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Episode#452: War on Vivian



Salem Jail

Mike, Maggie, and Julie all walk into the local jail, intent on meeting with Laura and telling her about the news regarding the hospital.


I am still mad about this. I refuse to sit back and let a gold digging woman who has tricked people, buried a woman alive, schemed her way into carrying Victor and Kate's baby, has tried to kill people countless times, and Lord knows what else take our hospital away from us!


I know, Aunt Julie, and she's not going to get away with this. This isn't even about just us. Its also about Grandpa Tom and Gran. They were the ones that started our family's involvement in the hospital. This is a disgrace to their legacy. We all need to unite as a family and stand up to Vivian Alamain.


Yes, you both are right, but should we really tell Laura about this now? She already has so much going on with Robin and I am worried that she's so fragile right now, that anything else would push her to the brink...


My mother is stronger than most people think. I do not believe that she is going insane at all. As much as I hate to speak this way about the mother of my son, this is all just a ploy by Robin. Mom is stable and has been for years...she can take this.


You're right, Mike. She would find out eventually anyways.

Mike, Julie, and Maggie all then walk up to Laura's cell, and Laura's face lights up at seeing them.


Michael...Maggie...Julie. I'm so happy to see you...I get so lonely in here. Do you have any news about my case? Have you finally found a way to stop that bitch?

Mike, sighing

I'm afraid not, Mom. We've recieved some bad news.


Bad news? What has Robin done now?


This isn't about Robin, dear...Mike and Maggie recieved some news about the hospital.

Laura, confused

The hospital? Whats going on at the hospital? Is everything alright?


Unfortunately, no...it has to do with Vivian Alamain.


Vivian?! I know her well. That woman is nothing but trouble.


I've just begun to realize that myself...Vivian called an emergency board meeting at the hospital, and revealed that she now owns more interest than anyone else...meaning that she controls it now.

Laura, stunned beyond words

WHAT?! How could that happen?!


I-I don't know, she worked fast and did all this before anyone could find out...to make it worse, she fired me and removed the Hortons from the hospital entirely.

Laura then goes into a rage, slamming her hands on the bars.


That bitch! How could she do this?! The Hortons haven't done anything to her! I know that she's pulled alot of things, especially when it comes to her rivals like Kate or getting what she wants, but I never thought she could yank a hospital away from an innocent family!

Laura immediately grabs a spare piece of paper and a pen, and begins writing.


Mom, what are you doing?


I'm going to give Vivian a little message!


Oh, Laura, there's no need for that...nothing will get done by lashing out at her.

Laura writes quickly, ignoring her family, and within minutes is finished. She walks back over to the bars.


I'm sorry, but I am not going to keep quiet about this, and out of all of us, I know Vivian the best. I still remember being with her at Bayview Sanitarium and how she used me to go after Kate, and how she helped Kristen in that entire baby scheme. Its only right that I send her my thoughts on this...guard, oh guard! I need a letter sent out ASAP! For delivery today! The fastest way possible!

A guard comes over, nodding, and takes the letter.


Mom, you really didn't have to do that.


No, Michael, I did. Its bad enough that I can't go to the Kiriakis Mansion myself and confront her, but I am not going to keep quiet. I am tired of people taking myself and this family for fools. I am going to fight Robin and get these charges dropped, and then I am going after Vivian.

Suddenly, before the conversation can continue, April walks in.


Well it seems everyone's here. Good.


April. I'm so glad to see you...this past day hasn't been pleasant.

Mike walks over to April and kisses her.

April, smiling at the kiss

Why not?


I'll tell you about it later.


Do you have some news, April?


I hope so, because now I need to get out of here even quicker than I thought!


Well, I have a trial date. April 11th.


Good! Thats soon! That means that once I finally clear my name, I'll be free.


I am going to do the best I can, Mrs. Horton.


I just can't believe that all of this has happened at the same time...its awful. We need the Hortons to stand together now more than ever and most of them aren't even in Salem!


Well, now one more is.

Everyone turns in complete astonishment as they see Bill Horton(Jerry Ver Dorn) standing before them!




