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S3 Episode 51



A day of good and bad surprises in Springfield...




Shayne is looking for Ava.

He is determined to find out why she is avoiding him.

He opens the door to her office.

He is surprised when he sees his sister there.


She jumps, "Shayne!"

He stares, "Marah, what are you doing here? Where is Ava? This is her office right?"

Marah nods, "Yes. But now that I am working with Ava, I thought it would be best that we get a few things straight. However Ava is no where to be seen and apparently avoiding work."

Shayne nods, "Along with me."

Marah sighs, "Maybe that's not such a bad thing."

Shayne shakes his head, "I'm not in the mood Marah."

She sighs, "Shayne, this woman hurt you! She lied to all of us. She made my life hell."

Shayne nods, "Like you didn't do the same to her?"

She stares at him, "How can you say that?"

He sighs, "I want to talk to her."


Edmund walks in, "What are you two doing in here? Where's Ava?"

Marah shakes her head, "No one knows. She hasn't called into work for a few days."

Shayne nods, "I was supposed to meet her after Cassie's going away party but she never showed and I haven't heard from her since."

Edmund nods, "I know what you mean. I saw her shortly before she left to go see you."

Shayne is confused, "She left to see me?"

Edmund nods, "Yes. She seemed excited. But I haven't heard from her since."

The three of them all look at each other.


Spaulding Enterprises:


Lorelei is in her office.

Phillip and Harley rush in.

Lorelei sighs, "Wow you two sure love to make an entrance don't you? To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Phillip sighs, "Beth I was thinking maybe I was a little hard on you the other day when we talked."

She nods, "Yeah you were."

Harley sighs, "Come on Beth. Don't you want to try to make up with Phillip. He's the father of your children."

Lorelei looks at her, "Well this is new. Harley is pushing me together with Phillip. Trouble in paradise?"

Phillip nods, "Penelope is worried about you. She says you aren't yourself. Like you're not even her mother anymore."

Lorelei shakes her head, "Nonsense. I'll talk to her."

He nods, "You do that. Because this is all very familiar."

Harley nods, "I agree."

Lorelei laughs, "Of course you do."

Phillip nods, "Lizzie used to say that too when she was a kid. But you were going through a lot then. You were not yourself."

She clears her throat, "I'm busy right now."

Harley nods, "You are about to get a lot more busy."

Phillip walks over, "You have a lot of explaining to do... Lorelei."

She stares at Phillip.


Lillian's House:


Liz wakes up in her bed.

She turns over to her other side.

Remy is laying next her, "Good morning sleepy head."

She grins, "Hey. Good morning."

He smiles, "You are so beautiful when you sleep."

She sighs, "I had a really bad nightmare. I dreamt that you and I were in a car accident."

Remy nods, "Oh yeah?"

She sighs, "You didn't make it Remy."

He sighs, "I know."

She shakes her head, "How could you know that?"

He nods, "It wasn't a dream Liz."

Liz quickly wakes up for real.

She looks around.

Baby Clay sleeps in the crib across the room.

Liz's eyes fill with tears.

She looks down at her engagement ring.

There is a knock on the door.

She doesn't respond.


Lillian walks in with food and a few other things.

Lillian sighs, "You ready to get out of bed."

Liz sighs, "Leave me alone Nana."

Lillian puts the food by her.

Liz shakes her head, "I'm not hungry."

Lillian pulls out a newspaper, "I don't know if this will make you feel better but I figure it was worth a shot."

She hands the paper to Liz.

Liz sees the story about Alan confessing to Tammy's murder.



Stephanie just got off work at the station.

She is exhausted from a long day.

She walks to her door and unlocks the door.

Stephanie walks in.

She sees the light is off.

Candles are lit.

Roses are scattered all over her room.


Guillespie stands across the room smiling.

She grins, "What is all of this?"

He sighs, "Well I know I haven't been doing a good job in making you feel special. So I thought I'd start working a little bit harder to get the message across."

She laughs, "You certainly are off to a good start. I can't believe you did all of this."

He walks towards her, "You're worth it."

She smiles, "I have had the toughest day. I really didn't expect any of this right now."

He sighs, "I can get it all out of here if you'd like."

She shakes her head, "No, no, no. I mean that it is absolutely perfect. Everything is."

He grins, "It goes well with you."

She smiles, "You really make me feel special."

He takes her hand and kisses it.

Stephanie can't believe how he is changing.

And it is all because of her.




Blake and Dinah wait in an office.

They have been in meetings all week about their show.

Blake looks at Dinah, "You are not going to boot me out of the show Dinah so you might as well give up."

