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S3 Episode 49



Lives change in Springfield...




Natalia rushes down the hallway

She gets to Alan's room.

He's not in his bed.

She hears a throat cleared behind her.

She turns, "Alan?"


Alan sits in a wheelchair, "I always hate leaving in these things. But I guess it's mandatory."

She sighs, "I'm sorry I'm late. I had to get a sitter for AJ. I'm happy you get to come home."

He sighs, "Home, where is that?"

She nods, "Well I know you said you didn't want to go back to the Spaulding Mansion. If you change your mind we can. But for now I figured we could stay at my room at the Beacon."

Alan shakes his head, "Cassie Winslow owns the Beacon. If she finds out I am staying there she would flip."

Natalia shakes her head, "No actually. Cassie is not going to be around much longer Alan."

He is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Natalia sighs, "What I hear is that Cassie has decided to move out of town to that one Island..."

Alan nods, "San Cristobal?"

Natalia nods, "Yeah. I guess she got a job offer there. I don't know all the details."

Alan shakes his head, "No. She can't leave."

Natalia stares, "What?"

Alan sighs, "I need to stop her before it's to late!"

Natalia is very confused.


Country Club:

A going away party is being hosted for Cassie and Jeffrey.


Cassie hugs her best friends Harley and Blake.

Cassie sighs, "Ugh! Why can't you two just drag your entire families over to San Cristobal?"

Harley laughs, "Don't tempt me."

Blake sighs, "You're the one who's leaving. Right when we start to get close again."

Cassie takes her hand, "We will still be close. You guys have to schedule a visit this summer. The three of us on the beach, getting tan, and maybe even finding a boyfriend for Blake."

Harley smiles, "Unless Ross wants to start thing up again?"

Blake sighs, "I'm not interested in that right now. I know for once Blake can think about more than men."

Cassie sighs, "Why do you have to leave early?"

Blake nods, "I have to go down to the station. Some important meeting I have to get to. Could be that Dinah has finally convinced them into giving the entire show to her."

Harley nods, "Well between you and I, you're the better host."


Dinah walks over, "Sorry to hear that Harley. Here I thought you and I were still friends."

The three women turn to her.

Cassie hugs Blake, "I'll call you soon okay?"

Harley walks Blake out.

Cassie approaches Dinah, "You think we should talk before I leave?"

Dinah sighs, "I don't know."

Cassie nods, "You came here. And Dinah I know we have a history. And I know our recent history isn't to good either."

Dinah nods, "That's a nice way to put it."

Cassie sighs, "I'm being nice. Dinah you have so much potential to have a happy life. Please don't blow it."

Dinah looks at her and speaks with no emotion, "Same to you. You have had a rough few years and I think you deserve to be happy."

Cassie nods, "Thank you Dinah."

Cassie extends her hand.

The two form rivals and enemies shake on it.


Museum Apartment:


Coop and Eden stand in the large foyer of the building.

Coop sighs, "I'll admit if everyone agrees this could be a pretty cool idea you had."

Eden grins, "Most of my ideas are pretty cool."

The two kiss.


Rocky and Kevin walk in through the already open door.

Rocky smiles, "Did you invite us here to watch you two make out? Is this revenge for when you walked in on-"

Eden laughs, "No."

Kevin looks at them, "So what's up?"

Coop sighs, "Well-"

Eden stops him, "No, we have to wait until more people get here. I think Stephanie is coming soon."

Rocky shakes his head, "I'm not so sure. I think Stephanie had other plans going on today."

Eden shakes her head, "I sent her an invite."


Maureen walks inside, "Hello?"

Kevin turns, "What are you doing here?"

Maureen walks in, "Hi Mr. Bradshaw."

Coop laughs, "It's been years since I was your teacher. You can just call me Coop like everyone else."

Maureen laughs, "Sorry. Uh, Marah wasn't able to be here. But she told me about it and I was hoping you might consider accepting me as a potential roommate?"

Kevin turns to them, "Roommate?"

Eden nods, "Well this building has been renovated. And I pulled some strings. If we all agree we could actually turn this place back into what it used to be. I mean I had some of the best memories here. I mean what's more fun than a bunch of young people in their prime under one roof?"

Everyone looks at each other.

Country Club:


Shayne hugs his Aunt.

Cassie smiles, "I'm going to miss you. But promise me that you will keep and eye on RJ?"

Shayne nods, "Of course."

Cassie nods, "And your Mom told me about the whole Ava thing. Ava has actually proven to be a good business woman. Now I know that doesn't make her a good person. But she has become somewhat of a friendly acquaintance for me. So if you give her another shot, you have my support."

Shayne grins, "Thanks Aunt Cassie."

Across the room.


Noah and Reva stand together.

Reva sighs, "I have no idea what to do. Shayne is trying to start things up with Ava, Roxie's daughter isn't talking to her, Marah is dating Edmund Winslow, and now Cassie is about to leave town. Why can't I control everything?"

Noah sighs, "Relax. You don't need to control. You just need to be there when they need you."

Reva turns to Noah, "I have a bad feeling. And Noah it's a really bad feeling. Like when you know something terrible is about to happen. And I have no idea what to do."