Thats right...I'm back.


Episode#452: War on Vivian

Written by: Tara Smith


Justin and the newly released Philip walk into the entrance of a hotel.


Since Vivian rules the Kiriakis Mansion with an iron hand now, we can check into this hotel until we get it back.


I still can't believe this. My father trusted you to be able to help him lead his empire in my absence, and take it over once he was gone, yet you let Vivian weasel her way into marrying him on his deathbed and taking our home from us.


I couldn't stop her. You act like I have a magic wand, when I don't. By the time I actually found out about Vivian's scheme, it was too late.


I doubt it...but, lets forget about that and just check in. It will be great to sleep on a comfortable bed. I'm assuming that we'll see Adrienne soon too?

Justin, hesitating

Actually, no. Adrienne and I are still married, but she doesn't live in Salem.


What kind of Kiriakis are you? You can't fight some pathetic lunatic, and you are perfectly content with your wife off in another city. The only good move you made was getting me out of prison.

Justin, growing irritated

You are one to talk, Philip. You kidnapped your ex-wife and held her captive, and then you stalked her for months. You know what, forget it, I am not going to fight with you. We have to stand together if we want to get Titan back. Lets just get some hotel rooms.

Justin walks up to the front desk, and hands the receptionist his credit card.


Two hotel rooms please.

The receptionist takes his card, but after a moment, she gives it back to him.


Is there a problem?


I'm sorry, sir, but it seems that this credit card no longer works.


Thats impossible. I'm Justin Kiriakis.

The receptionist checks a few things, but then shakes her head.


It seems that your assets have been frozen.

Justin, jaw dropping

You must be joking.

Philip, stepping forward

I'm Philip Kiriakis, the son of Victor Kiriakis. I am sure I have some funds in my accounts that will suffice?

The receptionist once again checks.


I am sorry, your assets have been frozen as well.


Surely you must be mistaken. There is no way in hell that both of our assets our frozen.


I am sorry, sir, thats just what I see.

Justin, walking away in a rage

Damn that bitch...

Philip, following

Obviously, Vivian did this. She's taken my father's fortune all for herself. Thats it, no more of this. This sham about Vivian ruling Salem is going to end.


I'm not going to let her win...she's gone too far.


Enough talk, thats the problem with you. All talk. I am going to take action.

Philip storms out, leaving Justin to wonder what his cousin is going to do...

Kiriakis Mansion

Vivian sits very happily in the living room of the Kirakis Mansion, having herself a drink.


Ah...such victory...it is so good to be me. However, it seems that quite a few of my dear neighbors in Salem aren't pleased with my recent decisions...but I'll take care of them. I already have Kristen taken care of, lets see who's next...

Vivian thinks for a moment, going over all of her enemies.


Lets start with Kristen's sister: Lexie. Poor Lexie has been through alot, and I tried to make up for it by giving her that COS position...however, she still doesn't seem quite happy. I know she never approved of my marriage to her father, and she's trying to be a goody goody now...she may try to stop me. I just need to figure out some way to keep her from even attempting anything...

Vivian continues to think, pondering what she could do to Lexie.


There isn't really anything to blackmail her with...not that I know of, anyway. She really doesn't have anything going on in her life...damn, she sure is boring for a DiMera.

Suddenly, an idea pops into Vivian's head.


Thats it! Lexie doesn't have anything going on in her life...she's just raising her son, she's single...so she needs a man. I actually don't think she's even had a man since Abe or that Tek, which both ended years ago...she needs someone to distract her, to whisk her off her feet! But who in this town would be interested in our dear Alexandra? Abe obviously hates her, she killed her lover, I think Abe's son that she liked is with Carrie...

Vivian continues thinking.


There has to be someone out there! Wait...I remember...years ago...Abe had a brother that was in town that she almost had a little thing with...Jonah Carver!

Vivian laughs as she sips the last of her drink, figuring out a way to distract Lexie.


I guess its time to bring Jonah back to Salem, then!

Then, Ivan walks in.


Madame, a letter has arrived.


Oh? This should be interesting.