Dinah sighs, "Blake, you are by far one of the most paranoid people I have ever known."

Blake nods, "I started 'Light Talk'. It is my show. Everyone associates me with the show."

Dinah shakes her head, "Not for long."


Holly walks in the room.

Blake stares, "Mom what are you doing here?"

Holly nods, "Well Reva is busy with everything going on so I am helping her run the station for now."

Dinah scoffs, "Well Holly you are in journalism. You must understand the word bias?"

Holly looks at her, "It's good to see you Dinah."

Blake sighs, "Mom just please explain to me what is going on with the show. I know we are having a lot of meetings about how they want to make changes but I'm still unsure."

Dinah sighs, "Blake is getting nervous."

Holly shakes her head, "No real reason to be. I think the decisions we have made will be positive for the show."

Dinah turns to Blake, "See ya."

Holly shakes her head, "You two had better check your egos. Because these changes are going to be rough at first."

The two ladies turn to each other.




Clarissa is leaving her appointment.

Rafe walks up to her, "Hey how did it go?"

She sighs, "It was good. I'm waiting to be surprised about the sex of the baby. But other than that everything is going well. I just... need to relax more."

Rafe nods, "Agreed."

She sighs, "I don't know how. I hate living at home with my mother. She keeps trying to talk to me about everything. My Dad keeps calling me and offering me to stay with him. I thought about staying with my grandmother but... no where feels like home for me."

Rafe nods, "I hear ya. The Spaulding Mansion has always been so cold but it's even more now."

She nods, "I bet."

He looks at her, "Do you want me to take you home?"

She shakes her head, "No. I was thinking I'd just go to the mall or something. Belinda is busy today. But I could just walk around and maybe come home when it's late and my Mom is in bed."

Rafe shakes his head, "You can't do that. You need to get your rest. You need to lay down."

She sighs, "I can't. I can't be at the house for very long. I just... I have no where else to go."

He nods, "Yeah you do. I got a place for you to stay."

She shakes her head, "No. I can't live in the Spaulding Mansion."

He sighs, "I wouldn't ask you to live there. I have another place in mind for now."

He takes her hand.

The two walk outside.



Stephanie is kissing Guillespie.

The two sit down on the bed.

She looks at him, "I knew there was more to you than what met the eye. You're so much more."

He smiles, "Only because of you Stephanie. I want you tot know that. Everything I do is for you."

She grins, "I don't even know what to say."

He stares at her, "You have beautiful eyes."

She laughs, "You just find everything to compliment me about. Even my boring brown eyes."

He shakes his head, "They aren't boring. They're beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful."

She sighs, "You are the first man who ever said that to me. I mean my ex boyfriends all said great things. But when you talk to me you make me feel so... good about myself."

He nods, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

The two start kissing again.

Guillespie sits up, "Let's not go to fast."

She laughs, "Really?"

He sighs, "I want our first time together to be special. Because you are special to me."

She smiles, "That is so sweet."

He sighs, "I have to run some errands. But I will be back later. I'll let you get your sleep."

She grins, "Okay."

He gets up and goes to the door.

Stephanie smiles, "Thank you, for all of it."

He nods, "Don't mention it."

Guillespie walks out.

Stephanie lays back on her bed.


Holly is now sitting at the desk.

Blake and Dinah are across from her.

Blake stares, "Okay, so what are the changes that you will be making to the show?"

Holly sighs, "Let me explain first. At first the station wasn't sure about how they felt about you as a host Blake. However as you remember the episode where it was revealed that you had an affair with Alan Spaulding, that episode made the show known all over the nation."

Dinah nods, "As trash TV."

Holly shakes her head, "People love a good scandal. That clip was shown on the Early Show, and many other stations. It was very good publicity. We are working with a deal that would involve airing 'Light Talk' in areas all over the state."

Blake is surprised, "Wow. Well that is good right? I mean that must mean we are doing something right."

Holly nods, "But we are going to have to make some changes. Though we will be making more money, your pays would stay the same."

Dinah scoffs, "That doesn't make sense."

Holly nods, "Yes it does. Dinah when we brought you on we realized doubling our hosts was a great idea. And idea that ought to be repeated just once more before we make it big."

Dinah and Blake are confused.

Holly gets out of her chair, "Ladies let me introduce you to your two new co-hosts that will help make a new face for 'Light Talk'."

Holly opens the door.

Blake and Dinah turn.

Mel and Natalia walk into the room.




Rafe walks Clarissa into his room.

She looks around, "Wow. This is really nice."

He nods, "Yeah. I mean I live at the mansion but I keep this place here you know?"

She sighs, "Do you ever stay here?"

