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Episode#453: A Flaming Payback



Kiriakis Mansion

Philip is now gone as the Kiriakis Mansion's fire is starting to spread; not too many inside the mansion have realized it yet. Vivian sits inside the living room, continuing to think about how she reigns over Salem and must make sure it stays that way, when the smoke alarms go off.


What in the hell....

Ivan rushes in.


Madam! We have to get out of here; I don't know how it happened, but a huge fire has broken out on the other end of the mansion! The smoke alarms are just now picking it up, and the fire department should be on there way!

Vivian, stunned

Well, there isn't any time to waste! Let's get out of here!

Ivan nods and take Vivian's hand, both immediately rushing out into the foyer and towards the front door.


What about the staff? Henderson?


Oh, let them fend for themselves! Hell, you're lucky I'm letting you escape with me, after how you betrayed me for Valentine all that time ago.

Ivan and Vivian dart out into the front yard, and they quickly run as far as they can. Once a safe distance away, Vivian turns to look at her mansion. The fire is starting to engulf a good portion of it.


How could this even happen?! I have a competent staff!

Sirens are heard in the distance, and Vivian and Ivan see fire trucks drive onto the grounds of the Kiriakis Mansion. Fire fighters immediately emerge and start battling the flames; Vivian sees some of the staff darting out of the mansion, particularly Henderson.


Henderson, you're alive.


No thanks to you, Mrs. Kiriakis! Were you just going to leave all of us to die?!


Well, no, but I had to save myself.


Exactly! I have tried putting up with you and serving you since the day that Mr. Kiriakis died and left you in charge, but enough is enough! You didn't care whether any of us lived or not! You were just out to save yourself! Ever since the day you came to Salem, you've only cared about yourself. You've schemed, you've lied, you've killed...you are pure evil!


Well, Henderson, I didn't know you had such courage.


This fire is just the beginning, Mrs. Kiriakis! Your enemies are finally striking out against you, and I couldn't be happier!

Henderson storms off, and Ivan watches him go.


I suppose we'll take that as his resignation. That butler has always seemed a bit insane to me.


In all of Henderson's madness, some truth is there. This is not good, Ivan. This fire was no accident; I have enemies all over Salem now. One of them tried to kill me.

Vivian looks at her burnt mansion, obviously disturbed by the fact that someone was able to attack her so easily.


Episode 453: A Flaming Payback

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Downtown Salem, Alamain Inc.

Nicholas walks into Valentine’s executive office. Valentine, who was on the phone spins around in her swivel chair and smiles at him.


“Ok thank you. I’ll be in touch” She says into the phone before hanging it up. She gets up and hugs her nephew.

“What brings you by?”


“I think you should know. I want to know what are you planning to do about Vivian. Whose side are you on?”


“I told you have a plan.”


“That’s what I’m here to find out. Why haven’t you told me about this so called plan?”


“I just can’t Nicholas. But just know Vivian is going down very soon. Her time in Salem is limited.”


“We are family. I hope you don’t try to cut me out of Alamain…… I think I see what’s going on here.”


“What do you mean?”


“You’re not including me in your plan because you’re going to take it all for yourself?”


“I can’t believe you would think I would such a thing.”


“I didn’t think my Aunt Vivian could do the things she’s done but she has. You’re acting just like her.”


“Nicholas I promise you I will not cut you out. I need a right hand to run Alamain once I get rid of Vivian. Things are not as they seem. This is very personal for me. It’s personal between my dear old sister. She raised the stakes. My freedom is at stake. I will not involve you with that. “


“Well let me help.”


“I’ll pass. Like I said it’s personal. I will take care of Vivian myself. I have the trump card and as I said I am keeping my hand close to my chest as big as they are.”


“Ok, I’ll let it go. For now. But you better mean what you say. We are family and don’t you forget it.”


“Family means a lot to me. I am not like Vivian. You’ll see that. I just need for you to trust me. I got things taken care of.”


“Good I can sleep better.”


“Yes, it looks like you are not sleeping well. You look horrible. Why don’t you take Belle and go on a romantic getaway. I am sure you two could use something like that. In fact, it’s on me, my treat.”


“Belle and I are not seeing eye to eye right now. I’ll take a rain check on your offer. “He looks at his Rolex.

“Look at the time I have to get going.” He gives his aunt a hug and leaves her office. Valentine walks over to her mini bar and pours her and drink. She holds up the glass and toasts to herself

“To Vivian, your time is done.” She swallows her drink and has a gloating smile on her face as she sits back in her chair.

Belle's Penthouse

At Belle's Penthouse, which once belonged to her deceased mother Marlena, Belle is sitting on the couch, watching a news report about Vivian's upcoming ball. She starts thinking about Nicholas and their huge fight. Her thoughts our interrupted when she hears the door bell ring.

Belle, jumping up

Maybe that's him now. Maybe he's finally come to his senses and we can talk about this.

Belle rushes to the door, anxious and hoping to see Nicholas on the other side, but is stunned when she opens it up and sees Philip! She stumbles backwards.


P...Philip....you should be in jail.


My family got me released. You don't have to be afraid; I'm not going to hurt you. I'm past what happened all that time ago.


I can't trust you, Philip. Not after all that you've done; you kidnapped me, you stalked me, and you get off just like that?!


I spent years in prison because of that, Belle. I've done my time, and I am over everything that happened. I'd never hurt you like I did. It was a time of weakness; you know me, you know what I'm really like. Remember the man that you were married to.