Ivan hands her the letter and leaves, and Vivian laughs when she sees who its from.


Laura Horton? Oh, this WILL be interesting!

DiMera Mansion

Lexie and Andre walk into the living room of the DiMera Mansion, where Kristen waits.


Well, I'm assuming that you called this meeting because of Vivian, Kristen?

Kristen, nodding

Yes...we need to do something about her. She's going too far...she's taken over all of the large businesses in Salem and pretty much thinks she rules the town, and I'm not going to let her continue on like this.


I agree...the woman sickens me. We cannot let her ruin the DiMera name.


Not that the fact that you are married to Valentine is any better, but Vivian is the bigger fish right now.


Do not criticize my marriage, Kristen. Its not like you have the best track record.


Please, no fighting. There's enough going on as it is, and Vivian's made another...business acquisition.


Oh what now? What is there left for her to own?


She apparently bought controlling interest in Salem University Hospital...

Kristen, jaw dropping

What? Don't the Hortons own the hospital?


They did...but now, Vivian does, and she threw them out.


She threw the HORTON family, the most honorable and well known family in Salem, out of their own hospital?! Mike is Chief of Staff...who is going to replace him?


Well, you see...thats the other part of this. She installed me as interim COS.

Andre, raising an eyebrow

Thats odd. What the hell is Vivian playing at?


I don't know, but I don't think she cares who she hurts and how. She has basically taken over every part of Salem.


She's almost getting more insane than me, you could say...I honestly thought Vivian was only interested in businesses like DiMera, Titan, Alamain...but the hospital. She is on a quest for domination. Whats next? The Brady Pub?


How did Mike take this?


Not good...he and Maggie were both there, and after that, I don't think there is going to be any doubt that Mike's as much of a family man as we are. He was enraged and got into a huge fight with Vivian...Maggie wasn't too excited about me being COS, either.


Ah, well, the fact that she is engaged to Abraham Carver perfectly explains that...but, Lexie, at least you have your old position back.


I didn't want it back this way. Hell, it was such a circus when I was COS, I don't think I really ever thought of getting it back...Mike was gracious enough to let me back on the staff there after all I did, I never wanted to replace him. Especially not like this.

Kristen, nodding

I understand...we have to stop Vivian. I refuse to let the bitch sink her claws into every single person in Salem like this.


But how can we stop her?


Well...I do have a secret, or something on her, I should say...but I'd rather keep that to myself for now. Everything has to be certain before I unleash it, but it'll blow her out of the water, and this time, she'll never get back in.


You better not be blowing smoke about this. We need a sure-fire way to get rid of her.


Don't worry, this is it. I promise you.

Andre stands up to leave as the short, but critical, meeting comes to an end...as he heads out to the foyer, he continues to wonder what Vivian is up to.


I better speak with my dear wife about this unexpected turn of events...

With that, Andre leaves.

Back at the Kiriakis Mansion

Vivian slowly opens the letter from Laura, anxious to see what she has to say. She begins to read it aloud.


Dear Vivian, I know what you've done, and you won't get away with it. Ever since the day you came to Salem, you have walked all over everyone you've met and it stops with my son. You won't get away with taking the hospital away from an honorable family like mine, and a great doctor like my son. You've crossed the wrong woman this time, Vivian Alamain, and when I get out of jail I am coming for you.

Vivian sets the letter down, and sighs.


And after all I've done for that Laura, she has the nerve to send me a nasty letter like this. She practically threatened my life! Does she not understand good business? Well, I suppose she wouldn't, she is a basket case after all.

Ivan re-enters the room after hearing Vivian's complaints.


Is everything alright, madam?


No, Ivan, it isn't. My dear old friend Laura, who I helped out of that mental asylum, sent me an awful letter. She just about threatened my life, and I'm not having it; I got her out of Bayview, and I can send her back in just as fast!

Ivan, raising an eyebrow

How, Madam?


Oh, my dear Ivan, it is simple. This woman is currently in jail, about to face charges of insanity. Charges, that might I add, her almost-daughter-in-law pressed against her. I can simply make everyone believe that she has indeed gone insane and send her away for good! However, all of this is rather alarming.


