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Episode#451: Ding Dong the Rabied Bitch is Dead!



Salem University Hospital

Inside the boardroom, Mike and Lexie sit as they wait for this sudden board meeting to begin.


Mike, do you have any idea what this is about?


Honestly, Lexie, I don't know...I just know that it has something to do with Vivian Alamain. I don't know what she wants, but it seems we have no choice but to hear her out.


Watch out for her, Mike. Vivian's a scheming bitch. Pardon my language, but its true...she weasled her way into the DiMera family and my father's life while he was still alive. Then she somehow made her way into the Kiriakis family while Victor was on his deathbed. She threw all of the Alamains, her own family, out of their own company. I'm just saying that Vivian's a very unstable woman, I've seen it all first hand.


I've heard of Vivian's crimes. However, I am sure that this meeting is something pointless. I think I heard that she bought some interest in the hospital recently, she probably just has some proposals.

Maggie then enters, walking up to Mike and hugging him.


Aunt Maggie, I didn't think you were coming.


Well this is my family's hospital, and I am one of the only Hortons left to still come. I would never miss out on a board meeting...Mickey, Tom, and Alice would all want me to be here.

Maggie glances at Lexie, and Lexie sighs as it reminds her of Abe having a stroke after their intense custody battle all that time ago. Maggie just takes her seat. Vivian then enters.


Ah, hello, everyone! So glad you all could make it! I'm not going to bother introducing myself since you would have to live in a hole to not know who I am.

Mike, groaning

What do you want, Mrs. DiMera? Or wait, is it Kiriakis now?


Whatever you prefer...but don't mock me and my personal life, Dr. Horton. You may be very interested in what I have to say.


Listen, Vivian, no offense, but we have patients to attend to. People are struggling with illnesses and nearly dying everyday, and we need to hurry through this thing.


Alright, if you insist...well, let me say that I am a bit concerned about how this hospital is being ran.


What do you mean? Mike has the best handle on everything.


Well, you see...over these past couple of years in Salem, since Mike has been back, I've noticed that people just don't stop dying.


Excuse me?


Oh don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, Mike! People have been dying like its the hottest thing around here...and most of the time, they come here for help. But you can never save their lives...thats not a good doctor. This is the only hospital in Salem, and its time that we stop all this death...its time that we do what Salem University Hospital is dedicated to doing: Saving lives!


I'll have you know that my staff and I do a just fine job of saving lives.


Oh really? Mike, half the people that you and I know have died in the past year! Your ex-wife had a minor injury, but she's still been practically helpless for nearly a year because you couldn't be fast enough!


Excuse me?! Thats none of your business.


If you ran this hospital better, maybe Peter would still be alive. Maybe Victor would still be alive. Greta Von Amberg was able to pull off a baby switch in this hospital without your knowledge! Admit it: You are worthless!


What is the point here, Vivian?


My point is is that Mike Horton, you are fired!


What?! You can't do that!


Oh, I can...in fact, what I came to tell you is that I have bought so much interest in this hospital...I own it now!


What?! Thats impossible!


Maggie, dear, I am Vivian Alamain Kiriakis Jones DiMera DiMera Kiriakis. Nothing is impossible. Have you not heard how much of Salem I own?

Mike, standing up in anger

This is outrageous! This hospital has been in the Horton family for years...for generations! My grandfather himself was the one that started the Horton wing here years ago...I came back here two years ago to continue the tradition, and we have ran this hospital the best we could. I will not stand for this.


Oh well you don't have to. Please, take your exit.


I understood why you went after your own family...I didn't like it, but I knew that you wanted revenge. I understood why you infiltrated the DiMera and Kiriakis families, even though I hated it...but what have the Hortons done to you? Why are you taking this hospital from us?


Well, Maggie, its nothing personal...its just that I own nearly all of the big businesses in Salem...I own two of the best mansions in town and am in charge of three of the richest families...but there was something missing. I had managed to save all of these businesses and I am merging them all into one, but I needed to do something more...if I could salvage the mess that Forrest made Alamain and the mess that Kate made Basic Black...not to mention the unstable states of Titan and DiMera..why couldn't I salvage the hospital?