All that I remember is the man that acted without thinking! The husband that, instead of trying to calmly work things out, got angry and went insane! It feels like every man that I'm with is like that. Shawn, you, and now Nicholas!

Philip, raising an eyebrow

Nicholas? Who's Nicholas?

Belle's eyes go wide as she realizes her slip-up.


You'd better go now, Philip; I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, and I will call the police if you come near me.


Come on, Belle, we've known each other since high school. We were married for almost two years! Do you know how hard it was for me to find out that Claire wasn't mine? That you'd cheated on me with Shawn? My world came down around me and I just snapped. I'm better now.

Philip flashes back to burning down the Kiriakis Mansion, but quickly pushes it out of his mind.


Then why are you here?! You and I were finished the minute you took me out of the loft that day!


If I want to start my life in salem with a clean slate, I needed to see you. You were an important part of my life, Belle, and I'll never forget you. I had to come and apologize for everything I did to you.


I don't even know what to say, Philip. This is so sudden, and so much is going on. Do you know what's happened in your time away?


Yeah. Your mom's dead and so is my dad. The woman who gave birth to me has taken over everything in Salem.


And I work for one of the businesses that she owns. My boyfriend left me, so I've got a lot on my mind right now. Please, Philip, just go. And don't come back.

Belle slams the door in her ex-husband's face, and tears up afterwards; she feels as if everything in her life is closing in on her. In the doorway, Philip stands, silent as he wonders what his true feelings for Belle are.

Salem University Hospital

Lucas and Eugenia both sit in the waiting room, shortly after visiting Bentley. Eugenia sits in her fiancee's arms.


This has been so insane; I hope, with Greta gone, all of this can be over.


Don't worry. I'll make sure that no one can interfere with our lives ever again; we can finally be happy now. We can be together now.

Chris approaches the happy couple.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Eugenia, sitting up

Detective Reddins? What are you doing here?


We're very happy that your son pulled through, Mr. Roberts, but the police have investigated and you killed Princess Von Amberg in cold blood.


I had every right to. The woman was terrorizing my family; she barged into my home. I had to stop her once and for all.


I'm sorry, but to the legal system, that doesn't make any difference. I have to arrest you.


What?! That's insane! What proof do you even have that it wasn't in self defense?! Greta shot Lucas!


We have a witness. Your wife, Jan Spears, came forward and gave us a detailed description. She said that you strangled Princess Von Amberg, and I bet that you could back that statement up, Miss Willens.

Eugenia, enraged

That bitch!

Lucas, sighing as he stands up

No, Eugenia, calm down. I've got to take responsibility for this; I did kill Greta because of what she did. I don't regret it, but I did kill her. I'm not going to be like Jan or Greta and run from the law. I'm a grown man.


Lucas, are you serious? This could destroy our family when it's barely even started.


I don't have a choice, babe. I'm sorry. Just do these things for me: Tell my family, and get Bo and Hope Brady down here. They need to take Bentley before Jan does.

Chris, taking out handcuffs

Lucas Roberts, you are under arrest for the murder of Greta Von Amberg!

Bo and Hope's House

Bo and Hope are in the living room of their house, both purely silent, and the tension between them is thick.


Come on, Fancy Face, we've got to get through this. Talk to me.


So much is happening, Brady. I don't even know what to say at this point.

Bo hears a knock on the door, and he heads to the door and opens it to see Megan!


Megan, what are you doing here?

Megan, walking right in

I came to see my new house, as I will be moving in once the paternity test proves that Bo DiMera is your son. Or we could always move to my Father's house, but there are so many other people there. This house only has one person that needs to be gotten rid of.


You're crazy. I don't know why or how you've held onto me all these years; all we had was a fling in highschool, but you're still after me.


You love me, Bo, I know it; oh, hello, Ugly Face.

Hope just groans and stands up, rubbing her temples. She still can't believe this is happening.


Megan, the only thing that this test will prove is that you're a liar. You concocted this ridiculous scheme to get me back. I still don't even know how you did it.


Let me give you a play by play: I knew that while Hope was gone, I needed an edge to get you right back into my arms. So I brought back Jill Stevens to carry the baby and not throw anyone off. Who, I might add, also slept with your husband while you were in jail, Hope!

Hope, whirling around, stunned and hurt

You slept with Jill too?!! Damnit, Brady, damnit!


No, no, Hope....that was different. We were both drunk, and I didn't know that Jill was Megan's surrogate until just now!


I put it together after I saw Megan and Jill together in the park; I barely even remembered Jill, but it was our fight that caused her to die. I guess the baby was saved, though.

Tears begin to roll down Hope's cheeks at this new revelation, and Megan takes joy in seeing her rival in so much pain.


See, Bo? She's weak...you need a strong woman.


So that's who's baby Jill was pregnant with. Yours and mine; you really are a bitch, Megan. After this, I don't want to ever see you again! You're the spitting image of your father.


And I couldn't be prouder.

The phone rings, and Bo sighs, before answering it.


Bo, it's Lexie. The paternity test results are in, so I need you, Hope, and Megan to get down to the hospital ASAP. And there's something else, too.


Megan's here with us. We'll be right there.

Bo hangs up the phone, and looks at the two women before him.


We need to get to the hospital; the paternity test results are in.

Megan grins and quickly darts out of the house, and Hope wipes her eyes and just gives Bo a hard stare, before walking out as well. Bo follows her, concerned and worried at how his marriage is bursting apart at the seams....


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