Why is that?


Well, you see, the Hortons haven't been as...easy to run over as I thought they would be. I have nothing against them, but they are a little stronger than I thought. I didn't expect this much of an outrage over taking over the hospital. I need something to keep them busy, keep them distracted...

Vivian pauses, thinking for a moment, before speaking again.


Ah, that's it!

Vivian rushes over to the phone, picking it up and immediately dialing a number.


Operator? Get me Robin Jacobs' number, please.

Salem University Hospital

Jan, Lucas, and Eugenia all anxiously stand in the waiting room, awaiting the results on Bentley's surgey; they all are in disbelief. A young toddler was shot earlier that evening right in front of their eyes; a toddler that they all know and love.


Lucas, baby, how's your arm?


It's fine; they got it all patched up. Greta didn't hit anything major.

Jan, scoffing

What a pity.


Jan, can you tone down on the insults, just for once?! Bentley, a toddler, is fighting for his life in there and all you can do is roll your eyes at us.


Because this is your fault to begin with, Lucas! If you hadn't taken Bentley from me in the first place, none of this would've even happened.


I had to take him! Bentley's been like a son to me since the day he was born; I helped you give birth to him in that elevator. I couldn't let a psycho like you raise him, and if I hadn't taken him, Greta probably would've killed you and who knows what she would've done to him.

Eugenia, stepping in between the two

Okay, everybody, let's calm down. We have bigger things to-


Stay out of this, Eugenia! You have no say here! You shouldn't even be here! You wrecked my engagement, you wrecked my wedding, you've wrecked my life! Go the hell away!

Eugenia, offended

Excuse me? I've wrecked your life? You were the one that stole my baby from me!


I didn't, Greta did!


But you were the one who barged into the Church, ruining my wedding, and telling everyone that Josh was your son with Lucas! You let me think that my precious son was dead for months, just so you could keep Lucas! If you had just been honest from the beginning, none of this would've ever happened.


I've lost two children! Not just one, but two! Neither of you knows what that feels like! And so I have one baby, one miracle, that I refuse to let die! I won't lose him to death, and I sure as hell won't lose him to either one of you!

Just as Jan makes that declaration, Dr. Phyliss Stansville approaches.

Dr. Stansville

Luckily you won't have to worry about that, Mrs. Roberts.


It's Ms. Spears. Trust me.


Does that mean what I think it means? Bentley survived?

Dr. Stansville

He is very fortunate. For a toddler his age, that could've been fatal, but we were able to remove the bullet and patch his wound up with minimal blood loss. It may take some years off of his life later, but for now, everything is alright. You'll be able to see him soon.

Lucas, relieved

This is amazing. Thanks, Dr. Stansville, thanks so much!

Dr. Stansville smiles and walks away, and all three breathe a sigh of relief.


This is another miracle. We've been blessed with too many lately.


You and I can agree on that first part; this is a miracle, and soon I can take my son home.


Whoa, Jan. I'll let you see Bentley in a little while because of what happened, but I still can't let you take him. You're no Greta, but you can't raise a child.

Jan, enraged

WHAT?! You bastard; after all of this, after everything that has happened and everything that I've said over the past day, you still won't let me have my son?! A son who really isn't your son?! That's it, I've had enough of both of you. I loved you at one point, Lucas, but no more; you and your whore won't get away with this.

Jan storms away from the two as Lucas and Eugenia watch.


She really is insane, isn't she?

Lucas, putting an arm around Eugenia

Yeah, she is. That's why I can't let her raise Bentley.


I agree; you can annull your marriage to Jan and get custody of Bentley. Then she can be out of the picture and we can all be a family.

Lucas and Eugenia kiss, hoping to make this true in no time.

Down the hall, Jan scowls as she thinks about the happy couple.


They're both such idiots; they think they have it so great? Well, I don't think so. I'm going to blow them right out of the water; there has to be something out there that can ruin them once and for all. Eugenia's such a bitch, and I'd love to get the last laugh over her. It'd also be fun to see Lucas lose her amazing ass. Maybe there's something that I can find. I'm not stopping, no matter what; my son will leave this hospital in my arms.