Mike, still fuming

This hospital is just fine damnit. I know that I am not the best doctor, I have my mistakes, but at least I am not corrupt. I do the best I can...the Horton family isn't like all those families that you have messed with in the corporate world. We're a family that doesn't scheme like you all do, we try to stand for whats right, and thats what we try to do here. We're not in it for the money like you and your friends do.


But see, Mike, thats the problem: You Hortons don't get business. You all came from lower class...Mickey was a good lawyer, but still, none of you can live in a world like this. You can't handle everything like I can. So thats why I bought the hospital...so I could run everything properly. This is a recession, its not the time for jolly families that live in la la land to run a place where people should be saved. You claim to be good...well, Mike, I've lost two husbands in the past year. One of them was here under your care, but you couldn't save him, could you?


You evil bitch. How can you be so cruel?


I don't have time to listen to this. The bottom line is: Mike, you are hereby relieved of your duties as Chief of Staff. You will no longer be working at MY hospital in any capacity. Have your office cleared out by the end of the day. Maggie, go back to your farm or something, because you're out too.


You won't get away with this. I am not one to ever wage war, but this is a different story. I can't let this happen. And I am one of the few doctors in this hospital that is skilled enough to be Chief of Staff...who will replace me?


Dr. Lexie Carver would be just fine!

Lexie, standing up in shock

I remained silent during all of this but...what?! Are you serious?!


You are an excellent doctor, Lexie. You were Chief of Staff for years before Mike came back.


Vivian, I am flattered, but I-I...I'm not sure how I feel about what you're doing...

Maggie, standing up herself

Lexie?! Lexie?! You fire my nephew...the best damn doctor you will find in Salem...and you replace him with Lexie?! Now listen, I am understanding and everything, and I want to assure you that I am not trying to get into another fight with Lexie...but do you know what this woman did? She took part in that awful baby switch with Zack and JT years ago! She killed her lover and covered it up...she let Abe go down for the crime! It took Sami Brady of all people to free him...she's sided with Stefano on numerous occassions with his crimes. I am still sure that she used her DiMera power to get custody of her son and snatch him away from his loving father, and it caused him to have a stroke! Thats who you want as your Chief of Staff?!


Maggie...Maggie...please. I know I've done some bad things, but I don't want to bring that stuff out here...I have really tried hard to change. The thing with Isaac and JT was so many years ago...and everything with Tek was an accident that just led to one thing after another that I was forced to go along with, and I love my son. I love him with all my heart, and I never ever wanted Abe to have that stroke...please don't insult me. I am going to try to be peaceful but I don't want to fight with you all over again.


Maggie, that all is personal...it has nothing to do with her doctor skills. Not to mention, she is only an acting interim for now.


A good doctor?! She signed nearly ten people's death certificates when they weren't really dead, including mine!


That was such a long time ago and the situation was manipulated beyond her control. She has an excellent track record!


Lexie is a good doctor, I'm not denying this...but you can't do this to me, to us! I'm sorry, but if you think removing the Horton family will somehow improve this hospital...


Alright, I can see that you obviously aren't happy about this...but unfortunately, as a respected business woman, I can no longer listen to this. Get out.

Mike, clenching his fists

I will NOT get out!


I could always call security...they do listen to me now.

Maggie, putting a hand on Mike's shoulder

Come on, Mike...don't ruin your dignity. We need to go and calm down.


You haven't heard the last of me.

Mike and Maggie then leave.

Lexie, walking out

I can't believe this...

Vivian, smiling as she sits down at the table

Well...check and mate, I suppose! Yet another part of Salem is now under the control of Vivian Alamain!


Episode#451: Ding Dong the Rabied Bitch Is Dead!

Written by: Tara Smith

Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia's Suite

Greta's body, deprived of air, slumps down to the ground, as the psycho is dead. Bentley screams out after being shot, and Jan shrieks herself as she constantly holds him. Eugenia looks in shock at Lucas, who just killed Greta.


Lucas...Lucas...you just killed Greta!

Lucas, in a rage

Can you blame me!? She just shot Bentley! An innocent child...Greta's tormented everyone, but she's gone too far this time! She was going to kill us all! What did you expect me to do?! I think it had to end this way.




Jan's right. I'll call them immediately.

Eugenia quickly calls 911, still holding Josh, as Lucas rushes to his side.


