves. Finally, after so much time of being in a catatonic state, his mouth moves.



John's right hand begins to slowly move, and minutes later, his left hand does as well! He begins to get a feel for the world around him once again, slowly but surely, as he regains control of his hands. He continues to try to speak.



A nurse passes by while John's hands slowly move back and forth, and he tries to speak. Her eyes go wide in shock and she rushes inside!


Mr. Black, are you awake?!

John continues to try to formulate words.



Nurse, darting out of the room

I need help! John Black has just woken up!




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