Noah hugs her, "Everything is going to be fine."

Back over on the other side of the room.


Roxie walks over to Cassie, "Thank you for inviting me."

Cassie nods, "You are my sister. I know we haven't known each other long. But you are my sister."

Roxie sighs, "Well we are both lucky to have a big sister like Reva, we can agree on that."

Cassie nods, "I'm lucky to have both of you. I'm really glad I got to know you these past few years."

Roxie and Cassie hug.




Ava is having a drink.

She is getting ready to meet with Shayne.


Annie steps off the elevator.

She spots Ava.

Annie walks over, "What's your game?"

Ava sighs, "Wow I am not even a little bit in the mood for you today Annie. So save it."

Annie stands behind her, "Explain to me why you think you have a right to try things with Shayne?"

Ava nods, "Shayne loves me and I love him. I made a lot of mistakes. But it doesn't change what she share. I want him to try to give me another chance. If he doesn't want to I won't force him. But if he does I think you should respect his decision."

Annie shakes her head, "No because I want what is best for Shayne and that is not you."

Ava scoffs, "Why do you keep talking about Shayne like he's your son? He is Reva and Josh's son. And last time I checked you were not Reva Shayne now were you?"

Annie shakes her head, "Thank God for that."

Ava laughs, "Wow, I have absolutely no idea how to talk to someone like you, you're pathetic."

Annie gets in her face, "I am warning you Ava."

Ava gets up, "I'm going to meet Shayne."

Annie stands in front of her, "I don't think so."

Country Club:


Josh walks over to Cassie.

He smiles, "Can I get a hug?"

She hugs him, "I'm glad you could make it."

He nods, "Of course. You know, we do have a history. But Cassie no matter what you are always my family."

She nods, "I know. Same here. Josh before everything that happened between us, you were always good to me and my kids. If I didn't know there were good guys like you I would have given up on men all together."

Josh grins, "There are a few of us out there."

She laughs, "I'm going to miss you."

Josh and Cassie continue talking.


Marah walks around with Edmund.

Edmund sighs, "I'm surprised we were invited."

Marah nods, "You're telling me. Believe it or not I actually feel bad about my past with Cassie. I don't know, now that I have Ava getting in my way I feel like the whole Cassie thing was silly."

Edmund sighs, "Will you please work on resolving this rivalry you have with my daughter?"

Cassie walks over, "I would like to talk to you guys. Separately if that's okay with you?"

Edmund steps away.

Marah looks at her, "What's going on?"

Cassie nods, "We used to be close Marah. I can't end things here with you hating me."

Marah shakes her head, "I don't. I realize now that Jeffrey wasn't right for me. I'm happy with Edmund."

Cassie nods, "He had better not hurt you."

Marah nods, "I would never let that happen."

Cassie sighs, "There is another thing I wanted to talk to you about. I really hope you don't turn me down on this offer."

Marah is confused, "What's going on?"

Cassie sighs, "The Beacon. I am not going to be able to run it any longer. I was thinking about selling my half to Ava or even selling it back to Natalia again. But Marah I think... you should get it."

Marah stares at Cassie in shock.



Natalia stares at Alan who is still in his wheelchair.

She sighs, "You can't be stressing yourself out right now. Just relax and think about something else."

Alan shakes his head, "Why is Cassie leaving town? Is it because of what happened to Detective Boudreau?"

Natalia sighs, "I don't know. Why are you getting so concerned over this? I don't understand."

Alan nods, "But she hasn't left yet?"

Natalia shakes her head, "Her going away party is at the Country Club. I think she is leaving later tonight."

He nods, "I have to get there. Natalia you have to get me there right now so I can do this."

She stares, "Do what? What is going on Alan?"

He nods, "I had a vision in my dream. I know what I have to do. I finally understand why Remy wanted me to live. I know why God gave me this heart and another chance."

Natalia shakes her head, "You are not thinking clearly. You need to go and get some rest."

He shakes his head, "No. I have to get to the Country Club. Go rush my paperwork and get me out of here."

She stares, "Alan what if you do something that you later regret? You need to wait."

He sighs, "No you see Natalia that's the problem. I have waited far to long for this. I should have done this a long time ago and maybe then... things would be different."

Natalia is at a complete loss as to what she should do.


Annie stands in front of Ava.

Ava gets past her, "Bitch."

Annie scoffs, "You are just like your mother. She crossed me too. And I don't see her around anymore."

Ava turns, "That's because Alan and the Spauldings had her deported. They came after her and that's what caused her and Bill to run off together along with Emma and my son HB."

Annie laughs, "Wow you really believed that huh?"

Ava is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Annie sighs, "I arranged for Olivia to be deported. Alan crossed me. Olivia crossed me. So I turned them on each other. I had no idea you would get tangled up in it though."

Ava shakes her head, "You're making that up."

Annie sighs, "I wasn't a good person then. I was trying to control Spaulding and I knew Alan was going to try and take it away from me."

Ava grabs her, "You bitch! How dare you?"

Annie shoves her.

A waiter looks over, "Hey! Take it outside!"

Annie and Ava walk across the room.