I can't believe this...I can't believe Greta did this...I'm not going to let him die. I won't...we need those ambulances now!

Jan, crying

If you didn't try to take him from me, this would've never happened! Bentley was a miracle child for me...my one child with Shawn, the one child that I had that is still alive! I'm going to save you, baby, I won't let that psycho win! Damnit Eugenia where are the paramedics?!

Eugenia, rushing forward

They are on their way!

As everyone horrifiedly watches over Bentley, refusing to let the precious child go, and Eugenia tries to calm her own son, Nicole finally wakes up.

Nicole, looking around

What the...what the hell? Where am I? My head is pounding...


Who cares about you, my son has been SHOT by your psycho rival?


Jan? Lucas? Eugenia? Oh yeah, I was going to....wait...

Nicole looks at Greta's body, and her face immediately fills with anger.


Greta! That bitch that killed my husband! She attacked me...I....think...

Eugenia, turning away from Lucas and Jan

You two stay with Bentley, I'll explain everything to Nicole. Nicole, Greta came here to kill us all, specifically you and Jan. She shot Lucas and held me and Jan at gunpoint with our suns...she knocked you out right when you got here and then shot Bentley...Lucas then got so mad that he killed her.

Nicole, staring at Bentley in shock and horror

He did the world a favor. If he hadn't, I would have myself. I know she killed Travis, and she was heading that way with those rabies. Finally, Greta's reign of terror is over...ding dong she's dead. I can be free of her.

The paramedics then burst in.


About time you all got here! My son's been shot, he needs to go to the hospital now!!!


Yeah, and you need to get that psycho's corpse out of here too. I'm sick of looking at it.

Jan and Lucas watch with extremely worried looks as the paramedics quickly tend to Bentley and get him out of there, as well as take Greta's body.


I'm going to the hospital. I need to be with my son.

Lucas has tears in his eyes as Jan leaves. He can barely keep it together.


I loved Bentley like my own son...I never knew Greta could go this far. I'm going to the hospital, too. I've helped raise him and I want to be there.


I'll be right behind you, Lucas...I loved Bentley too. We don't have anytime to waste.

Lucas and Eugenia leave, as Nicole looks around the ravaged hotel suite.


Greta...you really are one evil bitch. I always hated you, but you actually used to be nice...then, you kidnapped Jan and me, switched babies, shot me, put a woman into a coma, and you killed my husband...I thought that was the worst...but then you were so soulless to shoot a baby. Not even I am that heartless. Its a good thing that you are dead.

With that, Nicole herself leaves.

Horton House

Hope and Julie are at the Horton House, the place where the Horton legacy began. They sit in the kitchen, and Hope looks around, remembering Alice.


I miss Gran so much...its still so weird without her around.


I know, Hope, I know...but Alice is still alive in our hearts forever and ever. She's watching down on us...and she's overjoyed that you are happy with your girls.

Hope hesitates for a moment.

Julie, sighing

Hope...whats wrong? I knew that not all was well with you...is it Bo? I know things haven't been the greatest since you got out of prison and got back together...


Yes...I don't know...I love Bo, but I feel like I can't trust him. Bo has always been a trust worthy man, but ever since we reconciled...things still haven't been the same. He's distant.


I know things haven't been the best, and I know that you were a little concerned after he got so close to Kristen while we were in prison...but I thought things were getting better.


Well, Julie...something new has come up. It actually doesn't involve Kristen.


Oh really? And what is that?


Megan DiMera is claiming to have had his son.




She came up to our doorstep with this infant in her arms and said that he was Bo's! We're having a paternity test run now.


Hope, Bo has known for some time that Megan is a psycho. They were only together in highschool years ago...why would he sleep with her? How would he sleep with her?


This is where it gets complicated...


I'm Julie Olson Williams. Complication is nothing, dear.


We were in prison...and apparently, Megan was really eager to go after Bo...so she drugged him one night, and dressed up as me, or some weird scheme. She managed to get pregnant with his baby after that.


This is ridiculous. Not like we've seen Megan, and I've only met her once or twice, but she was never pregnant.


She got a surrogant to cover it up...to surprise Bo with it. Of all people, Jill Stevens was her surrogant...that woman that Franco hired to try to come between Bo and I all those years ago. In a fight with Megan, Jill fell and ended up dying...but I guess the baby came out okay. Its just...I can't handle this Julie. I've seen enough drama with Bo, and I am sorry, but if this baby is his...I....