He sighs, "Uh... this is sort of where me and my friends hang out and you know..."

She nods, "Oh... girls?"

He laughs, "Women."

Clarissa sighs, "Yeah of course."

She looks around.

He turns to her, "You okay?"

She sighs, "I don't want to take this from you. I mean I know you have the mansion. But this is like your alone place. What if you meet a girl and you want to be with her."

He shakes his head, "I am sort of taking a break from that stuff for now. My Mom is back in town, so I got to straighten up. She is really going to need me now."

Clarissa nods, "And I'm another load for you to carry."

He walks over to her, "You are not. You are my friend. And I promised you that I would help you with all of this."

She sighs, "This is a lot. And I will pay you back one day I promise."

He shakes his head, "Don't even worry about it. My Mom was around your age when she had me. I wish someone had helped us out more."

The two smile at each other.


Edmund, Marah and Shayne are all in Ava's office.

Edmund gets off his phone, "Apparently nobody has heard from Ava since before she left to meet you Shayne."

Shayne shakes his head, "I waited there for an hour. She never showed up. I thought she stood me up."

Marah sighs, "Maybe she did. Maybe she left town and didn't say goodbye to anyone."

Edmund shakes his head, "No. She was very excited to meet Shayne when I last saw her. She was ready to meet with him."

Marah sighs, "Maybe she was lying."

Shayne turns to her, "Why would she do that?"

Marah sighs, "I don't know! Why would she team up with Alan Michael? Why would she spend over a year lying to all of us?"

Edmund looks at her, "I know you hate Ava. But she is my daughter, and Shayne's fiance."

Marah sighs, "Ex fiance."

Shayne sighs, "I am starting to worry."

Edmund nods, "I'm going to call the police."

Edmund walks away.

Shayne turns to Marah.

Marah grabs her papers and walks out of the office.

Shayne looks at Ava's desk.

He picks up a picture of the two of them.

Lillian's House:

Liz looks at the newspaper.

It talks about Alan's confession and the predictions of how his sentencing will turn out.

Liz puts it down, "It's a little late for that."

Lillian sighs, "Your Grandfather believes that was why Remy wanted him to have the heart. So that he could finally make things right for what he did to to Tammy."

Liz scoffs, "No. Alan does this every time he is in trouble and he's sick. He has this quick turn around and apologizes to everyone and starts dressing different and being all sweet. Then before you know it something sets him off and he's back to the old Alan."

Lillian shakes her head, "Not this time. He is going to be put in prison now for what he did."

Liz nods, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Lillian sighs, "You should really try to eat."

Liz scoffs, "I am not hungry."

Lillian nods, "You need to eat."

Liz grabs the plate and throws, "I am not hungry."

Lillian looks at her, "Lizzie!"

Liz shakes her head, "No! I don't care if Granddad goes to prison! Remy is still dead! My life is still over!"

The baby starts crying.

Lillian looks at Liz who jumps back under her covers.

Lillian walks over to the baby and picks him up.

Liz sobs as she hides from everything.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Lorelei walks past Harley and Phillip.

She opens the door to her office, "Out."

Phillip shakes his head, "We need some answers from you. How long has this been going on?"

Lorelei laughs, "Wow you are pathetic. Just because I don't want to be with you anymore you assume it must be because I am Lorelei. Is that really easier for you?"

Harley sighs, "Alan ratted you out Lorelei. He confessed to a lot of stuff including knowing your secret."

Lorelei scoffs, "He's out of his mind. He is vengeful You cannot believe a word he says."

Phillip nods, "He says he has proof. Do you want us to go get it or would you like to confess."

Lorelei starts laughing.

She stares at them.

Her accent kicks back in, "Okay Phil. You caught me. Beth has not been in control for a long time."

Phillip shakes his head, "How long?"

Lorelei sighs, "Beth's breakdown at your wedding. She checked out. And I stepped up."

Harley looks at Phillip.

He sighs, "We are going to get help. And you are going to be gone Lorelei. We will get the real Beth back."

Lorelei walks over, "I am no insane Phillip. I am not going by Lorelei. I am going by Beth. I know who I am. No one can stop me. No one can control me. So you can't do anything about it."

Phillip scoffs, "I'll be damned if I'm going to let you win."

Harley takes his arm, "Let's go."

Phillip looks at her, "This isn't over Lorelei."

Lorelei nods, "You're right about that."

Phillip and Harley leave.

Lorelei watches them as they walk out.


The Lewis family worries about Ava!

Liz gets frustrating news

Blake and Dinah deal with their surprise

Zach and Leah have a date

Belinda chats with Clarissa

Guillespie has news for Susan


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