Ava scoffs, "I heard you were a crazy bitch but I had no idea."

Annie shakes her head, "I'm not anymore. Right now I am working on protecting my family. I just got my life back together. I will not let you come in and destroy everything!"

Ava nods, "You don't scare me Annie."

Ava gets into the elevator.

Annie watches as the doors shut.

Country Club:

Now the whole room is watching Cassie and Marah.

Marah stares, "You want me to have your half of the Beacon?"

Cassie nods, "I know you and Ava are far from friends. But when Olivia and I became partners... it changed everything. We saw each other beyond what was on the exteriors. Maybe this will help you and Ava build on your relationship together."

Marah looks at the paperwork Cassie has handed her, "You are serious about all of this."

Cassie nods, "Yes."

Marah looks at her, "I have a lot with the company. And doing my designs and everything. But maybe this is what I need."

Cassie hugs her, "I'm really happy Marah."

Edmund walks over, "Congratulations Marah. And you too Cassie."

Cassie takes his hand and they walk away.

Edmund sighs, "Is there something you want?"

She looks at him, "I have nothing to say to you Edmund. You've heard it all, the good and the bad."

Edmund nods in agreement.

She sighs, "You made my life hell. Then you made my life feel complete. Then it was back and forth. Now I don't know what you are to me. Get your act together Edmund and keep it together."

He nods, "I'll always love you Cassie."

She nods, "I know."

Cassie walks away from Edmund.


She walks over to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey smiles, "You are doing great. I think we are going to have a hard time leaving because I don't think Springfield is ready to let you go just yet. They'd be crazy to."

She nods, "I'm going to miss this place. But I feel like I'm taking one of the best parts of it with me."

Cassie kisses Jeffrey.




Ashlee is on her break.

She is walking with her cup of coffee in her hand.

Roxie sees her, "Ashlee!"

Ashlee hears her voice.

She begins to walk away.

Roxie follows her, "Ashlee! Ashlee please do not ignore me right now. Ashlee please."

Ashlee keep walking.

Roxie catches up, "You have to give me a chance."

Ashlee shakes her head, "I don't have to give you anything. Now leave me alone Roxie."

Roxie keeps following her, "I am your mother. I know Doris raised you but I am your mother."

Ashlee shakes her head, "Nope. You are the psycho who hated me for what seemed like an eternity. Now you find out we are related and all those feelings wash away? I don't buy it."

Roxie sighs, "You are my daughter."

Ashlee shouts, "Leave me alone!"

Roxie grabs her arm, "Please stop walking away from me!"

Suddenly Dalton comes in out of no where.

He pulls Roxie's arm away, "Get your hands off of her."

Ashlee stares at him.


Museum Apartment:

Everyone is standing together.

Rocky looks at Coop and Eden, "So you invited everyone here to propose we become some sort of roommates?"

Eden nods, "We all have our own places inside. But we would all need to fill it up you know?"

Maureen grins, "I make more than enough working for Marah and Mindy. I would really appreciate a room."


Jason walks over, "Sounds like an interesting plan to me."

Kevin grins, "You were invited too?"

Coop nods, "Well I remembered you said your brother was looking for a place as well."

Jason looks at Maureen, "Hey."

She grins, "Good to see you."

Eden stares at the two of them.

Coop sighs, "I think Stephanie is supposed to be here soon. Maybe she will agree."

Suddenly they hear a car pull up.

Everyone turns.


To their surprise it's Vi Grant who walks in.

Coop stares in shock, "Uh..."

Maureen stares, "Vi, oh my God. Hi."

Kevin and Jason look at each other.

Vi grins, "Hey it's the whole gang. Long time no see."

Everyone is surprised to see her.

Country Club:

Cassie is with Jeffrey.

Mel, Clayton and Felicia walk in.

Mel walks over, "Hey."

Cassie smiles, "I'm glad you could make it. I'm going to go say hi to your parents real quick."

Mel smiles at Jeffrey, "Look at you O'Neill. Came to Springfield a total loner. A player who didn't want to get tied down. Now you are leaving with Cassie Winslow on your arm."

He laughs, "I can honestly say I did not expect this. But I guess I'm getting my happy ending. Even if it's not what I always envisioned."

Cassie is with Clayton and Felicia.

She hugs Felicia, "I'm going to give you my new number when I get there. Do not be afraid to call."

Felicia nods, "It's been good having you as a friend Cassie. Someone who understands."

Cassie nods, "I wish we both didn't have to."

Clayton nods, "This whole town is going to miss you Cassie. And I promise we will keep you involved in the scholarship decisions in Tammy's name."

Cassie grins, "Thank you."

Jeffrey looks at the doorway.

Mel stares as well.

Jeffrey sighs, "Uh... Cassie."

Cassie turns her head.

Alan Spaulding is slowly walking into her party with a cane.

Felicia and Clayton stare at the man.

Alan looks on at everyone staring back at him.


Alan shocks everyone!

The roommates get reacquainted

Amanda warns Ashlee

Buzz gets a ghostly visit

Ava's day takes a tragic turn

Cassie and Jeffrey leave Springfield


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