Hope tears up, and Julie holds her hand as comfort.


Julie, its just...I couldn't stand by and watch Megan be in our lives. Its not the child I would mind...but Megan would be there all the time. She'd use it to try to steal Bo back...and even though he was drugged...we were still married while I was in prison! We are still married...but he slept with this woman, and I know he probably couldn't remember...but he didn't even mention it until she had to tell us herself!


I'm so sorry, Hope, darling...you can't let this happen. You can't role out and be a doormat for Megan DiMera or anyone else. You have to fight for yourself and your daughters...are the paternity results back yet?


No, but we're all waiting anxiously. I'm so terrified.


Hope, you seem like something else is bothering you. I know alot of its Megan but I feel like there's something else.

Hope, sighing

Well...there is, honestly, Julie.




I think Bo might be having an affair.

Julie's jaw drops.


Well...you know that while I was in prison, he grew very close to Kristen and slept with her...however, we got over that...but Bo recently took a trip with her to Padre Island, as I may have mentioned before...and I think that something happened.


Remind me why he went there again.


Kristen is trying to figure out who set her brother up to die, and Bo is a detective, so she wanted his help...I understand that, but there's something more going on. I feel it...I worry...I love Bo, I really do. He's been my husband for so many years...but ever since I killed Gina, it hasn't been the same. He's been even more distant since he returned from that island. I think that there may still be something going on now....I hate thinking like this, but I feel like I have to.


Hope, if you really want your marriage to continue, you have to be strong. You can't let these DiMera women get your man like this. This is unacceptable to let Bo run around possibly cheating on you like this!


I know, Julie, I know...but...its just...I get so stressed sometimes and I...

Julie, staring at Hope

Hope...I've seen that look before...I first saw it a couple years ago...you...you...


Yes, Julie, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking about me doing drugs.


You can't do that. That was probably the worst point in your life. I know that things are hard as you try to keep your family together and figure out whats going on in your marriage with Bo...but you can't turn to drugs again.


I...I don't want to think about doing them again, Julie, they are a bad thing...something that I would never do under normal circumstances...but....I am open to the fact that...I still have urges and I could return to it.

Julie looks on in shock at her half-sister, wondering if Hope will be driven to the edge all over again and turn to drugs for the second time...

Back at Salem University Hospital

Sami, Carrie, Eric, Belle, Rex, and Cassie all sit in the room of the catatonic John Black. They have just arrived and all look at the motionless man.


Do you really think this will work?


We have to try, Eric. Our father has been like this for so long...and with Marlena gone and all this chaos in Salem, we need him. Marlena would want us to do this..she would want her husband to be able to live his life.


Carrie's right. We've all been ignoring John for too long now...if he's ever going to wake up, he'll need us by his side.


Like praying and wishing that he would wake up will do anything. I am all for John waking up and us trying to be a family, but I really think this is just stupid. We're wasting our time.


Oh shut up you bitch. I never was on the best terms with John, but he's my father, and I am trying to accept that. You'd be amazed at what this can sometimes do.


Lets not get into a fight, please. This is definitely not the time.


You're right, Eric. Cassie and I shouldn't be sniping at each other. This is a prayer session.


We should really get started.

Carrie, bowing her head as everyone takes hands

Dear God...we are coming to you today because we have a simple request...we don't want to seem selfish, but this isn't even about us: Its about our father, John...or Roman, whatever you wish to call him. We didn't always think he was our father, and none of us were ever on the best terms with him...but most of the time, we loved him just the same...he's an honorable man, and has always tried to do his best...he doesn't deserve to be like this. He's been like this for over two years, and in his time away, his wife has died...so much has happened, and now...we just want to be a family again. So, God, what I am asking is if you can please...please help wake him up, and restore his life to what it once was...please. Thats all we ask.

Sami, continuing

Well, God....you know I have never really been that great of a person...I've done alot of wrong things, and I've said alot of horrible, awful things to my mother...and John, even when I found out that he was actually my father...I really never accepted him. But...now...I just want him to wake up...not really for me, but just because...I think everyone needs him right now. I...I think...he needs to live his life...he needs another chance to live....so I echo my sister's statements...if you can, please...bring him back to us.