Determined, Jan walks off.

Back at the Kiriakis Mansion

Vivian is having a nice drink, pondering on how many enemies that she has to take care of, as Henderson enters, with Robin behind him.

Vivian, smiling

Ah, thank you, Henderson, for letting Dr. Jacobs in. You can go mop the butler's pantry or something, now.

Henderson just rolls his eyes, and leaves. Robin stares at Vivian suspiciously.


You know, I've heard of you from a lot of people, especially over the past few days, but I don't think I've ever met you. Why would you want to see me?


Ah, excellent, Robin. It is very good to see you back on your feet; it means you are ready for what I have in store for you. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I know you are framing Laura Horton for trying to kill you.

Robin, suddenly enraged

Excuse me? Laura tried to kill me three times.

Vivian, laughing even louder

Oh, dear, please. I have set a few people up in my day; I know how it goes. The simple look on your face tells me that you are a liar. Your games may work on the Hortons, since they are just middle-class, happy go lucky people. However, I am a woman of a more upper class; the dame of Salem. You are dealing with the big leagues now, darling, so you cannot fool me with any of that nonsense. However, do not fear, I will not expose you.


You never answered my question: Why did you bring me here? To call me a liar?


No, not at all. I am sure you know that I just took Salem University Hospital from the Hortons, and fired the chief-of-staff, who is also your ex-fiancee. Today, I got a rude letter from his mother, who we both know is currently behind bars. She threatened me, and I cannot have her trying to interfere; I want her committed to a mental institution again. You must make sure of that.

Robin, stunned by all of this

Uhh, well....I was intending on that anyway.


I need you to keep a close eye over all of the Hortons; you live with half of them, so it shouldn't be too hard. Sabatoge them. Bring that family to the ground.


You want me to sabatoge the entire Horton family? Are you insane? They are good people. The only reason that I am doing this to Laura is because she was going to step in the way of my son's happiness; she was trying to let some whore back into his life that should never have been there in the first place. My son means the world to me, and I can't let that happen to him.


Touching, but the fact remains: You have connections to all of the Hortons. Make sure they do not get in my way, especially Laura. If she goes down for this, it will bring all of them down. It'll keep them occupied for a time. If you succeed, I will pay you a substantial amount.

Robin, sighing

Fine; it's not like this is any change for me. But you must be a real, heartless bitch to be torturing a good family for no valid reason. Why are you doing this? Just so you can have more power over this town? That's petty. At least I am doing this out of love.

Vivian, shaking her head and chuckling

Robin, you must be new to all of this; such a naive viewpoint. If anyone is petty, I'd say it's you; you are torturing the family already. I'd say it is more than just love for your son; are you a scorned woman? Watching your ex-fiancee run around with the likes of Carrie Brady and Alexis Kefer is a little too hurtful? Come now, be honest.

Robin, scowling

That's not true. I think we're done here.


Oh yes, we are. But remember what I said, and make sure that the Hortons don't screw anything up for me. I want Laura Horton locked up in a padded room, and you'd best not fail.


Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Robin just shakes her head at Vivian and her schemes, before walking out. She heads out onto the Kiriakis doorsteps.


That bitch is lucky that I hate Laura and that I was already doing this, or else she'd get nothing from me.

Robin then leaves, and right as she walks away from the mansion grounds, Philip emerges from a bush, with a gasoline canister in hand!


This is my childhood home...but it already burnt down once. No true Kiriakis lives here anymore; the closest man to that is Henderson, and I'm sure he feels trapped. Anyone else is just Vivian and her servants. I'm going to end her fun-time in my father's house right now.

Philip begins to pour the gasoline all across the exterior of the huge mansion, making sure he doesn't get seen by any security; after emptying all of his cans of gas and making sure that the exterior of the mansion is covered in it, he takes out a match.


Sorry about this, Dad...but it's for you.

That said, Philip lights the match and throws it on the gasoline; a fire immediately erupts. Philip watches as the Kiriakis Mansion starts to go up in flames!


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