We pray this in Jesus's name, Amen.

Everyone then lifts their head.


That...that was beautiful. I really hopes it works.


It may seem sappy...but maybe it'll work. Its all we have to do now....just...hope that he'll wake up.

Everyone watches John/Roman, hoping that someday soon, he will finally open his eyes and speak again...

DiMera Mansion

Vivian enters the mansion, triumphant after taking over the hospital and booting out the Hortons.


I really do rule Salem, don't I? I have every single big business here under my control...I have the hospital...I have two great mansions...what else could I possibly have?

Kristen then walks out of the living room, scowling.


So you decided to stop by here for once? The Kiriakis Mansion got too boring?


Oh, no, never...but I do own both of them, so I thought I'd stop by and see how things are here.


Well, I'm glad you did, because I've been wanting to speak with you.

Vivian, laughing

You? Speak with me? What could you possibly want?


Its about Peter.


My goodness, Kristen, the boy's been dead for over a year now, and for months all its been with you is Peter, Peter, Peter. His killer is in jail...what could you possibly have to say about him now?

Kristen, angrily grabbing Vivian's arm

Don't play dumb you bitch. Peter's true killer isn't in jail...just give up the act. I know you set him up to die. You sent him to the pier that night.

Vivian, narrowing her eyes

Stop making such accusations...you are beating a dead horse. Crystal Galore shot Peter when she meant to shoot Tony...and that was all Stefano and Kate's idea!


Sure, they wanted to kill Tony...but I know that you sent Peter down there because you knew he'd get into a fight with Tony over my rape, and then he'd probably be shot on accident...and I also know that you figured out that Bo and I were on your tail, so you sent us on that wild goose chase on Padre Island.


Padre Island? I have no clue what you are talking about. Don't you see, Kristen? The fact that you can find nothing incriminating anyone shows that no one set your brother up to die! It was all coincidence!

Kristen, lowering her tone to a whisper

I know deep in my gut, Vivian....I know that you set Peter up. I know that someone set Peter up...thats a fact, because I didn't call him down to the pier that night like he thought...someone planned the entire thing. And the only person that would want to kill Peter would be you. I know there is proof out there somewhere that you did it, and I'm going to find it.


Thats preposterous. I am a respected business woman.


Don't play that card with me! I know you, Vivian, I have for years and years! I am so tired of you walking around Salem all smug, like you just have won everything. You have totally taken over the DiMera family, and I'm going to stop that...my father wouldn't want this, he only married you because he could use you. I am going to stop all of this madness you've poured onto my family!

Vivian, staring right into Kristen's eyes

You wouldn't dare...I have more on you than you have on me, my dear.


What are you talking about?


I know you are having an affair with Bo.

Kristen's jaw drops, and she stumbles back in pure shock.


H-how do you know about that?


I'm Vivian Alamain, you dumb fool! Of course I know that you've been sleeping with the man...and I also know that Bo is still married to Hope...so if this comes out, it would really be dreadful for you and your lover. I can expose it at any moment...so here's how things are going to transpire: You keep you and the DiMera's at bay, and I keep quiet, but if anyone in the DiMera family tries to wrong me, it will be exposed to the entire city and Bo's precious Fancy Face.

Kristen, staring at Vivian furiously

You really are one evil bitch.


And you aren't?! Don't make me laugh! Have you forgotten your evil side, Kristen? Have you forgotten all you did to John and Marlena years ago? You tried to pass off another baby as your own, you locked Marlena in that secret room...I watched you hide a pillow in your stomach! Then when you came back years later, you went after Marlena again!

Kristen, pausing for a moment before speaking

I-I've changed now...


You haven't changed. Now, instead of faking pregnancies, you are sleeping with married men! You are so laughable...but I don't care what you do, as long as you don't screw with me.

Kristen wants to outlash at Vivian again, but knows that for now, the blackmail Vivian is holding over her is too heavy...as Kristen hurries to leave, she turns to Vivian one last time.


You won't win, Vivian. I assure you that you won't.

Kristen then leaves.

Vivian smiles as she walks into the living room, very happy.


Oh Kristen, you can't stop me with what I have over you...no one can stop me!


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